The Sound of Rain ^Minsung^

By allisung111

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Westfair is the fictional city this story takes place in. It's small but cozy, rainy, but fun. Jisung loves h... More

A chance meeting
Not a typical one night stand
A friend
I'm here to study. Obviously
Drunken Intentions
Beth's perspective
Heart attack
First 'real' date
Apps and snacks
Minho's perspective
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Drowning in you
The winds of time
To love is to ache
Just for a little while
You are all I need
Life is like pasta... messy but delicious
Epilogue: To love is to live

Totally forgotten

910 63 22
By allisung111

Jisung stared at the phone sitting on the cluttered nightstand beside his bed. Was he breathing right?

Just answer the damn phone. If anything he'll get suspicious if you don't answer.

But I don't want to answer if he remembers everything!

Then what, you'll just avoid him forever? Yeah right.

At the last second Jisung scrambled to answer the phone. "Hey, what's up?" Was that convincing voice acting?

"Hey Jisung, it's Minho- I know you already know that, that was stupid to say, sorry. Um..."

Jisung's anxiety grew the longer the silence was drawn out. "Are you okay? he finally asked, albeit hesitantly.

Minho cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm just hungover as hell. Um... did I do or say anything stupid last night? I can't remember how I got home, but I saw in my history that I called you, so I'm assuming you brought me home?"

Relief had Jisung melting into a puddle on his bed. "I did. And don't worry, you were fine. You mostly just passed out right away." It wasn't a total lie, but he wasn't about to spill the whole truth.

"So I didn't do or say anything to make you uncomfortable, right?"

Jisung's skin flushed as last night flashed through his mind again. It was uncomfortable in a way, but he also didn't totally hate it. It's not like Minho did anything sexual or violent. He was just... snugly and confused. Or maybe Jisung was the one that was confused. "No. Anything you said you muttered in Korean, so even if you said anything embarrassing I have no idea what it was." Another partial lie.

"Oh geez," Minho muttered. A light shuffling was heard on the other side of the phone speaker. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. Mark got accepted into a big scholarship of some sort and he wanted to celebrate. I agreed to a few drinks and I guess I got... carried away."

Jisung chuckled. "You're kind of a cute drunk, so it was fine. Funny and cute." That part was true.

Minho scoffed. "Now I'm at the disadvantage again, because I have no idea how you are when you're drunk."

"I don't get drunk very often. And when I do I get super sleepy. Also are you implying you want to get me drunk?"

"No no no, not at all," Minho scrambled, stuttering slightly.

Jisung laughed. "I'm teasing. How's the headache?"

"Killer. But I'm not one to complain about the obvious consequences of my actions."

"Want to come over for some hot chocolate? I just bought some to make." The invitations was out before Jisung could realize what he was saying.

"You know what, that sounds delightful. As long as the sun isn't going to blind me while I'm over there."

Jisung smiled as he began crawling out of bed. "It won't. I'm not a morning person, I don't open my curtains until I'm fully and completely awake."

"Oh, did I wake you up?"

"No, I naturally woke up a while ago. I'll be getting ready, you can just walk in."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I showered last night, so you won't have to worry about walking in on my naked." Why did I say that?

A beat of silence. "Okay, I'll be over in five." 

Jisung beamed. "Okay!

Even though Minho didn't remember last night, Jisung definitely did, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous while he got dressed and tried doing his hair. He was more nervous about how he would act around Minho rather than the other way around, but he knew he couldn't avoid him forever.

The sound of his front door opening reached his ears as he grabbed a few mugs to use for the hot drinks, and a moment later Minho's voice was echoing from the entryway.

"Just double checking if I can come in!"

Jisung chuckled. "Yes, I'm in the kitchen!"

A second later Minho appeared, wearing a black t-shirt and black joggers. He was rubbing his arms. "It's colder outside than I expected it to be."

"Why didn't you bring a jacket?"

