she is the best thing that's...

By multi_fand0mxx

10.2K 145 17

Friend to lovers story :))) Marinette's twin sister y/n shuchun cheng is someone who has standards for men an... More

A/n and character profile
1: Y/n Shuchun Cheng
2: The first encounter
3: Hesitations
4: Sister bonding time
5: A Friendly outing
6: The distance between us
7: The annual Valentine's Day Dance
8: Typical questions about boys
9: Decorating committee
10: Will you be my date to the Valentine's Day dance?
11: Valentine's Day pt 1
12: Valentine's Day pt 2
13: Chilly nights in Paris
14: An unexpected incident
15: Family reunion
16: Sick day
17: Study date
18: The confession
18: Home alone
19: Sleepover at the Couffaine's
21: Bestie hangout time
22: Cheng sisters' sweet sixteen
23: Mutual friendship
24: Marinette and Adrien's moment
25: Lady's days
26: Jealousy and overthinking
27: Making up pt 1
28: Making up pt 2
29: No longer just friends
30: Spooky season
31: Chloe's sweet sixteen
32: Homecoming preparations
33: Homecoming dance
34: Leaving Paris for a while
35: Long distances
37: Finally reunited
38: Christmas morning
39: Third-wheeler
40: 1 year together

20: Babysitting duties

144 2 0
By multi_fand0mxx

School holidays in June...

The school holidays are finally here which leaves y/n loads of time to finish up any notes she has and revise for her upcoming prelims that start before the end of July and end in the middle of August. Tom and Sabine tasked Marinette to fly to Shanghai where Sabine was originally from to pass something to Uncle Wang and at the same time see if she could find Adrien too after hearing Adrien was heading to Shanghai for a holiday.

During the second week of June, Tom and Sabine had to attend something and would be out for the whole day while y/n was home alone as usual working on her notes and revising for her prelims. Luka has also been busy studying for his exams coming soon and seldom texts y/n to go out, even for study dates. Y/n's friends were also busy with other things and always rejected any plans that y/n had when she was free, leaving her stuck at home without her parents or alone most of the time. A few minutes past noon, the doorbell rang as y/n got up from her study desk and went to open the door.

"Uncle Jerald? What are you doing here?" Y/n asked as Uncle Jerald chuckled at her.

"Did you just wake up?" Uncle Jerald asked. Looking down at her pyjamas, y/n apologized, "I thought I wasn't expecting anyone today, sorry Uncle Jerald."

"No worries at all. The house seems quiet, where is everyone?" Uncle Jerald asked.

"Marinette went to Shanghai to pass something to an uncle on my mom's side and my parents are out attending something and won't be back till after dinner time." Y/n replied.

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope now isn't a bad time for some babysitting. Your aunt is out of Paris right now and our babysitter is not feeling well right now and I have to go to work now so is it alright if I leave Giselle with you for the day?" Uncle Jerald asked.

"Sure, I have no plans anyways, all my friends are busy." Y/n replied. Giselle pounced onto y/n as she waved to her dad.

"Great, sorry to cause any inconvenience." Uncle Jerald apologized.

"No worries, Gigi and I will have the best girl's time, right Gigi?" Y/n nuzzled her face in her soon to be 7-year-old cousin's brunette hair as Giselle chuckled.

"Alright, have fun girls." Uncle Jerald bid the two girls goodbye as he left.

"Auntie y/n is in her pyjamas." Giselle pointed.

"Hey, enough about that you little monkey." Y/n nuzzled her nose against her cousin's nose. "Anyways, what do you want to do?" She asked her cousin, putting her down.

"Can we go out for lunch?" Giselle asked.

"How bout we go to the playground after lunch, I have some leftovers I made. Do you not want to taste Auntie y/n's cooking?" Y/n questioned.

"I've never tasted Auntie y/n's cooking, I want to try!" Giselle exclaimed. Y/n chuckled as she took her cousin to the kitchen and reheated the leftovers. After laying out the table, y/n started to feed Giselle.

"Auntie y/n, I'm a big girl, I can eat on my own." Giselle pouted. Squeezing Giselle's chubby cheek, y/n smiled, "Alright big girl, Auntie y/n won't feed you anymore." The doorbell rang a few moments later as y/n went to get the door. At the same time, she checked her phone for the time and saw several miscalls from Luka and freaked out.

