My Wife, My Remedy

By hertahira

23K 2K 362

FULANI LOVE STORY [ONGOING] Join Aliyu and Maryam as they tried to build the trust in their marriage that wa... More

Epilogue πŸ’•


420 42 23
By hertahira


Song: Angel Numbers🎧
Artist: Chris Brown🎤

Author's POV💕

"Maryam you can't be serious, you need your husband right now and you want to seek a divorce" Alhaji Shehu said angrily to his daughter

"Dad I just can't get over any of the things that happened and I think it's best we separate since that's what his mum wants" she responded defensively

"Are you kidding me right now?, So your excuse is cause his mum doesn't want you two together" he scolded

"That's not an excuse it's a good enough reason, you all witnessed what extent she went to to cause a rift in my marriage, I can't deal with any of that anymore, I'm tired" she said

"Maryam, you know Aliyu is more of the victim than you are, through those moments he never left your side and always stood by you and protected you, so why are you doing all this to him?" Her father lashed out again

"Maryam, if she's your problem then you should know I've already divorced her and she won't come anywhere close to any of you again, don't bother about her, think about your kids, yourself and your husband don't let outsiders try to split you apart" Alhaji Muhammad said

"Dad I appreciate you but I've come to a conclusion and I don't want Aliyu as a husband again" Maryam said politely

"Maryam-" her father was about to say as Aliyu cut off the elderly man

They were all having a meeting in her hospital room after the news about Maryam wanting to divorce Aliyu spread among the family members.

"Dad it's okay, don't force her, I also won't be able to live happily knowing I've forced her into a marriage she wants out of" he said in a calm and polite manner

"Aliyu I understand you but we all saw the condition you were in the last time she left you" Alhaji Shehu said

"Dad that time I had a heart problem, I'm fine now, I'm healed, I can handle the pain of a normal man, it's not the first time I'm losing someone special so I'll be able to get through it" Aliyu said before looking at Maryam

"Maryam, you still have few days before you're fully recovered so until then you should think about it, I'll still fulfill my duties to you as a husband and will not abandon you while you're in the hospital, take your time when you're recovered and your decision is still for a divorce then I will grant it to you so please think carefully about it" Aliyu said nicely to her as she looked at him before looking away from him

She's still bent on not saying a word to Aliyu but has now started looking at him when his speaking frequently unlike before

"Aliyu, I'll speak some sense into her you go focus on your kids, you've been distant lately" Alhaji Shehu said

"Please don't force her" he requested as the elderly man nodded at him before he dismissed himself.

"Maryam you can see what a good man Aliyu is, do you really want to let him go, don't you think you'll regret it?" Her father said

"I'm fixed on my decision, Aliyu is a good person but I can't be his wife anymore" she said

"If you leave him now and regret it later, you might no longer have a chance in his life again so think about it" Alhaji Muhammad said

"I will not regret it, too much has already happened and I'm tired of everything" she replied the elderly man as he nodded at her

"Alright then, we'll still accommodate the kids cause they're our blood, I will no longer talk you into going back on your words since that's what you want, I wish you the best in life, Ma Salam" he said to Maryam as she nodded at him with a smile before he got up

"Alhaji I'll take my leave now, I need to arrange a few things we'll speak some other time" he said extending a handshake to Alhaji Shehu

"I'm sorry about my daughter, please take care" he responded accepting the handshake as the man nodded and left the room afterwards

"Well, I hope you change your mind before you're fully recovered I'm going to see Fatima I'll see you another day" he said getting up

"What are you going to do to her?" She asked

"I heard she's now fully recovered so I'm going to confront her and bring her to you so you can hear the words from her mouth and know you're making a big mistake by leaving Aliyu" he said

"I won't still change my mind" Maryam said before looking away from him

"May Allah give you what's best" he said

"Ameen" she muttered before he left the room.

She sat there alone on her bed thinking about everything that just happened, and the sincerity in Aliyu's voice and eyes. She's having a bad feeling about divorcing Aliyu but then she's too stubborn to go back on her words so now she has accepted even if she ends up regretting divorcing him Allah would still bless her with a better man.


It's the end of November and things aren't the same for Maryam. That happiness she thought she'd feel when she finally got divorced from Aliyu wasn't there.

She fully recovered from her injuries last week and was now back on her feet healthy and getting better.

The family and Aliyu tried to talk her out on the divorce but she remained adamant and just like Aliyu said he would, he divorced her but he made sure to make his divorce once so he could still take her back.

She didn't try to push it further knowing he won't agree so she just left the divorce once.

She has now moved back into her father's house with the kids even though Aliyu begged her to do her iddah in the house with him.

