Written Agreement (Kid x Read...

By MasclaraReign

13.5K 612 440

You're a Charlotte while he's a crackhead---I mean he's a Eustass. You were doing just fine and had a great c... More

C1: Married To A Redhead
Chapter 2: Annoying
Chapter 3: Plan
Chapter 4: VIP Room
C5: First Report
C 6: Written Agreement History
C7: What If's
C8: Scratchmen Apoo
C9: Punishment Day
C10: Lunch Date?
C11: Liar
C12: Dinner Disaster
C13: Betrayals
C14: Bonney
C15: Café
C16: Gift
C17: Heat
C18: Conscience
C19: It Ended So Fast
Author's BS
C20: Lost
C21: Brawl
C22: Meeting
C23: Shattered
C24: Papers
C25: Clarification
C26: Visit
Author's BS
Final Chapter
Your Comment

C27: Last Race

304 16 10
By MasclaraReign

Christmas has passed and the new year has come. Few more weeks, it'll be your wedding day but before that, the last race.

" Are you sure about this? You stopped racing for almost a year and you only had a few training sessions before this match." You were holding Kid's helmet while looking at your reflection from its visor.

" Really? You're still doubting me?" Kid rubbed your arm after wearing his gloves.

" No, but--"

Kid kissed you just to make you stop.

"I'll be fine. Trust me." He kissed your forehead and hugged you tightly.

"I trust you." You murmured, hugging him back as if you'd never see him again. There was a small panic inside you but you can't tell where it's coming from. You just hope it's nothing serious.

Kid leaned back and squeezed your cheeks lightly because you were pouting at him.

" We got a surprise for you waiting at the stadium bleachers with Killer and the others. I want you to go there and watch me, okay?"

" Surprise?" You asked while he's still cupping and squeezing your cheeks like a stress ball.

" You'll see when you get there." Kid smiled.

"Ahem, boss? We're all set." The familiar mohican guy called out. He wore the same outfit as Kid since he is Kid's teammate and support driver in this race.

" Copy." Kid said and Mohawk went ahead.

" We will win this race, don't worry." Kid whispered to you.

" You don't have to win, I want you to be safe."

" You worry too much, baby." Kid let out a small laugh and kissed you again.


Cavendish along with Gatz from Dressrosa and two more hosted today's race. Not a single seat is empty inside the stadium. Everybody wanted to watch the race today as well as witness Kid's last race before retiring.

The surprise that Kid mentioned earlier was one of the best. Everyone from the East town greeted you along with the Eustas Brothers.

"Everyone is here." Twinkle in your eyes were obvious.

" This is Kid's surprise." Killer said. It really was a heartwarming surprise.

The race started nicely and smoothly. There were times when Apoo was able to reach the lap first and there was one point when Hawkins reached the lap first.

However, the event has come into the last lap where it will determine the winner of this race. Out of the 7 racers, only Kid, Apoo and Hawkins had higher gain points.

The last lap is their last chance to prove their victory to the whole stadium.

Hawkins and Apoo took a pit stop but Kid thought he would lose if he took the stop during that moment.

Kid didn't make pit stop before going to the last lap. However, he's not disqualified since he made four pitstops earlier.

"Kid, why didn't you stop? You are not lightning McQueen." Shanks spoke through the radio. Shanks is Kid's long-time performance coach. Kid didn't like him but Killer preferred Shanks because he likes to discipline him and he's the only coach who can tame Kid.

"It's the last lap, I can make it." Kid answered back. He took the lead with Apoo and Hawkins close to him again after their pit stop. The other racers were a little bit distant to reach them.

Shanks sighed at Kid's stubbornness however, it worried him about the result.

" Okay, finish the last lap ALIVE." Shanks said calmly.

Back to where you are, the Eastern folks and other fans were cheering for Kid, except for his brothers. They were still while watching their brother trying to reach the last lap. Heat's worry is painted all over his features while tapping the metallic floor with his shoe.

" What's the matter?" You asked the brothers, wondering why they don't look so happy that Kid is leading the race.

" Kid is being a daredevil again." Killer muttered.

" Is something wrong?" Worry began to arise as you stare back at the race track. Kid is still on the lead while the other two are trying to get closer.

" His opponents made a pit stop while he didn't. Knowing how reckless our brother is, he's going to put himself at risk by not making a pit stop for too long." Wire explained.

" His tires are the first thing to be at risk." Heat stepped forward, holding the railings tightly. Deep inside, he's praying that nothing bad is going to happen. " The race is about to end, nothing bad will--" Eyes widened in alarm, catching a glimpse of a spark.

All of his hopes crashed right in front of him when Kid reached the last lap.

"Eustass Kid successfully--- Ohhhh!! What!!" Cavendish's victory announcement was cut off by himself. He stood in shock from what they are witnessing.

"Emergency! This was unexpected! RED FLAG." Gatz shouted on his microphone.

