Golden Dragon Tang Wulin part3

By blue080519

403 123 0

The Age of Gods has long since ended, their voices no longer heard on the continent of Douluo. Humanity, stan... More

Chapter 573 - Master, You're Killing Me Here
Chapter 574 - Great White Demon Sharks
Chapter 575 - The Tricky Battle with the Shark King
Chapter 576 - Ten-thousand-year Soul Ring
Chapter 577 - Martial Soul Evolution
Chapter 578 - Evolution!
Chapter 579 - Bluesilver Emperor
Chapter 580 - Vengeance!
Chapter 581 - Great Beast
Chapter 582 - Into the Fray
Chapter 583 - Mu Ye's Battle
Chapter 584 - Mu Ye's Strength
Chapter 585 - Second Phase of Training
Chapter 586 - Tournament Invitation
Chapter 587 - Jinx
Chapter 588 - Rescue
Chapter 589 - Onslaught
Chapter 590 - Green Skull Renegades
Chapter 591 - Annihilating the Dusksilver Bear!
Chapter 592 - Annihilation
Chapter 593 - Riches
Chapter 594 - Why Didn't You Act?
Chapter 595 - Spirit Abyss Realm?
Chapter 596 - Boring
Chapter 597 - Metal Market Pricing Differences
Chapter 598 - Embarassment
Chapter 599 - The Strange Princess
Chapter 600 - Want to be my boyfriend?
Chapter 601 - Adding Oil to the Fire
Chapter 602 - Promise
Chapter 603 - Nine-ringed Silver Blade
Chapter 604 - Fierce Clash
Chapter 605 - Ultimate Combo!
Chapter 606 - Captain, come to my room later
Chapter 607 - Second Piece of Battle Armor
Chapter 608 - Growing Old With You
Chapter 609 - Yuanen Yehui and Xie Xie
Chapter 610 - The Art of Agility
Chapter 611 - Two Versus Two
Chapter 612 - Steam Rolling
Chapter 614 - The Battle Hall's Mission
Chapter 615 - Seventh-grade Soul Bomb
Chapter 616 - Life or Death
Chapter 617 - Reward
Chapter 618 - Wanna Bet?
Chapter 619 - Crazy Long
Chapter 620 - The Battle Begins!
Chapter 621 - The Fifth Seal, Break!
Chapter 622 - The Special Effect of the Left Claw
Chapter 623 - An Unlucky Streak
Chapter 624 - Crazy Long's Power
Chapter 625 - Fox King - Su Mu
Chapter 626 - Monsters Make History
Chapter 627 - Soul Power-Draining Technique
Chapter 628 - Su Mu's Power
Chapter 629 - The Suppression of Bloodline
Chapter 630 - The Truth
Chapter 631 - Analysis
Chapter 632 - The Two-on-Two Round Robin
Chapter 633 - Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda
Chapter 634 - The Dragon Wolf
Chapter 635 - Controlling the Match
Chapter 636 - Battle Experience
Chapter 637 - Yue Zhengyu Enters the Stage
Chapter 638 - Excellent Teamwork
Chapter 639 - The Angry Dai Yun'er
Chapter 640 - Bad Luck
Chapter 641 - The Dragon King
Chapter 642 - A Clash of Auras
Chapter 643 - The Mountain Dragon
Chapter 644 - The Legend of the Mountain Dragon King
Chapter 645 - Yue Zhengyu Loses the Match
Chapter 646 - Ye Xinglan's Decision
Chapter 647 - The Legend of the Dragon God
Chapter 648 - The Knockout Stage Begins
Chapter 649 - Buying Spirit Items
Chapter 650 - Selling a Mecha
Chapter 651 - Boos
Chapter 652 - Sima Xian
Chapter 653 - Dominating the Match
Chapter 654 - Shush!
Chapter 655 - Yuanen Yehui vs. the Shadow King
Chapter 656 - Yuanen Yehui's Battle Armor
Chapter 657 - Getting Dominated
Chapter 658 - An Easy Victory
Chapter 659 - Tang Wulin vs. Dai Yun'er
Chapter 660 - Tang Wulin, You're So Gonna Die!
Chapter 661 - Tang Wulin's Trick
Chapter 662 - I Miss You
Chapter 663 - The Tang Sect's Mission
Chapter 664 - The Dragon Valley Mission
Chapter 665 - The Wind King
Chapter 666 - Xie Xie's Determination
Chapter 667 - A Good Fight
Chapter 668 - An Unseemly Laugh
Chapter 669 - The Essence of Agility
Chapter 670 - Tang Wulin vs. Dai Yueyan
Chapter 671 - Tyrant Dragon Bloodline
Chapter 672 - Dai Yueyan's Battle Armor
Chapter 672 - Advancing to the Next Round
Chapter 674 - The Final of the One-on-One Competition
Chapter 675 - The Day Before the Final
Chapter 676 - Good Luck
Chapter 677 - The One-on-One Final Starts
Chapter 678 - A Clash of Strength
Chapter 679 - The Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique
Chapter 680 - Long Yue Becomes Serious
Chapter 681 - A Hard-Fought Battle
Chapter 682 - I Will Kill Long Yue
Chapter 683 - The Honor of the Shrek Academy
Chapter 684 - The Eight Extraordinary Meridians
Chapter 685 - The Team Competition
Chapter 686 - A One-Word Battle Armor Master
Chapter 686 - A One-Word Battle Armor Master
Chapter 687 - Moving into the Next Round
Chapter 688 - Cruising to the Final
Chapter 689 - The First Singles Match
Chapter 690 - Ye Xinglan vs. Su Mu
Chapter 691 - One to Zero
Chapter 692 - Yuanen Yehui vs. Dai Yueyan
Chapter 693 - The Hell's Gate
Chapter 694 - I Yield
Chapter 695 - The Doubles Match
Chapter 696 - Don't Move
Chapter 697 - She's My Girl
Chapter 698 - Get Out of My Face

