Adult Education

By DezertFlower

391K 12.4K 1.2K

BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there is in fact life after high school! Even after you have done your last teenage year... More

Lesson of life
1. The third son
2. Into the lion's den.
3. A curvaceous body with legs a mile long.
4. I'll give you one minute!
5. A shoal of attractive men
6. Loud enough to wake up the dead
7. My own secret safe haven.
8. Are you sure about this?
9. You certainly have the touch.
10. A mix of surprise and doom.
11. I am calling a cab.
12. Big mouth, know-it-all.
13. Fair point well made, darling
14. Did I just say that out loud?
15. Snatch the son
16. Nobody takes what's mine
17. Things just got complicated
18. Made for a dwarf . . . with no luggage.
19. You have no clue, have you?
20. You are so pathetic it's pathetic!
21. Damn the need for oxygen!
22. What side of you?
23. The way you kissed him.
24. Yes, there is a God!
25. You think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
26. Another dashing Hollander son
27. Something painful and close to medieval torture.
28. The Youngblood touch
30. The nerve of that man
31. He isn't the one you want
32. A loaded gun about to go off.
33. Some kind of a King
34. The fun part begins.
35. No need to be Einstein.
36. Put your foot down
37. Eye for details
38. Just a small part
39. HE IS
40. I guess you must have read my book
41. Like father, like son

29. Not the end of the world.

5.8K 294 28
By DezertFlower

Billy stared straight ahead into the wall in front of him. He did not even blink one single time and he could feel himself turn ashen as all the color drained from his face.

"Co . . . come again?" he almost stumbled on the words and he felt his throat turn dry as a desert..

"She is not going through with the abortion," Kyle silently told him again. He knew that the eruption that was about to come from Billy in about just a few seconds was going to be ugly.

Billy breathed hard through his nose and his hand holding the phone was shaking so hard he almost dropped it. The words from Kyle almost made him blow a fuse, then a low growl traveled from his chest up his throat.

"WHAT?" he then barked out with frustration, "Is she actually keeping that bastards baby? I can't fuckin' believe it!"

He had to muster all of his strength as to not throw the damn phone into the wall. God, he wanted to trash something . . . anything!

"No, " Kyle made an attempt to cut in on the other line. He could hear the very eminent anger and frustration in Billy's voice.

"Bloody hell, " Billy hissed and started to pace back and forth in front of the garage, "She must be out of her mind."

"No Billy, you see, she told me it's not his chi . . ." Kyle tried again but was once more cut off by Billy's booming voice.

"Damn her! That woman told me that she loved me, and after what that bastard did to her she is still going to keep his . . . " as Kyle's words finally registered with him, Billy stopped his ranting abruptly and gaped widely, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

"She told me that it is not Brad's child, " Kyle repeated in a calm voice.

Billy was at a loss for words and it seemed like forever before he got his tongue back in place and was able to speak.

"She told you that?" he asked closing his eyes slowly.

Kyle could hear the disbelief in Billy's voice as he asked that question.

"YES! She told me that she could not do it . . .AND that it was NOT Brad's child."

~ ~ ~

The birds in the park chirped loudly, some dogs barked in the distance and the weather was picture perfect with a bright sunny sky with almost no clouds at all and a warm caressing breeze, but that didn't help Cassie at all. She couldn't help but to feel like a bag of dung as she sat there on the bench next to Lisa. She felt like she deserved to feel like that.

"Come on, " Lisa tried to cheer her up, "It's not the end of the world."

Cassie gave her a sideways glare.

"I know that, " she muttered and clasped her hands together. "But it seems like everything is turning to shit no matter how or what I do right now."

Lisa tilted her head to the side and looked Cassie up and down.

Cassie looked back and saw the frown on Lisa's face, knowing that she wanted a continuation of that sentence she had spoken. Taking her time, Cassie took a deep breath before she spoke.

"There is a slight possibility that I may have not told you everything here."

Lisa's eyebrows shot up almost at once and she blinked at Cassie in surprise.


Cassie swallowed.

"Brad has been coming around every day since I moved out, begging me to come back."

Lisa stared back at her, her eyes wide with surprise.


"He's is really sorry, and he has been really persistent, " Cassie shrugged her shoulders apologetic.

Lisa pursed her mouth, looking grim.

"You are not seriously thinking of going back to that scumbag are you?"

Cassie's eyes turned down into her lap.

"I am all alone Lisa. Billy made it pretty clear to me what he thinks about me, and Brad is still my husband."

Instantly Lisa held her hand up and waved it around frantically.

"Now you just hold it there. Stop it, stop it, stop it, " she blurted out.

"He is, " Cassie quickly said to her own defense, "we ARE still married, you know."

"Not that, " Lisa dramatically dismissed that fact with another wave of her arm, "I want to know about Billy. What did he make clear to you? What did he tell you?"

Remembering the harsh words from Billy, Cassie could feel tears burn in her eyes and she had to look away as to not show Lisa.

She had been married to Brad seemingly like forever, and she had never once been unfaithful to him . . . until Billy came along like a freight train and swept her off her feet.

She had tried her best NOT to fall for him, but he had been like a force of nature, making it impossible.

