Those Blue Eyes

By MS3478

91.2K 1.4K 54

Story about y/n y/l/n, youre a professional footballer. You don't do relationships atleast thats what you tho... More

The offers
The choice
The signing
Welcome party
First training
Matchday Aston Villa
Australia or England
London Derby
Get yourself together
England camp
New roommates
Matchday Spain
Day off
Matchday Netherlands
First date
Matchday Leicester
Meeting the parents
Team night
Birthday party - part 1
Birthday party - part 2
Media day
Christmas morning
Happy new year
Matchday Manchester City
Continental cup final
Lovers into strangers
On loan
I promised
Authors note
First games
Semi final
Date in Australia
The final
Vacation - part 1
Vacation - part 2
Vacation - part 3

More then friends

1.5K 35 1
By MS3478

Yesterday we won the quarter final against Colombia with 2-1. In three days we will play Australia in the semi final, they won in an historical 20 penalty shoot-out from France. We are coming closer to the final every day with one last hurdle to win. I have scored 4 goals and have assisted 4 so far which I am really proud of, I hope to take the golden boot back home and ofcourse the world cup itself.
It was good to see my mom, sister, friends and family again after almost a year. It feels great to play while they are in the stands instead of behind a screen, it gives me extra motivation and confidence while playing. A funny thing was seeing my sister in a England shirt, she is a real Australia and Mathildas fan so I wonder who she will be supporting during the semi final. 

We have just finished our light training session for the day and I am walking back to my room with Niamh and Hempo, they are in the room next to mine and Jordan. Jordan and I still haven't spoken, not that I mind it. We don't hate eachother anymore but we also don't like eachother, I think we are civil, we talk if necessary but avoid when possible. 'Are you going to the relaxationroom?' Lauren asks when we stop infront of my hotelroom door 'Only if you are' I wink at her, Hempo and I have a bit of flirty banter going on this camp 'I am' She smiles and winks back 'I am to if any of you was wondering' Niamh says which makes the three of us laugh. 'Would be boring without you' Hempo says once we stopped laughing 'Yeah I know, I would find it boring without me to' I say with a grin and Niamh rolls her eyes 'Alright we are going, your ego is growing to big' Niamh says as she puts her arm over Hempo her shoulder 'See you' 'Bye'. I take a cold shower since it is hot outside especially when we are training and put on comfortable lose shirt with shorts before walking downstairs to the dinningroom. I decide on some salad with potatoes and meat before sitting down on a table with Beth, Georgia, Lucy, Keira, Bethany, Jordan and Leah. I sit down next to Bethany England and give her a fistbump while doing so, Leah sits opposite of me. 'Are you guys going tonight?' I ask everyone at the table referring to the activities in the relaxationroom after dinner 'Probably' Bethany answers 'Yeah' Georgia says 'Ofcourse' Beth says excited, she is never not excited. 'We are going' Jordan says as she puts her arm on Leah her chair, jealous much. Leah has been on my mind almost every second since she kissed me on my cheek, I can still feel her soft lips now. I have no clue what is going on between her and Jordan, she said she needs time so that is what I am giving her but I didn't knew that meant seeing her with Jordan. I don't even know if she really likes Jordan because it is clear she is a more distant to Jordan then Jordan is to her but I hope time will tell. But right now Jordan has nothing to be jealous about, Leah and I are just friends. Although I wouldn't mind if it would be something more but atleast she is in my life again and I am in hers so it is a good step forward.
During the rest of dinner an awkward tension hangs between me, Jordan and Leah, I try to ignore it while I am eating my food and having conversations with the other girls but I can't help share occasional glaces with Leah.
After we all finish dinner we make our way to the relaxationroom together, everyone gathers in a sort of cirle and seats either on the couches, a chair or the beanbags. I find a free space inbetween Niamh and Hempo so I sit down between them. 'Hi' Niamh says as I sit down next to her 'Hey' I reply with a smile 'Do you know what the plans are for tonight?' Niamh asks 'I dont know but I wouldn't be suprised if Millie and Rachel have thought about something' I reply 'They probably did' Niamh says smiling. Her smile is lovely but Leah her smile stays my favorite. I was right, Millie and Rachel have decided what we will be doing tonight. Who is most likely.. Spicy edition, typical Millie and Rachel, they are always the ones bringing the tension or awkwardness so they or others can have a laugh. The game starts of with some easy questions.