Chapter 613 - The Call of the Tang Sect

2 1 0
By blue080519

“Tang Wulin, hold up a minute!” Dai Yun’er furiously shouted after him.

Back turned to her, Tang Wulin opened up his arms and shrugged as he continued walking away. He didn’t have a good impression of her at all. He couldn’t get along with manipulative pranksters like her. Furthermore, he wasn’t a citizen of the Star Luo Empire, so he had no loyalty to the Star Luo imperial family.

Dai Yun’er watched Tang Wulin leave with his friends, her chest huffing up and down with anger. “Just you wait…” She turned around and ran off, straight for the imperial palace.

Dai Yun’er had snuck out of the palace today, so she ran unhindered all the way back as well. She headed straight for one of the inner rooms.

“Fourth Brother! Fourth Brother!” She shouted before she even reached the door.

The door opened and a bright voice sounded, “Oh miss princess, did you stir up some trouble again?  How big is the problem this time?” A man in his twenties walked out in a green robe. He was handsome, tall, and slender with a scholarly air to him as his mouth parted in a subtle smile. He held a book in his hands, seemingly have been interrupted in his reading.

“Fourth Brother!” Dai Yun’er ran over to him, tears streaming from her eyes.

Dai Yueyan’s smile vanished and he hurriedly hugged his sister. “What happened to my little princess? Who hurt you? Hurry up and tell your Fourth Brother.”

Dai Tianling had many sons, but the imperial family still lived in harmony. They had to for the sake of the Star Luo Empire.

Thousands of years ago, when the Star Luo Empire still existed on the continent of Douluo, the sons of the emperor would compete in life-and-death struggles for the right of succession. The most powerful would earn the right to become the next emperor. However, after a certain generation, this tradition of ruthless competition between siblings was abolished. Instead, it was required that they all lived together peacefully and only compete in fair circumstances. Even with the change in tradition, only the most outstanding of the sons would succeed the emperor.

The Dai clan could trace its roots back tens of thousands of years.

Dai Yueyan was undoubtedly the most promising son of his generation. At the age of nineteen, he was a military genius cherished by Dai Tianling, who already planned to make him the crown prince once he turned twenty.

Dai Yueyan and Dai Yun’er were born to the same mother, and among all the brothers, he was the one who doted on her the most. In fact, he doted on her even more than their father, Dai Tianling. As a result, Dai Yun’er always went to look for him first when she ran into trouble.

Although Dai Yun’er was a troublemaker, she was a very cheerful person. It was only once in a blue moon that she would cry so much, and usually, she was only faking it to gain sympathy.

Seeing his sister shed so many tears, Dai Yueyan panicked and did his best to comfort her. But she remained silent, digging herself deeper into his arms as she wailed and stomped her feet.

“Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Be a good girl, Yun’er. Tell big brother what happened. Big brother will definitely help you. Did you do something wrong? Did Father punish you?” Dai Yueyan asked uncertainly. He knew full well how much their father spoiled her. Dai Tianling was always too reluctant to give her any sort of severe punishment. If not for his lenience, Dai Yun’er wouldn’t have grown up to be such a spoiled kid.

