
By gaybumsex

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And Nevermore is open yet again! A safe haven for Outcasts, Freaks, Monsters, fill in your favourite marginal... More

Wednesday Woe Addams
You light my woe on fire
Wish you were woe
Bianca's thoughts are filled with woe
Kill your woes
Burying bodies to hide your woeful secrets
Family Re-woe-nion

When you woe you know

296 9 24
By gaybumsex

Wednesday's POV:

"She then said 'Would an unoriginal fencer be able to do this?' and I honestly think my heart was trying to shoot out of my throat with how aggressively it was beating. You understand what I mean, right?"

"Oh Wednesday I am dripping like a faucet, and I'm straight."

I returned to my dorm a little over an hour ago, and after locking myself in the powder room and suffering an identity crisis for around an hour or two, I finally revealed what had happened while Bianca and I were fencing. It's safe to say that Enid is much more invested in this development than she should be.

"Why do you get all the cool relationship moments and I don't?"

"Do you not experience such with Ajax?"

"I mean... I guess. I don't know, I mean stuff gets heated but like hearing your story made me feel more, you know?"

Is Ajax doing okay? I doubt the two of them have even been involved for three months yet and she's already bored.

"Maybe it's nothing, what do you think Wednesday?"

"I think you should re-evaluate your life choices. Are you sure you're heterosexual?"

"Oh yeah, totally! I mean girls are pretty but I mean... men are... like they're okay too..."

"That did not sound convincing."

"I am straight, I promise!" She argues defensively.

This should be fun. I wonder how Enid will feel being on the receiving end of her incessant psychoanalysis.

I decide to remain silent, just staring at her. It tends to make the average person reveal their life stories at a desperate attempt to redeem themselves from... I don't even think they know what.

"I mean it's not like I've never thought of it, it's just I could never date a girl. I think."


"I mean unless I was like drunk. Or if I like knew everything and anything about her, but in that case I guess we would already have some sort of friendship so why would we need to date?"


"Unless she was like really pretty. You know, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try homosexuality before college. But who would I even date?"


"Well Yoko is probably the closest person to me only closely followed by you, but like Divina likes Yoko and I wouldn't want to steal that chance from her- Not that I like Yoko or anything, just hypothetically."


"Yoko is pretty though. Like really pretty. Like if I was a boy I would be making her breakfast right now. She smells really good too. I wonder what perfume she uses. I love her hair. It's always partially dyed in some way to match her clothes and recently she dyed it red instead of her usual purple and it looks incredible. Her hair is really soft aswell. Whenever we have girls nights she lets me style her hair and sometimes I put my werewolf senses to good use and just smell her hair because I honestly cannot get enough of it. I can't get enough of her really. I'm so glad we're friends."


Even I'm not this bad. I've pushed away the occasional crass thought here and there but this just seems like straight denial.

"I'm straight though."

"Oh please."

"I am, honest!"

"Enid, racist normies learn faster than you."


As I start typing, I am lost on what I intend to write, but I do know that I need to get some form of writing done. Bianca has been clouding my thoughts far too much recently. That is far from acceptable. My worries should be set on storylines and buying more ink, not on wanting so badly to humiliate Bianca and render her a quivering mess.

She defeated me so lusciously.

I cannot stop myself when I cease my typing and rest my head on the desk, allowing myself time to collect my thoughts. I will not get any writing done if I am occupied with the thoughts of Bianca stabbing her saber just a little closer to my neck-

ding! ding!

I pick up my phone almost immediately. This should really be turned off during my writing time. I open to see messages from two people. Both unknown contacts.

Did you have fun with your friend?
I couldn't help but notice that things were getting a bit... heated

Great. Even my stalker felt the tension.

The photo is of Bianca and I earlier today. It must have been one of the earlier matches considering that neither of us seem drained and soaked in our own sweat. Bianca is grinning. She looks indescribably alluring. My face is not shown in the picture, my back is faced to the camera.

I save the image on my phone. Hopefully this stalker sends me more photos of Bianca.

As long as it doesn't show itself to be a threat, of course.

Upon clicking on the next Unknown Contact, I realise that I must have forgotten to save Bianca's number on my phone.

I had fun today.
I hope you enjoyed losing against me ;)

You changed Unknown's contact name to Bianca.

I don't have to enjoy it. After all, I won't be getting used to it.

Bold for someone who has only ever beat me once.

Thrice. Don't start gloating already.

But what if I like the way it makes the tip of your ears go red?
I'm just a girl, Wednesday
Girls just want to have fun♡

I can't argue with that. Enjoy your fun while it lasts, I can guarantee it won't be for long.