Rachel reads the first card aloud 'CK who is most likely to admit their darkest secret when drunk?' Chloe doesn't have to think long about that answer 'Esme and Ella 110%'. We all start laughing because they are definitly the ones to do so.

'Keira who is most likely to get a wolf whistle while being out?' Rachel reads a new card 'Almost everyone because we are all hot' Keira replies as shrugs her shoulders 'Boringg' Rachel says as she drags the g. 'Other question for you then' Millie starts 'Who is most likely to do the wolf whistle?' Millie asks 'I would say.. probably Rachel, Jordan or y/n' Keira answers not totally sure. 'We would' I reply with a proud smile and doing a wolf whistle to Keira while checking her out as a joke 'Eyes off mate' Lucy warns jokingly, I put my arms up in defence which makes the girls laugh.

'Leah who is most likely to text their ex when drunk?' Millie reads the next card, Leah needs to think about this for a moment 'I would say Esme, Katie, Alessia and Ellie' Leah says eventually and we all agree.

'Alex who is most likely to go skinny dipping?' Rachel asks 'When drunk?' Alex asks 'Yeah or in general' Rachel answers 'I think everyone would go if they have had enough to drink' Alex says laughing which makes us all laugh. 'But when sober you two and Beth' She adds pointing at Millie and Rachel who both start laughing.

'Bethany who is most likely to say the wrong name in bed?' Millie reads from the card 'I think.. Georgia, Lauren and y/n' England replies, some agree and others disagree 'Rachel would too' Beth adds.

'Y/n you got the most experience here right?' Millie asks 'Probably?' I question as I wonder were this is going 'Who would you say is most likely to moan the loudest during sex?' Millie asks with a big grin, me and some other girls start to laugh. My eyes travel unintentially to Leah, she is looking the other way but I can see her cheeks being a shade of pink. I look at the other girls and they are all looking at me waiting for my answer 'So I want to start of by saying moaning isn't something to be ashamed about' 'Guess we know y/n her turn on now' Rachel jokes and I give her the finger in response. 'I would say probably Hannah, Beth, Keira, Alessia, Niamh, Leah and Millie' I give as answer, the group start to cheer and whistle for the girls that I named. 'Me?' Millie asks suprised 'Yeah you' I say chuckling, Millie shakes her head but I catch her turn a bit red. I look back at Leah, she is already looking at me with a cheeky smile on her face, I give her a wink which makes her look the other way. We are botb thinking about the same thing. Jordan notices our interaction and doesn't seem to be amused about it. 'Lets play truth or dare' Jordan suggests, by the facial expression of the other I am not the only one suprised by Jordan her idea 'Sure but lets keep it spicy' Rachel says as she shrugs her shoulders, the others agree to. Before we start some return to their room because they are tired or just done with the games. Eventually Ellie, Millie, Leah, Niamh, Beth, Jordan, Georgia, Keira, Rachel, Bethany, Hempo, Chloe and I stay.

