Adventures With The Slytherin...

By Honeykore

4K 51 6

A fun lighthearted tale of Y/N and the Slytherin boys. Following Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, D... More

Holiday special.
little boost of creativity
Boost of creativity pt2.
My brain is mush


247 3 1
By Honeykore

(Time for the sad bits. Also, this has a lot of parts so that line you see is like a new part in one.)


I listened to the reading as Charles stood behind me. "I leave all my assets and my fortune to my sweet Granddaughter, Y/N Green." The lawyer read aloud. I kept my head down listening, the lawyer finished but I just sat there, silent. 

"Charles." I finally muttered. 

"Ma'am?" The lawyer nodded, almost following a command. Once the lawyer left I spoke again.

"Get me every file on my parents, and send the New Years ball invitations out, tell the staff to call the designer, I have lots to do if I wish to stand even close to my grandmothers name." Stood up, fixing my dark skirt. The office was old and smelt like the old books that lined to walls. 

"Already on it lady Green." Charles nodded leaving the room to follow my orders. Lady Gray, the Lady of the house. 


I looked through the New years Ball invitations, The Riddle, Malfoys, Notts, Zabinis, Blacks, and the Parkinsons. It was always the same, every year, it would start with the guests arriving and once it was confirmed everyone had arrived the doors shut, no one was aloud back in. I would be announced then grandmother, she would always tell me stories from when she was young and would be in my position, her dance was always first to her parents, then when my father was old enough it was his dance that was first. Then the party would really start there. Dancing, laughter, cheers, toasts, and even chanting. It was always four days before the real new year so it wasn't interrupting anything. 

I didn't know who would be my first dance of the ball this year. I danced with Draco twice and Blaise. Lorenzo was an idea but that stopped when a knock on my door interrupted my thinking. 

"Enter," I called as a familiar figure stepped into the office. An old friend. "Cassius." The boy, was feet taller than when I had last saw him, his once dirty blonde hair was dyed red. Traffic light red. he was in a long coat. 

"So you remember me," He snickered, I stood up from my chair and walked around and leaned on the desk. "I thought with the new boys you were friends with would make you forget me." 

"I could never forget the Cassius Sterling." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the boy. 

"I would forget myself if I was surrounded by Malfoy and Riddles." He joked getting closer to me.

"Yes you would, but me never." I laughed "How's Castelbruxo?" 

"How's Hogwarts," I looked around the room, "There probably the same so your answer might be like mine." He put his hands in his coat pocket. 

"Why are you here Cass?" I brought out the nickname knowing he'll give me a better answer. He looked back at me and smirked. 

"Heard your grandma died, and well that Ball is coming up thought you could use a partner, unless you have a boy toy already on it, like the Riddles, or Malfoy again." 

"I don't have a partner yet your just in time," I pulled myself off of leaning on the desk and to standing correctly. "And thank you for thinking of poor me." 

"What can I say, word travels fast in this world." He looked down then back up at me, "I really did miss you though, I've already put in a request to transfer to Hogwarts if it meant seeing my greatest friend again." 

"That's sweet of you to say." 


I sat at my desk chewing my nail, a bad habit I've had since I was young, when a stomping sound snapped me out of it. The door shot open and there stood Pansy and Draco behind her. "No note, bed empty, missing from breakfast! I thought you died!" Pansy yelled as she stomped to me, from the way she looked she walked in the snow to get here. Draco's nose was Rosie as well. 

"Hey Draco, and hello to you too Pansy." I stood, "Did you two walk here?" I asked grabbing my wand from my boot, casting a spell for the fire to start. 

"That we did." Draco said getting close. 

"One simple text to like ten, that's what we get." Pansy was still going off as I rang for tea. "The we get back from Hogwarts to find that you have been here holding the place of Lady of the house, and that your grandmother has died." Pansy kept going off. 

"Pansy I didn't feel like telling people, it's a family matter and I'm what's left of said family." I said as I grabbed the tea tray from the hall, "Jasmine tea, Draco?" I asked grabbing a cup. 

"Yes thank you." He looked around the room. "Oh, two sugar cubes and a splash of cream." He said it like I haven't made him tea before. 

"I know," I finished his tea and sent it to him. "Pansy?" 

She looked at me with disbelief, but sighed. "Yes, I'll have some Jasmine." She said plopping down on the leather chair near the fire. "Just sugar," 

"Right," I sent her the cup and grabbed my own cup. "Well now that everyone is calm, lets talk my ghosting. It was late I had gotten a letter and I had just broken up with Tom, it was my grandmothers last words in letter form. I met up the Charles and he took me home for the will ready, where I was left with everything. Now I stand as Lady Green." I spoke 

"Lady Green of the Gray manor." Draco smiles. 

"Your just jealous I received my title before you." I looked at the fire smiling to myself. 

"Please Y/N, your title means you have to plan parties, go to social events and even mingle." He spoke leaning toward the couch me and Pansy sat on. 

"I think it's great you have a title, I mean now you can do whatever. Like mattress surf." Pansy laughed. "And you get a great new office, do you have a new room now that your 'Lady' and not 'Heir'?" 

"I was thinking about that but I had the east wing when I was 'Heir' but now I have the whole house." I laughed 

"Yes we know about the house. But what of the elephant in the room, Tom." Pansy said looking over to me. 

"What of him?" I put my cup down and took a breath. 

"You break up with him, and walk out." Pansy kept going. "When you didn't show to breakfast he asked where you were, then when you weren't in classes he got even more worried. People called him heartless but then they would see the way he looked at you and it was as he ha a smidge of a heart." 

"Pansy, she broke up with him, what is done is done." Draco interrupted as she started to talk faster. 

"I agree with Draco here, what I did is done and if he apparently cares so much he can come find me." I stood up and swallowed the lump in my throat, "If you both would like to stay you can explore the house and I'll ask someone to prepare room for you." I smiled and walked out into the hallway trying to breath again. 


(Thank you, thank you.  I hope you all had a good thanksgiving, I know I had a nice one. If you don't do thanksgiving I hope you had a nice Thursday. I have school so I cut this chapter a little short. I have many ideas like starting a tik tok, making more stories, adding other POVs, and longer chapters. But with this I give you this chapters song and maybe a Tom or Draco POV soon, and I bid you all a good afternoon, evening, night, morning. Idk what time your reading this. I couldn't decide on which songs to put so here have three.)

because i liked a boy-- Sabrina Carpenter. 

I don't wanna live forever-- Taylor Swift. 

Bad Romance-- Halestorm.

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