Until You Say Yes

By WillowsProse

11.7K 787 141

A JoongDunk fan fiction ~ revised 14 ~ Dean Jay Gaynor was enjoying lunch when he suddenly found himself on t... More

Chapter 1 ~ misunderstanding ~
Chapter 2 ~ captivated ~
Chapter 3 ~ too hot ~
Chapter 5 ~ mirror image ~
Chapter 6 ~ black tie ~
Chapter 7 ~ chances ~
Chapter 8 ~ confused ~
Chapter 9 ~ dinner date ~
Chapter 10 ~ getting acquainted ~
Chapter 11 ~ the morning after ~
Chapter 12 ~ movie night ~
Chapter 13 ~ trust issues ~
Chapter 14 ~ clearing things up ~
Chapter 15 ~ rescue mission ~
Chapter 16 ~ it's all over ~
Chapter 17 ~ healing ~
Chapter 18 ~ hard to adapt ~
Chapter 19 ~ advice ~
~ epilogue ~

Chapter 4 ~ fake lover ~

574 46 11
By WillowsProse

Nate spent the following morning meeting with different suppliers and haggling over costs then after the fine details had been ironed out he decided to go straight home. He didn't know if the guy called Dean would turn up at the coffee shop again but he really couldn't be bothered with him today.

After the incident in the coffee shop yesterday, Nate had felt so guilty and foolish but after Dean's behaviour in the club last night all bets were off. Nate didn't want to fall out with the guy so he thought the best option was to avoid him today then he would probably get the picture.

What had his friend Tan called him, Dean's future wife and hadn't his sister said he liked to tease people, was this his way of extracting revenge for Nate's genuine mistake? Maybe after last night Dean had realised that he couldn't be manipulated so perhaps he wouldn't show up again?

Jumping in his car he called the coffee shop to check in and when he was confident that everything was running smoothly he informed the person who had picked up the call that he wouldn't be in until the following day.

He decided to call at the grocery store to stock up on necessities before driving home and he was just getting his groceries from the boot when his cell phone rang, seeing the caller id he quickly answered.

"Hayden, how's married life treating you?" Nate smiled.

"it's the best Nate, Dominic say's hi by the way"

"likewise, I guess you're still in the office then?"

"yeah but we have a little free time so I thought I'd call to see how you're doing?" Hayden said.

"really, or is it because Korn's been in touch?" Nate said.

"you got me, he called me this morning yapping on about some guy called Dean, said he looks like my twin and that he was acting all possessive with you, anything you want to tell me bro?" Hayden asked.

"not really, I met him in the coffee shop yesterday and at first I thought it was you then after the confusion he wanted to take me to dinner but I refused and then last night, Korn, Miki and I went out to try a new club and who should happen to be there but Dean and his friend"

"do you think he was following you?" Hayden asked.

"I doubt it, they were in the VIP area" Nate replied.

"so Korn said he pulled you off the dance floor and threw his jacket over your chest, that sounds like something Dom' would do" Hayden said.

"yeah and his friend was referring to me being his future wife, I think he was just trying to wind me up to be honest, his sister said he likes teasing people so ..."

"you met his sister already?" Hayden asked.

"she was with him in the coffee shop yesterday, it was all very surreal" Nate added.

"yeah, I bet, do you have his surname, I can run a check on him and try and find out if he's a scammer?" Hayden offered.

"unfortunately I don't, that never came up and when his friend started talking about wives and stuff I just got up and left, I wouldn't worry, I'll probably never see him again and even if I did it's not like anything is going to happen"

"why not, don't you like him?" Hayden asked.

"he looks like you dude! it would be weird, if you saw him you would understand" Nate said.

"well, I better go, Dom's giving me the eye hehehe" Hayden said.

"ah the beauty of being married to your boss eh?" Nate said laughing.

"hmmm, anyway I've got to go but call me if that guy rolls up again and try and get his surname so I can run it through the system"

"you got it, I'll talk to you soon bro" Nate said ending the call.

 Nate carried his groceries inside and began to unpack them then he would make himself some lunch before working on his accounts.

Meanwhile across town, Dean stood at the counter in the coffee shop waiting for his order, he had come alone today fully intending to ask Nate to join him but he had been informed that Nate wasn't working today, he had also discovered that Nate didn't just work here but owned the place.

He had wondered if Nate had got home ok last night but he didn't have his number so he couldn't ask, that was something he would rectify as soon as the opportunity arose. He was sorry to miss Nate but he would try again tomorrow. 

Dean paid for his coffee and left the shop before heading back to the office, he couldn't help but wonder if Nate was avoiding him and wondered if he was coming on a bit strong after all, they had only met yesterday.

