The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under
Frater Imperator
A Big Change
Family Time!
Kite Flying With The Frater

The European Tour

108 9 9
By IStoleTime

Chapter 21!

The European Tour

April  2022 - The Los Angeles Ministry 

The next month passed by quickly at the unholy church, the employees and Clergy members had been working hard since Papa Emeritus IV return. Song rehearsals had taken place at the Ministry, there had been last minute uniform changes to the ghouls and ghoulettes ritual attire. The Clergy's plans were set in motion, they had arranged every part of the tour in detail. The next part of the Imperatour began on the 9th of April, the bands equipment had been shipped out to the United Kingdom a few days ago.

Albany was in her dorm room packing her suitcase and hand luggage, she would be accompanying Copia and her Father on the upcoming European Tour. There was still paperwork and emails to be completed while the newest Papa Emeritus was touring Europe, his workload would be managed between his rituals. A knock at the door caught her attention, she soon called out to whoever was lingering in the hallway.

" Come on in!" She said.

The door opening she was greeted by a familiar face, it was Copia. Albany smiled at her lover and beckoned him to enter, she was unsure why he was visiting her when he should still be in a meeting with Sister Imperator. Her her gaze returned to the pile of folded clothes on her bed, she still had many things she needed to sort out before they left the Ministry. A smile crept across her features when she felt Copia's hands slipping around her waist, his body pressing against her own she lightly kissed his cheek. Leaning back into him she breathed in his scent, she didn't mind that he was interrupting her packing. His voice soon broken the silence between them, his speaking tone was filled with affection for his lover. 

" Hello, baby." He said.

" Hello, Copia." She said, her gaze returned to her suitcase. " Have you finished packing? I can help you if you want, I'm almost done here."

" My luggage is already packed, it's okay. Sister is double checking my stage attire, she's made sure my passport and other documents are in my travel bag." He said while his gaze lowered towards the suitcase in front of them. " Can I help you with your packing?"

" You could get my nightwear for me, it's in the top draw of my dresser." She replied.

" I can do that, it's no trouble!" He said.

Albany glanced at Copia when he left her side, she continued sorting out her clothes she would need on her lover's tour. They would be travelling around Europe until the 18th of May, she was unsure what the weather would be like since it was always sunny in Los Angeles. Her thoughts were interrupted when Copia placed a pile of her silky nightdresses in her suitcase, he looked pleased with what he had chosen. Albany took one of her silk nightdresses from the suitcase and held it against herself, she should have known that her lover would choose what he desired for her to wear while they were on tour. Her gaze lowered towards his hand, she watched his finger tips playing with the lace trim of the naughty little number. She knew that her lover's mind was elsewhere, the lustful expression on his features was telling her that he was daydreaming about their past sinful deeds. Clearing her throat Albany caught his attention, his mismatched eyes were soon upon her. 

" I can't wear this on the tour bus, the ghouls may get a glimpse of my butt cheeks." She said.

" I don't mind sharing the wealth." He said.

" Copia, no. I'm not going to become some kind of peep show for the ghouls!" She said in an amused tone. " Go and get my sensible pajamas, these naughty little numbers wouldn't survive the tour with your wandering hands."

" We will be staying at the odd hotel along the way, it would help me relax between my rituals." He said while his fingers played with the strap of the nightdress. " Just take this one too..."

" Okay, fine!" She said with a sigh. " I'll just take one, but on the tour bus I will need my sensible nightwear. I'm talking about sweatpants and shirts, a few of my bed socks in case it gets cold on the tour bus. I'm still unsure what the weather will be like in Europe."

" I'll get them, it's cool!" He said.

Copia took the nightdress from his lover's hand and tossed it over his shoulder, he then handed her the red satin nightdress with the lace bust support. Albany rolled her eyes at him before she continued to fold her clothes, but she was soon distracted by Copia throwing her asked nightwear on top of the clothes she had already neatly folded. Their gaze met, but she couldn't be mad at him. Her lover's features were excitable, he was thrilled that Albany would be accompanying him on his tour this time. He had been dreaming of showing her the different countries around the globe since his tours began back in 2018. Albany thanked him for his help and softly kissed her lover's lips, she then returned to her packing. 

" I'm very excited you're coming on tour with me this time." He said, his finger tips came together. " It will be like a working vacation, we can even share the same bunk on the tour bus if it gets chilly at night. It sounds cosy, yes?"

" You do remember Papa will be coming with us, right?" She asked.

" I know that, but he naps in his casket sometimes." He said.

" Sister told me that we can't be romantically involved on the tour bus." She said before she folded a pair of her sweatpants. " We need to treat this tour like our working relationship in your office. No quick tickles or kissing in front of the ghouls and ghoulettes. We need to be professionals, it's just until we return back to the Ministry."

" Okay, cool..." He sighed.

