Semi-perfect world (Jujutsu k...

By MsMultiverse74

31.7K 1.2K 484

You don't know how, nor do you want to know, but the Jujutsu Kaisen men were in your home. Some are supposed... More

Sucked in the void
Jujutsu edit horrors
Sleeping arrangements
Na-Na-Mi! +Ino
Cheesy pickup lines
Jujutsu Tech
30 million dollars?!
Job almost done

Cosplayers or the real deal?

3.1K 107 74
By MsMultiverse74


I smiled as I waited for the popcorn to fully cook inside the microwave, because I'm too lazy to do it on the stove.

As I was waiting, I tapped on the counter, suddenly thinking of Gojo's theme song.

You: Is you say, 'Daddy's home,
Daddy's home for me'
And I know you've been waiting
For this love in your day
You know your daddy's home

As I was singing my phone suddenly rang. I turned around and grabbed it from the counter. I suddenly beamed when I saw who it was.

"Hey, girl! What's up?" I greeted my best friend, taking the bag of popcorn out of the microwave once the time was done.

"Just wanted to see if you finished the latest Jujutsu Kaisen episode?" F/n said as I practically felt her grin.


I laughed as I dumped the popcorn into the bowl. "Yep! I literally cried for poor Itadori when he saw the destruction Sukuna caused. He's still hot, though." I smirked, grabbing some chips, cookies and candies as I made my way towards my living room.

"Shut up! That scene was so sad! But I couldn't help but laugh a little when the intro came out during that scene. Especially the first part." F/n laughed through the line making me chuckle.

"I know! That was so random. I mean, I love that intro, but come on!" I laughed as I sat down on my couch.

Today was my lazy day, and on lazy day I eat whatever I want while watching movies, animes, etc.

I grabbed my remote and switched on the TV. I had ordered some pizza before, so it should arrive in about a few more minutes.

"But, I gotta say, Toji in this season... GIRL! He's so freaking hot!" F/n practically screeching in my ear. I winced as I pulled my phone away from her volume. As soon as she stopped yelling, I put the phone back in my ear.

"I know. I mean, if Fushiguro's mom doesn't want him, I do." I joked, knowing full well that will never happen since they're, you know, fictional.

"Unfortunately, I will stay by my beautiful Levi's side. He's stoic and mean, but deep down he cares deeply for the people that are close to him." She sighed dreamily while I smiled.

I clicked on Peacock, wanting to watch the FNAF movie for the millionth time. You can't blame me. Blame Josh Hutcherson.

"Oh, yeah? You're an Attack on Titan stan, huh?" I asked her, watching as the movie started.

"Uh, yeah! You can't deny the hot men that are in that anime. Including Eren! But my loyalty stays with shortie." She huffed through the line, making me laugh at her.

"I wonder how tall he is compared to you. You're not exactly tall yourself, you know." I teased her. I could practically feel her pout through the other line.

"Shut up. I'm very much aware of that painful fact." She sighed while I chuckled at her.

"You crying?" I asked her, using Gojo's line from when he teased Utahime.

"Whatever." She laughed while I laughed as well. "Oh! I gotta go, my rides here. Gonna go visit my sister. See ya!" She said, making me shake my head.

"Bye." I said, hanging up as I watched the FNAF movie. The intro was just coming up, making me jam to the kids singing.

I suddenly perked up when I heard a loud thud come from upstairs. I paused the movie and looked up with an unimpressed loom.

"Kuroo, come down here you sneaky kitty!" I yelled at my cat, but I suddenly looked down when I heard a meow. Kuroo was underneath the coffee table, staring at me with curious eyes.

"Is it Fang, then?" I asked myself, looking over at the dog bed that was behind the couch. I widened my eyes when I saw my dog sleeping there without a care in the world.

I soon started to shake in fear. 'Are there burglars in my home?! And I just screamed at the cat so they know I'm here!' I mentally cursed at myself, tearing up at my stupidity,

'I haven't even had a boyfriend yet! Come on! At least let me die knowing I had a boyfriend!' I mentally yelled, now glaring at the ceiling.

Another loud thud could be heard making me flinch. I shakily got up and walked towards my hallway closet.

I quickly rummaged through it, finding the bat I had in there. My older cousin had given this to me a few years ago so I could play with him, but now we live our own lives and just don't have the time anymore.

'What if they have a gun?' I tensed up at the thought, shakily making my way upstairs. 'Maybe they don't. Or they wouldn't have climbed through my... window?' I slowly trailed off, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

'Did they bring a whole ass ladder to my house? If they did, I definitely would've heard something, right?' I thought in confusion, opening the first door, which was the guest bedroom.

I sighed in relief. No one was there.

I walked cautiously towards the next room, this one being the second guest bedroom, but it was majorly bigger than the first. I slowly opened it and saw no one inside.

At this point my heart was pounding since I just needed one more room to check. And it was mine.

I gulped down my fear and slowly made my way towards my room, widening my eyes when I remembered I left my phone downstairs. So I couldn't call the police.

I wanted to slap myself for my stupidity, but I just sighed and slowly opened my door.