"KIDDDDDDDD!" You screamed on top of your lungs with wide eyes, jolting from your seat. You screamed painfully from the scene but your eyes can't turn away from the crash.

"KID!!!" The brothers shouted.

Everything happened so fast that even when your eyes were watching him, it was unbelievable how Kid's car split in two and now burning within seconds.

"Get him out, get him out!" Shanks said through his radio.

"Eustass Kid went through the barrier! The car was split in two" Gatz announced.

"RED FLAG, RED FLAG!" Cavendish announced as all the racers' coaches announced it too to their radio and asked for their respective racers to slow down and make a stop on the pit lane.

The medics were fast to respond however, there were no signs of your husband. They can't get through due to the fire.

The stadium fell silent, everyone was waiting since the medic had not brought him out yet from the big fire.

Your body felt cold, knees went weak while seeing the car split in two and the other half where Kid is located is still burning.

Each second felt like an hour causing you to breathe in panic as your body shakes uncontrollably and knees are trembling.

"Where is Kid, where is Kid? No, no, no, no."

Killer caught you before you could fall on your knees.

He helped you sit down while your tears were overflowing from your wide eyes staring at Kid's burning car.

Even Heat started to cry and wanted to go down to the race track but Wire forbid him and said let the medics do their job. It will be dangerous since no one can predict the aftermath.

Heat sat beside you while pulling his hair out of frustration and began tapping the metal floor again with his shoe.

"Kid." You muttered weakly.

"...Will you marry me? Again?"

"Promise to have trust in one another?"

" I promise."

"Then, it's a yes!"

It's a painful sight to see but you can't take off your eyes from that tragic scenery. While staring at the burning fire, a hint of a silhouette moving within caught your attention.

With your trembling knees, you stood back again as one of the most unbelievable things is happening right into your eyes. Killer assisted you to stand properly.

Slowly, that moving silhouette in the fire became a clear image of a person wearing a red helmet and red overalls that represents the Red Piece team.

"Kid?.... KIDDDDD!" You cheered while crying. Heat stood up and saw Kid stepping out of the massive ball of fire.

"Brother!!" He cried.

"Shit! Brother! You daredevil!" Wire wiped the tears in his eyes.

" I'll make sure to give him a rant later." Killer smiled widely and wiped a tear in his eyes. He gathered his brothers along with you in his arms and hugged you all. Killer and Wire felt emotional but you and Heat were really crying out loud. It was a cry of relief from the gruesome incident.

The stadium roared with cries and cheeres from the audience.

Back at the race track, Shanks exhaled and smiled at the screen showing Kid stepping out from the fire.

"I hope he learned his lesson." He said as the whole team cheered happily while some cried in joy and relief.

" Kid is out of the fire!" Gatz shouted through his microphone.

"WE REPEAT! KID WALKED OUT OF THE FIRE!" Cavendish said with pure amazement.

Kid walked with two personnel assisting him to the ambulance. His helmet was carefully taken off and he stood straight, raising one arm in the air.

With the adrenaline rush that is left, Kid shouted with victory and survival. Everyone shouted with him and cheered for him. Opponents or not, they all cheered and were amazed by what they had witnessed.

It was incredible how his car split upon colliding with the barrier, being engulfed within the fire for too long but miraculously, he got out of the fire by himself.

" Hmm, a real devil." Apoo shrugged.

" Admit it, it was impressive." Hawkins commented.


You quickly swung the door open leading to Kid. The first thing you see is the softest smile that he rarely shows. A breath of relief escaped your mouth as you close the door behind you.

Your eyes started to blur while you approach him. You haven't seen him for how many hours due to the operation that he has to undergo.

Because of how harsh the accident was, Kid lost coordination on his left hand. He can't move his fingers but the rest of this arm were saved miraculously.

You kissed his forehead while fighting the urge to hug him tightly. It's still forbidden to hold the man due to serious burns and the state of his body.

You just kneeled on the cold floor and leaned your head close to him as your tears kept flowing like a river.

" What are you crying for? It's not a funeral, I'm alive." Kid's voice is a little weak. He closed his eyes with a smile and sighed.

" I told you to be careful not to be a daredevil again." You wiped the tears in your eyes but it just keeps on flowing.

" Honestly, I thought I was gonna die but... " his eyes were still closed but his smile grew wider until it turned in to a grin. " Thinking about my brothers, thinking about you while watching the flames... I just know it's not yet time."

" Never be a daredevil again, Kid. " You cried.

" I'm sorry I made you worry and cry again like that."

" I'm just happy you're here."

" I love you."

" I love you too."

A/n: Hello, long time no update hehehe peace :)

This chapter was inspired by what happened to Romain Grosjean (F1 racer) back in 2020. The only difference is that it happened at the beginning of the race. After recovering, he had an interview and his words were...

" I'm the man that walked out of fire."


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