MR Taetae♡ |Taekookff|

By taewithkookies69

865K 41.9K 6.4K

A Story of a cute naughty prince who called himself Mr Taetae got Married to a Handsome yet Cold King Jeon Ju... More

♡14♡ [M]
♡20♡ [M]
Not an Update😘
♡29♡ [S.M]
♡32♡ [M]
Seven for Taetae's hubby
♡Taetae in Millitary♡ (Sp Ep)
♡Taetae's Day♡ (Sp Ep)
Note an Update.
♡52♡ [S.M]
♡56♡ [M]


8.4K 483 98
By taewithkookies69

Taehyung gently rocked Guggie back and forth, singing a sweet lullaby in a soft, soothing voice. Guggie's eyes grew heavy as he listened to the calming melody, his little eyelids fluttering. Taehyung couldn't resist planting gentle kisses on Guggie's forehead.

He glanced at his husband who was sulking with a pout waiting for taehyung on the bed.

"Guggie baby sleep mama is also sleepy." He said yawning cutely.

But guggie kept staring at his beautiful mama with big bambi eyes.

Taekook were trying their best to make him sleep so that they can do their important businessue but here their little devil has no plans to let his parents succeed in their unholy plan tonight.

"Mama by dada ish not shleeping?" He whispered in a low voice.

"Huh what do you mean?" Taehyung asked in a same pitch.

Guggie giggle showing his first two bunny teeths and spoke.

"I bowght youl fav chocolatesh mama we will eat bhen dada sleep otherwishe he bill shcold us." He whispered his evil plan smirking cutely.

Taehyung looked at his little version with hung open mouth.

It was Mr Taetae whom you can bribe with a candy only and here guggie brought his favourite chocolates.

The mother and son duo highfived secretly.

"Just act sleepy ok."

Guggie nodded and acted like sleeping.

Taehyung gently placed him on his cradle and went to jungkook straightening his clothes.

And here the Alpha was all ready to attack on his prey when he saw the hurdle got removed from his way.

He got up which made taetae gulped.

"Ab hubby we will do it another time I am super sleepy and tired also I have college tommorow." He excused shuttering and was about to go on his side but jungkook was quick enough to catch his waist.

"No not tonight." He whispered huskily.

Taetae gulped and tried to get out from his grip but couldn't.

"Hubby please na." He whinned, he was scared what if jungkook actually started doing things without knowing that guggie is still awake.

He don't wanted to ruin his baby's innocence especially when he is only 3 years old.

"Hubby need you baby." He whispered placing wet kisses on his neck.

Taehyung bite his lips to control his moans.

"H-hubby g-guggi..."

"Now its Daddy only." With that he throw him on the mattress and hovered above him.

Guggie peeked from his cradle hearing strange voices.

"H-hubby l-listen...."

"Shhh you will wake him up."

Just as he undo top 3 buttons of Taehyung's top thats when the heard a voice which shocked jungkook.

"Thatshs not fairl you al fhighting bithout me." Guggie said pouting with his hands on his hips.

"I am alsho coming yayyyyy." He jumped on his dada who was glaring at Taehyung.

"Hihihi sorry hubby." Taetae said gulping down his saliva.

Jungkook hurriedly button up his omega's shirt possessively and then lifted up the little devil gripping his pajamas who was giving flying kicks to him with his little feets.

"Yaaaaa I'm on mama's tweam."

Jungkook looked at him with done face but smiled at his cute over excited son.

"You have school tommorow right so sleep we will play next time." He said glancing at tae his voice was little cold.

Guggie pouted.

"Otay dada but guggie will shleep bith jou."

Jungkook nodded taking his tiny frame in his arms.

"Mama twake off my shirlt I will shleep like dada." He giggled.

Taetae smiled at his cute baby and took of his shirt because guggie also wanted to sleep shirtless like jungkook while doing this he felt shivers by jungkook's dark gaze on him.

"G-good night baby." He pecked his little forehead and hesitantly glanced at jungkook who seemed to be mad for a certain reason.

Jungkook placed guggie on the top of him and closed his eyes while hugging the little fluff ball.

Taetae pouted he knows his hubby is angry at him but what was his fault?

He also laid down back facing.

At mid night jungkook felt something soft on his lips he opened his eyes his breath got stuck when he saw his taehyung kissing his lips.

He smiled between the kiss and started to kiss him back.

They slowly put guggie on the side who was sleeping soundly.