I aspire to be as delusional as you are

Received 18 mins ago

I cannot help but smirk at that last message. It's a good thing my back is faced towards Enid, no one would hear the end of her teasing. I put the phone down and start typing on my typewriter yet again.


I hear after a long twenty minutes of writing. Alas, it's not as if anything important is being interrupted.


hat are you doing rn?

Rn? Is that a new nickname


If you must know, you interrupted my writing time.

Your writing time?

I've devoted an hour a day to my novels for the past 7 years. Perhaps if you did the same you would surpass my perfect grades.

I don't need to write novels to consider myself smart, but you do you ig

Are you not tired of the nicknames?

I didn't use a nickname?

Ig? Do you even know what that one means?

Read 15 mins ago

She hasn't responded for the past fifteen minutes. Why do I feel so... hollow? I place my phone on my bed and stay sat on my desk chair.


"What?" Enid groans out as loud as her sleeping body can manage.

"Why has Bianca not responded to my message for the past fifteen minutes?"

"No way! Did she leave you on read?"


"It's basically when the person sees the message but chooses not to respond."

She must have seen my bewildered expression, because she then says.

"It might not be a bad thing! She might have just went to shower and forgot to respond-"


I jump onto my bed to get my phone.

"Damn, Wednesday! I'm not even that excited when Ajax texts me!"

"That's because you're not into men." I shush her before she can respond and open the message.

You're so strange, Wednesday.

Heat pools in my cheeks.

"Enid? Would you mind turning the thermostat down?"

"Are you crazy? It's already sixty degrees in here! How lower can you go!"

"Is it? Then why do I feel so warm?"

"What did Bianca send you-"


Before I realise it, she's behind me, looming over my phone. Does she have lycan induced super speed or something?

"She called you strange?"


"And that's why you're blushing?"

"Of course."

"Okay whatever but Wednesday? 'ig' isn't a nickname. It means like 'i guess' or something along those lines. So you would swap 'ig' with 'i guess' and finish the sentence."

"Could you rephrase that?"

"Okay! You would substitute the 'ig' variable with the word 'i guess' and it completes your equation."

"Oh. Thank you. So 'ig' can mean anything?"

"No no no! 'ig' can only mean 'i guess'- I'll send you a list of abbreviations later, you're just lucky that Bianca only uses them sometimes. Now, let me help you out."

She snatches the phone from my hand and starts texting. SHE STARTS TEXTING!

"Enid! You imbecile! She will clearly know that you're the one talking!"

"Don't worry, I'll just pretend to be you." She waves me off and continues to type.

She sends something and turns off my phone. The phone is then met with a bunch of follow up texts from Bianca, so much that you can hear the repetitive ding every two seconds for around a minute.

"Wanna see what I said?"

I pick up the phone and look at the message.

You love it.

well yeah
ugh you piss me off.
fucking hate your bitch ass.
"you love it." fuck off and die
but like get into my bed first lowks
JK (im not)
send me a picture of you.
not like noods bc im not weird but like a face picture.
only if you want tho (begging)

"Enid? Are you a God?"

She laughs stupidly.

"I just know how to flirt over text! It's a very useful life skill, really."

"She wants to see a picture of me. I do not possess pictures on my phone."

"Then take a picture."

"Don't I need the camera application for that?"

Enid takes my phone yet again and clicks a few things. When she gives it back, I see something akin to the camera application on my screen.

"If you take a picture, it almost automatically sends to Bianca."

"Thank you for the help, Enid."

I position my phone slightly upwards to allow all my face into the picture.

"Like this?"

"Uh huh! Now press the circle on the screen."

I do so. The picture is taken. I press the airplane button on the far right and the photo is sent to Bianca.

"Wait! Lemme see the photo!"

I don't get a chance to respond when Enid snatches the phone from my hand yet again and looks at the photo.

"Oooh, Mamma Mia!"

"That's racist."

"Shut up! You look nice! Now we just have to wait for a response."


"I guess we don't have to wait long." She does a few clicks on the screen and gasps when she sees the message.

"What did she say?" I ask but she waves me off again.

"Wave me off one more time and you won't have a hand to wave with."

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm helping you out here, I need to focus."

After a while, she gives me back my phone.

"You can thank me later." She adds while I go back onto the application.

You look gross (kiss me slowly pls)

You'd like that, wouldn't you?
I'm surprised you aren't already kneeling outside of my door prepared to beg for it.

ur so cringe ugh
midnight, the quad
be there.

Received 2mins ago

"Be grateful, Wednesday! I got you another date!"

"Why is her mood never consistent? She goes from insulting me to wanting to violently kiss me."

"Because she loves you! You make her feel all funny inside."

"Inside where?"


"I don't want to answer that."


