By Ardra182

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Two pure souls who has nothing but love in their heart, found each other to lead their own journey: whether... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 20

525 17 4
By Ardra182

"Taehyung, Kookie get up".

The sun rays were giving enough irritation for the couple who were all snuggled up in their warm bed enjoying each other's warmth. But the knocking sound that are coming from the door along with their Pa's voice added much more disturbance. Taehyung was the one who blinked open his eyes. Sensing his Pa's voice , he frowned and got up before opening  the door .He came face to face with the middle aged man who worn a done face seeing his son's sleepy state.

"What is it Pa.? Irritating  Early in the morning "

Even though he mumbled the last sentence but got a flick to his forehead which stole  the sleepiness that still left in his eyes.

" Brat! Didn't you said you guys have to go to jungkook's house today? They called me just now. And just so you know it's 9 in the morning"

Saying that , Gong yoo walked away from there leaving Taehyung dumbfounded. But soon


He sprinted inside to the room and got stuck seeing jungkook still in sleep.

"Should I wake him up? No, first I should bath or else he will rush "

He took his necessities and went inside the bathroom.


" Jungkook... Jungkook!"

Jungkook pouted in his sleep and pushed the hand that was shaking him before turning around to continue his  sleep. Taehyung shook his head and  said.

"Kookie. Don't you miss your parents and hyungs? It' already 9:30 in the morning .  It's two hour journey kookie. We'll be late. "

Jungkook instantly got up and without a word, he sprinted inside the bathroom.

But almost half an hour later,

" Taehyung...."

It's only after bathing, jungkook got to know that, he didn't took his cloths and towel. He called taehyung without having any other way.

Taehyung, who were waiting for the call with cloths in one hand and towel on his shoulder in front of the bathroom door shook his head answering him.

"Cloths and towel right ? I thought so"

Jungkook sheepishly smiled inside the bathroom and very slightly opened the door  to put his hand out . Taehyung placed the towel in the hand first .  He saw the hand retreating behing the door and extended again for the cloths . The process continued two more times.

" Thanks"

Taehyung smiled and said,

"Come downstairs when you're done. I'll be there in the front yard to pack the luggages."

Taehyung went out when he got a
" ok" from kookie.


Jungkook came downstairs after doing his skin care routine. He didn't do any make up but still looked
extraordinary . His eyes searched for their owner, but got disappointed. Suddenly, grandma came there stealing his attention.

"Kookie ? You are here. You guys are late, do you know that?. They called us atleast three times. What happened?"

"It's just we overslept granny."

"It'ok . I informed them that you guys are tired. But Come on !  lets have breakfast  so that you won't be late even more."

"But tae?"

"Oh ! He will be here in any minute , so You come with me"

Saying so granny dragged jungkook to dining area. She made him sit on the chair and started serving himn.  But his eyes were anticipating taehyung

"Whom are you waiting for jungkook? We all ate so Don't worry and eat already "

Even though grany understood the dilemma, she took the chance to tease him. While kookie smiled a little and started nibling on the food  . His eyes were constantly moving towards the entrance anticipating his husband. Granny who was watching his act, smiled contentedly . Soon those Bambi eyes glisened  when he saw taehyung coming towards them with a smile.

" Where were you?"

Jungkook impatiantly asked him who sat on the chair while answering.

"I told you that I was going to pack our luggages"

"But you took too long"

"I gota call from the company that's why it took too long. But why? Did you missed me already"

Taehyung completed with a teasing smile making kookie go red.

"Indeed he did"

Granny added making jungkook puff his cheeks with a a big bite of food in a poor attempt to hide his blushing face. Taehyung chuckled and started eating..


