Nikke reacts to the multivers...

بواسطة goldenprime1

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The commander and their Nikkes are sent a strange drone that can show them the multiverse. But it will ask fo... المزيد



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بواسطة goldenprime1

Hey - talking
Hey - veiwing

Hey - info
'Hey' - thoughts

DA-14B: Is everyone ready to start the viewing now that there is more food and drinks?

Commander: Yes DA everyone is ready to see the second universe

DA-14B: Good then let me start the viewing then


As the final Rapture fell into a pile of sparking scrap, with a tired cheer rising from Anis and Neon, Jonathan wiped his forehead and smiled.

"Alright, I think that's the last one. Good work, team."

"Confirmed, there are no nearby Raptures that I can see. Disengaging and standing down." Rapi, the ever-reliable second, came jogging over first. "Are you all right, Commander?"

"A couple of shots grazed my cover, but no direct hits here. I'm fine." He assured her. "How about you?"

"No notable internal or external damage to my chassis. " Rapi reported. "I'm just fine too, Commander."


"Well heeeey, ain't that something! Looks like these newbies can hold their own by now! Now you REALLY can't expect me to come save you if you get in trouble in the future, yeah? Well...unless you really beg me for help." An obnoxious voice spoke up.

Rapi blew out a tired breath as she and Jonathan turned to find Noah, trademark smug smirk firmly in place as she giggled to herself.

Commander: For some reason i dont like her and ive liked every nikke ive meet so far

Rapi: I dont trust her she seems so full of herself

Anis: Thats a most condescending smile that I've ever seen

Neon: I agree with Anis on this i dont like that smile of hers

Andersen: Ingrid who is that cause i know no nikke that looks like her

Ingrid: I dont know Andersen

Bushing it off with an easy smile, Jonathan looked past her and at the rest of Team Inherit.

"Everyone else okay?"

"Hmph, as if these little small fry would be anything to me." Harran flipped her hair smugly. "I'm perfectly fine."

"I'm just fine too, but thank you so much for being concerned about me, darling~" Isabel smiled shyly, twirling a lock of hair.

Commander: Hey its Harran so we really do meet again!!

Snow: Who is Harran little brother?

Commander: Oh Harran is another Paragon that I met when she saved me from falling off of a bridge

Snow:........ And why is that nikke Calling You Darling For My Little Brother???

Commander: I dont know big sis snow

Everyone can see the commander is scared of Snow white's overprotective big sister mode right now due to him shaking like a leaf

"N-No worries, just looking out for the team." Jonathan tried to keep the nerves from his voice as he noticed the rather...hungry look in the Nikke's eyes.

Snow white's head slowly turns back to the screen with a look of pure hate at someone going after her little brother like figure with naughty intent.

Commander: Please claim down big sis Snow lease

Snow: What do you mean claim little bro i am claim

It brought back far too many memories of his...less than pleasant experiences at Isabel's hands.

Don't think about it don't think about it don'tthinkaboutit-

The drink in Snow white's hand crumbles due to the amount of strength at Snow White put into holding while looking more pissed off then before at this nikke Isabel

"All fine over here, Commander!" Anis' cheerful reply cut through his internal turmoil, with her bounding up to him and offering a chipper salute. "All enemies down!"

"Yep, no major problems over here either, Master!" Neon called, proudly showing off the few grazes on her skin. "Just some superficial damage to the outer frame!"

"I can confirm there's no Raptures remaining in the area, you can head back to Eden now." Cecil cut in, her holographic face checking some screens to her right before looking at Jonathan. "Thanks for your help today, Counters team."

"Don't worry about it, helping out is what we do." Jonathan assured her.

"We're certainly grateful for it."

Anis: of course we got our missions done in good time well not always in good time but thats mostly due to more raptures then expected

Neon: Plus we got to show the raptures the beauty of fire power to the face!!!

Rapi: And further get resources for The Outpost on the ark

"Oh daaarling~"

Jonathan tried not to flinch too hard when he saw Isabel waltzing over to him, practically looking like she was skipping.

"Why not accompany your-"

"Isabel, take to the skies and reconnoitre the area. Make sure there are no stragglers that might report our position." A sharp bark cut the Pilgrim off.