I walk down to the quad at exactly twenty three hundred, fifty seven hours. I open the doors to see Bianca pacing up and down. She sees me and her pacing ceases.

"Shit, you actually came." She chokes out.

"You demanded I did."

"This was stupid. This was- that was- I'm stupid." She looks close to darting away. I'm confused. Why would she invite me here if she was just going to leave?

"Bianca, what is troubling you?"

"Nothing! Nothing is wrong, nothing is-"


"Hm?" She is looking around the area, clearly growing paranoid.

"Bianca. I'm going to need you to breathe."


"Because I cannot find out what's troubling you if you end up dying from lack of oxygen."


She looks at me. Her eyes are practically vibrating.

"Oh, okay."

She closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths in. I can see the hot air exiting with every breath. When her eyes open, she's no longer panicking.

"It's just- did you bring your phone?" She asks, holding out her hand as if she already has the answer.

I take out my phone from my pocket and give it to her. She uses what seems to be some sort of metal needle to open a compartment from the side and take out what looks to be a card.

"Hold out your hand."


"Now." She commands.

I hold out my hand and she delicately places the card in my hand. She then snaps the phone in half.

"Bianca! Why would you-"

"Shut up." She digs through the phone and pulls out a beeping disk akin to... a tracker?

"Who gave you this phone?"

"If you must know, Xavier gifted me the phone before Nevermore shut down prematurely back in October."

"I fucking knew Xavier did this."

"Did what?"

"Wednesday, we have a new lead for your stalker."

New lead? But all we found out is that there is a tracker in my-


"That whore!"

"Wednesday Addams saying the word whore was not on my bingo card."

"This is why he has made no effort to speak to me since we got here! This is why during the break he decided he wanted to respect my boundaries for once! He knew that he no longer had to put himself out there because he has my every move right on his very person!"

"He is sick! You'd think as a vouyeur he would put a lot more effort into his stalking and not let his stupid humiliation kink get in the way." Bianca responds... for some reason.


"What the fuck?"

"Sorry, I was reading ROM stories before this- not the point."

"Bianca, how did you know about this?"


"Morning Song is a cult?"

We are in Bianca's dorm room. She had explained earlier that Divina is at Yoko's dorm having some form of a sleepover. Bianca is inside of her closet, looking for something.

"I tell you that I was forced to change my entire identity in order to get away from my abusive narcissistic mother just to be tracked down again and that's what you got from that?"

"Yes." I respond simply.


"Fair enough."

"Bianca, what I don't understand is why she would need your siren song if she is already the cause for my harassment."

"A sirens song dries overtime. It's clear that Ma has abused her power far too many times that the consequences caught up with her. Being thirty two without a siren song is just embarrassing. She's probably doing all this to seem somewhat intimidating or some stupid shit like that."

She walks out of her closet with a white box in her hand. She hands it to me. On the top of it is an image of a phone.

"Here, this should be the exact copy of the phone Xavier got you. I would've bought a completely new one but that would just make tracking easier. Do you still have the card?"

I unfold the hand I didn't know was clenched until now. The card is still perfectly intact and Bianca takes both the box and the card from me.

There is a heavy silence when she starts opening the compartment on the side of the phone and putting the card in. I have nowhere to look but her hands, considering the eyes that I usually look at are too busy with the phone.

"Who told you about the tracker?"


"No one. My sister accidentally gave me a hint when she spoke about the stalker knowing your every step but I figured out the tracker by myself."


The silence is thick again. She turns on the phone and goes onto contacts, most likely blocking the number from my new phone.

Her hands slightly falter for a few moments.



"You... understand what I was doing when I... when I made the choice to be a girl, right?"


"When I told you about how I transitioned into a girl. That wasn't... you understand why I did that, right?"

During Bianca's breakdown of her life story, she let the name Brandon (Brandy) Jane slip out. When I asked her about it, she said it was her name before she had created the identity of Bianca Barclay.

Before she considered herself a woman.

She seemed uncomfortable talking about it earlier and so the subject was changed to Morning Song not only a money laundering organisation but also a cult of people brainwashed into working to their deaths. I suppose she could only avoid the subject for so long.

"I just- I promise I wasn't trying to be creepy or anything I just- I don't know, it felt right for some reason. It felt like I was never meant to be a guy. Like at first it was just some form of damage control so that my mother wouldn't find me but then... I started to resent being a guy, looking at myself made me physically repulsed. But when I finally became a girl I..."


"I'm sorry if that creeps you out."

"Nothing about what you said is scary."

"Maybe not for you, I guess. You're into that depraved shit.

"No, I mean I don't get why you're so ashamed of this. You saw a fault in yourself, something that you hated more than anything. You fixed it. Is that not regular?"

