The Elementals: Raven's Fire

By mlmiller76

256 21 0

When 18 year old Raven James Cade, set out on a crazy night with her best girl friends she never thought the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

14 1 0
By mlmiller76

Sitting at the counter downstairs in the kitchen, licking syrup off my fingers I try and decide whether I am going to tell the girls what happened in my dream and in the shower. I thought about it for a minute and decided that I would keep this information to myself. I really needed some time alone so I could go through that freaking book upstairs. I wonder if the girls would be upset if I asked them to let me be for a few hours.

"Hey, RJ?" Gabi questions. "Listen you had a rough night and the girls, and I talked all morning, and we think you could use some private time." Whoa, it's like they read my mind.

"What? But what about the rest of the plans we had this weekend?" I said.

"Well, we aren't going to be gone all day goofy, just a few hours. We have to go get some things from home and Nina wants to run down to see Rue again. Plus, we figured while we were out, we could pick up some coffee and beignets. Sound good? Give you time to decompress?" Gabi said.

"Oh, that does sound amazing! Thanks guys, you really know what I need when I need it! You are all amazing!" I muttered, hardly believing that they would do this normally we are all connected at the hip. If one of us goes through something, we all go through it. I guess they just kind of knew I wasn't ok and needed some time to sort out my head.

Twenty minutes later they were all yelling goodbye as they walked out the front door. The second the door shut I was up the stairs to my room; I grabbed the book and went and sat down in my reading nook by the window. My window overlooked the front of the house so I could see if someone pulled into the driveway. I had a stash of soda and water up here so if I got thirsty, I would be ok, and no way after that amazing breakfast was, I going to be hungry anytime soon.

Holding the book in my hand, the sun was shining through the window, and I could see the details of it. The cover looked like my stone; it glimmered in the sun's rays. Amazing, I said under my breath. I ran my hand over the cover of the book, it was cool to the touch and smooth. I was so nervous to open it. I couldn't understand why I was so scared. Come on, it's just a book Raven, get over yourself. Ugh, we go.

I cracked open the book and turned the first page, expecting there to be a publisher or something but no it was blank. I started to flip through the pages, they were all blank. What the fuck! Are you serious? How? I don't understand, how is this book blank? I could have sworn it held the secrets I needed. I turned the book over in my hands to look at the back, nope nothing. Just as I got to close the thing, I cut my finger on the edge of one of the pages.

Ouch I say, I jerk my hand up to my mouth, but not before a drop of my blood hits the front of the book. "Crap, now I have ruined this book.... now what am I going to......" Out of nowhere the book started to shimmy, and light up. I scream and drop the once wordless book down on to the floor. I looked down and could not believe what I was seeing.

There lying on my floor, open, was the book. And where once no words were, now had been replaced by an entire novel full of words, pictures, and diagrams. That is not what scared me the most. What scared me the most was that on top of the very first page were the words....

HELLO RAVEN JAMES CADE, KEEPER OF THE FIRE! How...what...what was happening. I slowly reached down and picked up the book, my hands shaking, my stomach in knots, I was on the verge of either puking or screaming I didn't know which one. Holding the book in my hands, something washed over me.

Like this warmth, an internal heat spread throughout my body. Starting at my hands working its way through to my feet. Unlocking something deep down within me. I felt more powerful, stronger than I ever had before. I felt like I was floating off the floor, I threw my head back and closed my eyes letting the feeling rush through me like lava flowing out of a volcano. Not daring to look around in fear I might be actually up off the ground. I feel myself starting to cool, to sink back to earth as if someone was pulling on me tethering me to the ground.

"What was that?" I question out loud while staring at the book in my hands. I look down on the pages of the book and words start to magically form across the page. That was your elemental power beginning to unlock, Raven. Don't be afraid...I am just here to guide you. HOLY SHIT!!!! I scream as I throw the book across the room! That book just answered my questions. How is that possible? What the fuck is happening to me? I am going crazy I just know it.

I looked over at where I threw the book to see if I had damaged it at all and the book sort of just floated right back to where I was sitting. It even opened itself back up and words started flying across the page. First off, do not ever throw me again, that was just rude. Secondly you are not crazy. If you would just let me, explain to you what is happening to you, maybe just maybe you might be able to relax. I was hearing the words in my head as if I was listening to a recording but at the same time, I could read them. The voice in my head was not my own voice though, it sounded old. As if from another strange.