Jonathan had never been happier to see Johan, the other Commander striding over to them with his signature stern frown fixed to his face.

Well...besides maybe against Nihilister. He saved our bacon there for sure.

"Johan, it's alright, I can't pick up any more Raptures." Cecil replied, her holographic screen manifesting in front of Johan now as he held up his wrist.

"Just because you can't detect them doesn't mean they aren't out there." Johan insisted. "Isabel, go. Now."

"Johan..." Cecil's exasperation was audible over the connection.

"...yes, Commander." Blowing one last kiss at Jonathan, Isabel spread her wings and took to the skies.

Anis: Oh thank goodness that Isabel lady is no longer on screen cause im afraid that our Snow white here might try to find her

Anis points to the still enraged Snow White still crushing the drink in her hand that was nothing more then scrap metal at this point

Ingrid: Yes, but who is this Johan cause i have no memory of a commander with that name?

Andersen shook his head in a negative on knowing anything about this commander Johan person

Counters watched her go, the Pilgrim rapidly streaking through the skies till they lost sight of her behind a cloud.

"Ugh, when's she going to knock it off with thinking you're dating?" Anis grumbled. "Can't you try telling her, Commander?"

"I would if I could, Anis." Jonathan said, "But last time I tried that..."

He rubbed at his wrists, trying to dispel the phantom pains that began to flare.

Snow: She.... Hurt.... You.... Well everyone would be fine with one less nikke

Everyone could now understand why the commander was afraid of Snow white's overprotective side due to the crazy glint in  her eyes

Ingrid: Snow white please claim down your scaring the commander

As to Ingrids words Snow white can now see that she is indeed scaring the commander as he's in a fetal position

Snow: Im sorry little bro i didnt mean to scare you that badly

Commander: It fine big sis snow

"Let's just say it didn't work out."

"Okay, Commander." As if sensing his discomfort, Anis backed down, looking apologetic.

"Noah and Harran, we're going back to Eden." Johan ordered, beginning to stride off.

"And what about them, Commander?" Harran indicated Counters with her head.

"Ah who cares? It's not like it's our fault if they get lost!" Noah protested. "They've been 'round here often enough by now that they should know where to go!"

"They can do what they like, the extermination mission is over...and I'm not their father." Johan huffed, striding off with the two Nikkes in tow.

Counters, after taking a moment to look around and nodding among themselves, began following along.

Mary: Hmmm he seems like a good man a bit of jerk to but a kind man underneath that exterior

Commander: I have to agree with you Mary due to us knowing a few people who put up a hard shell around themselves

The commander and the counters point to both Ingrid and Snow white as the two women have a hard shell exterior to keep people away

Cecil was there to greet the group as they all finally stumbled back into Eden's main courtyard.

"Congratulations on a successful extermination. That should keep the Raptures from congregating around Eden's location for a while. Good job." The white-haired woman said, glancing at a tablet in her free hand.

"Thanks! Alright ladies, let's go get ourselves patched up!" Anis led Counters off at a steady march.

"It's the second door on the right down the first corridor to the left." Cecil called, not even looking at the trio.

Johan just grunted in acknowledgement and moved past her, heading for the primary command centre.

Snow: hmmm i think i like this Cecil person so i approve of her

Neon: Ya she seems like a nice person to get along with

Rapi: I have to see more of her in order to get a better judgment on her before i say anything else

Ingrid: Hmmm she seems like the all powerful secretary of this Eden place

"...and there he goes right back to work." Cecil sighed, shaking her head.

"Does he even sleep?" Jonathan asked, though jokingly.

Surprisingly, Cecil smiled softly back.

"Strange as it may seem, he still does from time to time…not that he's not been trying to get me to come up with an enhancement that lets him function without it."

"All in the name of efficiency. I mean, it's hard to argue with the results, but-"

Mary: Thats not really healthy the human body needs more than 5 hours of sleep just to function even very and this Johan may end up crashing very hard

Ingrid: That i agree with due to me seeing many poeple who work for me end up crashing due to very little sleep

The commader just sat there silently thinking about Anne's mother Angelina and how she works herself tired beyond belief for Anne.

Commander: 'I wonder would i be able to do that just like Angelina does for Anne?'