Minho shrugged, his eyes travelling over the Halloween lights that trailed the edge of the kitchen counter. "It's ten steps to your apartment, I wasn't going to bother with one. And October isn't for another three days," he pointed out, gesturing to the decorations.

Holidays don't last long enough, I like to be festive for as long as I can," Jisung defended. His mom used to tease him about the excessive decorations he would use way before and during each holiday, but that never stopped him.

"You should decorate my place. It's... dull, as you've seen."

Jisung gestured to the stools placed at the counter. "You can sit down. And it isn't bad to have a... dull place. You're a busy man, after all."

Minho lightly rolled his eyes as he placed himself on one of the stools. "Are you making fun of me right now?"

"No, not at all. The only decoration anyone should have is a TV."

"If you don't want to help decorate my place, you only need to say so."

Jisung nearly dropped the cocoa mix. "No, no, I would love to!"

Minho chuckled. "I thought so. By the way, do you need any help? I'm just sitting here."

"No, it's okay. Making hot chocolate is pretty easy."

The pair slowly settled into a conversation about Minho's other friends that he managed to make since moving to the States. He wasn't terribly close with any of them and only saw them on weekends at social events he happened to attend.

When asked, Jisung didn't bother sugar-coating the fact that he never really had friends. He tried explaining that his lack of friends was due to his circumstance and not who he was as a person. Minho understood and only teased him about it lightly.

The air in Jisung's kitchen was warm with easy conversation and the smell of chocolate. The previous night was mostly forgotten during their visit, and Jisung felt like he was settling in a large, warm bed when it came to being around Minho.

Jisung wasn't one to deny his own feelings, and he knew without a doubt that his crush on Minho was steadily growing. He didn't want that, he wanted to avoid feeling so much that he would break when Minho eventually left. But emotions were like waves, sometimes calm, sometimes sailable, and other times raging and unpredictable. All he could do was prepare his ship for every condition he saw on the horizon.

Two hours went by much too quickly, and before he knew it Minho was leaving to join a meeting of some sort.

Jisung was in the midst of cleaning up when he caught a hint of Minho's scent, that smell of sweetened coffee and desserts, and it brought his mind back to the night before instantly. Needless to say, he was still highly affected by what happened.

He didn't have any experience when it came to romance, he didn't have any experience when it came to... physical things, so he wasn't really sure what to think or how to act. Having Minho draped over him was... something he should stop thinking about immediately.

Jisung decided to distract himself by going shopping. If he was going to help decorate Minho's apartment, he was going to take it very seriously. He spent too many hours and too much money wandering between shops buying fall and Christmas themed decorations. But at the very least, his mind was put to use for a day.

Once he got back to his apartment, he put on a random show, which ended up being some hallmark romance. But he didn't mind, sometimes laughing at a cringy show was a good way to pass the evening. However, Jisung found his thoughts wandering to Minho as the movie progressed. The dates the main characters went on were rather cliche, but... so were the things he'd done with Minho.

They took a stroll in the park. They enjoyed hot chocolate together. All that was ice skating and kissing under the mistletoe.

It was then that Jisung realized he was watching a Christmas movie at the end of September, and he turned it off. And just like that, Minho was loud in his thoughts once again.

And Jisung's mind was good at falling into the trap of his thoughts.

He remembered Minho falling against his shoulder, the way his arms fit around his waist. He could still feel Minho's weight on top of his body, warm and comforting in a way Jisung hadn't expected.

Jisung used to imagine being held by someone as he fell asleep some nights. Tonight, he drifted to sleep right there on his couch, this time imagining Minho holding him close.


Jisung wished his terrible memory would come into play when it came to the night he helped a drunk Minho get home. Every time things got a little quiet, his mind would replay that night. Every time he did something with Minho he would find himself staring when the other wasn't looking. It didn't help that Minho was a continuous flirt. He could pull a blush from Jisung easily, and then he would tease him about it.