Jungkook hovered above taehyung while kissing him hungrily. Taehyung was having tough time in controlling his moans.

Jungkook slide his cold hands inside his shirt touching every inch of his soft skin.

Taehyung breathed heavily and whispered.

"H-hubby enough guggie will wake up."

But jungkook was fully turned on.

He nuzzled on his neck and whispered back.

"He will not, let hubby love, my baby please."

Taehyungs cheeks turned dusty pink he fiddled his finger shyly and whispered pouting.

"Then lets go somewhere else you know na how sensitive I am."

Jungkook cooed at his cute queen and was about to pick him up in a bridal style thats when taetae spoke.

"Hubby wait." He took out his stuff aka Mr Milkshake from his pillow and put it beside his son.

"Mr milkshake take care of my guggie ok." He ordered cutely then make grabby hands towards jungkook.

Who was smiling crazily at his cute wifey.

"What a drama king I got." He pecked oll over his face who smiled shyly snuggling on his hubby's hard bare chest.

Then they both went into the washroom for their important work along with their hard jeonconda and taeconda.

Moaning, groaning,skin slapping sounds were filled inside the bathroom. Luckily it was sound proof so our little prince was not disturbed.

(I'm not gonna write this part I am leaving it on your not so innocent minds and wild imaginations)
Next morning....

"Hubby please I don't wanna go my legs are hurting." He pleaded with join hands holding fake tears in his bambi eyes.

"Take the painkillers and hurry up." He ordered strictly while tie in Taehyung's shoe laces.

"Hubbyy pleashhh."

"I am not gonna melt, I was sleeping who told you to wake up my beast now It's not my fault that you keep asking for more and more shamelessly."

"Whats the shame in it you are my husband." He stuck out his tongue.

"God how long your tongue is." He looked at him in disbelief.

"Don't forget that you were begging like a w*ore last night to get this toungue around your minor inches." He replied sassily while smirking.

Jungkook's eyes widden in shock.

"Where you learn this word?"

"K-dramas." He ran away giggling.

Jungkook gritted his teeth and ran behind him.

"You brat come here and how dare you to call me minor?" Just as he was about to catch him he stopped when he heard a loud gasp.

Turning his gaze towards the door he spotted his shocked grandmother.

Taehyung who was standing on the bed holding pillows for attack gulped and climbed down standing beside jungkook.

"Whenever I come to your room It always look like world war 3 just hit here." She said looking around with weird expressions.

"Ahh ouch." Taetae suddenly screamed gaining her attention.

"What happen?" She asked worriedly.

"Grandma hubby pinched me." He pouted point at the culprit standing beside him.

Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes.

"No when I----."

"Kook what is this behaviour?"

"What no----."

"Grandma hubby always do this he always scold taetae and never take me out for dates he always busy in works and make me stud----." Before he could say further jungkook closed his mouth with his palm.

"Jungkook! Let my son in law speak." She ordered sternly.

Jungkook pouted leaving the little devil's mouth who was smirking cutely.

"Now tell me what were you saying?" She demanded.

"Nothing its just I don't wanna go college today but hubby is sending me forcefully." He complaint cutely.

Jungkook couldn't help but coo at his cute sulky baby same goes to the halmeoni.

"Jungkook! My son in law will take off today got it." She ordered sternly.

Jungkook nodded smiling and went out of the room not before pinching Taehyung's butt again.

"Ahhh grandma." He sulked.

She shooked her head to be honest she was impressed how jungkook got totally change now, his cold nature changed into a playful one he never left a single change to tease taehyung which made her feel lightened. She somehow admitted that taehyung was the best choice for jungkook.
Guggie walks out of the colorful kindergarten building, the guards surrounding him are dressed in vibrant uniforms that match the playful atmosphere of the school. They wear hats adorned with feathers and badges that sparkle in the sunlight.

The guards guided the little prince with gentle and reassuring gestures, ensuring his safety every step of the way. They walk in a neat formation, creating a mini parade that catches the attention of other kids and parents nearby.

As they approach the car,The guards open the door for Guggie, revealing our Sassy Mr Taetae on the driver's seat.

"Mamaaaaa." His eyes lit up seeing jis mother.

Taehyung hurriedly opened his arms and hugged him in his warm motherly embrace.

"Mama jou came how?" He asked shocked because he know how difficult for them to went out of the palace especially jungkook don't let taehyung go anywhere without him.