" Taehyung drive carefully ok? I know you guys are late but don't rush"

"It's ok pa I'll be carefull"

"Hmm .  You are going for a few day's stay there. So form a deep bond with them ok? Get to know your new family more deeply "

"I understand pa"

"Take care of kookie also hmm?. Consider them as your own family . They already sees you as their own son . So I want you to reciprocate the same feeling"

"What are you telling son?. Our tae doesn't need to have advice on that. Go tae , your pa is being silly . Go  and take care of yourself too"

Granny interrupted her son who is so busy in  advicing taehyung. She patted taehyung's head and told him to go while taehyung hugged both of them tightly. Soon jungkook also came there who went inside to get his skin care bag.

"Lets go shall we"

Taehyung asked kookie who nodded and hugged Going yoo and Grand ma tightly who patted his head mumbling " take care" in his ears. He nodded and sat on the passenger seat . Taehyung also followed him and started the car.

Gong yoo and his mother watched the car moving away from their eyes. Gong yoo sighed and said..

"It was my wish to give taehyung a loving family but that brat didn't understand  and refused every parents who wanted to adopt him. But now I'm happy that he will get to experience the love from a family"

Grandma sighed and put her head on her son's biscep who pulled her in a hug while their eyes watched the tiny silhouette of a moving car.

Meanwhile at Jeon Mansion ....

"Did you take care of everything I asked you to do?"

"Yes mam"..

"Ok! My son in law is going to stay here for a few days . So I want everything to be perfect ok?"

"I know that mam. "

"Ok then "


( I gave jungkook's mother a name. Calling her Mrs. Jeon and the father as Mr. Jeon sounds lame so. I'll be calling them Yuna and Hyun Woo)

Yuna turned to look at who called her only to see Jin coming towards her. She dismissed the worker she was talking to and looked at him who said.

"I was looking for you everywhere mom. There are so many things to take care of at kitchen. I can't do all that alone . Come come "

Saying so jin dragged Yuna with him towards the kitchen. Hyun woo who were sitting in the couch with Areum in his arms shook his head watching them.

"Why ish eomma pulling halmoni grandpa? "

" It's because your kookie uncle and his Prince is coming today"


Her eyes sparkled hearing the familiar name of her favourite persons. She started jumping on her grandpa's lap.

"What is my baby so happy about hmm?"

Namjoon who were coming from downstairs asked to his daughter who is laughing at something. She sta beside them hearing her blabber..

"Angwel and prwince ish coming appa. I'm going to pway with them aaallll dway"

"Is that so?"

Namjonn chuckled and looked at hyunwoo .

"Appa did you called them. "

"Yes I called Mr. Yoo just now and he said it's been 1and 1/2 hour since they started from there . I guess they will be here in half an hour"

"Ok But I'm quite confused "


"It's just, when taehyung was coming here for the frst time, you were constantly rushing everything. Decorating everywhere wanting everything to be perfect. But you are calm now. why?"

Hyunwoo chuckled..

"At that time he was a guest Namjoon but now he is our family. "

Namjoon smiled at the answer..

"But did you saw hobi anywhere?"

" No. I saw him going out  early in the morning but God know where "

" Yeah! He have been going out for the past two days . When Yuna asked him, he said he is having some leg pain and going to see a doctor"

" Early in the morning ? At 6 am?

"No idea. "

"Something fishy don't you think?"

" Yeah but let him do what he wants. He might have been  bored "

" Hmm oh! Speaking of him"

Both of the turned towards hobi who was caming from outside. He smiled and got comfortable beside joon.

" Why are you both looking at me like that?"

Hobi asked drinking the glass of water in the table .

"We were thinking, where were you going early in the morning?"

Hearing that hobi suddenly chocked on the water he was drinking erupting a adorable laughter from Areum and a series of patting on the head from namjoon.

" Be careful hobi"

Hobi coughed and drank some water
Calming himself down. He cleared his throat and said.

"Um ab um i-i I have been going out  to see a doctor for my leg pain "

Hobi smiled to cover up his red face.

"Is your leg ok now?"

Hyunwoo asked.

"Y-yeah it's fine"


They both looked at hobi  suspiciously  for a minute and started talking with each other.