But eventually, those thoughts faded a bit, and Jisung slowly found it easier to act normal around Minho.

A week had passed by this point, and Jisung was working in the library late tonight since Beth had to go to the hospital with one of her daughters. He didn't know any of Beth's family, but she told him it was for the best. Apparently they weren't the greatest people, as her two children mostly took after her ex-husband. So the night was stress free.

It was nearing closing time, and the library was quiet save for the sound of Jisung typing on the computer. After a time he pushed his glasses up and rubbed his face, feeling tired after staying up late watching a new anime series.

"Ah, is someone a little sleepy?"

The foreign voice made Jisung jump, and he quickly dropped his glasses to see who was speaking. Everything in his body went utterly stiff at the sight of Jason, the guy that made him feel uncomfortable and violated just by being in his presence a few weeks ago.

"Oh-uh, I'm sorry?" Jisung stammered, unsure of how to act.

Jason ran a hand into his blonde hair, his eyes flickering over Jisung a few times. "Don't you remember me? Because I definitely remember you. The cute librarian."

Once again, Jisung's instinct was to shrink away, but he was working, he had to remain as professional as possible. "Um, I'm not sure if I do. Remember you, that is. But can I help you with anything?"

Jason was still staring in an uncomfortable way, and he very suddenly reached forward and nudged Jisung's glasses down his nose a little, causing him to jolt back at the sudden intrusion of his space. "You know, you'd look much cuter without these. They block up the view."

I'm going to throw up. People like this actually exist? Jisung rolled back in his stool a little, making sure there was plenty of space between them, and adjusted his glasses. "I'm sorry, if you don't need anything, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

A strange scent suddenly filled the air, one of citrus and tea, and a strange chill ran down Jisung's spine, as if telling him something was wrong. And once again, it was like Jason knew how much he was affecting Jisung.

"You want me to leave?" he asked in a mocking tone, as if challenging him to repeat what he said.

"Yes, I do. The door is over there." Jisung pointed at the door, his other hand slowly gripping a thick textbook in case he needed to defend himself.

Jason slowly smirked. "You're quite bold, looking when in the eye when you're-"

The doors opened, making him stop mid-sentence as he glanced over his shoulder to glare at whoever came in.

Relief jumped into Jisung's chest at the sight of Minho strolling in, his feline eyes narrowing on the situation in front of him.

Jason pushed himself off the counter with a heavy sigh. He glanced back at Jisung. "I guess I'll see you around, huh?" He winked and then turned to leave.

Minho fixed him with a dark glare as he passed.

"Problem?" Jason grumbled, shaking his head as he brushed past him.

Minho visibly bristled, but he turned to Jisung the moment Jason left the library. "Are you okay? What just happened?"

It was then that Jisung realized his hands were shaking ever so slightly, and he folded his hands together to ease them. "I'm fine, I think, that was just... weird."

Minho strode over to the counter, concern etching his handsome features. "What did he do, Hannie?" he asked gently, reaching his hand out.

The sudden use of the nickname had Jisung's chest feeling funny, but he felt his body relax upon smelling Minho's familiar scent. It was like it was replacing whatever Jason had made him feel. He instinctively took Minho's offered hand. "He didn't really do anything, he just... made me feel insanely uncomfortable in my own skin."

Minho's thumb gently rubbed over Jisung's palm, sending calming waves washing up his arms and through his body. "I'm sorry. You tell me if he ever bothers you again, okay?"

Jisung made himself nod. "Yeah, I will. Creeps are just the worst."

"I agree." Minho slowly released Jisung's hand and cleared his throat. "Where's Beth?"

Jisung felt himself reset as his mind pushed away what just happened. "She's taking care of something with her daughter. It's just me closing up tonight."

Minho nodded, his eyes scanning over the quiet library. "Is it usually this dead at this time?"

"Yeah, not very many come in after eight."

"Then why do you stay open so late?"

