Far away from "home"

By Linnea723

13K 451 48

A fifteen year old exchange student from Norway just arrived in Seattle. How will the next ten months be? Wil... More

Day one
Visiting the station
First friend
Early morning
The day before...
Chapter 11
Dinner party
Plans change
A/n please read!!
Stay with me

Relaxing day

919 29 0
By Linnea723

Maria's pov

It's 9 am and I woke up almost an hour ago. I decided to get ready for the day and put on some blue baggy jeans along with a gray sweater, i did some light makeup before going to find Carina. I could hear her all morning so I knew she was awake. When I walked into the kitchen it was shining, the whole apartment was shining to be honest.

"Carina?" I asked.

"Oh ciao good morning, did I wake you?" She said, turning around to look at me.

"Good morning and no, you didn't wake me". I replied.

"Would you like oatmeal for breakfast?" She asked turning towards the fridge.

"Yes please. Uhm is Maya back?"


"Have you heard from her?" I hesitantly said.

"No, not yet". She said while making us both oatmeal. A silence feel upon us. I texted Nora since she was still awake. We texted each other until Carina walked over to the dining table with two bowls.

"This is really good, it reminds me of when I was little".

"Thanks, it's my mama's recipe. I'm happy you like it". She said with a small smile. We ate in silence until the door opened. In walked a tired Maya with soot in her face.

"Bella". Carina immediately got up from her seat and hurried over to Maya pulling her in for a hug. They pulled apart, Carina's hands resting on Maya's cheeks.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just tired". Maya whispered.

"Do you want some food?" Carina asked concerned for her wife.

"I just wanna sleep". The blonde responded with a hoarse voice.

"Okay". Carina pulled Maya in for another hug before leading her down the hallway into their bedroom.

Carina's pov

I led Maya into our bedroom and sat her down on the bed, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. When I got back in the bedroom Maya was almost asleep.

"Come on Bella, let's get you showered then you can sleep". She walked into the bathroom leaning against the sink. I helped her get undressed before undressing myself, I guided Maya into the shower.

"Thanks". Maya quietly said. I just held her close while I started washing her hair.

"Ti amo"

"I love you too". When Maya was soot free, we got out of the shower. I wrapped her in a towel leading her back into the bedroom, and sat her down on the bed. I walked over to the dresser and found a t shirt and underwear. I helped her get dressed before she laid down under the covers. I quickly put my clothes back on before joining her in bed, cuddling until she fell asleep. A few minutes later I got up looking at my wife, peacefully asleep in our bed. She was alive and okay. When I walked back into the living room I couldn't see Maria. I looked over into the kitchen and saw she had cleaned up our bowls. It makes me so happy having her here, even though she's only been here a couple of days she's really warmed up to us. I knocked on her door and waited for her response, when I heard her say come in, I entered.

"Sorry for walking away when we were talking and thank you for doing our dishes". I apologized.

"It's not a problem. How's Maya?" She asked a little concerned.

"She's ok, exhausted but ok. She's sleeping now". I answered truthfully.

"That's good".

Maria's pov

When Carina and Maya walked into the bedroom I stood up and did our dishes, it's the least I can do. When I was done I walked into my bedroom, plopping down on the bed. I scrolled on TikTok until Carina came in thanking me for the dishes. She looked so relieved that Maya was home and ok. After almost an hour scrolling I decided to go on a walk. I went into the living room and asked Carina if it was ok. She looked a little hesitant but agreed if I had my phone with me and I needed to be back within 30 minutes. Going on a walk felt good, it was cloudy but the air was fresh and warm. I walked to the park we visited yesterday and stood in front of the pond with ducks in it. I started thinking about how amazing these couple of days had been, before I remembered my family. I had forgotten about them and it felt good? My family isn't the best, my dad works from 4:30 am to 5pm and when he comes home he just drinks and smokes. My mom works in a flower shop all day long and when she comes home she just ignore everything that's happening. My big brother has anger issues and my little sister is evil, so know you understand me, the middle child. The one that always is at fault and the one that's forgotten. I quickly wiped a couple of tears before walking back to the apartment. When I got back I saw Carina humming and dancing around to some Italian song, when she saw me she immediately smiled.

"How was your walk?" She said walking over to me and giving me a hug. The feeling of her arms around me made me smile.

"Good, I went to the park we visited yesterday". She looked at me with a huge smile.

"Do you wanna help me make lasagna?"

"Yess". I immediately washed my hands before we started. Carina told me all about Italy and her childhood. It made me happy to see her talk about her family. When the lasagna was in the oven, a sleepy blonde came into the kitchen. She immediately wrapped her arms around Carina.

"Smell's good in here". Maya said giving her wife a kiss.

"We're making lasagna, Maria helped". Carina said proudly.

"Wow, was it fun?"

"Yeah". I answered with a big smile.

"You tired bambina?" The Italian asked.

"Yeah, but I could smell lasagna so I had to get up. And I wanna sleep tonight". Carina kissed Maya on the cheek.

"You're so cute together". They both smiled.

"I mean it. You're dancing around together, kissing and hugging, it's sweet". I said admiring them.

"You're parents don't do that?" Carina asked.

"No". I answered looking down on the floor.

"That's ok not everyone does. My parents didn't". Maya said as she grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. We all walked into the kitchen and sat down. Maya cuddled into Carina's side on the couch while I sat in the armchair. While waiting on the lasagna to be done I scrolled through instagram.

Finally the lasagna was done and we all sat down at the table. The lasagna is the best thing I've ever eaten. I could eat it for the rest of my life.

"This is sooo good Carina. And you too Maria, you're a good helper". The blonde said with her mouth full of food.

"Thanks and I agree, this is the best thing I've ever eaten".

"Thanks Maria". Carina said while laughing. When we were done eating I was so full.

"I ate too much again". Maya complained.

"Me too, I'm nauseous".

"You two". Carina said while shaking her head.

"So what did you two do after I left yesterday?"

"We went shopping at target". I answered, a smile forming on my face just thinking about it.

"And then we decorated Maria's room". Carina chipped in.

"Ooo can I see?" The american asked.

"Yeah, of course". With that we all walked into my room.

"Wow, it's so pretty Maria".


"You like it?" Maya asked.

"Yess a lot".

"You have an incredible style bambina". I blushed at her comment.

"Thank you". I whispered. Both Maya and Carina looked at each other and smiled. I sat down on my bed, Maya next to me. The doctor leaning against the dresser.

"You're so nice to me".

"Of course, why shouldn't we". Maya asked.

"I'm just not used to it". They both looked at each other concerned before looking back at me.

"Can you tell us a little more bambina?" I thought about telling them everything.

"It's just that I'm the middle child. My little sister puts the blame on me, the usual stuff".

"Are you sure there's nothing else?" Maya asked carefully, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah". I simply said. I felt bad but I couldn't tell them. They both went to the living room while I stayed in my room. I decided to read a few chapters of the book I'm reading.

About an hour later Maya came in to say good night and that Carina would be awake for a little longer. When she left I walked over to my desk and sat down. I looked at myself in the mirror before removing my makeup. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before I sat down on the bed and looked out the window. The stars were shining so bright tonight. I layed down hearing Carina in the background just like this morning before I drifted off to sleep.

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