'Lets go around in a circle so everyone has a turn with questioning and answering' Millie suggests which means Beth starts for Keira. 'Would you prefer to be dominate or be dominated in bed?' Beth asks with a smirk, Keira turns red and whispers her answer while she looks down at the ground 'Be dominated' We all start laughing at how emberassed Keira is. Keira asks Chloe 'What is your biggest turn-off?' 'Poor manners, I better be treated as a princess' Chloe says and we all agree. More truths and dares are being asked until suddenly it is Niamh her turn to ask me 'Truth or dare?' I am not in the mood to do something so I choose truth 'Truth' 'What item of clothing do you think is the sexiest?' I don't have to think long about that answer because I can only think about one thing 'A red lingerieset' I say as I bit my bottom lip. Seeing Leah in that red set turns me on everytime. Leah and I have intense eye contact and I try my hardest not to imagine her in the set but it is really hard to get it out off my mind now. 'Your turn y/n' Niamh says pulling me back from my thoughts 'Hempo, truth or dare?' I ask her 'Dare' She replies 'Try to raise my heartbeat within 30 seconds' I say grinning. Shit that memory of Leah turned me on to much. 'Alright' Hempo says confident, she puts her hand on my thigh and starts moving towards my center, while she is doing that I can't help myself from looking at Leah, she is looking at my interaction with Hempo but doesn't seem to enjoy what is happening. Hempo puts her hand under my shirt and starts drawing circles un my bare stomach but my heartbeat doesn't go faster. Piep piep. The 30 second times goes off and Hempo jumps from my lap 'And?' She asks curious, I show her my smart watch with the exact same numbers as before she started. 'I want someone else to try' Hempo says stubborn as she looks around the circle 'Leah?' Hempo asks, my eyes widen. No Lauren not her, not here atleast with everyone around. Leah doubts her options for a second before she stands up, which causes some suprised and confused faces. I look at her with big eyes as she walks towards me, Jordan is moving uneasy in her seat as Leah is standing infront off me 'Good luck' I say grinning. I am going to fail this so hard. 'Go' Hempo says as the timer is restarted, Leah places herself on my lap and puts one arm around my neck while she places the other on my jaw. The funny feelings return at 100 miles an hour in my stomach. 'That is cheating' Hempo protests as Leah runs her tumb over my bottom lip, I turn my face towards Hempo 'There are no rules' I reply with a wink. I am enjoying this way to much. Leah puts the hand on my cheek and turns my face back towards her, our faces are inches away. My heart is bouncing out of my chest. My eyes travel to her lips and back to her eyes. I can't resist this any longer. Leah bites her lower lip and moves closer but instead of going to my lips she whispers in my ear 'Maybe you should remove your hands from my butt' Her lips against my ear and her warm breath against my skin sends shivers through my whole body 'I like them there' I whisper back which causes Leah to bluch. Piep piep. The times goes again 'Show us your watch' Leah says as she lifts herself from my lap, I look down at the numbers my watch shows. Jesus, Leah won this with ease. I hand Leah my watch not wanting to say the numbers myself, she is suprised herself 'So at first it was 85' Leah starts 'And now it is.. 150' Leah says with a giggle of the effects her actions have on me, the girls start to clap, cheer and whistle 'Exposeddd' Beth shouted which causes everyone to laugh 'Lets continue' I say trying to change the subject and luckily it works. The game continues and I keep exchanging glares with Leah, it is Jordan her turn to ask Leah a question 'What memory from your sex life turns you on the most?' That is an interesting question 'I uhh..' Leah stutters 'Don't be shy captain' Georgia teases 'Shower sex in the morning the morning after' Leah says bitting her lip. Fuck Leah keeps turning me on more and more with all those memories. 'Morning after?' Jordan asks confused and Leah immediately turns red. Well she definitly didn't do that with Jordan. 'Later' Leah replies brief and the game continues, eventually we are all bored and decide to head back to our rooms. Just as I want to enter mine Beth pulls me by my arm and we walk towards a quiet corner 'It was you right?' Beth asks 'What?' I asked confused not understanding what she on about 'You and Leah, in the shower, the morning after?' Beth clearifies 'Maybe..' I say smiling a little 'I knew it' Beth says excited 'Don't tell me you and Viv never done that' I say while stopping her from jumping up and down 'We have never' Beth says 'Really?' I asked suprised 'Nope' 'Well you really should' I tell her and we both start laughing. 'Well we should go to sleep' I say once we catch our breath again 'Yeah' I want to walk away but Beth holds my arm again 'Don't hurt her again alright, I saw the way you two interacted when she sat on your lap' I nod and she lets my arm go.