“It’s not Father. Father wouldn’t punish me. It’s some other guy. Fourth Brother, you know that diplomatic delegation from Douluo? One of the boys from Shrek Academy is awful. The one called Tang Wulin. He bullied me.” Dai Yun’er cried out.

“Shrek Academy?” Dai Yueyan heart thumped.

“Yeah. Shrek Academy. The night we had a banquet to welcome the diplomatic delegation, I invited him to dance with me as a show of friendliness. But he deliberately stepped on my feet!”

“Oh. Didn’t you say you wanted to choose him for your fiancé and make him the target of all the men there though?” Dai Yueyan asked, having kept well-informed. Although he hadn’t attended the banquet due to work, he still kept looped in. 

“Yeah. It’s that guy. I didn’t really want to make him my fiance. I was just playing with him. But I never thought he would be so strong. He entered the Continental Young Elites Tournament and has already won two matches. He’s so arrogant! I ran into him today at the stadium and he told me I’m not worthy of him! He even said Star Luo soul masters are weak! He said that even at just fifteen years old, he can beat us all! He’s awful! He makes me so mad! Fourth Brother, help me vent my anger!” Dai Yun’er said, peppering in new details to the story wherever she pleased.

Dai Yueyan furrowed his brow as he listened. He knew his sister well and knew that probably only thirty percent of what she said was true. However, he was certain that Tang Wulin had offended her in some way, otherwise, she wouldn’t be so angry.

“Fourth Brother, I swear I’m telling the truth! He told me I’m not worthy of him! Even if I played a trick on him the other day, to say that to me in front of so many people is just… Ugh!” Dai Yun’er began crying again.

Dai Yueyan was starting to believe it now. He understood his sister and knew that whenever she swore on something, she truly meant it.

“He’s just some foreigner. How could my little sister not suit him?” Dai Yueyan’s eyes were aflame with anger. “Yun’er, don’t cry. Big brother will get back at him for you. Anyway, doesn’t Monster Academy have two free rounds in the competition? When we finally face them, we’ll show them just how much stronger we are with a good smackdown. They won’t have the face to even speak back afterward! That’ll get you your revenge.”

Unknown to Tang Wulin, he had drawn the ire of the imperial princess and had just created a new obstacle for himself. When he returned to the hotel with his friends, he immediately went to his room and began meditating. With the excessive crowds the Continental Young Elites Tournament attracted to the area, he had no desire to venture out into the city.

Suddenly, Tang Wulin took out a badge from his inner chest pocket. It pulsated with a gentle white light. An arrow slowly emerged on its surface. It’s a summons from the Tang Sect’s Battle Hall!

The badge was the one he obtained from the Battle Hall, the same one that every agent of the Battle Hall possessed. As a white-class agent, his badge was also white. On the back was a button he could press to request help from any other agents within a fifty kilometer radius. Any agent who received the call would rush over to help. The arrow currently displayed indicated the source of the distress.

Tang Wulin hastily changed into his Battle Hall uniform and put on his white mask and pulled his white hood low. He dashed out of the hotel, rushing in the direction indicated on the badge.

This was Tang Wulin’s first time getting a distress signal since obtaining the Battle Hall badge. He found the situation somewhat strange. There should be a headquarters in Star Luo City. He couldn’t fathom how an agent could face danger so close to the headquarters.

Tang Wulin opted for less populated streets and alleys as he ran in the direction of the arrow. As he got closer, the arrow began blinking more and more rapidly.

For the sake of his fellow agent’s safety and remaining stealthy, he used his Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step to run.

Moments later, he arrived on the scene. But he stared in astonishment at the towering building before him.

The building’s architecture was similar to that of a castle, with simple decorations. On a sign board hanging from the gate were two words: Tang Sect!

The distress signal came from within the Tang Sect?

Quickly scanning the area, Tang Wulin saw numerous other agents dressed the same as him arriving. But none of them stopped at the gate, charging straight into the Tang Sect instead.

Although Tang Wulin had some doubts, he hurriedly followed in after them. He had never expected to visit the local Tang Sect headquarters under such circumstances. Strange as he found it, he couldn’t help but be curious as well. Why is the distress signal coming from inside?

Tang Wulin stole glances of the interior of the headquarters as he followed the other agents. To his astonishment, the building was as grand as the imperial palace and far larger than the Tang Sect in Shrek Academy.

Soon, he and the other agents arrived in a large hall. About thirty agents were gathered already. They all wore hooded cloaks and masks, as regulated by the Battle Hall. None of the agents knew the identities of their colleagues for the sake of confidentiality.

Standing before the gathering of agents was an agent with their hands behind their back and wearing a black mask and hood.

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