The Secretary of a Cold CEO...

By Insane_adolfa

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What It's Like to Be the Secretary of a Cold CEO? In a busy city where ambition rules and the past haunts eve... More

Character intro and Copyright
Chapter 1: I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again (Edited)
Chapter 2: What's wrong sir? There must be some misunderstanding. (Edited)
Chapter 4: Is this your locket?
Chapter 5: So you are saying Y/n is Miho?
Chapter 6: You were having a nightmare.
Chapter 7: Lee Cha-Jung... yes, I remember her.
Chapter 8: Lazy Sunday? (Edited)
Chapter 9: Alright, I'll take care of it.
Chapter 10: I Still Don't Like Him
Chapter 11: But can these feelings really be... love?
Chapter 12: He left us when we needed him most
Chapter 13: I have no intention of coming back.
Chapter 14: Decision is made, Miss Y/n. End of discussion.
Chapter 15: I wonder if it connects to something-or someone-from your past.
Chapter 16: You pervert, get out of my damn house!
Chapter 17: Yes, obviously... after all, she is mine.
Chapter 18: Why was Mingyu sir coming back now, after all these years?
Chapter 19: You're serious? You want us to be your business partners?

Chapter 3: Sorry, sir, I can't accept this gift (Edited)

245 17 1
By Insane_adolfa


Jungkook opens the door for Y/N, gesturing for her to step inside. Once she's seated, he carefully closes the door and walks around to the driver's side. He settles into the driver's seat, buckling his seatbelt, and glances at her.

Jungkook: (starting the car, his hands gripping the steering wheel) "So where do you live?"

Y/N: (buckling her seatbelt, turning slightly towards him) "1234 Hanam-dong, Jongno-gu."

Jungkook: (nodding, plugging the address into the GPS) "Alright."

The entire ride was silent. Y/N stared out of the window, her hands tightly holding her purse, lost in her thoughts. Jungkook occasionally glanced at her, his grip tightening on the steering wheel as his mind raced.

The soft glow of the streetlights gently lit her face, showing off her delicate features. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat as he watched her, noticing how her eyelashes fluttered slightly whenever the car hit a bump. There was something about being near her that made the quiet moments feel peaceful, as if the world outside had slowed down just for them.

He tried to keep his eyes on the road, but his gaze kept drifting back to her. He found himself noticing the curve of her lips, the way she absentmindedly tugged a strand of hair behind the ear. Each glance made his heart flutter and cheeks warm with a feeling he hadn't experienced before—a quiet, growing affection that surprised him.

As they stopped at a red light, Jungkook looked at her for a moment longer with confusion.

Jungkook Pov:

Was I really starting to feel something for Miss Y/n? I had driven with Y/N many times before, but this was the first time I truly looked at her, really noticed her. I had someone else on my mind, someone I thought I cared about, yet here I was, drawn to her in a way that didn't make any sense.

My mind is racing with questions. Was it love? Or just a fleeting moment of weakness? I wasn't sure, and the uncertainty gnawed at me. These feelings were new, unexpected, and I didn't know if they meant anything—or if they were nothing at all. But as the light turned green, I couldn't shake the thought that something between us had shifted, leaving me more confused than ever.

End of Pov.

Jungkook: (while tapping his fingers lightly on the wheel) "Get a grip, Jeon Jungkook. Are you seriously developing feelings for Miss Y/N? No, that can't be... I need to focus on finding her or I'll lose my mind."

Y/N: (noticing the wrong turn, she glances at the GPS and then back at him) "Sir, you took the wrong turn."

Jungkook: (startled, turning the car) "Oh, sorry about that."

Y/N: (concerned) "Is everything alright, sir?"

Jungkook: (glancing at her briefly before focusing back on the road) "Yeah, just... a bit distracted, I guess."

Y/N quietly resumes looking out the window absentmindedly.

Jungkook: (suddenly, as if remembering something important, he shifts in his seat and clears his throat) "Oh, Miss Y/N, I almost forgot."

Y/N: (curious, looking at him) "Yes, sir?"

Jungkook pulls the car over to the side of the road. Without a word, he reaches toward the back seat, his arm brushing against the seat as he retrieves a small, elegantly wrapped gift box. He was hesitant, as he turns back to her and hands it to her.

Jungkook: (nervous) "Here, take this."

Y/N: (surprised, holding the box carefully) "What's this, sir?"

Jungkook: (one hand still resting on the steering wheel) "It's a gift. I wanted to properly apologize to you... this seemed like the best way."

Y/N: (hesitant, looking down at the box) "Sir, you really didn't have to... It's my job, and I'm not upset with you."