"It does make for a rather boring conversation partner when not at work." Cecil finished. "I don't think I've ever seen him even indulge in a hobby once. It can get rather tiring after a point."

"...but you still wouldn't change him for anyone else, would you?" Jonathan asked, knowingly.

"No. There's…really no one quite like him out there."

"Well, Eden's lucky to have him."

"Indeed we are, but I can't help but feel we'd be even luckier to have the both of you, with what you managed to accomplish together."

Jonathan was a little taken aback, especially at Cecil's seemingly hopeful smile.

Everyone was surprised even the commander themselves were surprised to hear what Cecil just said to the version of their self on the screen

Neon: Is she asking master to leave the ARK and join this Eden?

Anis: I think you hit the nail on the head with that guess Neon cause thats exactly what she's asking

Rapi: The commander would never leave the ARK neon. Right commander?

Commander: Of course i would never leave the ARK or you guys

"Probably, but I'm afraid I can't. I've still got responsibilities at The Ark, after all." He declined.

"I thought as much." Cecil sighed, though she didn't look too put out, simply knowing. "Well, I suppose it can't be helped."

The nikke's gave out a sigh of relief that the version on screen wasnt going to leave them and the ARK

Andersen: She knew the answer alreadly most not be the first time she asked that version of you commander

Commander: Ya i have to agree with you there sir but i guess that version of me still gets surprised by her asking me that

Jonathan was about to speak again, but a vibration and jingle from his phone distracted him. Holding up a finger to signal he needed a moment, he stepped away and brought out his phone, seeing a Blabla message notification from Andersen.

Andersen: I wonder what that me is going ask but i only guesses nothing solid

Commander: Could be more missions then

Andersen: Yes it could be more missions

"Once your current assignment is finished, report back to The Ark immediately. I have an alpha priority assignment for you and only you, so come alone to the designated coordinates. They'll be uploaded automatically once you're inside The Ark."

Jonathan held out a short breath, feeling his heart rate quicken.

That urgent, huh? What could it be?

Another Heretic? Another Chatterbox? Has someone cottoned on to Eden?

No. No…Andersen and Ingrid have been going to a lot of trouble to keep any discussions about that VERY private. No way the information got beyond us three.

Well, I guess I'll find out once I get back.

Everyone was shocked that the Andersen on screen said it was alpha priority assignment which was in itself more important then anything else

Pocketing his phone and sighing, Jonathan turned back to Cecil, who lifted an eyebrow quizzically.

"Speaking of The Ark…well, duty calls." He said, tapping his phone in his pocket. "Priority alpha mission."

"Oh? I see. Only the best for Special Commandos like you, mmm?"

"Yeah, lucky us." He grumbled, remembering one of the last important missions he'd taken part in…and especially how it ended.

This time, it was his chest that tingled with phantom agony. Of the memory of cold, sharp metal tearing through fragile flesh and muscle.

Thank god for Marian fighting as hard as she did to help me. I'd have probably bled out otherwise.

The commander grab at their chest as if feeling the phantom pains of their otherself due to them describing how it felt and how much blood they lost

Anis: Wait Marian was there but isnt she.... Gone?

Rapi: I dont know Anis i mean that version of Marian could have never been corrupted

Neon: Then does that mean i would not be a member of counters?

Commander: I dont know Neon

"Well, if your mission takes you anywhere around here and you need an Operator, you have my contact information." Cecil said, her smooth voice cutting through his reverie.

"Really?" Jonathan asked. "You're okay with that? I might be coming with other Nikke Teams from The Ark for an operation of this high a priority, you know."

"Then I'll just text you points of interest, if you need them. You've done a lot for Eden's sake and trusted me with your blood examinations. Consider it a means of repaying you." The scientist calmly insisted. "Well, besides the schematics, of course."

"Yeah, thanks a bunch for those. Ingrid's scientists are still having problems fully figuring them out, last I heard."

"And what's the 'official' story behind those schematics?"

"Recovered on a sweep of an old military laboratory."

"I see. Thank you for that." Cecil smiled slightly again.

"Don't worry about it."