He had never pursued anyone so vehemently before but then most people would jump at the chance of being alone with him. 

Reaching his building he walked inside to ride the elevator up to his office and as the doors closed his cell phone started ringing. Looking at the caller id he saw it was a business acquaintance so he swiped his finger across the screen to take the call.

"hey Dean, how are you?" the voice spoke

"I'm good thanks, yourself?" Dean replied.

"I'm great, I'm in Thailand so I wondered if you wanted to grab dinner?"

"yeah, ok, I'm free this evening, what brings you here anyway?"

"pleasure with a little luck, I had a couple of days free so I thought I'd have one last attempt at trying to woo my love interest, he said he's not interested but I mean, come on, it's me were talking about"

Dean laughed.

"ok so I'll line you the time and place and I'm looking forward to seeing you again Dean, sorry to hear about your dad by the way"

"yes, thank you" Dean replied

"ok, see you later" the other guy said ending the call.

Later on that afternoon Dean got a line message with the dinner arrangements, it would be nice to catch up and it was good for business to keep on friendly terms with the people in his circle.

At 7pm dressed in a smart grey suit, white shirt and red tie, Dean walked into the hotel and when approached by the maitre d he told him who he was meeting and he was informed that the person had already arrived.

With a click of his fingers the head waiter called for another waiter to escort Mr Gaynor to the table and bid him a good evening and when Dean got to the table his companion for the evening stood up and shook his hand.

"it's good to see you again Dean and great news, you remember me telling you about my love interest, he's coming here too"

"so I'll be third wheeling then?" Dean smiled.

"hehehe listen, it's taken me months to get to this point, tonight might just be my lucky night"

"so not only am I third wheeling, you're going to ditch me when your person arrives" Dean laughed.

"it's not like that, anyway let's order drinks at least"

The pair ordered their drinks and chatted about what they had been up to and after about twenty minutes the waiter came over escorting the third guest.

"ah, Nate, here you are" Sebastian said.

"I'm not staying, I just came to tell you once and for all to stop flirting Sebastian, I'm not interested"

Dean recognised the voice before he saw him, 

"Nate, what are you doing here?" Dean spoke clearly shocked.


"wait, do you guys know each other" Sebastian asked them both.

"yes, he's my boyfriend so now you can stop chasing after me!" Nate replied glaring at Sebastian and pleading with Dean to corroborate his white lie.

"you and Dean? Dean, why didn't you say anything?" Sebastian asked.

"I had no idea you knew each other" Dean replied.

"we don't, he's just my best friend's husbands cousin" Nate said.

"ah, the best friend again" Dean said.

"I just can't wrap my head around this, I've been texting you all this time Nate and now your dating Dean here" Sebastian said.

"yes but I haven't actually been responding to your texts have I" Nate added.

"I just thought you were playing hard to get" Sebastian said.

"and I had no idea my boyfriend was receiving texts from other people, babe we're going to have words later" Dean said throwing his arm around Nate's shoulders.

"get off" Nate whispered.

"nope, you started it" Dean whispered back.

Nate tried to squirm out of Deans tight embrace but was unable to,

"well, I guess you win some, you lose some" Sebastian laughed and raised his glass to the happy couple.

"thanks man, sorry by the way, I had no idea" Dean replied, this evening was playing out better than he could have ever imagined.

"so how do you guys know each other?" Nate asked.

"we're business acquaintances" Dean replied.

"and you never noticed Dean's striking resemblance to Hayden?" Nate asked Sebastian.

"we don't see each other that often" Sebastian said.

"wait, Hayden told me you almost hit on him before he and Dominic got together, so have you hit on Dean as well?" Nate asked.

"I don't mix business with pleasure" Sebastian replied.

Nate shook his head at Sebastian, the guy was a complete and total flirt and he'd had about as much as he could take.

"I'm leaving now, please don't text me any more Sebastian" Nate said.

"wait babe, I'll go with you, I'm sorry Sebastian but my lover and I need to talk" Dean said embellishing their fake romance"

Dean escorted Nate out of the hotel and into the cool night air,

"you can let go now" Nate said.

"why? I like it" Dean replied.

"you're no different from that pervert inside" Nate added.

"there you go, making up scenarios all by yourself again, how did you get here anyway?" Dean said.

"none of your business and now I'm going home" Nate replied.

"I'll take you" Dean said.

"I don't need you to! Nate replied

"regardless, come on"

"I said no!"

"Nate, stop being difficult and why did you come all the way here if you're not interested in Sebastian, why not just call him?"

"because the jerk won't take no for an answer, I wanted to tell him face to face"

"he's wealthy" Dean added.

"I don't care" Nate said.

"good because now it's my turn to chase after you and I always get what I want" Dean replied pulling Nate towards his car.


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