"When is Yoongi and Yoonji coming?"

Hyun woo asked to namjoon earning a curious eyes from hobi.

"Yoongi called me to say that, they'll be here on the time of the dinner"

"Ok. That's better. "

Hobi also smiled.

"Why are you smiling?"

His smile got instantly wiped of by joon's question. He said..

"Nothing? God! I can't even smile now?"

Hyun woo chuckled at the baffled expression of hobi. Suddenly the doorbell rang spreading a smile on everyone's face.

"Yay angwel and prwince are here"

Areum clapped and sprinted away from the lap she was sitting on . Jin and Yuna also came there with a smile on their face.

They walked towards the door altogether to welcome their anticipated ones.


jungkook and taehyung talking about about something throughout the ride. They sometimes sing to the song that are playing in the radio or just stay silent.

Taehyung gently took youngers hand in his and place it on his lap through out the ride ,secretly enjoying the younger's face which is soo red. After sometimes they arrived at jungkook's house . They both got out of the car and helped each oth in taking the luggage out. They both looked at each other before turning their eyes on the beautiful house in front of them.

They together with their luggage walked towards the door. Jungkook rang the doorbell and both of them waited. They frowned hearing commotion inside . Jungkook was about to knock on the door but the door got immediately opened and taehyung got pulled into a bone crushing hug by Yuna.

Taehyung was shocked at first but
later hugged her back getting the comfort that are familarly unfamiliar to him.

"No body missed me"

jungkook pouted but it soon got replaced with a bunny smile when he got a hug from his favourite hyung.

"Hobi hyung"

"Aww I missed you kookie"

"Me too hyung"

Taehyung broke the hug with Yuna but immediately hyun woo attacked him. And patted his shoulder. Taehyung smiled happily welcoming all the hugs.

"Journey was ok right son?"

"Yes appa"

"Lets welcome them inside they look so tired"

Jin interrupted their hugging game .

"Omo that's right. Come inside "

When They  were coming inside , hobi and namjoon shared a bro hug with taehyung..

"Nwo body notished mwe"

Areum sulked but kookie immediately took her in his arms and gave her a smooch on her chubby cheeks which earned him a giggle. They all sat on the living room. Yuna instructed their workers to place the luggages on kookie's room.

"How is your married life jungkook"

Jungkook rolled his eyes secretly at Jin's question.

"How should I know when I didn't got the alone time with my husband atleast for two days. It's all travel and travel hyung"

" I understand . It was the same for me too. But you have a life time to experience that so I'll get to know that on the way "

Jungkook pushed jin away from him when he was kept teasing him but it soon turned into sibling fight.

"Ahhh my hand ! How dare you jungkook. I'm your hyung!'

All their attention turned to towards  junkook and jin. Yuna shook his head and slapped her forehead while hyun Woo put on a done face. Namjoon was used to it as well as hobi but Taehyung ,  his eyes bulged out as he saw how kookie is pulling Jin's hand while jin pulling kookie's hair. He didn't thought his always respectful and matured husband whould have this side. This sibling fight is alot new for him obviously.

He saw how Yuna went towards them and pulled their ears making both of them detatch themselves from each other .

"What are you doing kids. Can't you keep your hands to yourself. You've grown like pigs but who'll believe that you still fight like roosters? Atleast kookie I thought you'll atleast be decent in front of your newly married husband but I shouldn't have hoped"

Hearing the 'husband' word, kookie's eyes widened and deep color of red started spreading on his face. He peeked his Bambi eyes away from his mother who is standing in front of him towards taehyung . He immediately bit his tongue to not laughing at the patrified expression of taehyung. He frowned when he heard a snickering sound only to see jin teasing him again. But he didn't have to do anything on that matter. Because....

"And you! why are you laughing. Acting like a kid when yourself have a kid. Don't you have any shame. You are the elder here. Did you forget that."

It was jungkook's chance to snicker making jin roll his eyes.

"I want both of you to stay put understand"

Saying so she turned around towards her seat.

