Touches or Stares (Bada Lee A...

By GxyVodka

79.2K 2.7K 1.2K

Maddy is an artist who takes her passion to another level. She wanted to make sure that she could live up to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Ending)

Chapter 40

777 36 14
By GxyVodka

Minah stood up holding the phone in her ear as she walked away from our booth. 

I wiped my mouth after finishing my food

"Why Bada?" Jackson asked out of nowhere

"Why not Bada?" I asked him back and smiled 

"You seriously don't remember me?" He asked as his forehead creases 

"Why should I remember you?" I asked as if he's asking a very ridiculous question 

"2003, Philippines?" He pulled out his wallet and slide out a picture and showed it to me 

What? What?... WHAT?!

I grabbed the photo from his had and looked at it intently

I turned it around 

Jackson & Eve, 2003, MNL.

"Why couldn't I remember this?" I asked and my brain couldn't comprehend the fact that I could not recall knowing him as a kid 

"It's been years ago... Thinking about it now, how can you even remember that?" He said resting his chin on his palm 

My mouth is still glued to the floor with this revelation

 "Hey... Bada is asking for me to go to the studio, I remembered telling her I don't have plans today yesterday before you messaged me that we should meet up in the morning..." She said pouting

"That sucks I really need you today" I exhaled 

"If I don't go, she might grew suspicious" She said giving me a hug 

"Plus, Jackson will help you... Right?" She said looking at Jackson with a threatening voice

Yeah right... 

"Whatever" He said finishing his drink 

"I love you, forgive me okay?" She said kissing me on the cheeks and grabbing her bag and jacket

"I don't get it, how did I know you?" I asked him still filled with confusion

"My Mom and your Mom became friends when we first arrived on the neighborhood... She must've thought oh look another foreigners we're not alone anymore!" Then rolled his eyes

"Do you have any other characteristics than being an asshole?" I asked him squinting my eyes in annoyance 

"I have other characteristics, you wanna get personal and know all my deep, darkest secrets" He replied suggestively with sexual undertones I presume 

"I'd rather stab myself in my carotid artery" I said rolling my eyes this time around 

"What are your plans I don't have all day" He said fixing his sunglasses 

"Actually... You have the whole day, Minah sent me your whole schedule... You should be going out with Minah today but since she's not around you'll be with me" I smiled annoying him even more

We stood up and went out of the store, we're now looking for jewelry shops 

"Do you enjoy it?" He asked out of nowhere 

"Enjoyed what?" I asked for him to make his statement clearer

"Do you enjoy having Bada wrapped around your finger, Minah rolling over the hills for you and oh.. Aiki right?" He smiled trying to annoy the shit out of me

"Where did you even get that? Aiki is just a friend and so is Minah, I have a lot of friends, something you can't relate from or else you won't be walking the streets of LA with me if you have friends or even just a friend" I hissed at him as we enter a shop

"So you don't remember that we already met when we were kids and you can't remember dancing with me a few days ago?" He wandered around the store after the words left his mouth

"I don't know if that's a genuine question or you're just trying to be a bitch" I replied to him 

He took a huge step until he's just a few inches away from my face

"You pick" He said, I pushed him away from me by pushing his forehead with my index finger 

"Get away from me creep" I said to him as I walk away from him 

"Hi, how can I help you couples today?" The salesman behind the counter said 

"Oh we're not a couple" I defended right away looking at Jackson disgustingly

"Wow... As if you're the one who's defeated in that arrangement?" He blurted out

"Haha, have you seen Bada? There's no way someone would look nearly as better than she does" I spat at him which he didn't have any response to and just rolled his eyes 

"Okay... If the bickering has taken it's toll, can we get down to business now?" The salesman smiled at us "What are we looking for? An engagement ring? A wedding ring? Friendship ring of some sort?" He added

"An engagement ring" I smiled at him

"How about this one?..." He said pulling out a pink diamond ring from the counter 

"It's the Sakura Diamond ring, the diamond was cut from a 27.8-carat rough diamond mined in the frozen grounds of Yakutia mines" He smiled... 

I mean... It's pink.

"Do you have something... less... pink?" I said with a smile trying to be polite and Jackson huffed out 

"How about this one?" He pulled out a blue diamond and even Jackson's jaw hit the floor as his eyes glued to the ring

"This is the Winston Blue Diamond, one of the most prestigious and luxurious ring we have" The salesman said smiling at me 

It does look gorgeous and I look at in awe 

I asked how much it is and the man slipped a piece of paper in front of me and I almost fainted with the amount of zeros I saw on a piece of paper 


I have money but I'm not a Kardashian, Jesus Christ!

