Lupin's Daughter

By hailssbales

6.6K 101 34

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) its always ourse... More

the letters
diagon alley
platform 9 3/4
the great hall
waves and full moons
falling out
double trouble
you'll feel better
they aren't all bad
the prank
welcome home
frames and broomsticks
new year
under the willow
time's blur
to be alone
never let me down again
curses and spells
carriage in the cold
on the ice
the christmas waltz
gobstones and gillyweed
into the maze


53 1 0
By hailssbales

The first task of the Triwizard Tournament has been all anyone could think about. What could it be? How dangerous will it be? The questions excited many while it caused nervousness for other's.

"Come sit down." I patted the space beside me.

"I can't believe they are having bloody dragons!" Wes said, stopping his pacing and taking a seat.

"I knew I shouldn't of told you. But I figured it'd be better for you to find out before rumors started floating about."

"You're probably right."

"Of course I am! Now let's try to focus on homework, yeah?" I turned back to my unfinished potions work, unaware of the smile on my friends face and the unseen affection growing.

After nearly a hour of writing I sorted my papers together and looking up to the boy seated on the couch I'm leaning on I ask if he'd like to take a break. Putting our work away we met back in the common room and walk together toward the kitchen. As the two of us approached the door my breath hitched in the back of my throat. In that moment Wes's hand brushed against mine and I took hold of it, pur fingers intertwined and air returned to my lungs.

"Hi Dot! I'll have a hot chocolate's please."

"I'll have the same." Wes said. The house elf smiled with a nod and ran off the get our beverages.

"Was everything alright back there?"

"Hm?" I asked, "oh yeah, everything's fine."

"You stopped breathing."

"Oh well, the cold makes it hard sometimes." Dot returned with our drinks at the perfect time, "this will help!" I put on a smile. Lifting the mug I took a sip, hoping the questioning will be dropped.

"Hey," I looked at Wes. "You don't have to tell me everything. But you don't have to lie to me." He raised his eyebrows as he spoke and concern unlike I've seen before could be seen on his face.

Girls and boys are lined up on each side of the room with head of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall standing in the center. "Mr. Weasley, would you care to come down?" Ron reluctantly stood up from his seat and before McGonagall. "Now place your hand on my waist."


McGonagall snapped at the embarrassed boy and the both of them started dancing to everyone's amusement. Small bursts of laughter would erupt across the room, that is until everyone was told to pick a partner and join the practice. Looking around it seemed nearly everyone was partnered up.

"Still need a partner?" A hand was held out in front of me," I need one too."

I accept the hand and walk to a corner of the room that isn't so crowded. The boy looked just a little older than me and was about a head taller with curly blonde hair. "I'm Derek. Derek Filey."

"I'm Hailey Lupin."

"Lupin? Like our Professor Lupin?"

"He's my dad."

"Oh that's cool! I mean. I'm sorry he doesn't teach anymore, he was the best defense Professor I ever had. This is only my third year but still, he actually taught about things that were interesting."

"That's what everyone says." I laughed.

"Are you excited about the ball?"

"I don't really know anything about it but it sounds fun."

"My sister went to the last Yule Ball and told me how nice it is. The excitement from the decorations, the music, the finding a date."

McGonagall dismissed us all and after saying goodbye to Derek I got my homework and decided to study in the library. You can't so much as have a chair drag across the floor without Madam Pince running toward the sound to shush you, making even more noise in doing so. But it does make the perfect place to do homework.

"How's your dad?" I look up to see Avery standing, arms crossed with a smug look on her face.

"He's good. How's the ego?" The response seemed to of thrown the girl off. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have homework to do."



"Oh piss off." Avery spat out without thinking to who she was talking to.

"10 points from Gryffindor and two week's detention for you Miss Fortescue. I will see you tonight after dinner." Madam Pince walked off to look for someone else to shush. Avery stalked off.

"Hi!" Wes walked up just as Avery turned away in frustration.

"Oh you just missed something so good." I laughed quietly, "Madam Pince just gave that witch something she deserves."

The two of us finished our studies and walked to the great hall together for dinner. The hall was filled of talk and gossip of who is going to the Yule Ball together and who is asking who out. I hadn't given much thought to the idea of a date. I figured if I were to go with anyone that I'd let them ask me and I left the idea at that.

At the end of Gryffindor table was Harry sitting with his friends. "Hey Wes, I'll be back."

I got up and walked toward the anxious looking boy. "Harry?"

He looked up from his full plate, "oh, hi."

"I need to talk to you for a minute."

"Ok." He got up from his seat and followed me out of the hall.

"Dragons will be in the first task." I said.

"Dragons? You can't be serious!" He said.

I nodded, "I did Hagrid a favor and he showed me them."

The rough voice of Professor Moody spoke from the dimly lit hall, "she's right. And she's good for telling you. Now I am going to tell you how to get past the first task."

"But sir, Harry isn't even supposed to be in this! Shouldn't you just tell him get out of it safely?"

"This is the boy who lived! He survived a curse from Voldemort. How would it look if he couldn't get past a measly dragon?"

"He's right," Harry said. "You told me to accept help and that's what I'm going to do. I was put in this for a reason and I need to find out why."

"But Harry-"

"You heard the boy!" Mad Eye cut me off, "come with me!"

The two walked off and I returned to my place beside Wes. "That was more then a minute." He said with a laugh "what did you talk about?"

"I told him about the dragons."

Dear Padfoot,
The first task will have dragons. I am worried for Harry but am trying my best not to show to much. Professor Moody is going to help Harry to get through the task but I'm still nervous. He really wants him to move forward in the tournament. Stay safe!

With love,

At the top of the owlery I send the letter off addressed to Padfoot. I don't know how he is getting my letters with no address to put on them but the owls always find their way to him. I return to Gryffindor Tower and get ready for bed. I pull my curtains tight to keep the world out and I drift off to sleep.


In my casting I changed Remus and Sirius from David Thewlis to Andrew Garfield and Gary Oldman to Ben Barnes because overtime they have become more those characters to me now. So for those who have been reading for awhile, now you know ;)

Song: Intertwined by Dodie

Word count: 1195

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