Everyone was now giving her silent treatment except Manal. She's not sure how Iman and Aiza took it but now it felt like she had an enemy in Aiza, the girl completely disrespects and hates her since the divorce and Iman was a bit nicer even though it's clear she no longer likes Maryam again.

They only come around the house as per Aliyu's request so they can check up on his kids.

His been really depressed since the divorce, he thought he'd be okay but he just found himself missing Maryam everyday. He sent her several texts everyday which she always responds with 'Stop texting me' but that didn't stop him.

His tried calling several times but all his calls were declined. As much as he never wished to divorce her he had to, for her happiness and now his suffering.

Alhaji Shehu managed to make Fatima confess to everyone including Maryam before calling off the marriage with her family in hopes that Maryam changes her mind but she was still adamant and now she got what she wanted.

She knows she doesn't hate Aliyu but living with him would just be very difficult for her, she's tired of his endless calls and text and wanted to block his number before finally moving to turkey with her kids but her dad forbid her to do any of that till her iddah is over.

She didn't bother trying to argue with him cause he had a point and she knows he still has hopes that she'll go back to Aliyu but she's ready to prove him wrong.

Right now she was just living on the happiness of her kids even though they've cried several times for their father. She knows life as a single mum won't be easy but one day they'll grow up to understand why things had to be the way they are.


1 year later

It's been a year since his divorce to his lovely wife and out of the days he's lived and counted he knows he'll never be happy with any woman that wasn't his Maryam.

He still regrets it everyday for divorcing her though he accepted it was good for her.

Like Iman and Aiza promised that if Maryam didn't come back after a year they'll help Aliyu move on, they were.

They made friends with several women and tried to set them up with Aliyu but every result came out the same, negative. He was always angry anytime they did that and would end up shouting and scolding them. At some point Iman stopped, believing he'll find someone when his ready but Aiza was still ignorant, she was going to do anything in her power to make Aliyu get over Maryam no matter how hard it would be and how long it would take.

The man Aliyu has now become was very different from the man he once was, he stopped calling or texting Maryam 8 months after the divorce. Some of the reasons he called was to speak to his kids cause now Maryam had moved to turkey but she didn't let him.

Guess she felt like if he had something to do with the kids then he'll still have a reason to contact her and she didn't want that so she just ignored everything about him.

His now very cold and distant. A smile never appears on his face till he sees pictures of his children. He can't remember when last he heard their voices and as much as he wanted to Maryam forbid him to come to turkey and he was willing to respect that even though it was one of the most difficult thing he has had to do his whole life.

His sisters and father no longer had a proper conversation with him cause he either ignored them or ended the conversation quickly.

He was now living separately in a different house somewhere in Abuja. A quiet and private area filled with security and well composed people. He couldn't bear living in the other house where it was filled with memories of his wife and kids so he decided to move out.

He had to celebrate his kids birthday alone though he sent lots of gift to turkey to Maryam. He made sure it got to her but his not sure she'll accept them.

Till today he still blames himself for their divorce even knowing well it's not his fault. If there's one thing that won't change then that's him praying everyday for her to come back to him or find a man that'll love and protect her.

As for him, his never going to move on. The mother to his kids would be the last woman he'll ever be with cause he saw being with someone else as a betrayal. He couldn't love someone else. His heart was designed to love just one woman and it loved her. He doesn't regret his love he only regrets letting her go.

Outside of his emotionally downcast state, Aliyu has managed to expand his business making it one of the most successful in the country and also made great improvements to his company's in other countries.

His now a workaholic cause the only time he wasn't thinking about his sad life was when he was busy and has started to keep himself more busy than ever to avoid thinking of his wife.

He still keeps contact with his sisters but has lessened it cause of Aiza setting him up tho he has warned her over and over to stop.

The only thing he can see in his future is wealth, lots of wealth and his making all that for his kids. He has no plans on ever getting married again or moving on cause till his last breath his promised himself to love Maryam and only Maryam.

Aside from that things are going well for him and has now planned a trip to Abu Dhabi to relocate fully.

It's a dream he always wanted for his wife and kids but now he'll have to live it alone. He has bought other properties in the name of his wife and kids and has handed it over to her father so if she ever decides to come back home one day it'll be given to her.

If she wanted space from him she'll have it and if she wanted his love then she already has it. He won't stop proving his love to her as long as his alive and hopes she comes back to him one day before he dies.


Hey guys!

Just vote!, Don't even think too much about it, tap the star!

Hope y'all loved the chapter cause I did!

In hopes that Maryam and Aliyu crosses path again🥺

Leave me your comments!

Share pls, recommending to others as well, talk to someone about it and make them wanna come check out my book.

It's worth it!

Don't forget to add "Our Husband" to your library, it's in my profile.

Love y'all

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