Jungkook: (watching her intently) "Please, Miss Y/N, accept it. Consider it a token for sealing the deal. You've earned it."

Y/N: (pausing, her thumb running over the ribbon) "Alright, sir. Thank you for the gift."

Jungkook: (thinking, changing gear) "Will she like it? What if she doesn't? Maybe I should ask her to open it now... No, that might be too much. But if she does, I can see her reaction... Should I ask?"

Y/N: (noticing his distraction) "Sir?"

Jungkook: (snapping out of his thoughts, his eyes meeting hers briefly) "Yes?"

Y/N: (glancing out the window at the parked car, then back at him) "Shall we go? We're parked on the side of the road."

Jungkook: (slightly embarrassed, but trying to act casual) "Miss Y/N, could you open the gift now?"

Y/N: (confused, her brows furrowing as she looks at him) "Why, sir?"

Jungkook: (leaning back slightly in his seat) "I just want to make sure it fits you... you know, in case it needs exchanging."

Y/N: (thinking, her fingers idly playing with the ribbon) "Fits me? What could it be? I thought it might be a brooch or something small."

Y/N carefully unwraps the gift, her fingers moving slowly as she peels back the wrapping. When the lid lifts off, revealing an exquisite, limited edition watch, she freezes for a moment, her breath catching. She's taken aback, recognizing it immediately as the one she wanted but couldn't afford.

Y/N: (thinking, eyes widening as she lifts the watch out of the box) "This is the exact watch Rose showed me... How did he know? I've wanted this for so long..."

Jungkook, watching her reaction closely, shifts in his seat, his fingers nervously tapping against the steering wheel as he waits for her to speak, uncertain if she's pleased or disappointed.

Y/N: (shocked, holding the watch carefully): "I'm sorry, sir, I can't accept this."

Jungkook: (concerned) "What's wrong? You don't like it? I can exchange it for another model if you'd prefer." 

He glance at the watch then back at her face.

Y/N: (shaking her head)"No, sir, it's beautiful. I've wanted this watch for a long time, but I can't accept something so expensive." 

She carefully places the watch back in its box.

Jungkook: (relaxing a bit) "I'm glad you like it... I thought maybe you didn't like my choice. Miss Y/N, a gift's value isn't in its price. "

Y/N: (sighing softly) "Your choice is perfect, sir. I love the gift, but it's just too much. This watch costs more than my salary. I was saving up to buy it someday..."

Jungkook: (firmly) "Miss Y/N, you deserve this and more. The deal you secured is taking Jeon Enterprises international. This is just a small token of my appreciation. Please, don't think about the cost." 

Y/N (glancing at him with concern): "But si..."

Jungkook: (cutting her off) "No 'buts.' You're taking it, and that's final."

Knowing Jungkook stubbornness, Y/N reluctantly accepts the gift with a small smile.

Y/N (looking at him sincerely): "Thank you, sir. I'll continue to work hard." 

Jungkook: (starting the car again, smile)"Good. That's what I like to hear." 

He adjusts the rearview mirror, casting another glance at her before pulling back onto the road.

Y/N: (in mind, her heart fluttering slightly) "Something's changed... I've never seen him smile this often before." 

Y/n's house.

As they soon arrive at Y/N's home, Jungkook pulls up in front of her building. She steps out of the car, carefully holding the gift box, and turns to him.

Y/N: (smiling warmly) "Thank you, sir, for the gift and for driving me home so late."

Jungkook: (nodding) "You're welcome, Miss Y/N. I'm glad you liked the gift, and it was no trouble at all."

Y/N: (insisting) "Would you like to come inside?" 

Jungkook hesitates, glancing at his watch, then back at Y/N's sincere offer. His mind races, considering the late hour.

Jungkook (hesitant, yet touched by the offer): "I don't want to intrude, Miss Y/N. It's getting late, and you must be tired." He gives her a small, reassuring smile, though part of him is tempted to accept.

Y/N (softly, her voice warm): "It's not an intrusion, sir. You've been so kind, and I'd like to offer you a cup of tea as a thank-you."

Jungkook finally agrees, a small smile playing on his lips as he switches off the engine and steps out of the car.

Jungkook (smiling softly): "Alright, just a quick cup of tea."

Y/N opens the door with her spare key, her heart fluttering slightly as they step inside. As soon as they enter, Rose, who had been anxiously waiting, bursts out from the hallway, not noticing Jungkook standing behind Y/N.

Y/N unlocks the door with her spare key, and as it swings open, Rose, who has been anxiously waiting, rushes out without seeing Jungkook standing behind Y/N.