I try to fall asleep but I just can't manage to. Everytime I close my eyes I feel Leah sitting on me lap, her lips against my skin and then I am wide awake again not to mention very turned on. I need to go to her. I slowly get out of bed and put my sliders on 'Where are you going?' Jordan asks half asleep 'On a walk, can't sleep' I whisper 'Great then I can finally sleep without hearing you turn every second' She says in annoyence 'Lucky you' I say sarcastic as she turns around and faces the other way. I carefully check to corridor before leaving the room, I know Leah is alone because I overheard Lucy and Keira talk about having a sleepover tonight. I take the lift to her floor praying that she is awake since it is 2am. I knock gently on the door, nothing, I knock again but this time a bit harder luckily the door opens. 'Y/n what are you doing here?' Leah asks confused 'Can I come in?' I ask, Leah nods and opens the door further so I can step inside. 'So?' She asks curious 'I- I can't get you out of my mind Leah, everytime I close my eyes you appear' Leah wants to say something but I am first 'I can't stop thinking about you because I want you' Leah looks down and murmers something which I can't understand. I stand there awkwardly waiting for her to say something 'I- Shit' Leah says 'You really turned me on during that game, and all those memories' I say with a slight smile as I think back to those moments. Suddenly Leah pushes me against the wall and her lips connect with mine before I know it, I kiss her back directly. 'I want you too, really fucking bad' Leah says against my lip 'I really missed your lips' I say before I kiss hers again but this time it is soft and gentle, tasting every bit from it. We stumble towards the bed without breaking the kiss, it is like the first time all over again. Heavy breathing, hands roaming eachother bodys, racing heartbeat, tongues exploring the others mouth. Leah breaks the kiss as pulls my shirt off before pulling off her own, I pull my shorts of as she does the same. Our lips meet directly again, like a magnet is attached to them. My hand travels to Leah her back and unclips her bh with one hand before I tose it somewhere behind me in the room. My other heand finds her breast and it directly hardens under my touch as a few low moans escape Leah her lips. I break the kiss and lower then to her jawline, then her neck and her collarbone, I taste her skin like I have never been there before while my hand message her breasts. I make my way lower until I reach her boobs, leaving a trail of kisses behind 'Leah you are stunning' I tell her in a husky voice, before she can respond I take one of her nipples in my mouth so she replies with moans instead of words. Leah keeps arching her back against my core and rubbing it against my thigh which makes me smirk, I tease her some more before finally giving in. I leave her breasts and kiss down her toned stomach moving slowly towards her center, her pantys are wet once again. I pull them off in a split second which makes Leah whimper by the force I use. Leah is wetter then I have ever seen her 'Jordan didn't treat you very good did she?' I ask with a chuckle, Leah pulls my face towards her by the back of my neck and connect our lips 'Shut up and fuck me' Leah says breathing heavily, I smile against her lips 'Ofcourse princess'. I move my lips to her center, I let my tongue taste her before entering a two fingers, moving in and out letting her get used to my touch again. Leah grabs the bedsheet as I fasten my pace and connect my lips with her clit, moans escpace her mouth. I remove my mouth from her center to her lips and let her taste herself, swallowing the moans that she lets out when she tastes herself on my lips. I feel her walls thighten around my fingers and legs start to shake, without a warning I add a third finger just before she comes. She hides her moans with the back of her hand as she releases all over my hand and her body shakes. After Leah rode out her high, I remove my fingers from her but just as I want to clean them Leah grabs my hand and puts my fingers in her mouth, moaning as she tastes herself again. When I thought nothing could get me any wetter, this made me. 'Leah' I say under my breath as we hold eye contact 'Let me' She says while bitting her bottom lip and slipping her hand in my panty. A soft low moan escapes my lips as she rubs my clit. I throw my head back on the pillow as Leah enters a finger, my body reacts to her touch immediately and she knows it.

