By KhushbuPatil8

443 20 18

Jeon Jungkook is a 25 years old soon to be a CEO of his father's company Jeon Corporations. Little did he kno... More

Introduction To The Characters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10

Part 9

27 1 0
By KhushbuPatil8

J/Dad: Its because we are only ones who are talking and not letting them speak at all

Jungkook: Dad we aren't any couple or not getting married you guys can continue your talks we are good

Y/N: Yes uncle its perfectly fine we are fine staying silent

J/Dad: No no talk with each other and become friends just like us

Jin: Yes dad is right go and talk with each other go

Jungkook: Ok but instead of outside lets talk here itself because we already introduced each other that day ok?

Jin: Ok as you say

Jungkook: You know Y/N you should try the food Jin hyung cooks he has magic in his hands

Y/N: Oh really? Then I would really love to visit here next weekend to try food made him, right?

Jin: Ofcourse ofcourse and I will cook specially for you tell me whats your favorite food?

Y/N: Well I really love homemade pizza and some chocolate cake
if you can cook that then please do for me

Jungkook: Yes infact he can cook each and everything and what kind of milkshake or dessert you would like?

Y/N: How about chocolate cake and butterscotch milkshake or for desert I would love to have vanilla ice cream

Jungkook: Ok hyung will bake a cake for you and I will make milkshake and we will get ice cream for you

Y/N: Oh wow both of you are so amazing Thank you so much

Jin: No need to thank us after all we are friends now

Jungkook: Hyung is right we are friends and there is no sorry or no thank you in friendship

Y/N: Ok lets be best friends like our parents

Jungkook: Ofcourse we would love to be friends with you it will be an honar to be friend of a princess like you

Y/N: Stop it I'm not any princess ok?

Jungkook: Is that so? But you are looking like princess in this dress I mean if you don't know

Y/N: You think so? Thanks once again

Jennie: Finally its a boy who is complimenting you and not Lisa as usual

Jungkook: Why no boy has ever complimented her before?

Jennie: You won't believe this girl has never dressed up herself like this its first time and that too because mom insisted her

And that's why no one compliments her other than her bestie Lisa you know?

Jungkook: Is that so? Then make sure to make it an habit because now you will always get compliments from me ok?


Jungkook: Yep!!!

Y/N: Aren't you TOO MUCH good in flirting?

Jungkook: Is that so?

Y/N: But I want start us as friends so no flirting is allowed

Jungkook: Why?

Y/N: Because I don't know anything about you how can trust you so early and so easily that's why I want this

Jungkook: As you say your highness

Y/N: YOU!!!!!

Jungkook: Sorry sorry

Meanwhile both the families were enjoying this rom com drama of their kids

So Jungkook's mom just cleared her throat to take everyone's attention

Both Jungkook and Y/N looked at her and came back to their senses they were so embarrassed to make an eye contact with anyone

So they looked everywhere but not at their families all of them brusted out laughing seeing this

(Why do I feel like its a little cringe I don't know what should I do I'm cringing on these lines myself WTF?)

Y/N/Mom: Now lets go home we are getting late

J/Mom: So early its just 9PM

Y/N/Mom: Yes but you know our house is really far from here. Also we need some rest after talking so much

J/Mom: Why don't stay here tonight. Tomorrow is Sunday anyways, no one has to go for work and also Y/N won't have college either

Y/N/Mom: I don't have any problem what do you guys think?

She said while looking other three

Y/N/Dad: Well I don't have any problem but what do you girls say?

He asked while looking at his daughters

Y/N: I don't know I'm confused what about you sis if you are ok with it I'll stay

Jennie: If mom and dad want to stay lets stay together

Y/N: As you wish I'm ready I'll stay with you

J/Mom: Ok so you are staying overnight so don't worry we have two guest rooms your mom and dad can stay in one and you two can stay in another.

Y/N: Oh that sounds nice!!!!

Jungkook: I know our house is really nice you know there is a garden at the back of our house you can go there anytime you want

Y/N: Wow thats great!!!

J/Mom: Jungkook now go and show the girls their room

Jungkook: Ok mom

And all of them went upstairs

Jungkook: You are going stay in this room how is it?

He asked while he opened the door and showed the room

Jennie: Wow this looks so beautiful!!!

Y/N: Right just look at the view outside I can see the whole city from here!!!

Jungkook: Didn't I told you our house really nice?

Jennie: Yes it is for sure!!!

Y/N: My god I will visit here again if I can see such a beautiful view from here

Jungkook: Oh sure please come again we will be waiting for all of you

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