Rose: (worried) "Y/nnnn, do you know how late it is? I've been trying to reach you since 6 p.m.! Where's your phone? I thought you'd put it in a locker at work? I was so worried!"

Y/N: (trying to calm Rose down) "Rose, please, just calm down. I was working late on a presentation, and I forgot to charge my phone. That's why it's dead."

Rose: (frustrated) "Working late? So, your boss must have kept you there again, didn't he? I swear, he's so heartless! Always making you work as a punishment—"

Y/N quickly steps forward, placing a hand over Rose's mouth to stop her from continuing. She glances nervously at Jungkook, who raised his eyebrows.

Y/N: (nervously clenching her teeth, lowers her voice) "Rose, I don't think you've noticed who's with me."

Rose sees Jungkook who stands quietly beside Y/n, hands in his pockets.

Rose was stunned but couldn't speak as Y/n was still putting her hand on her mouth

Rose (has her mouth closed by Y/n hand): "uhmm uhmm"

Y/n(confuse): "What?"

Rose (hinting towards her hand): "uhmm uhmm"

Y/n realizes what Rose was hinting at.

Y/n(nervous): "Oh sorry."

Jungkook (chuckles): "If you don't mind can this heartless rude boss come inside"

Y/n and Rose both smiles nervously

Y/n: "Don't mind her, she is just short-tempered"

Jungkook (mumbled): "Just like me"

Y/n: "Huh? Sir, have you said something"

Jungkook: "Nope"

Y/n leads him into her cozy living room, and as he enters, he takes in the warm, inviting ambiance of her home. It's neatly decorated with soft colors and filled with the soothing aroma of scented candles.

Y/n: "Please have a seat, sir. I'll make some tea for us."

Jungkook takes a seat on the comfortable couch, Rose sits beside him and Y/n disappears into the kitchen. While she's busy preparing the tea, he can't help but admire the framed pictures on the wall, mostly capturing moments with her family and friends.

When Y/n returns with a tray bearing teacups and a plate of cookies, she notices Jungkook's attention to her photos with Rose from college.

Jungkook (in mind): She was so pretty in those days too, but why do she feel so familiar.

He was lost in her photos when Y/n interrupted his thoughts

Y/n: "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but those are some of my most cherished memories."

Jungkook: "Not at all. It's nice to see the people who mean a lot to you."

Jungkook (curious): "Why do you only have photos of your college days and Present but not of your childhood?"

Y/n (nervous): "Actu...actually... (cut)."

Rose: "She hates her childhood pictures that's why she never brought them from her hometown here."

Jungkook: "Ohh th...(cut)"

Rose (chuckles): "Now don't ask why, she doesn't like that topic"

Jungkook (chuckles back): "That wasn't even in my mind"

Y/n(serious): "Enough Rose, let them drink the Tea"

Rose: "Ohh sorry, sorry"

Jungkook (Assuring): "It's fine Miss Y/n. Don't stop her, you're lucky to have a friend like her"

Rose (Teasing): "Exactly, that's what I remind her every day"

Y/n(Sarcastic): "So funny"

Rose (serious): "You know, Y/n doesn't usually bring people home. She's quite private."

Jungkook(smiling): "Ohh really, I feel honored to be an exception, then."

Rose: "Btw Mr. Jeon, you know, that day I was really angry with you."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, curious, "Oh, what happened?"

Rose: "You scolded Y/n pretty harshly at the office, and she came home in tears."

Jungkook's face softened as he remembered the situation, and he seemed a bit guilty.

Jungkook: "I do remember that day. I was really mad at the time. I have a problem with my temper, and I lose my cool easily."

Rose (teasing): "Seems like someone can't control their temper, huh?"

Jungkook (with a bit of humor): "Apparently not."

Rose (Serious): "I understand you expect a lot from your employees, but there's a way to handle things. You can't just scold someone like that. Y/n was so upset, and it took her a while to get over that day."

Jungkook: "I know, and I regret how I handled it. I should have been more considerate of my employees. Y/n is important to our team, and I should have treated her better."

Rose (teasing): "Well, it's nice to know that the CEO of Jeon Enterprises can admit his mistakes. I guess it's a start."

Jungkook (smiling): "I'm learning, thanks to you (he slightly looks towards Y/n) and Y/n too."

Rose (teasing): "Btw don't fire Y/n because I called you heartless and cold. I am not your employee but don't take out my anger on her."

Jungkook (smiling): "Ohh no no, it's okay I am not angry at all."