I lay down next to her both heavily breathing 'Wow' Leah says with a chuckle 'Yeah..' I sigh as I am still high from the sex we just had. I missed everything about her and I never want to miss her again. We lay in silence, both sweaty but enjoying each others company as Leah her head rests on my chest and my fingers run up and down her back. 'Can I ask you something?' I ask nervous, Leah hums 'Why did you went back to Jordan?' I feel Leah swallow when I ask the question. 'Because I needed someone after you' She says softly almost whispers. I can hear the pain in her voice but I need to ask these questions and to know the truth. 'But I am here now so why are you still with her?' 'I am not with her' She says defensive 'You know what I mean Leah' She sighs as she knows what I mean. 'It isn't that easy y/n' Leah says as her voice breaks a little, she clears her throat before she continues 'I loved you and you threw us away for some random girl, I needed to heal, reflect and I needed someone I could trust' She explains. 'Then what is this?' I ask insecure. That question has been circling around in my head for days and I need to know the answer. I look at Leah, the moon light shinning on her stunning face and lights up her beautiful blue eyes making her even more breathtaking. 'I don't know y/nn, I am still hurt and you need to earn my trust again' She says as she looks up at me with her chin resting on my chest, I nod 'I can do that' I tell her which causes a small smile to creep onto Leah her face. 'But I need to tell you something' She nods encouraging me to continue 'I would give my life if that means I could go back in time and change that one moment, I have regretted every day since the day it happend and will always regret it' I say as I tuck a piece of Leah her hair behind her ear 'Do you mean that?' Leah asks with a frown. I am not sure if she really believes me but I hope she does because I mean it from the bottom of my heart. 'Ofcourse Le, because I loved you and I have never stopped doing that. Your happiness is what makes me happy and seeing how much I hurt you broke my heart even more then that I was about to lose you' I tell her honest, this is my moment to open up about everything. 'You- you still love me?' Leah stutters as tears form in her eyes 'Jesus Leah, I could never stop doing that. I will love you in each lifetime' I wipe away the tear that escapes her eye 'You are still and will be everything to me' I tell her, my eyes soften as I want to show her my genuine and vulnerability. 'I- y/nn..' Leah starts but I interrupt her 'Its okey Leah, I jusr want you to know it' I say as I stroke her cheek with my tumb and give her a reassuring smile. 'I want- I still love you too' Leah says while we hold intense eye contact. Did she really just say that!? She did! I could jump a whole in the right now holy shit. My eyes travel from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes again, I catch her do the same thing 'You do?' I ask not really realising what she just said, Leah doesn't respond but just connects our lips again and tongues directly fight for dominance. 'I do' Leah whispers while our lips are still touching, we both smile like dumb little kids. I wrap my arms around Leah her waist and pull her closer to me before I place a long kiss on the top of her head 'Leah I want you to decide what is next, I will be okey with everything' I tell her as I don't want to pressure her into anything 'I want us to take our time, don't rush things and focus on winning the world cup' Leah says 'Then we do that' I say as I place another kiss on the side of her head, Leah snuggles deeper into my side and her head rests in between my neck and shoulder. 'But now lets sleep because I am tired' Leah says as she closes her eyes and lets out a comfortable sigh 'I think I should go back to my room then' I whisper softly 'No' Leah says stern 'But Keira could walk in tomorrow morning' I reason 'We will deal with that then, I want you in my bed tonight' Leah says and leaves no room for discussion, it makes a smile appear on my face because she want me and that feels good. I also didn't want to go back to my room so she didn't need to try hard to convince me to stay. 'Fine, I will stay' I give her a last kiss on her head before closing my eyes myself.

I dont ever want to leave her, never again.

A/N: I just want to clearify that I am not sexualising any person in this chapter nor in the whole story, I just enjoy writting and adding some spice to the story

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