" Why do she always treat us as she is training some dogs?"

Jungkook asked offended at the
'stay put' phrase.

"Well you are ............................................ a bitch "

"Papa what ish a bwich"

Kookie bit his lip at the innocent question from Areum. He controlled himself from laughing at Jin's face who is soo shocked more like terrified at the face namjoon and Yuna was giving him.

Soon a laugh was was heard from taehyung who was seriously enjoying the drama in front of him. It was something so new for him that he couldn't control it. Soon after kookie also burst out followed by everyone .

Jin smiled sheepishly thankfull at taehyung for laughing at the wrong time because it somehow saved him .

"Ok ok everyone let's eat shall we? I bet you are so hungry"

Yuna led everyone to the dining area  and made everyone sit there before serving them .

"Eomma why did you made this much? You never listen right?"

Kookie asked seeing the number of dishes on the table

"What do you mean. My son in law is coming here for a few days. I'm  already planning to make him chubby. Look at him, so thin. He whould look so cute with chubby cheeks.

Taehyung gulped the food in his mouth looking at Yuna in disbelief.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it

Namjoon whispered in his ear and started eating like nothing happened.

"Son? Does it taste okay"

"What are you saying mom? It's incredible"

"I was asking to taehyung not you"

Kookie  pouted but it got intensified when he heard jin whispering.

"Now you know what it feels like not being  a center of attention "

Jin chuckled but it soon turned to a  scream when kookie kicked his leg under the table. Everyone flinched at the noise.

"What happened Jin hyung, you act like you have a screw loose today"

"Shut up everyone no talking while eating"

Hyun Woo said shuting up everyone. Not wanting his son to pick on that. But Jin wasnt having any of it. It's been a long time since he irritated his dongseang. So he kicked his leg under the table but frowned when he saw no expression at kookie's face. He kicked again but still kookie was unbothered..

" Jin, son!. That's my leg"

Jin's eyes widened at the realisation that he was kicking his own father.

"Oh shit"

"Papa what ish shwit"

"Why this child always manages to hear when I'm saying such words???!!"

This erupted laughter across the dining table .............

Namjoon and hobi were assigned of cleaning the dishes . Taehyung and jungkook were send to jungkook's room to get some rest and to freshen up  .

Taekook climbed the stairs and jungkook opened the door . Taehyung looked around the classy room of jungkook.

He smiled when he saw so many pictures of jungkook hanging in the wall. Taehyung carrased those photos of baby and teenage jungkook along with his hyungs.

"I can guess you were naughty back then "

Taehyung said carrassing the cute photos of his husband. His smile widened even more when he felt a warmth engulfing him.

"What did you said tae"

Jungkook asked snuggling on the shoulder back  of his husband. Taehyung put his hand on top of jungkook's that was on his torso and said.

"That you look cute. "

He blushed hearing the compliment from  his husband as he watched how the tiger like eyes wandering across the photos.

"That was when I graduated middle school. Life was hectic back then "

taehyung chuckled at the comment but continued his buisness.

"I wish I had met you sooner"

Taehyung sighed


"So that I could squeeze your cheeks. God!you look so cuteee. Look at those chubby cheeks and bunny teeth "

"But I still have my chubby cheeks and bunny teeth. You can still squeeze my cheeks "

Taehyung cleared his throught not saying anything to that..

"Look at the way the puberty hited you. But I can't see much change thou. You were cute and still are cute"

"What do you mean by cute? I look beautifull "

"Ofcourse you do"

Taehyung smiled..


The Chapter isn't over. I'll post the next one either today or tomorrow. Oh shoot I have classes on Sundays now.  🙂

There are  limits for the pictures to use here that's why I couldn't complete all those in one chapter.


My professor gave us an unexpected presentation. Otherwise I whould've updated yesterday.. but it's ok . 3000 words of fluffiness can make it up to you I guess..

Oh I forgot to add...


Comment 😌



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