"I just... didn't want you to be disgusted, is all. I mean it'd fine if you were, I wouldn't try to change your mind on anything. Like I get it, it's kind of fucking gross-"

"Your self loathing is gross." I cut her off.


"Your self loathing is gross. You should stop it immediately." I spit out, more harshly than I had anticipated.



"Yeah, right. Sorry."

"Bianca, you would hardly be embarrassed if you had to parade around the school naked and covered in baby oil. Why are you so scared at the mere concept of gender?"

"Because it isn't mere, Wednesday. It's... It's my whole life. Do you know how scared I was when I saw my sister teaching our botany lesson this morning? If Bria wasn't too occupied with trying to stop my mother from practically harvesting her siren song, I know she would've let something slip."


"So, that would make life very hard for me, harder than it already is. Not only will all my friends besides Divina probably drop me, but people will start staying away from me, they'd probably fuck around with my whole fencing career because they hate when trans people do sports, no one would ever want to go out with me."

"I'm failing to see the issue here."

"Yeah because you don't care about other people, Wednesday!"


There it is. The rageful tension that I felt the very second Bianca and I locked eyes for the first time. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

"I... I didn't mean to say that." And just like that, the moment disipitates and withers away like a fairytale witch would when in contact with water.

Just when things were about to get interesting.

"I just meant that-"

"You needn't explain yourself, Bianca. I am not offended."


She seems to be finished setting up my phone because she then gives it back to me.

"What are we going to do about Xavier the whore?" I inquire.

She giggles.

"We can deal with him tomorrow. I'm much too worn out to do anything tonight. Should I walk you to your dorm?"

"As pleasing as that sounds, I wouldn't want to be the reason sleep catches up with you."

"Okay then. Sweet dreams, Wednesday."

"Restless night to you too, Bianca." I respond, walking out of the dorm. I can hear the shaky breath of relief slide out of my mouth as if trapped for centuries.

I close her door and keep my hand on the doorknob a second too long before it feels like I'm touching live wire, my whole body going rigid as it sends me to whatever time period it pleases.


When I can move again, I am still in Nevermore, but the place looks... older? Perhaps this was before the Crackstone incident. I let go of the doorknob and only a few seconds later hear... intimate sounds travelling down the hallway. It's Bianca and Xavier, and they are (very passionately) kissing and I should not be as envious as I am.

They reach the door and Bianca fumbles for her keys.

"We need to hurry. Your father will be here to pick you up in a few moments."

"How many times do I have to tell you, Bia? You can come spend the summer with us, really."

Bianca dismisses his suggestion with a quick eye roll and groan of frustration.

"Seriously! Father said that it's fine."

"I know baby, but the house is going to be really busy, with the Addams going to visit and all. We won't have any time to ourselves."

Ah, yes. So this is in the past. Mother and Father spent quite a portion of last summer at Vincent Thorpe's beach house doing who knows what.

"Is this about Wednesday?"


"No, you always do this! I don't even know if she's going to be there."

"I know but if she does end up being there, I don't want to spend all my time locked up in a room while you drool over her."

"Can you stop with the jealousy? I haven't spoken to the girl in five years."

"Exactly! You haven't spoken to the girl in half a decade and I already know more about her than I do my own father."

"Would you stop being so dramatic?"

"Okay well if you want me to stop soooo bad then just forget about Wednesday for like twenty minutes!"

Xavier then just stops speaking. His eyes close for a little bit as Bianca carries on complaining. I cannot blame her for her frustration. I would be fustrated too if I had know just how much he thinks about me.

"Like honestly, you just speak about her as if she's your absolute world-"

"I'm sorry, what were we speaking about again?" Xavier asks.

"Are you serious? We were on about Wednesday and how you're practically in love with her!"

"What kind of name is Wednesday?"

What's going on?

"Don't play games with me, Xavier. I know you couldn't have just forgot- holy shit."


"...Nothing. Nothing at all."

Suddenly I'm in Bianca's room. It looks different, much more opulent than I saw just moments ago.



It is no longer a concise conversation, rather a sort of montage.

"YOU'RE ALWAYS THIS WAY WITH WEDNESDAY-" He would yell, spit flying out of his mouth.

"THAT TWENTY MINUTES WAS THE BEST PART OF OUR RELATIONSHIP-" She would retort, nothing short from annoyed at this point of the argument.





A door slams.


My eyes slam open. Ugh, Xavier is here.

"Wednesday? Thank goodness you're okay. You freaked me out there!"

"Hello, whore."


"Hello, Xavier."

End of chapter


i hope u enjoyed n shit, if u dont like this chapter ur either a big fat liar or the chapter didn't copy right so there's a bunch of grammar mistakes

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