My Wife, My Remedy

By hertahira

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FULANI LOVE STORY [ONGOING] Join Aliyu and Maryam as they tried to build the trust in their marriage that wa... More

Epilogue πŸ’•


334 39 4
By hertahira


Song: Arcade🎧
Artist: Duncan Laurence🎤

Author's POV💕

"Let's go" Alhaji Shehu said to Aliyu as he shook his head

"No I can't leave my wife alone" he responded

"Aliyu you should at least get treated" Iman said as he shook his head

"No, I'm not moving from this position till the doctors tell me my Maryam is okay" Aliyu said

"But I need to see Fatima" Alhaji Shehu said

"Iman take him to her, I'm not going" Aliyu said

"Aliyu I can't leave you here alone, let's go we'll come back together" she said as Aliyu kept shaking his head

"I'm not moving from this position till the doctors tell me my wife is okay" he said again as she let out a sigh

"It's okay, leave him, let's go, I'll get Fatima and you can bring him back some food and clothes" Alhaji Shehu said to Iman as she nodded at him

"Aliyu hang on, I'll be back, stay here okay" she said to Aliyu as he nodded before she stood up and with that she left with Alhaji Shehu to the house.

They drove in his car so the drive was a silent one, Alhaji Shehu not wanting to believe it's his Fatima behind this and Iman worried about Aliyu, she saw the state he was in the first time Maryam left him, what state would he go into now if she leaves him the second time cause of this Fatima issue.

They arrived inside the building minutes later and Alhaji Shehu parked the car before they both got down to go inside the house

"Where's the room?" He asked Iman as he trailed from behind

"Upstairs we're going there now" she said and walked faster and in no time she was standing in front of the room,

Taking a deep breath she moved further to open the door revealing Fatima's unconscious naked self on the floor

"Inna illahi" Alhaji Shehu said seeing the horror sight in front of him as he looked at the woman before looking at Iman

"Aliyu did this to her?" He asked Iman as the only color he could see on the floor were blood and the whip mark on her body, he couldn't see her face but from what he could see her face was covered in blood

"I'll put on some clothes for her so we can take her to the hospital" Iman said

"No no, clean up the room and put the clothes on, I'll get the doctor here if she gets taken to the hospital they'll file a police report for physical assault" Alhaji Shehu said quickly taking out his phone

"Okay, but we have to move her to a different room" Iman said going into the room slowly so she won't slip and fall

"Okay, do you need help?" He asked her

"I can't do it alone" she said

"Do you have house workers?" He asked

"No it's just us" she said

"Take her to the bathroom and wash her up I'll clean the room" Alhaji Shehu said as she responded before keeping her veil on the bed and adjusting her clothes to a comfortable manner and with that she pulled Fatima to her feets before slowly walking to the bathroom, it took her approximately 5 mins to do that.

Keeping her in the bathtub she turned on the shower before giving Alhaji Shehu cleaning equipments so he could clean up the room and with that she went back into the bathroom and tried her best to wash off the blood from Fatima's body.

When she was done she looked at the woman's body, there was whips stroke all over it, Aliyu really didn't have any mercy at the same time she couldn't blame him for beating her up this way, a rapist deserved more than just beatings, they deserve death and the fact that she did it out of selfishness and obsession is what pissed her off the most.

She took a towel to dry up Fatima's body for as much as she could before going to her room to get a comfortable Abaya and then coming back to put it on her before taking her out of the bathtub letting the dress cover up her whole body.

Slowly she walked out of the bathroom holding the unconscious body.

Alhaji Shehu looked like he still needed more help cleaning up the floor so she asked for his help to transport Fatima to another room.

Laying the girl gently on the bed Alhaji Shehu stood there looking at her, her face was damaged, so was her body, he could feel it swollen. He doesn't blame Aliyu but he can't say she deserved this treatment either, she betrayed his love and broke his heart but he still doesn't feel comfortable seeing her in this situation

"The doctor would be here soon let's go clean up the room before she arrives" he said to Iman not looking away from Fatima

"Alright" she said walking out of the room and then he followed minutes later.

The two cleaned up the floor, the bed and got rid of the cable Aliyu used to flog Fatima not without cleaning the blood off it of course.

He called a repair guy to come fix the television set cause it was a bit broken now and after that Iman tossed the bed spread in the washing machine and went to wash off the mop that had blood all over it, when she was done she went to wait downstairs with Alhaji Shehu for the doctors arrival.

"Go pack some clothes and food for your brother I'll wait here myself" he said to Iman breaking the long silence as she responded before getting up just then her phone beeped.

She checked it and it was an incoming message from Aiza, without hesitation she checked the message to read

"We found mum and dad's bringing her back home, are you home?"