Andersen: Yes that would be a good cover story on finding those schematics

Ingrid: If it my scientist are having a hard time figuring out those schematics then they must be more advanced then what were have on hand

Neon: Oh i wonder what kind of schematics they are cause i hope their weapon schematics

"Of course. Though, if I could make a request…"

In the middle of turning to walk off, Jonathan looked back, finding Cecil looking at the ground with her arms folded, seeming…a little bashful.


"Don't be a stranger around here. There's a certain…refreshing energy you bring with you, and I'm quite sure everyone wouldn't mind if you visited from time to time."

"Really? Everyone?"

"Well, everyone you've met thus far, even Johan." Cecil replied. "I know he might not show it very easily, but I can see it in his body language. Johan likes having someone who can even start keeping up with him intellectually, Inherit Team seems to be okay with you…even Dorothy's smiles have been just a little bit softer lately."

"Huh, really?" Jonathan tilted his head and nodded to himself.

Guess that desert trip and pawing through that rubble was worth it after all.

"And…you?" He asked, curious.

"Well, as I said, it's nice having someone who's actually interested in something other than killing Raptures around from time to time." This time, Cecil did meet his gaze with a soft stare of her own.

"I see. Well, thanks."

"Mmmm, don't mention it." Cecil waved it off easily.

"Well, I'd best be going." He indicated behind him awkwardly.

Anis: Well it looks like they like you over the commander

Commander: I guess youre right Anis

Neon: Of course master is well liked their fun to be around

"Of course, excuse me as well." Giving him one last nod, Cecil turned and strode off down a nearby corridor, Jonathan watching her go for a while before he too strode off towards the maintenance bay.

As he turned the corner into the second corridor, he almost collided with the approaching Johan.

"Ah, s-sorry about that!" He blurted out. "I'm just getting my team-"

"Message from The Ark?" Johan guessed, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Urgent assignment."

"I see. Probably for the best, actually. Isabel's due back soon and I can't justify another perimeter sweep so easily."

Jonathan nodded…only to double take and stare at the other Commander. Johan's expression hadn't changed from his slight frown, but there was a knowing look in his eyes.

"Oh, erm…thanks for that."

"It wasn't intended just for you. Her sudden…obsession with you is detrimental for both of us, especially if she spaces out on an assignment, so it's best for you not to be here when she gets back. That way, she can focus fully on protecting Eden." Johan said.

"Yeah, got it." Jonathan nodded, brushing past Johan. "On that note, I'd better-"


"Hmmm?" Turning his head, Jonathan found Johan staring back at him, twirling his cap a little in his hands.

"Your performance today…it was as I expected." The other man said.

"Huh, "as expected" eh? I'll take that as a compliment." Jonathan smiled.

Johan simply walked off without saying anything else, leaving the Counters Commander to resume his path to the maintenance room.

Anis: Looks like Cecil was right about that Johan guy taking a liking to the commander

Rapi: Yes it seems she was spot on with her assessment

Neon: Yup!!!

"Hey, Commander!" Anis called, waving to him as he stepped in.

"Hey girls, everything all fixed up again?"

"Yep, all the little nicks and blemishes are taken care of! This Eden tech really is amazing!" Anis gushed.

"Don't worry about me, Master!" Neon assured him. "No damage remaining!"

"I'm at full readiness, Commander." Rapi reported, saluting.

"Good, because we're heading back to The Ark. Well, I am, anyway I've got a new priority mission waiting for me from Andersen."

"New mission, huh? " Anis asked. "Wonder who we'll be strong-armed into helping this time."

"What sort of mission, Commander?" Rapi asked.

"I don't know yet, Andersen didn't give specifics. But don't worry, once I find out, you girls will be the first to know." Jonathan promised, smiling.

His three Nikkes smiled right back.

"Understood, Commander. We're ready to depart."

"Well, no time like the present. Let's go."

The screen slowly turns dark after a few seconds with the screen now back to showing data files and DA-14B selecting the next universe

Anis: We're always ready to do some missions

Neon: Yup i get to show off more fire power during missions

Rapi: More resources for The Outpost when it hurt

Andersen: You all are the one of the few that get missions done on time

Ingrid: Yes counter squad does get thing done better then most commander do

Snow white couldnt help but a crack a small smile at the way the counters acted reminding her of her time in goddess squad with all the others


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