Between 🌙Night and Day☀️

By GothNebula

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Adrien the vampire always wanted to learn about the human world but humans are enemies to vampire kind. His f... More

Leaving Transylvania
Arrived in Paris
Love At First Sight
Cat Noir
Werewolf Bite
Changes in Diet
New Changes
His lovely bride

New Leader

135 5 2
By GothNebula

Cat Noir was burning and so was his father. Both would die together but the feline quickly puts on the bracelet to turn him human so he can survive in sunlight but he knows that being human is not strong against a vampire. He had to take the risk for it.

"You're gonna suffer for this, Adrien!" Gabriel snarled as he struggled. Cat Noir tore off his ruined mask, "Not today!" Cat Noir hissed.

Doing a donkey kick at his father to send him into the shadows since he's not a killer, "You were wrong about humanity! That human I love sees me more than a vampire. The only monster they see is vampires like you! Her love is what makes me strong, not by hatred!"

"You're weaker than I thought, Adrien. Falling in love with humans breaks the law!" Gabriel got up, most of his skin burnt.

Adrien held out his whip and smacked it on the ground, "No, your laws only tear everyone apart because of your unchanged vampire traditions for centuries!"

"If this is the only way to end this, THEN SO BE IT!!!" Gabriel yelled.

"That's enough!" The vampire council walks in the shadowy area.

"Your son is right all along!"

"Your madness has almost killed both worlds!"

"Your laws have done nothing but tear everyone apart!"

Gabriel was shocked that the council had turned against him.

"Face it, Gabriel. You have lost! I learned about the human world. Their love, their food, their culture, everything. She once told me that traditions can change over time, not remain unchanged. Beauty doesn't last forever" Adrien said.

"Surrender Gabriel!" The lead Vampire demanded.

"No! I am Your real leader! I protect our kind!" Gabriel refused but then got pinned against the shadowy wall by his son's telekinesis.

"No more! Our kind has a new leader!" Adrien said with his eyes turning red.

"I am your father!" Gabriel glared.

"I lost my dad centuries ago! No, you're not the father I know anymore! I'm nothing like you! I killed Cerise because her nasty lies would have influenced everyone more than hypnosis! Worse than the plague!" Adrien said.

Two vampires then grabbed Gabriel, still burned from sunlight but Adrien had the bracelet to survive in sunlight.

"You stole it from Nathalie?!" Gabriel saw it.

"Yes, like a cat burglar and it worked since I already proved you wrong that the human world is not monsters. One man was that killed my mother but he's already dead from old age centuries ago. The only monster we all see is you" Adrien said.

"You'll regret this!" Gabriel said.

"Lock him up and make sure that coffin is sealed shut. He better not escape to harm both worlds out of madness" Adrien said to the council.

"Let go of me!" Gabriel screamed as he was dragged away.

Adrien walks inside the mansion to take off the bracelet, still feeling a lot of burns on his body and he needs blood to regain his strength.

"Adrien" Nathalie and the bodyguard saw him.

"Nathalie. Agh! Okay, okay! My craving is jolting! Excuse me for a second" He sped flash to the kitchen.

He snatched a bottle of blood before he went nuts. He drank it all quickly before panting so aggressively from knowing what would happen if he didn't drink blood to calm his aggression.

"Finally" He felt his burns go away.

"Adrien, are you okay?" Nathalie asked.

"Yeah. Forgive me. Your human scent almost made me feel like biting" Adrien said.

"You finally got your father defeated, Adrien. I'm proud of you" Nathalie said.

"Thanks. I'm sorry it took this long. I was physically and mentally a kid to see what's right" Adrien said.

"Well, he won't come out again," Nathalie said.

"Being sealed in a coffin buried 10 feet down, that's a better punishment than sunlight" Adrien chuckled and the bodyguard nodded in agreement.

"Is everyone okay? Besides seeing my father's madness" Adrien said.

"They are fine," Nathalie said.

Just then Ladybug and Felix came in. Felix had minor burns since he had a hard time hiding with Ladybug in broad daylight.

"Adrien!" Ladybug ran and hugged Adrien.

"My princess!" Adrien hugs her back.

"Agh! Great to see your ass unharmed from sunlight. Where the hell is Gabriel?" Felix asked.

"He's imprisoned now" Adrien replied.

"Define the specific definition of imprisonment," Felix asked.

Adrien rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Eternal lock up in his coffin and no chance of freedom"

"That's too cruel" Felix grabs a bottle of blood to drink.

"He deserved it after what he did to you and Nino," Adrien said.

"Finally. What took you so long to kick his ass straight down to hell?" Felix getting his frustration out for waiting centuries to happen.

"My love for Marinette," Adrien said.

"Heh, you two are definitely twin brothers than just cousins" Ladybug giggled.

"Well, since our moms are twins, we're basically brothers. Anyways, where have you been? We thought you were gonna die" Felix asked.

"I fought my father in this mansion" Adrien replied.

"How exactly did you kick his ass in the end?" Ladybug asked.

"Let me tell you in the living room," Adrien said.

"I love real-life stories" Felix snickered.

After telling everything in the living room, both were amazed, "Incredible, you fought even as you got burned" Marinette said.

"Yup. We both got burned but I put on the human bracelet to survive in sunlight. My mask got burned" Adrien said.

"I can make a new one for you," Marinette said.

"Merci. And the costume had minor burns. Man, the fashion contest is tomorrow and I ruined the catsuit you designed" Adrien regretted it.

"I got a spare suit at home," Marinette said.

"What?" Adrien said.

"During those days you became Cat Noir I made sure to make an extra" Marinette said.

"As in you would think monsters out there would kick my ass and ruin my catsuit" Adrien chuckled and drank blood from the glass wine.

"That's right, Kitty," Marinette said.

"Well then, you found your puuuuurrrrrfect model," Adrien said.

"Yeah, I did. And I'm happy the threat is over" Marinette said.

"Meow, my lovely bride," Adrien said.

"You are contagious with cat puns, cuz" Felix rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, just as you are with birds," Adrien said while holding Marinette.

"Oh yes," Felix replied.

Adrien yawned that he's supposed to sleep during the daylight, "Come, Adrien, let's get you to the coffin" Felix said and Adrien followed.

Ladybug followed them and saw the feline get in his coffin, "See you tomorrow as the mysterious catman model" Ladybug winked.

"Oh yeah. You can count on that, Princess" Adrien said.

"Just don't hypnotize the audience" Ladybug chuckled.

"I won't, my love," Adrien said.

"Did you hypnotize my mind?" Ladybug teased.

"No Princess. See you soon" Adrien said before closing the lid so he could sleep.

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