She read as she looked at Alhaji Shehu and said

"Our dad found our mum and they're bringing her here" she informed him as he nodded

"So quick, guess she didn't run too far" he said as she just looked back to her phone before responding to the message

"Yes I'm home, Aliyu's father in-law is here as well, so is Fatima, we called a doctor and she's on her way too"

She typed before sending and in two minutes Aiza texted back

"Is she good?, We'll be there soon, mum can't stop shouting, dad threatened to call the police, she's responding to the treats saying if he did that Maryam would die, I have a feeling she's behind that as well"

She read as she released a sigh not wanting to respond, how could their mother do this, what sorta example is she leaving on her daughters, why couldn't she just forgive the situation, why was she hell bent on making Aliyu take another wife even though he didn't want to.

"Iman" the elderly man said calling her out of her day dream

"Na'am" she responded

"Your brother is waiting" he said as she nodded

"I'll go now" she said before running towards Aliyu's room to get some clothes, good thing he still had clothes here, she packed 3 polo shirts and two trouser stacking them in a small bag before coming back to keep it in the parlor and with that she ran into the kitchen to get some food.

Good thing Aiza prepared them some lunch which they didn't get time to eat before everything happened, she packed a portion in a small lunch box and took some bottled water going back to put it in the bag for Aliyu before going back to put some food for Alhaji Shehu.

She can't tell what's going on in the man's mind, his soon to be wife cheated on him with his son in-law and his daughter is fighting for her life in the ICU, Farida and Manal took the children after hearing what happened and couldn't stop giving them feedback that the children are crying for their mummy

She walks over to give him the food but he just shook his head rejecting it

"I'm not hungry, just get me water" he said and she nodded going to keep the food back cause she also wasn't hungry as well. After that she gave him the water and heard a car pull up in the house.

"The doctor must be here" he said getting up

"I'll go bring her in" he said as she nodded watching the old man leave and in 5 mins he was back with a doctor and two nurses holding some bags

"Welcome" she said greeting them, the doctor only responded with a nod before saying

"Is she the patient?" She asked Alhaji Shehu as he shook his head

"No, the patients upstairs" he responded

"Iman take her with you I'll wait here for your father" he said again as she nodded

"Let's go" she said directing the doctor and nurses to the guest room where she layed Fatima.

"Here she is" she said as the doctor looked down at the unconscious woman

"Did she faint?" She asked Iman

"I guess so when I last saw her she was unconscious and when I came back she had passed out" Iman said

"Alhaji told me everything, you don't have to worry, you can excuse the room" she said to Iman reassuringly

"Will she be fine?" Iman asked

"Yes she will, I'll dress up the wound and give some medication, I'll call you when I need to" she said with a smile

"Okay then" Iman said nodding her head before leaving the room for the doctor to do her thing

Getting downstairs she could see her father had already arrived with Aiza and their mum and a luggage that was kept to the side.

She hurried over towards Aiza who was standing near the luggage while their mum was seated on the floor with Alhaji Shehu and their dad seated on the couch looking at her.

"She was blabbing when we found her at the airport" Aiza said annoyed

"And now she's looking at the fathers of the people she wronged she can't say a word" Aiza said again

"I can't believe mum would do something like that" Iman said

"I knew she never liked Aliyu but this is just too far" Iman said again

"Now we understand while Aliyu never liked or trusted her" Aiza said as Iman gave her a sad look before looking back to the scene in front of them

Alhaji Shehu and Alhaji Muhammad just stared at Hajiya Nafisa waiting for her to say something but she kept shut.

Alhaji Shehu doesn't even know if should be angry or be upset, he has a lot to ask this woman so he starts with the thing that's has been bothering him the most

"Why do you hate my daughter?" He asked her as she looked at him trying not to give him a pathetic look

"Cause your daughter is useless, I thought she was a good person till I found out what a woman she is and I just couldn't get that version out of my mind" she said

"Is it cause she slapped Aliyu the day he came to see the babies?" Alhaji Muhammad asked her as she eyed him before responding "yes"

"Do you have any idea what Aliyu did that made her that upset to have made her treat him that way or you're just looking for an excuse to justify your hatred for her"Alhaji Muhammad said

"She slapped him to the extent he panicked and fainted, we had to take him to the hospital and you're telling me if I have any idea what Aliyu did, no matter what he did she was aware his a heart patient couldn't she have taken it easy on him and handle the situation with maturity?" She spat out upset

"Don't forget when Aliyu came back that day Maryam was the first person he went to and he didn't accuse her for anything, if he didn't why should you?" Alhaji Shehu said

"Don't try to justify your daughter foolish actions with Aliyu's foolish love, a person in love wouldn't blame their loved one for anything even though they're at fault, Aliyu was foolishly in love with your daughter and she didn't appreciate him it's when the idea of a second wife came that's when she started pretending to be in love with him so she could have him and his wealth under her control" she said in a rude tone making Alhaji Shehu angry

"Don't you dare speak about my daughter in that manner" he said in an almost angry tone


Hey guys!

Just vote!, Don't even think too much about it, tap the star!

Hope y'all loved the chapter cause I did!

This story is getting sweeter by the moment unfortunately it's coming to an end😭

Leave me your comments!

Share pls, recommending to others as well, talk to someone about it and make them wanna come check out my book.

It's worth it!

Don't forget to add "Our Husband" to your library, it's in my profile.

Love y'all

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