The next in throne to be Godf...

By Starcrossed4ever

435K 17K 1.3K

An 21 year old African American girl named Annabel Smith is in college and meets the man of her dreams, the 2... More

Ch 1 At the beach
CH 2 why are you smiling
Ch 3 The 6 wildcats
CH 4 Dinner with the family
Ch 5 Preparing for the date
Ch 6 Six Flags
ch 7 The kiss
Ch 8 Cloud 9
Ch 9 My mother's interrogation
Ch10 the phone call
Ch 11 Are your family racists
Ch 12 Meeting the family
Ch 13 meeting the siblings part 1
Ch 14 Meeting the siblings part 2
Ch 15 girl talk
Ch 16 Meeting Sophia
CH 17 Talking about Annabel
Ch 18 Bob's Interrogation
Ch 19 What happened?
Ch 20 Dinner Talk
Chapter 21 The argument
Ch 22 The breakfast Table
Ch 23 Reminiscing
CH 24 The proposal part 1
Ch 26 A bad feeling
Ch 27 Who are you?
Ch 28 What is going on?
Ch 29 Two weeks later
Ch 30 The video
Ch 31 Eureka
A/N -changed Annabel siblings name
Ch 32 Where is she?
Ch 33 Looking for Annabel
Ch 34- Getting out of the warehouse
Ch 35 Finding Annabel
Ch 36. Seeing everyone

Ch 25 The proposal part 2

7.7K 365 26
By Starcrossed4ever

Ch 25

Annabel's engagement ring above

This is dedicated to geekynadz420 because you made me laugh with your comment on ch 3

Sammy POV

I am taking Annabel to an upscale restaurant "Eleven Madison Park". I chose this place because Annabel seemed really amazed when she heard about this restaurant. She wondered what it was like to eat a $225-per-person, 3-hour dinner at Eleven Madison Park which is named best restaurant in America. Therefore, I thought this would be a nice surprise for her.

We finally arrived. I climbed out of the car and opened the door for her to step out. When she stepped out and saw the restaurant her reaction was priceless

"Sammy are we eating here?" She asked turning to me

"Yeah" I smiled

She bounced up and down like a little girl and hugged me tightly.

Annabel POV

I can't believe I am eating at Eleven Madison Park. I really wanted to go here. I tried to hint to him several times for us to come here but he always seemed to ignore it. I have been hinting that I wanted to go here for several months but we always went somewhere different when we ate out. I lost hope about 3 months ago so this is a nice surprise that he decided us to bring us here for our anniversary.

I love when we go to restaurants that require proper attire which in other words mean dress to impress. It is fun to dress up and I feel like a new me when I get all dressy. I am definitely a girly girl. Although all the women in this restaurant looked beautiful in their dresses I feel really confident in how I look. I guess because Sammy kept mentioning how gorgeous I look and had all his attention on me. He always has attention on me which I am happy about because sometimes I do feel insecure especially since he is really handsome but those feelings tend to vanish and I don't get it anymore since he acts like I'm the best thing since sliced bread. That is what I always wanted in a guy.

When we finished eating it was time to exchange gifts. He told me to go first. Hopefully he likes my gift. He always spoils me so I wanted to get something that he will always treasure.

I took out my gift from my purse and handed it to him. When he opened it, he smiled really big. It was a silver watch. Sammy has a collection of watches. I never seen a person love watches the way he does so I decided to buy him one. It was expensive but it was definitely worth it after seeing his face light up when he saw it. The back said "Our love is timeless." Underneath I put "AS + SM" which is our initials and underneath that is "07/24/15" which is our anniversary. He put it on immediately. He said he really loves the watch and the engravings. After he gave me a kiss. It made me feel good that he loved my gift. Now it's his turn to give me my gift but I honestly don't care what he gives me. It can be a pencil and I will love it just because he gave it to me. Although it's only been a year and his alpha male personality irks me sometimes, I am head over heels in love with this guy so whatever he gives me is special to me. I really do sound like a love sick crack head.

After I tell him it's his turn now so he smiles at me and says "Actually I want to take you somewhere before I give you your gift" he tells me so I nod. I wonder where he is taking me.

After he gets the check and pays for it we drive until we arrive at the beach where we met.

When we get out I take off my shoes and leave it in his car so it won't get ruined in the sand. He held my hand and we walked and talked. I enjoy talking to him. He really does make my day.

The lapping of waves against the shore, the warm feel of sand between our toes, the soft glow of twilight. This romantic atmosphere is so refreshing. I am never letting this guy go.

While we were walking he points to a spot at the beach.

"Do you know what that is?"

I stop and smile up at him still holding his hand.

"That's the place where you were yelling at your little sister and brother like a crazy Italian man" I say grinning.

It may seem weird to remember that exact spot but it is near the Lifeguards lookout tower so you really can't miss it.

He rolls his eyes and brings my hand up to his lip and kisses my knuckles.

"That's the place where we first met" he says looking at the spot again totally dismissing my comment.

"I don't care what anyone says, you are such a romantic" I say which causes him to look in my eyes and stare at my soul

"No I am not, only you can bring this out of me" he says in a serious manner not looking away from me

"I must be special then" I don't know how I managed to say that with him looking at me like that. I always feel nervous when he looks at me like that because I feel like he can see my deepest secrets. It's unsettling.

He chuckles at my comment

"Not you must be, you are special to me. Let's go over there" he says so we start walking there. When we finally reached the spot he released our hands.

The exact spot where Sammy, his siblings and I stood just last year read "Annabel, Will you marry me?"

When I read that my heartbeat started to increase rapidly. I seriously read it like 3 times to make sure I'm not imagining it and turned around to see Sammy kneeling on the sand. When I looked at him he started to speak. I was in utter shock.

"Bellissima, before I met you I didn't think it was possible for me to ever fall in love. The only people I genuinely cared about and smiled the most around were my family. Then you walked into my life and changed everything. Every time I look at you I can't help but smile. I feel so lucky that God blessed me with you. I would move heaven and earth to hear your beautiful laugh or see your gorgeous smile. I get so much joy whenever you face lights up and I am the reason why. I love how you are not afraid to put me in my place, how you see the good in me and everyone else. I love your caring and generous ways. I love everything about you and the song All of me by John Legend describes exactly how I feel about you. When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do. I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. So Annabel Smith, Will you marry me?"

"Yes, a million times yes" I say looking down at him and he slipped the ring on my ring finger. He got up and wiped the tears from my eyes that I didn't even know I had and he kissed me passionately.

When we got back in the car I couldn't stop looking at my ring then at Sammy. The ring was gorgeous and definitely very expensive. It is a rose gold engagement ring. It has a split shank setting by Natalie K . It features rows of round white and pink diamonds surrounding a center round mounting made for a 1.50ct center stone.

"This is such a gorgeous ring. I can't believe you bought me one with pink diamonds." I tell Sammy admiring it. I am so glad it has pink diamonds because it is my favorite color.

"Nothing is too good for you, mio amore" he says, I am seriously so thankful to God that I have a man like him in my life.

"I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs. Mussolini. Annabel Mussolini." I say still in disbelief that I am engaged.

He grabs my left hand and squeezes it.

"I like the sound of that, Annabel Mussolini. Thank you for saying yes. You are making me the happiest man on earth" he says glancing at me.

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