I cannot believe that I am going to listen to what this book has to say.... but I mean nothing else makes sense. So, I nod my head in agreement and sit back and close my eyes and listen to what I already know is being written in the book.

Good, ok. First off let me tell you who I am. My name is Rosanna Cadehall, I am your great, well too many greats grandmother. I was born in 1604 in Salem, Massachusetts. I was the 3rd fire elemental witch in our family. Now my darling granddaughter the torch has been passed on to you.

"Why? Why me, why now...It's been over 400 years. So why now all of the sudden is it passed to me?" I asked, almost losing my mind at this point. Like seriously how much more am I supposed to take? I am almost done with today and it's only 11 am.

Let me explain little one. 400 years ago, darkness crept across the country. Things that were of the purest evil rained down upon us and it was up to us the Elemental Witches to stop them. I was only 18 when my powers started to unlock for me as well. It was just as scary but, in my day, if someone saw you do the things that I could do, you were hung. Making it much more dangerous. The power within you is only unlocked if an evil has been unleashed.

We fought long and hard against the evilest beings on earth, demons, ghosts, monsters, and even other witches. The constant battles between good and evil ran for years, and then in a cloud of death, fire, and blood he came. We did not know from whence he came or what his plan was, and we still do not. The other Elementals and I were able to banish him to another realm, one where we thought he could not escape. But not before we lost many good witches and warlocks to the gallows and the war of the witches. His name is Arawn. He is capable of many, many dark and dangerous things.

You must not seek him out, until the four elementals have been given their full power. He is capable of being seen but will only been seen or felt as a dark shadow, or the loss of all joy. He can look or appear as anyone or anything. So be careful. He will try and find you before you all come to power, so please stick tight together. Do not trust anyone. You will feel it in your soul when he is near. It will make you uncomfortable. Nervous, sick to your stomach, almost like there is a weight on your shoulders. He will try to draw you in by making you feel safe. But you are strong Raven. One of the strongest witches I have ever met, you will be able to see through his ruse. He cannot fool you. Protect your friends as they are important to this fight.

I cannot tell you how or what part they will play in this fight, but just know they are sacred to you and keep them close. It is their job to figure out what role they are to play. I am only here as a guide to you. But you do not have me for long. My magic in this book wears off in 5 days. You must learn all you can from me in that time. Be vigil and try your best to practice what I teach you. You will need to spend as much time with me as possible. Do you have any serious questions? We must begin our training soon, Raven. You must be prepared to manage what is coming your way. Go into this with an open mind and an open heart.

"Wait, wait...hold up so a supernatural being is trying to kill me, and I can't protect myself with out 3 other people and we are weak until we all come into power? I am so confused...I thought you said all my powers were unlocked." I interrupt her, I am seriously freaking out here. I have no idea how I am supposed to save the world.... from demons and monsters? Seriously, this isn't real right?

No!!! Pay Attention!!!! I said your powers have begun to unlock; your powers will not fully unlock until the other elementals have unlocked their powers. Oh, and when you find your soul mark mate. He is your one true love and will lay down his life to protect you from all evil. He will give his last breath to make sure no harm befalls you. He will find you, Raven, when you least expect it. He will be there. Do not be afraid of him. But all the elemental witches' mates have to be strong, they have to be immortal beings. Your mate will be a supernatural being such as a vampire...he will be drawn to you, to your essence. He will never hurt you. Only protect you.

"Wait, WHAT!! VAMPIRES ARE REAL!!! I seriously cant wrap my head around that right now...I mean seriously now you're telling me that I have some mystical man out there who is my other half of my what? Soul Mark? What in the world is a soul mark?" I question.

Yes, vampires are real, as are werewolves, they are not evil. They are the strength and protection of the witches. The good witches fight alongside with most supernatural beings. You will figure out who is good and who is bad as your training increases. Now, your soul mark is the.... Not now, you have company. I will go into more detail later. I will find you when I need you. Oh! And Raven, tell no one of the power of this book!! Not even your friends!

"What!! I have somany questions, so much more I need to know..." I say as the book fades from myhand and vanishes.... What in the holy hell just happened? Where did it go? Whatin the world, how does a book just vanish? I swear this week cannot get anyweirder, witches, vampires, demons, what? I am so lost and confused. Oh wait,she said I had company. I glance out my window, expecting to see some evilcreature or deadly being out on my lawn. I peek through my blinds and look downin the driveway and see a gorgeous set of blue eyes staring directly into mywindow. 

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