Of course she had fallen for him, the magical and top of the chart, crazy good, sex he had shown and given to her, as well as all the tender and loving words spoken to her in the heat of the moment , had made that a fact. She had fallen like a ton of bricks.

So when she had allowed Brad to do what he had done that 'ONE' time, weeks after she had come back from the cabin, it had made her feel like she had been unfaithful to Billy. With her own husband for crying out loud.

She swallowed and bit her lip slightly.

"He basically told me I was a slut who couldn't keep her panties on."

After one spontaneous laugh, Lisa gave her a scowl and shook her head.

"God, you are so naive girl."

Cassie made huge eyes. Lisa thought so too?

"What? I am?" Really, she had no clue. After have being married to Brad 'like forever' she felt like the most inexperienced girl in the world.

"He's a biker, right?" Lisa asked.

Cassie gave her a lame nod.

"And a business associate of Theo?"

Cassie nodded again.

"Doesn't that tell you anything girl?" Lisa was astounded.

It tells me more than you want to know, Cassie thought and held her breath for a second as she was about to lie.

"No, I have no idea."

Giving her a scrutinizing look, Lisa leaned her head to the side.

"Suuuuure." Was Cassie really taking her for a fool?

Rolling her eyes, Lisa sighed loudly.

"You know as well as I do that that is not true."

Cassie gulped nervously and she started to chew a little on her lower lip.

Damn that demure and fragile little girl, Lisa thought and pinned her eyes at Cassie, daring her to speak. She was so insecure that it was plain ridiculous.

"Now, come on and say it, " Lisa told her sternly.

"Please don't do this, " Cassie whined pathetically.

Lisa gave out an irritated snort.

"AW COME ON!" she exclaimed and threw her arms out in an annoyed gesture, knowing she had to be the one saying it, "That man is so deeply and madly in love with you and he is so god damn jealous that he is acting totally irrational. That man fell in love with you the first night he met you. If you can't see that, you really are such a pussy."

Feeling like she had been smacked in the face, Cassie gaped at her friend as her complexion turned deep scarlet. What did she mean, the first night?

Then a malicious grin spread in Lisa's face.

"I bet that is one of the things he loves so much about you . . . your sweet pussy."

Cassie caught her breath. Oh for god's sake, Lisa really had no inhibitions at all.

"LISA, CUT IT OUT!" she blurted out and looked around in the park to make sure nobody else had heard that comment.

Lisa kept on grinning at her.

"Aha, so now I got your attention, huh?" she turned her body sideways so she was face to face with Cassie. "You have to wake up girl, and you have to tell that rat Brad to take a hike, or I will do that for you. Or if I don't, Billy will certainly do it."

Cassie blinked. Oh hell no!

"YOU will not tell him anything, " Cassie said with her breath caught in her throat.

"Or you will do what?" Lisa asked with her smug grin still on her face.

Cassie came to a halt not knowing what to say.

Damn it, Lisa was right. She could not go back to Brad, no matter what. Not even if she felt like the loneliest person in the god damned world.

Cassie gave her a sad stare and she felt the burning of tears in her eyes.

"I will do nothing, I can't do anything about it Lisa. Billy doesn't want me. Not anymore. I allowed Brad to have me ONE night, ONE! And that was enough to make Billy despise me . . . and I was with my own husband for Christ sake." Cassie sighed heavily. "I can't help that Brad is stubborn."

Lisa sighed with a small shake of her head, the smile fading from her face.

"Billy does not despise you, I know that for a fact. Theo talks to him regularly." She made a small pause to correct her hair, "And Theo tells me one thing or two once in a while."

Cassie wasn't surprised.

"I bet he does, " she said with a hint of bitterness, " and I know exactly WHEN he does it."

The smug grin returned on Lisa's face.

"You do don't you, huh? Okay, now I am just waiting for you to tell me, " she said cryptically and glanced knowingly at Cassie.

Cassie stared with confusion at her.

"Tell you what?" Honestly, what did Lisa mean with that?

The glimmer in Lisa's eyes and the way she moved her eyebrows up and down really made Cassie alarmed.

"Who Billy really is," Lisa said with a cool voice, "I want to hear you say it."

"Say what?" Cassie felt a strange chill run down her spine when she saw Lisa roll her eyes.

"Jesus Christ, " Lisa hissed and gestured with her arms, "I really must be good at acting, not even Theo has figured out yet that I know."

Cassie closed her eyes. God, do I dare to ask? She could feel the color drain from her face.

"What do you know?"

Tapping her fingers on her own lap, Lisa made a well calculated pause before she spilled the beans with a hushed voice.

"The fact that Billy is Theo Hollander's oldest son."

~ ~ ~

Just packing the few things most needed, Billy closed his backpack and threw it over his shoulder as he cleared the clubhouse door. He gave a nod to Ryan as he walked over to his bike with determined steps.

"Okay, once again Prez . . . are you really sure about this?" Ryan muttered and took the backpack for a second as Billy don his helmet and straddled his Harley.

Turning on the ignition, Billy held it on idle running as he took the backpack from Ryan, glaring at him from under his bangs.

"Yes, this time I am sure. I'm going to get my woman back."

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