"You know what that's enough shopping for you" Jackson said to me grabbing me by the arm "We'll come back... Probably..." He checked his watch "Never". 

"What are you doing?! I have to look for a ring for Bada!" I exclaimed violently getting away from his grip 

"Do you really think Bada would appreciate you spending your whole ancestry's fortune for a ring?" He said running his fingers through his hair 

"What are your suggestions then?" I asked clearly annoyed with him dragging me out of the store 

He exhaled deeply

"Come with me" He said and we started walking a few blocks 

He's not talking, I'm not talking, we're walking in silence.

"Minah shared something to me" I broke the silence between us 

"Yeah? Minah is a dumbass" He said shutting me down completely 

"Can you stop that?" I spat at him with creased forehead

"Stop what?" He asked acting clueless and all 

"That acting like an asshole when you clearly care" I said to him 

"Really? You act like you know me... When you can't even remember me" He let out a sarcastic laugh at me 

We stopped at a tattoo bar

"What the hell?" I said to him and I think he got my point right away with just those words

"Shut up for a moment and come with me" He said as he rolls his eyes and pushed the door 

"Jackson.... I thought you'd be out for the day?" A pretty girl behind the desk said and Jackson just smiled 

"Oh... Is this-" 

"Yeah yes yes... We'll get going now" He said interrupting the girl behind the counter dragging me upstairs 

"You're not going to kill me here right?" I asked as he opened the door and walked in to a small space that looks like an office and someone just threw a bed on the side 

"Not on my list of things to get done today" He said grabbing some stuff on the bedside table 

My phone vibrated and pulled it out of my pocket

Bada: hey baby... we're on break rn, i miss u so much where r you???

Me: just running some errands my love, did you eat or drink even?

Bada: ofc, i dont want my wife worrying about my health

Bada: gf*

Me: baby you do realize wife and gf are spelled out totally different right?

Bada: tomato tohmahtoh, same thing same thing 

Bada: look i found a cat here, we should get a cat or a dog... doesn't matter as long as we're the parents im good

Me: did u bring a backpack?

Bada: why?

Me: can she fit inside your bag?

Bada: MADDY HAHAHAHAHAHA idk i'll try.

Me: ok lmk if you've done it, i'll drive the get away car 

Bada: your turn

Me: wdym?

Bada: I want a picture of my baby


"Can I use your bathroom?" I asked Jackson and he pointed on the door on the corner 

The bathroom is surprisingly clean and ambient

Bada: god this is who im coming home to? this is my girlfriend? my future wife? how? why? when? and how again?

Me: baby stop haha i gotta go now, i'll see u later ok??

Bada: yup yup, iloveyousomuch maddy, i'll see you later dalbich

Me: iloveyousomuchmore my bada... <3

I walked out of the restroom and slid my phone to my pocket when something caught my attention

It was placed on the part of the room where you have to actually look for before you notice it since its behind the partition of the kitchen and living area/bedroom

I walk up to the cork board hanged on the wall 

I saw pictures of her and Minah together and they both look so happy, some family pictures of him, Minah and their parents... And... Bada and him?...

"This is... Bada" I said as I removed a photo from the cork board 

"You really don't know how to keep your hands to yourself" He said snatching the photo from my hands 

I could tell that its Bada, I am sure of it

"Why do you have photos with Bada?" I asked and eh rolled his eyes at me 

"It's none of your business" He shut me down once again

"You know that i will not shut up until you tell me right? So might as well tell me now" I replied to him batting my eyelashes 

"Flirting might work on Bada, but it's clearly not working on me" He spat at me still rummaging on his stuff 

"Come on tell me... Minah said you guys are basically mortal enemies how come that you have pictures together?" I said annoying him into talking

I'm doing this Jake Peralta style. 

"How did even Bada fell in love with you? You're so talkative and... Loud" He said scrunching his face

"Rude but okay... So care to share? Sharing is caring? I promise I won't kiss and tell" I said raising my eyebrows up and down at him 

"You're really not going to shut up aren't you?" He said giving up evident in his voice

 And I shook my head aggressively smiling at him 

"I fell in love with her" I almost fell on the floor with what he just said 

"I'm sorry come again?" I asked not being able to register what he just said just now 

"I fell in love with Bada" He repeated himself 

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