Jisung smiled, tilting his head a little. "Come on, you're a college student, you should know what procrastination is. We stay open for as long as we can so that if anyone forgets or puts off an assignment, they still have a chance to come here for whatever they need."

Minho smiled. "Beth is an intelligent lady."

"She is indeed." Jisung closed the binder he'd been using previously, deciding that inputting numbers could wait. "So what have you been up to today?"

"Eh, just had some classes. And Yu-Mi called, apparently my dad has been pressuring her and he'll be pressuring me soon enough. So I have that to look forward to."

Jisung winced. "Ouch." He leaned against the counter, crossing his arms under himself. "It sure sucks being a rich heir," he teased, giving Minho an over sympathetic look.

Minho played along, bracing his hands on the counter to lean closer to Jisung. "It is very difficult. I get money sent to me for free every month. It's quite the struggle."

"Poor baby."

"Poor, my ass."

Jisung snickered, unable to keep up the act for very long.

Minho laughed along with him. "So how was your day?"

"Quiet. Up until... that guy, anyway."

"Ah, yes. And it was quiet enough that you're trying to learn Korean?" Minho asked, his eyes catching onto something sitting beside the computer.

Jisung's face heated as he glanced at the language book Minho was looking at. "Oh, uh... yeah, maybe." He grabbed the book and tucked it under the binder.

Minho's small chuckle was cute. "Don't be embarrassed, Hannie. You said you wanted to learn more, didn't you?"

"Well, sort of. I just... thought I'd try again since it might be cool to talk to you in your native language for once."

Something seemed to melt in Minho's dark gaze. "You know," he slowly reached over, making their shoulders brush, as he grabbed the language book from under the binder, "as a native Korean speaker, I can help you out with that."

Jisung's eyes widened slightly. "Oh, I'm not going to make you teach me."

"What if I want to?"

"You're already so busy-"

"Jisung," Minho said, laughing a little as he grabbed his attention, "I'm not that busy. Besides, you know my evenings are totally free."

"So?" Jisung ventured cautiously, too drawn in by Minho's eyes to back down.

"How about we have a Korean lesson here every night since it's pretty empty at this time? Learning any language with help is much easier with someone else to help." Minho wiggled the book as he waited for Jisung's answer.

Jisung's brain spun around a few times. "You'd really give up your evenings to teach a brainless idiot another language?"

Minho lightly smacked his arm with the book. "You're not a brainless idiot, Jisung. If I hear you talk down about yourself again I will hurt you."

"How toxic."

Minho bit down a laugh and lightly shook his head. "So?" he asked, once again waving the book. "What do you say?"

Jisung bit his lip, and he felt himself blush as he noticed Minho's eyes jump to his lips instantly. He unconsciously swiped his fingers over his mouth, as if he could wipe away the blush staining his skin. "Okay. Let's do it. And thank you."

Minho lit up. "Very good. I'm an excellent teacher, trust me on this." He tapped Jisung's shoulder with the book. "Come on, let's start tonight."

"Well Beth isn't here, so I can't really leave the front desk-"

"Hannie, it's nine-thirty, I don't think anyone else is coming in."

"You'd be surprised."

Minho rolled his eyes in a dramatic way. "We can handle that if someone walks in, okay? Come on, we can sit at that table I like so that we're out of the way but you still have a view of the front."

Jisung wasn't sure why this was making him feel warm all over, but he wasn't going to complain. And he was weak when it came to Lee Minho. "Fine." He came around the counter. "I will warn you, I know basically nothing. And my pronunciations are probably all over the place."

"That's what I'm here for." Minho's eyes flickered down to Jisung's hand as if he was going to take it, but he kept his hands to himself and led the way to the table near the shelves at the rear of the front area.

Jisung's mind danced back to a week prior, when he was helping Minho to bed. He could feel his arms wrapped around his waist again, and he blushed furiously. Why is that night still haunting me? Especially right now?

They set up at the table Minho led them to, and it took all of Jisung's concentration to stay in the present. He was friends with Minho, and that's all they would ever be. He had to remember that.