" But Sister didn't say anything about us not exploring the cities we visit." She said, their gaze finally met while a smile crept across her features. " We can have fun on your days off between the rituals. Surely we won't be expected to do paperwork all the time. We will need to take breaks and stretch our legs on the odd occasion, the tour bus will get stuffy. Especially with the ghouls, you and my Father sharing the same tour bus. I may have to pack some nose pegs for me and the ghoulettes."

" I like the sound of going sightseeing with you." He smiled.

" I can't wait to visit Paris and other cities around Europe, it's going to be amazing!" She said with a dreamy expression. " I've always wanted to see the Effel Tower and visit some of the art museums in France. Also I can't wait to try some of their freshly baked pasteries. I'll have to be rolling back onto the tour bus after I've sampled their culinary delights."

" I do like a woman with some meat on their bones, there's more to hold onto when it gets cold at night." He said before he moved closer towards his lover. " I'm looking forward to sampling the different cheeses in France, then when we visit Italy I'll be buying fresh pasta."

" Do you remember Positano?" She asked.

" What we did in that beach house was sinful." He said.

" I know, but it would be lovely to visit that city again someday under better circumstances." She said, her gaze met with his own. " Do you know Secondo ate the chocolate bar you left for me on the beach houses doorstep?"

" He did?" He asked.

" Yes, but I got the rose." She replied.

" A rose for a rose, baby." He said, he took her hand in his own. " We will be in Milan this time, it's very nice there. Fashion, entertainment, the culture and fine cuisine. We could make a day of it, yes? A little date night, we can ditch the old guy with Jesus. He keeps following him around."

" Poor Kevin..." She said.

" The old guy seems to like him, but the feelings aren't mutual from what Sister told me." He said.

" Really?" She asked.

" There was a complaint." He said.

" Sadly I dont think we'll see much of that city, there will be one day between travelling to Badalona." She said.

" There's always Madrid." He said.

" Spain sounds nice." She said.

" Then it's settled, but for now you should pack your luggage and make sure you have an updated passport." He said before he glanced around the room. " I should get back to Sister, she thinks I went for a number two."

" Thank you for sharing that unwanted information with me." She said with a slight chuckle. " I'll see you later for dinner, it's going to be a family meal before we leave for Europe."

" Are you cooking?" He asked.

" Sister is preparing our meal tonight, she insisted." She replied.

" I hope she's ordering Chinese food, she overdid the lasagna the last time she cooked a meal for us..." He grumbled.

Albany gave him a reassuring smile and cupped his cheek, she told him not to think about dinner just yet. She reminded him that he should return to his meeting with Sister Imperator before she sent out a ghoul search party for him, she wouldn't be too pleased if she knew that her prodigy was visiting her instead of using the bathroom like he had said. Copia kissed his lover goodbye and left the room, he closed the door quietly behind him. Albany continued to fold her clothes and place them inside her suitcase, she had many things to check before they left the Ministry in two days time.


9th Of April 2022 - The United Kingdom, Manchester  

The European Tour was now in motion, the band and it's faithful crew had travelled to the United Kingdom. Manchester was the first city for their European ritual, they had been doing sound checks and rehearsals since they had arrived at the venue two days ago.

The tour buses table was laid out like an office, there was work to be done. Albany had been helping Copia with his paperwork, they had many things to do while they toured around Europe. Venue bookings, contract signing, stage layouts and lighting checks. The newest Papa Emeritus had to make sure that his stage attire was presentable and freshly pressed for his opening ritual. They also had to keep regular contact with Sister Imperator by email and phone, she had already called her little Cardi more than once since they arrived in Manchester. Papa Nihil's body had been taken out of storage, his casket had been safety secured in the luggage conpartment beneath the tour bus. The Clergy wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly, it was important that their world domination plans were played out like they had arranged since Copia became the new frontman for their satanic band. 

The night of Copia's ritual soon arrived, he and his bandmates were doing sound checks on the stage of the venue. Albany was tying up a couple of loose ends for the Clergy, she had made sure that the right invoices and checks had been delivered to the proprietor of the property.  There was an five hours left before the ritual began, the fans of the band had been queuing for hours outside of the venue. Albany decided to sit on her bunk while she went through some last minute emails on her laptop, she had plently of time to spare before she went to watch Copia and his bandmates performance. But the cosiness of her bunk had other plans for her this evening, she soon began to doze. A light shaking of her shoulder disturbed Albany's slumber, she stretched out in the bunk and rolled onto her back. A familar voice was heard, their speaking tone was a mere whisper.

" Albany."

Albany softly groaned and  opened her eyes, her gaze was met by a familiar face looking down at her. A sleepy smile crept across her features, it was Copia. His face was painted with his chosen Papa face paint, he was dressed in one of his newest stage attire. His blue neckerchief was unfastened and his hair was unkempt, he looked untidy instead of stage ready. The bunk creak beneath his weight when he sat down on it's edge, his voice was soon heard again.

