Assassination (Shadow x Reade...

By Existing_Person_

7.1K 180 240

Y/N is part of an assassination group who's goal is to kill the heroes of Mobius. They're current target, Sha... More

-Chapter 1- (The Target)
-Chapter 2- (The Plan)
-Chapter 3- (Executing The Plan)
-Chapter 4- (The Conversation)
-Chapter 5- (Power Figuring Out-ing)
-Chapter 6- (They Slipped Up)
-Chapter 7- (Training)
-Chapter 8- (Give Shadow Food)
-Chapter 9- (I did WHAT now-)
-Chapter 10- (Sort-Of Life Story)
-Chapter 11- (Hanging Out)
-Chapter 12- (Fear and Guilt)
-Chapter 13-(Remembering)
-Chapter 14- (Sunset)
-Chapter 16- (Removing The Past)
-Chapter 17-(How To Defeat)
-Chapter 18- (A Wound)
-Chapter 19- (Healing The Wounds)
-Chapter 20- (Nine & Shadz)
-Chapter 21- (Dawn)
-Chapter 22- (The Final Battle)

-Chapter 15- (Confession)

282 9 8
By Existing_Person_

The sun continued to descend lower and lower underneath the mountain ranges, casting long shadows across the vibrant Green Hill Zone. Sonic raced through the rolling hills, enjoying the tranquility of the day. On a distant ridge, Shadow observed the scene with a discerning eye. He had seen Sonic with someone, sharing laughter and camaraderie, and an unfamiliar emotion churned within him.

As Sonic approached the hill where Shadow stood, the black and red hedgehog leaped down, confronting him.

'Sonic,' Shadow said, his voice clipped, 'Earlier, why were you with Y/N?'

Sonic crossed his arms, 'Apparently, some tension between you and Y/N happened, I was helping them out.'

Shadow's eyes narrowed. 'And what parts did they leave out? Why were you two so close?' He couldn't pinpoint the source of his unease, but jealousy simmered beneath the surface.

Sonic tilted his head, 'What's the deal, Shads?'

'Nothing,' Shadow replied dismissively, masking the turmoil within. 'Just curious.'

Sonic, ever perceptive, sensed the tension. 'You sure? You seem a bit off.'

'I said I'm fine,' Shadow retorted, unable to meet Sonic's gaze. The hedgehogs stood in an uneasy silence, the unspoken tension thick in the air.

Sonic eventually broke the silence. 'Look, if something's bothering you, we can talk about it. Y/N could also just use an apology, you know you can't fix the past, and so do they.'

Shadow hesitated, then shook his head. 'It's nothing, Sonic. Forget it.'

Sonic sighed, 'They're on the top of that mountain-' He gestured to a towering mountain a little off in the distance, '-if you wanna talk to them.' He sped off after that.

Shadow sighed, then turned to look at the mountain. Something still was off about that A/T, but he thought he might as well apologize. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the palm trees, and the moon started to rise from the mountains. The atmosphere was shattered he took a step forward. His foot hovered over the ground momentarily before pressing down, activating the hidden jets in his shoes.

In an instant, Shadow burst into motion, transitioning from a still figure to a streak of orange and black, the two melting together. The wind whipped through his quills, leaving a wake of dust and displaced blades of grass in his wake.

Y/N was half asleep, their eyelids getting heavy as the sun's light faded and the stars started to appear in the sky. However, a loud burst of air woke them, making them jump and immediately go to protect Mangey in their arms, who was still deep in sleep. They looked behind themselves, seeing who disturbed her sleep.

Shadow stood there, his hand on his hip.

'What do you want now?' Y/N hissed, turning away from Shadow.

He stood where he was, acknowledging the sudden coldness towards him, 'I... am sorry.'

Y/N froze, hesitating for all a minute before mumbling, 'I haven't... been completely honest.' They whispered, 'I need your help.' They turned to look Shadow in the eye, and immediately Shadow knew it was serious.

'What is it?' He walked to them, kneeling down to get to their level.

'Listen... I.' They sharply inhaled, then sighed, 'I was sent on a mission to kill you.' They said quickly, gluing their eyes shut. 

Shadow's crimson eyes narrowed, the now icy wind cutting through the tension that hung in the air. He regarded Y/N with a steely gaze, his expression revealing a mix of surprise and guarded suspicion. As they spoke, the weight of their confession settled like a heavy shroud over the mountain summit.

Silence lingered for a moment, broken only by the howling wind. Shadow remained still, his gaze never leaving Y/N's face. The gravity of the revelation registered in his mind, and a flicker of emotion passed through his usually composed demeanor.

'You were sent to kill me?' Shadow's voice was low, each word measured.

Y/N nodded, still unable to meet Shadow's gaze. 'I've been working for an organization, with Nine... and Infinite... and all of them. They... they wanted you gone. I can't go through with it. I need to find a way to stop them.'

Shadow's eyes bore into Y/N, his thoughts racing as he processed the revelation. Betrayal was a familiar concept to him, but this situation held a unique complexity. He slowly stood, distancing himself for a moment as if to create a space for the weight of the revelation to settle.

'Why tell me now?' Shadow asked, his voice a blend of suspicion and curiosity.

Y/N took a deep breath, finally meeting Shadow's gaze. 'I want out. I need your help to break free from this cycle.' A hand reached to their neck and they gestured to a small chip covered by little tufts of fur. 

A moment of silence hung between them, the mountain winds carrying the weight of the unspoken. Shadow's gaze softened, a hint of understanding in his eyes. Despite the gravity of the situation, he saw a spark of genuine remorse in Y/N's confession.

'I don't trust easily,' Shadow admitted, his voice cutting through the cold air. 'But if you're sincere about wanting a way out, we'll find a path together. I won't let you continue down a road you don't believe in.'

Y/N smiled, their eyes now full of hope that Shadow could see for once since they had met was genuine. 

'You're the only one that knows right now.' They looked down from the mountain, their eyes glued to the now-disappeared sun, 'I'd appreciate it right now if you helped me with telling the others soon.'

Y/N gently nudged Mangey, forcing him awake, 'I'll tell you everything, Shadow. Everything I know and remember. But first, so they don't know about it.. I need to get to Tails so I can get this chip out of me.'

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