"Okay, show me where you are in this little book," Minho began, sliding said book over to where Jisung sat next to him.

Jisung snorted. "I'm literally on page three."

"Hey, that's better than page two."


Minho shook his finger. "Now, now, the littlest things make the biggest difference in language. Every progress is a victory, that's your first lesson."

Jisung gave a small two finger salute. "Yes sir."

A small laugh bubbled out of Minho as he flicked Jisung's cheek. "Come on, take this seriously."

Jisung pouted, rubbing his cheek. "That was mean."

"I'll be more mean if you don't pay attention."

"Okay, fine." Jisung flipped the book open and pointed at the top of the page where he'd left a sticky note. "That's where I left off."

Luck was on their side that evening, as the library remained empty until closing time, and after Jisung locked the doors, he and Minho stayed for another hour, having a strange amount of fun with the Korean lesson. And finally, when Jisung's brain couldn't take it any more, they decided it was time to head home.

The drive home was short, which was a blessing since the car was nearly as cold as it was outside. Minho grumbled about how cold it was already, and Jisung teased him about it.

Once Minho's car was parked, Jisung reached for the door handle. "Well, thanks for the lesson. I'm surprised you didn't give up after seeing how dumb I can be."

"Hey, what did I say?" Minho scolded, giving him a sharp look.

Jisung bit his lip. "Sorry."

Minho's eyes flicked to his lips, then quickly went back to his eyes. "By the way..."

Something about his tone made Jisung's body pause while his heart began pounding in his chest. "What is it?" he asked, voice much quieter than before as he met the feline eyes staring at him.

Minho bit the inside of his cheek in consideration, then let out a sigh. "Um... I'm sorry for last week."

Huh? "Last week? Minho, I already said that I don't mind picking up my drunk friend."

"Well, I know that, but I'm apologizing for... how I acted."

Oh shit. He remembers, doesn't he? "Wh- what do you mean?" Jisung stammered quickly, doing a terrible job of acting casually.

"Just... just now at the library, I noticed that your hair smells good, you must use some nice shampoo or something, but that's not my point." Minho paused in his rambling, and Jisung's heart only thundered harder. "I, uh, I noticed that same smell on my pillow the morning after I came home drunk. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry for it from the bottom of my heart."

A cloud passed over Jisung's brain as he tried to think of how the hell to react and respond to this. He could smell me on his bed? I'm doomed. "Oh, there's not much to apologize for, I can assure you of that."

Minho suddenly grabbed his hand, making him jolt slightly. "Jisung, what did I do? Really?"

Jisung was a terrible liar, and he knew it. So he took a deep breath. "When I was helping you to bed, you just pulled me down with you. You didn't do anything horrible or out of line. You're simply a cute, silly drunk, that's all."

It felt as if Minho was staring into his soul. "Promise?"

A short nod. "I promise."

Minho released a small breath. "Good. I was afraid that I did something horrible and you were just too scared to say anything."

"Not at all. And the fact that you're so worried about it means a lot." Jisung found it in himself to smile past his red face. "You are too good for this world, Lee Minho."

Minho cracked a smile. "Says the one that called me Meanie."

Jisung scoffed, smacking Minho's arm. "Everything is fine, and you are a good guy."

"Thanks, Hannie."

Jisung opened the door. "That's still a silly nickname."

"And you love it."

He rolled his eyes. "Goodnight, Minho."

"Goodnight, Jisung."

Jisung's heart didn't settle down for the rest of the night, and his dreams were filled with Lee Minho.

Yes, he was, in fact, doomed.

------------------------- Another part, finally! Writing four minsung books at once can be hard to balance lol.

Also as I'm typing this I'm mega sick, like bad fever, chills, all the good stuff. But I promised myself I would update today, and writing actually makes me feel better!

So! I hope you enjoyed! And stay healthy.

Thanks for reading :)))))

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