They sip their cups of tea, talking about various things, from work to personal interests. Jungkook starts to see a different side of Y/n, not just as a colleague but as a friendly and genuine person. Y/n, too, feels more comfortable around him, enjoying the chance to have a relaxed conversation.

Jungkook checks the time again and then looks at Y/n, saying,

Jungkook: "I should probably get going. It's already late now."

Y/n was grateful for the opportunity to spend some time with him outside of a professional setting, she smiles and says,

Y/n: "Thank you, sir, for visiting our home."

Jungkook: "Thanks Miss Y/n for the tea and your hospitality and (sarcastic) Miss Rose for your Not so kind words."

Y/n: "You're welcome, sir."

Rose(sarcastic): "Yeah I hope the cold CEO will not mind my not-so-kind words"

Jungkook laughs

They both stand up, and Y/n walks Jungkook to the door. As he puts on his coat, Y/n can't help but express her gratitude once again.

Y/n: "Thank you for the gift and for the ride. It meant a lot."

Jungkook: "You're very welcome, Miss Y/n. If you ever need anything feel free to reach out. Have a good night."

Y/n and Rose: "Goodnight, have a safe ride."

He said goodbye to both of them and went towards his car. Y/n and Rose came outside to see him off. Jungkook started his car and left after waving them goodbye.

Rose and Y/n sigh. Y/n hits Rose's shoulder lightly.

Rose: "Ouch"

Y/n: "Can't You speak a little less in front of guests"

Rose: "What did I do"

Y/n: "You rosed my blood pressure millions of times by talking casually to him and teasing him and almost gave me a mini heart attack by calling him heartless and cold in front of him. And still asking what did I do"

Rose pinch Y/n cheeks.

Rose: "Ohh my Y/n didn't you realize he loves you? How could he scold you"

Puts rose hands down from her cheeks

Y/n: "What love me? Don't try to matchmake us without reason."

Rose: "I am serious Y/n haven't you seen the way he was looking at you the whole time, how can he not be in love with you"

Y/n: "Look at him he is so handsome and rich. Do you think he isn't dating anyone?"

Rose (agreeing): "Hmm you have a point, but whatever you are pretty too. If he doesn't have a girlfriend don't forget to make him yours"

Y/n: "Shut up Rose, let's go inside, or else we will catch a cold"

Y/n turns to go inside while Rose puts a hand on her shoulder

Rose: "So what should we order for dinner"

Y/n (shocked): "What!!!! You haven't cooked till I was back"

Rose: "Hey, don't scold me. I was tense because you were late and weren't picking up my calls. So, it's your mistake"

Y/n (teasing): "Okay I forgive"

Rose (Offended): "Yaah, I didn't say sorry in the first place. Obviously, it wasn't my mistake why should I say sorry to you"

Y/n: "Okay then let's order Crabs today"

Rose (sparkling eyes): "My favorite"

Both chuckles

Time skips to the morning

Y/N arrived at the office early today, hoping to get a head start on her work for the day. As she walked in, she noticed the office was unusually quiet. Her footsteps echoed in the empty space.

She looked at Jungkook's desk and sighed.

A/n: (appearing out of nowhere) Boo!

Y/n: (startled) A/n! You scared me!!!

A/n: (playful) "Are you just going to keep staring at it, or are you finally going to do something about it?"

Y/n: (raising an eyebrow) "Why are you here?"

A/n: "I just came to boost your mood and lighten up the place a bit."

Y/n: (rolled her eyes) "See, A/n, I'm not really in the mood for laughing at your jokes."

A/n: (confused) "Joke? What joke? I haven't even started with any joke."

Y/n: (teasingly) "Oh, come on, you're a walking joke, A/n."

A/n: (emotional damage) "Ouch. Well, if you're not in the mood, I'll leave you to your boss's disaster zone. I will watch the show."

Y/n: "Alright, go ahead and laugh at my suffering."

A/n: "Okay, bye, I'm going to watch the Run BTS episode."

It was a mess of scattered papers, pens, and sticky notes. She sighed and shook her head.

Y/n: "How did he ever find anything in here?"

She began by sorting the papers into piles: one for to-dos, one for upcoming projects, and one for general files. She then put the pens and sticky notes in their respective holders. After organizing his desk, she took a deep breath and began her morning routine, heading to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, which was in Jungkook's office.

While waiting for her coffee to brew, Y/n noticed a small glimmer on the floor out of the corner of her eye. Out of curiosity, she bent down and reached for the object. It was something silver, hidden beneath a chair. She took it out to look closely.

When she took it out she was shocked.

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