" Hello, baby." He said.

" Is it time for your ritual?" She asked.

" The ritual is over." He replied.

" What?!" She asked while she immediately sat up in the bunk. " Surely not! I just closed my eyes for a couple of minutes..."

" You slept right through the ritual, but it's okay." He said, his voice was smythetic. " I did try to wake you, but you were dead to the world. The old guy was understanding, he suggested that we should let you sleep."

" He did?" She asked.

" Papa said your jetlag must have caught up with you." He replied.

" I'm so sorry, I really wanted to see your opening ritual..." She sighed.

" It's fine, there's many more rituals to come." He said with a reassuring  smile. " Why don't you go back to sleep. I'm going to take shower and get something to eat, we can talk more in the morning."

" Okay, but you'll have to tell me everything about your ritual over breakfast." She said before she slipped her fingers between his own. " I want all the details from the lighting to your playlist. The fans reactions and how the ghoulettes performed at their first rituals, but I know you probably slayed the stage like Sodo always whispers."

" I can do that, it's a deal." He said while he brought her hand to his lips. " Sleep tight, baby. Don't let the ghouls bite your toes tonight."

" I'll keep my feet in my bunk at all times." She said with a smile. " Goodnight,  Copia."

Copia softly kissed his lover's hand, he got to his feet and said goodnight to her before he drew the bunk's curtain. Albany listened to his fading footsteps, she couldn't believe that she had slept through his first ritual of his European Tour. She felt guilty, but she was surprised that her Father had allowed her to sleep through something important. Lying back on the bunk Albany ran her hands over her face whilst she yawned, her jetlag had finally caught up with her after the aeroplane journey a few days ago. Settling back down in her bunk she felt the soft vibrations of the tour buses engine, it was now leaving the Manchester venue. They were on route to London,  the second ritual was due in a day's time. Albany soon fell back into slumber, but without any warning an angry voice disturbed the silence of the tour bus.

" What do you think you're doing?!"

The angry voice startled Albany, she immediately pulled back the curtain and climbed out of the bunk. She stumbled slightly and hurried down the aisle towards the middle of the tour bus. Two ghouls peered from one bunk while she passed by it, they were already in their ghoul piles for the night. The scent of hot dogs soon filled the air, there was a strange bubbling sound coming from the kitchen. Her sight was soon greeted by Copia and her Father standing in the kitchen, the elderly Papa looked furious with his prodigy. Copia looked nervous and startled, she was unsure what had happened. 

Albany stood in the doorway and looked around the little kitchen. The coffee pot was boiling away in it's holder, there was a plate with a hot dog buns on the counterside. It seemed like someone was cooking a late meal. Her hand resting against the door frame she tried to ease the tension between the man and the phantasm, her Father's raised voice may disturb the rest of the sleeping ghouls.

" What's going on?" She asked, there was curiosity in her words. " Did somethings happen?"

" The boy is trying to cook hot dogs in the coffee maker!" Papa yelled, he motioned his hands towards the machine. " The coffee will taste like hot dogs for the rest of the tour now!"

" Oh..." Albany said.

" It's not like you can drink coffee anyway, Pops!" Copia said before he turned his gaze towards the elderly deceased Papa. " You're dead and see-through, it would go straight through you!"

" That's not the point!" Papa frowned.

" It's a very valued point if you're causing puddles on the tour bus!" Copia said.

" How dare you!" Papa yelled.

" Okay, enough!" Albany said while she approached the arguing Papas. " No more arguing, it's getting late! The ghouls and ghoulettes are trying to sleep, not to mention you may disturb the driver's concentration!"

" He started it!" Papa scowled.

" Stop yelling, Papa!" Albany said with a deep sigh. " I'll deal with the hot dogs in the coffee maker, it's an easy mess to clean up. Just go back to your casket and take a nap, we'll speak in the morning about your saxophone solo."

" The boy should be cleaning up his own mess!" Papa grumbled. " The tour bus stinks!"

" That smell could be you..." Copia muttered.

" I heard that!" Papa frowned.

" Just go to bed, Papa." Albany sighed.

" Fine, fine!" Papa said.

Papa Nihil gave Copia a spiteful look before he wandered down the aisle of the tour bus, he grumbled to himself along the way. Albany sighed to herself and turned her attention towards her lover, his gaze immediately went to the coffee maker. He looked a little embarrassed, his cooking skills were still questionable after all of the years she had known him. She had no idea why he was using the coffee maker to cook his hot dog sausages instead of a saucepan, but she found his little mishap intriguing. Tenderly touching his arm Albany told him to take a seat, it seemed like her assistance would still be needed before she retired for the night.

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