Lost In The Realm

By Robknock

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A young girl comes to grips with fear at a time of peace in The Realm.But peace is a relative term it seems.T... More

chapter 1 "The trip to the lake"
chapter 3 "The Gathering Place"
chapter 4 Slow to fear
Chapter 5 Alone
Chapter 6 Unwanted Guests
Chapter 7 Decisions
Chapter 8 Discovery
chapter 9. Shelter
Chapter 10. The Hunt
Chapter 11 Relief and Respect
chapter 12. Escaped
chapter 13. Crossed Paths
chapter 14 strange encounter

chapter 2 "Trail Ahead"

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By Robknock

      Glinda awoke to the sounds of children playing,the birds around the river were singing,it was going to be a great day she thought.
"Good morning sleepy head",her mother laughed as Sans helped hook up the team to their wagon.The camp was a flurry of activity.Every one was preparing to leave.Her mother came over and handed her some portage with berries in it."you need to eat up quick girl,there's still a pot of hot water on the fire if ya want to clean up".
"Thank you mother",Glinda said as she hurried off.
The wagons pulled out together with Glinda's family in front.the Jans'es we're behind them then the rest, followed by the two soldiers.
That morning Sans and the two soldiers gathered all the adults around and filled them in on what they thought they should do,stop only briefly ,for a break,then push through to The Gathering place.lots of questions were asked and many had doubts,but in the end, Sans convinced them to keep going. After riding for a couple hours Glinda grabbed a water skin from under the seat and noticed her mother had put the bow with a quiver of arrows there and her sword was also unwrapped and within arms reach.she sat up and offered her mother a drink.which she did,handing it back smiling she pointed to Sans.Glinda looked up at the big man and smiled "drink Sanny"?he smiled back "ah, thank you missy"he took a long haul and handed it back.she put it away and looked at the weapons,then at her mother.Sans and her mother seemed to be scaning all the area ahead and around. Glinda looked around at the Brite sun then back at them.
"Ok what's going on, you two and what was that sound last night"?
Her mother said ,"what"and looked at Sans,then nodded yes.
      Sans let out a long sigh,"not much gets by you,what do you want to know"?smiling.
"What was bothering the horses last night?was it that sound I heard coming from the river",Glinda blerted out to fast.
"I'm sorry," Glinda said shyly,it's just mother bringing her sword,which she never has,and father going off with those soldiers,and having two soldiers with us,then hearing those strange sounds,just has me curious that's all".
"Well your father thought it would be a good idea to be well armed in case of trouble",said her mother.
       Sans said,"yes it's true, that there seems to be more bandit activity,but not to worry ,I shouldn't think they would bother this big of group of mostly farmers".
    "A few families with us have some strong men with them and some were soldiers in the past".that statement made both Ladies feel more at ease.
      "The sounds"? Glinda asked.
"You know I've traveled most of the Realm and hunted in the Castine mountains,along our southern border,and have never heard anything like that in my life", shrugging Sans went quite.
      They all rode in silence until it was time to give the animals a break.They stopped on a rise which gave them a commanding view of there surroundings.Glinda and her mother broke out buckets to water for the horses.Other people were doing the same.
      The two brothers, Jeff and Gregg rode up and dismounted, letting their horses graze.
      Sans came over to them."See anything"?
     Both men shook their head no.
      Sans looked at Jeff "what"?,
"It's nothing I can put a finger on ,but I thought I heard calls like a wolf call,or something like that. I dunno, but i got this gut feeling,like somethings about to happen.
     "We'll move on shortly and skip over the next camp spot,then push through to the lake,a day early".
       "Mr. Jans said some men from his log yard should catch up with us and will help out with riding guard to the lake",said Gregg.
      Sans nodded his approval"that will help,when they get here have them bring up the rear and I would like you two up front".
     "Sounds good sir", they saluted smiling ,then rode off.
     Sans went back to the wagon to find Glinda shooting her bow,with direction from her mother.Glinda sighted in an arrow at a small pile of hay, breathing slowly ,she let it fly."that's much better dear", her mother said.
"Nice shot girl, you're really improving",Sans said smiling.
Glinda blushed "Thanks Sanny"she replied, gathering up her arrows.
     "Time to go"?her mother asked Sans.
      "Yes we should reach the gathering place just before dark"Sans stated.
       After putting away her bow Glinda scooped up the hay and put it in the wagon so not to waste it.
       The wagons had been on a hillside trail overlooking long clear meadows for about an hour when a rider raced to catch up to them.
"Someone's coming", Glinda shouted from inside the wagon.