"Your dada was busy and I took the advantage of it, I promised my baby for a road trip right so here we are." He replied excitedly.

"My shuuper mama." He pecked his cheeks smiling cheekily.

"Ok ok now sit we have very less time otherwise your meanie dada will punish us." He pouted.

Guggie giggle and taehyung fixed the seat belt on his tiny frame for his protection and turned to the guard who was senior among all

"Uncle I will safely comeback I promish please let us have some time together." He pleaded showing puppy eyes.

"No, lord will be angry on us." He replied scared.

"Don't worry I will see him."

"Atleast let us follow for your protection." He insisted.

"Humph okay." He agreed sulking and turned on the engine.

Guggie clapped his hands excitedly.

As he starts the car engine, Guggie excitedly swing his little legs with anticipation. The royal guards, dressed in their sleek black cars, follow closely behind. At first, taehyung drives slowly, enjoying the regal atmosphere. But then, out of nowhere, Guggie blurts out something .

"Mama, let'shh dlive rweally fasht! It'll be sho much fwun!"

Taetae always up for an adventure, grinned and replied, "You got it, baby! Buckle up, we're about to have the ride of our lives!"

He presses down on the accelerator, and the car takes off like a rocket, zooming down the road at lightning speed!

As the car races ahead, Guggie and taetae can't contain their excitement. They throw their hands in the air, whooping and hollering like they're on a rollercoaster ride. Guggie's laughter fills the air, contagious and joyful.

Meanwhile, the royal guards in their black cars try their best to keep up, but their faces turn pale with panic. They exchange bewildered glances, desperately trying to match their speed. However, no matter how hard they try, they eventually lose sight of the speeding car, left in the dust of their Luna's remarkable driving skills.

On the other side of the city, the street police officers are patrolling when they spot a car soaring through the air at an unbelievable speed. They can't believe their eyes!

One officer turned to another and exclaimed, "Did you see that car?"

The other officer nodded in agreement, saying, "I've never seen anyone drive like that before. We better catch up and see what's going on!"

With sirens blaring, the police officers raced after taehyung's car, their radios crackling with emergeny. One officer called out,

"Dispatch, we have a high-speed pursuit in progress. Suspect vehicle is a black sedan, traveling at excessive speeds. Requesting backup!"

With sirens blaring, the police officers embark on a hilarious chase, their cars zipping through the streets Taetae lost in his own world of laughter, suddenly notices the police cars in pursuit. He panics for a moment, but Guggie, ever observant, shouts,

"Mama, polishhe!" He panicked.

"The driver is looking like a pro." One of the police officer said to the other in awe.

"I think he is not a ordinary criminal." The other exclaimed focused chasing.

Taehyung's car zooming through the city streets, with police cars hot on their tail. But suddenly, he takes a sharp turn into a narrow alleyway. The police cars try to follow, but they get stuck! Their cars are just too big to fit through the tight space.

the police regrouped and came up with a plan. They called for backup and set up a clever trap ahead. As taehyung continued to speed through the city, thinking he had evaded capture, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by police cars from all directions.

"Mama now polishh will aresht us." He said fake crying.

But taehyung was in other mood

"Ahhhh FINALLY it was my dream to go to jail." He replied his eyes sparkled at the accomplishment of his dream.

"Huh do be get chocolatehs therle?" Guggie looked at him innocently.

They heard a knock on the car window taehyung opened fluttering his eyelashes innocently.


"Boss there are two and both are kids." The officer said running his eyes inside the interior.

"What Taetae is not a kid?" He huffed crossing his arms.

Everyone got shocked seeing only a few inches tiny pup beside him.

"Mr kang register their info."

"Hey you both speak up." He enquired.

"Hey! I am Mr Taetae I'm 21 years old and he is my baby 3 years old----."

"Isn't this 3 years old dude is too young to be a criminal?" The officer asked to his fellow.

But to his bad he got a hard slap on his face.

"I was talking na how dare you to cut my words and whom you calling criminal he is Mr guggie my son." He spat angrily guggie nodded in agreement.

The Officer looked at him shocked holding his red cheek with handprints.

"Aaaaaaaa ARREST THEM. " He shouted.

Taetae and guggie panicked.

"Nooo pleasee I have a cold meanie hubby waiting for me in our home." He begged dramatically.

"Now you will meet your hubby in lockup only." He replied showing the handcuffs.

To be continue....


I mean what the hell I just write?😶
Sorry I don't know what was it😂😖

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