I peeked inside and my jaw dropped when I saw, like, 8 men unconscious on my entire bedroom floor.

I didn't dare go in, I just shakily stood there as I looked at them. 'Why are they wearing cosplays? Is this like a new thing?' I thought as I looked up, imagining cosplay burglars robbing otakus places.

'I guess the fangirls/boys would just obey if they were to steal stuff from their homes.' I shrugged, looking down at the men cautiously. Now that I take a good look at them, three of these guys look like teens.

"I feel very afraid, but I need to see if they're alive." I whispered to myself, quietly walking towards the nearest person, and that was to a man with a Gojo cosplay.

I knelt beside him, silently staring at his stomach to see if it would go up and down. Once it did, I sighed in relief.

'If they were actually dead, how would I have explained to the police about it?' I asked myself as I walked over to a Toji cosplayer. He, too, was breathing.

'Good, they're alive. But what are they doing here?' I thought as I got up and walked towards my bedroom door. I gulped quietly as I held up my bat.

I official had gone crazy, because I was planning to wake them up.

"Hey! W-Wake up! Get out of my house before I call the cops!" I shouted loudly making all of them groan while slowly opening their eyes.

'Maybe this was a terrible idea. Scratch that, it was!' I shouted at my thoughts, looking terrified when they all wearily got up.

The Gojo cosplayer rubbed his head, the Toji cosplayer cracked his neck, the Itadori cosplayer groaned tiredly, the Inumaki cosplayer stretched, the Choso cosplayer looked at the ground with furrowed brows and the Fushiguro, Geto and Sukuna cosplayers slowly looked up.

"Huh?" The Gojo cosplayer hummed as he looked around my room, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Just where the hell am-?" He stopped talking once he laid his eyes on the Toji cosplayer.

I was now looking at them in pure fear, wondering what they were doing here. And why were they unconscious?!

The Toji cosplayer stretched, his eyes soon landing on the Gojo cosplayer. "Hmm? Hey, you. You look older. How come?" He asked, smirking as he got into a fighting stance. He then looked around, also seemingly confused as to why he was in a room. MY ROOM! "What the...?" He trailed off, looking confused. "Now that I think about it, didn't you blow half of my torso up?" He asked the Gojo cosplayer, who just kept staring at him with wide eyes.

"Uhm... Excuse me?" I shakily said, making all of the men there look at me with raised brows. I tensed up under their gaze, now looking even more terrified. "Wh-What are you all doing in my home?" I stuttered, pointing at them with a trembling finger.

"You're home?" The Choso cosplayer asked, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, my home." I nodded, looking at him with a raised brow.

"How are we in your home in the first place? We're supposed to be-." The Fushiguro cosplayer gasped, seemingly realizing something.

"Huh?" I muttered, slowly lowering my bat, but still keeping a firm grip on it.

"Did you kidnap us? How is that possible? What is your technique?" The Fushiguro cosplayer asked me, glaring at me with an intense gaze.

The other men looked at me, also glaring my way. "W-Wait! You seriously think I kidnapped you?! I can't even lift a dumbbell, how could I lift that many grown men?! And what technique are you talking about?" I asked him with pure confusion.

Do they really think that a 20 year old girl could lift 8 whole men? Do I look that strong?

I looked down at myself, pouting when I saw my baggy Ghostface T-shirt and my grey sweats.

'I definitely look like a homeless person.' I thought as I looked back at the men.

"I don't believe you. You have to have a technique, because the last thing I remember is dying near Jujutsu High." The Geto cosplayer sneered at me, making me flinch at his sudden look.

"Wow. You cosplayers are really into this whole Jujutsu thing, huh?" I ask them, making them look at me in pure confusion.

"Cosplayers?" The Itadori cosplayer asked, tilting his head. "Oh, wait! Are cosplayers those people who dress up as characters from shows and movies?!" He suddenly yelled with a smile while I nodded slowly.

"Yes? But aren't you cosplaying right now?" I asked him, but he looked at me confused. He shook his head no as I just stared at him awkwardly. "Okay, you're messing with me." I lightly chuckled, pointing my bat at him.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but we are not cosplayers." The Gojo cosplayer said, making me look at him with a blank stare.

"Right. Because I actually have 8 of the hottest Jujutsu Kaisen men in my room." I sarcastically said, looking at him with an unamused face. "Listen, pal, you can't fool me. Those men are fictional! So who are you all really?" I asked them, getting my bat ready so I could hit them.

"Fictional?" The Toji cosplayer muttered, looking at me with furrowed brows.

The Sukuna cosplayer sighed at me, raising his hand my way and facing his palm at me. I looked at him with a weirded out expression.

A few seconds had gone by, and I officially thought that weirdo cosplayers were in my room.

"Huh? What is this? I can't use my powers." He muttered, making the others look at him.

"Wait, Sukuna?!" The Gojo and Itadori cosplayers yelled in pure shock making me flinch.

"Tuna tuna!" The Inumaki cosplayer exclaimed while I awed at it.

'He sounds just like him.' I mentally thought, a beaming smile on my face.