     Sans slowed a bit, the rider reigned in.
    "Sans"? The rider said ,over the sound of moving wagon.
      Nodding "what can I do for you" ,seeing it was one of the workers who were watching the rear of the wagon train.
     "Sir Mr. Jans told me to tell you we spotted a group of riders riding parallel to us a mile off or so".said the man.
      Glinda overhearing this came out to sit by her mother.
    "Where are they now,and where are the soldiers,"Sans asked looking behind.
      "They said they would catch up and went to check it out"he said in a rush.
      Sans looked up ahead ,the path they were on wound up a hill then into the coming forest."ok, thank Mr. Jans for me".
    "Sir",he said turning his horse back.
"What's that all about?"Glinda asked.
Coming out of a deep thought Sans looked at Glinda and smiled "oh nothing,the boys saw some horsemen riding away from us and went to check it out,that's all.
     "Glinda's mother looked at Sans,"you look worried,"
"No, a little concerned,"motioning the forest ahead ,"it's going to get slow in there and a bit close,the trail gets smaller on this side",said Sans.
     The wagons entered the forest.It seemed to get darker the longer they moved along the forest trail.
     "Seems to be getting dark early",Glinda's mother said as she looked around.
     "It's this forest,the trees here are some of the biggest and oldest in the Realm,"Sans commented.
"I have an I'll feeling about this place",she said to him fearfully. Sans looked over at Glinda,she stood and watched the trail ahead past the horses.
"She's a brave one",Sans said pointing to Glinda.
Her mother nodded yes,"but a bit nieve,she's never seen evil and she's to trusting of people".
"Well I hope she never will,like we have",he paused,"she's young yet and has a lot to learn about the world",Sans said.
"Aye,and men too," Glinda's mother said shaking her head smiling.
     The sound of horses running up from the rear stopped the conversion.It was the two young soldiers.Sans nodded "so what did you discover",Glinda turned and smiled to the younger brother,he waved back grinning then looking at Glinda's mother,his captains wife,he stopped smiling and dropped back a little beside the slowly moving wagon.
    Glinda noticed the look her mother gave the young soldier and laughed out loud.they all turned and looked at her,she stopped.her mother frowned,Glinda shrugging turned back to watch the trail.
     "Sir, it was a group of men on horses, they were riding parallel to us through out the plains, it looked like they stopped on top of a rise about a hour ago,where it appears they were observing us."the soldier said.
    "really,"asked Sans.
   "Yes, that's where the men from Mr.Jan's farm said they spotted them,when they rode in"."So we rode out as soon as they told us.we followed their tracks until they entered the forest going east towards the town of Silt",he finished.
"So I wonder who they were,"Sans said, kinda to himself.
"We got close enough for me to use my long glass,they appeared to be dressed as mercenaries,but the leader looked to be wearing some sort of long black robe,but it's hard to tell",looking back at his younger brother,who agreed.
     "You boys did good,would you mind taking point for awhile,we should be coming up to a small bridge shortly".
     "Sure we'll ride up ahead a bit to scout",said the older brother.with a quick salute they rode off.The younger one waved and smiled at Glinda as he past. Glinda smiled and waved back.
Glinda's mother said to Sans,"mercenaries?you think troubles"?
"I don't think so,if they rode on to Silt town,that's a human mining town,lots of those types of men travel there".Sans hesitated,"probably looking for work, they hire lots of mercenaries as guards there".
"Who are mercenaries Sanny"Glinda asked.
"Ah, there men who sell their swords and skill for money",Sans replied.
"Father always said they were in the battles, but never who they were"Glinda said.
"It's true,they were employed mostly by our enemies,for the kings in our history refused to pay men not loyal to the crown to fight,"Sans said.
Glinda's mother pointed up ahead,the two soldiers were waiting upon a narrow bridge.
Sans reigned in and all the wagons stopped.
"The road up ahead looks clear," Sir,said the oldest soldier.
Sans acknowledged the soldier,"that's good we should reach the Gathering Place by sunset".
Mr. Jans walked up to their wagon",any problems Sans"?he asked.
Sans smiled,"looks good from here on out".
"That's good news,shall we move on then"?Jans said.
Bowing slitly to Glinda and her mother and nodding to the soldiers he went back to his wagons.
        They started back up again ,the soldiers rode up ahead to lead.The youngest glanced back at the wagon.
Jeff glanced at his brother Gregg,"don't get to attached to that one little brother"chuckling.
"What", said Gregg as he turned back around.
"She's young and doesn't know men, she's also the captains daughter",what do you suppose he would think of you starring at her like that".
"Your probably right ,but she is quite beautiful",Gregg replied.Jeff just shook his head laughing,"that's the truth".

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