"Okay, now I know something is wrong. Sukuna isn't supposed to have a body of his own. And the fact that he can't use his powers is... kind of good, but also suspicious." The Gojo cosplayer hummed in thought. He then looked up and pointed a finger at the Toji cosplayer. "And you're supposed to be dead! I killed you, like, 11 years ago!" He shouted at the man who looked at him unfazed.

"11 years ago? I remember you killing me a few minutes ago." The Toji cosplayer said, scratching the back of his head in confusion.

"Tuna!" The Inumaki cosplayer yelled, pointing at my tensed up figure.

They all slowly looked at me. "Who are you?" The Choso cosplayer asked me while I stared at them in disbelief.

"Who am I? Who are you?! Breaking into my house and then going unconscious on my floor!" I yelled at them in fury.

"I won't ask you again, what is your technique?" The Fushiguro cosplayer asked me making me sigh in irritation.

"I'm calling the cops." I blankly said as I turned to walk away. But as soon as I turned around, the Geto cosplayer grabbed my arm and slammed me into the wall.

I groaned in pain, widening my eyes at his glare.

"You're technique." He spoke lowly, my legs shaking in pure fear.

"What technique are you talking about? If it's like a Jujutsu reference, then I really haven't thought about it." I quickly said, not wanting them to act all crazy on me.

"Jujutsu reference?" The Geto cosplayer muttered in confusion.

"You guys are seriously into these cosplays, huh?" I asked them as the Geto cosplayer slowly let me go with a confused look.

"Okay, now we're confused. Why do you keep talking about us being cosplayers?" The Itadori cosplayer asked me with genuine curiosity.

"Uhm... Hello? Jujutsu Kaisen? Literally the trending anime right now?" I reminded them, weirded out by their weird behavior. "They're are Tik Tok edits about each of the fictional characters?" I asked again, but they still looked very confused.

"Anime? Fictional?" The Choso cosplayer muttered, not quite understanding.

I sighed as I pointed at my Jujutsu Kaisen poster hanging on my wall.

"You guys are literally dressed as them. You even sound like them in every possible way, yet you haven't heard of their anime? Please tell me you're joking?" I smiled awkwardly, looking at their confused faces. "Okay. Why don't you tell me what you remember last? You were unconscious on my floor after all." I ask them, crossing my arms expectantly.

"Okay, girlie, we don't have to explain anything to you. But if I must, the last thing I remember is being sucked in by a black hole of some sorts." The Gojo cosplayer hummed as he looked up. He then paused, touching his face and sighing in disbelief. "My glasses." He mumbled.

"A black hole? Wait, okay... tell me something only the real Gojo knows." I asked him. 'If they haven't ever watched the anime, then they never read the manga. Which means that they could get it wrong.'

The Gojo cosplayer looked up in thought, soon smiling as he snapped his fingers. "I like sweets! Only the best of the best. And, I'm obviously the strongest." He stated smugly.

I looked at him up and down. "You even sound as smug as him. But I just don't know for sure. What about you, the Sukuna one?" I asked, pointing at him with a glare.

"I killed thousands, I love making them beg for mercy while I watch them die slowly and painfully." He said, making my eyes widen at this.

'They're lying. They've watched the anime... right? There's no possible way that 8 men from Jujutsu Kaisen are in my world.' I thought while staring at them shakily. "Are you for real? Are you really Gojo, Toji, Megumi, Itadori, Choso, Sukuna, Inumaki and Geto?" I asked them as they slowly nodded at me.

"No. Fucking. Way." I slowly said, soon looking at them with stars in my eyes.

"Tuna mayo?" I heard Inumaki ask me, narrowing his eyes at me.

I was about to speak, but the doorbell suddenly rang. "Just a moment." I smiled at them nervously, hurriedly running downstairs and opening the door.

There I saw the pizza delivery guy look at me with a smile. "One medium (favorite pizza) with extra cheese?" He asked as I nodded politely.

"Yes. Uh, here take it." I quickly spoke, giving him two 20's. "Keep the change." I said, making him light up and nod at me gratefully. He turned and walked back to his car while I closed the door and put the pizza on the coffee table.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming downstairs, making me turn around and see every guy looking at me with curiosity.

"Who was that?" Gojo asked me as I turned around fully.

I suddenly heard a yawn, making me look down at my feet. I saw Fang slowly waking up from his nap, he looked at the men and immediately stood up, growling at the strangers.

They seemed too relaxed, probably forgetting about Sukuna losing his powers. "Uh, you guys seem relaxed." I pointed out, but suddenly, Itadori beamed at how adorable my dog was.

Fang just kept growling, baring his teeth to the intruders. "Fang, down." I strictly spoke, making him stop growling and sit down.

"So, you have a technique similar to my own?" Fushiguro asked as I shook my head at him.

"We don't have techniques here. Curses don't even exist. Nor do jujutsu sorcerers." I shrugged making them look at me in shock. 'Probably should've sugar coated it.'

A/n: I completely forget about the other characters here, and how they would react. So sorry!

In this story, Itadori and Megumi will be 18 while Inumaki is 19!

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

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