'Oh shoot, Luka's definitely not happy with this.' Y/n thought as she opened the door to find her own boyfriend standing there.

"Hey babe, I can explain all those miscalls." Y/n started, brushing her hair back.

"I assume someone just woke up." Luka smirked, looking at y/n still in her pyjamas as y/n covered herself with her hands, smiling awkwardly.

"Totally not. I woke up at 10 and was studying in my pyjamas the whole morning since I thought I wasn't expecting anyone." Y/n explained. "Also, I'm sorry if I didn't call you back." She continued, looking down. Luka smiled and replied, "No worries, I was wondering if you want to hang out. I've been studying for 3 hours straight and I need a break."

"Who's that Auntie y/n?" Giselle ran to the door and pointed at Luka. Picking Giselle up, y/n apologized, "I wish I could but I have babysitting duties today."

"Can he come with us? He could be our daddy!" Giselle exclaimed as y/n squeaked.

'Gosh not this again.' Y/n thought. Whenever y/n was asked to babysit Giselle, Giselle will always ask y/n to play her fake mom and always asked where her fake dad is. Y/n stood stunned at Giselle's response as Luka came in and picked Giselle from y/n's arms, saying, "Just for today I'll be your daddy." As Giselle squealed, Luka tapped on y/n which immediately snapped her out of her daze.

"If you're not comfortable with this I can leave you know." Luka insisted.

"What? No, no, I'm alright, I'm just in a daze." Y/n replied.

"Must suck to be home alone I assume." Luka looked around the house to see no one except y/n and Giselle.

"Marinette is passing something to my uncle in Shanghai and my parents are out for the whole day and I'm left with my soon to be 7-year-old cousin to babysit." Y/n explained. "Oh, Gigi, have you finished your lunch yet? Remember our deal?" She asked her cousin.

"Almost done." Giselle replied as she ran back to the kitchen to finish her lunch. It didn't take Giselle long until she was done eating.

"Why don't you hang out with her while I wash the dishes." Luka insisted.

"No, I got this, you're the guest." Y/n insisted.

"But I am the dad in the house right now." Luka smirked, leaning in extremely close to y/n.

"Eww, mommy and daddy are kissing." Giselle commented.

"Gigi, our lips didn't touch, it's not exactly a kiss." Y/n say.

"Well, how bout we shower you little lady with kisses instead." Luka playfully picked up Giselle as he and y/n showered Giselle with many kisses on both the little girl's cheeks while Giselle squealed.

"Fine, you do the dishes then we'll go to the park." Y/n gave up on arguing with Luka as Luka smiled and went to clean the dishes. Y/n changed out of her pyjamas and left the house with Luka and her cousin. When Luka and y/n reached the park, they sat on a bench under a tree while watching Giselle playing with the other kids at the playground.

"Now let's hope no one we know comes here or else they'll be suspicious about us." Y/n say, leaning back on the bench.

"Still feeling uncomfortable about telling everyone you know about us?" Luka asked, placing an arm around y/n as she nodded.

"I know it's been 3 months since we've dated but I'm just still in shock that I actually found myself a boyfriend. Not just any friend who is a guy but someone whom I fell for since the first day I saw him." Y/n sighed. She then heard sniffles as she turned to see a few drops of tears flowing out of Luka's eyes as he quickly wiped away his tears.

"Awww, is my baby crying?" Y/n cooed, wiping Luka's tears while silently chuckling.

"I'm alright, that was just beautiful." Luka caressed y/n's cheek with his hand as they both shared a gaze.

"Mommy I want ice cream!" Giselle requested as the two snapped out of their moment and they looked towards the ice cream stand that she was pointing at.

"C'mon Gigi, let's go get some ice cream." Y/n insisted as she carried Giselle to the ice cream stand.

"Want to share an ice cream?" Luka asked. Y/n nodded and told Luka the flavour she wanted. Luka paid for the ice cream as the three of them headed home while enjoying their ice cream in the hot summer weather in Paris. Once they got home, Giselle went to the couch to switch on the television while y/n and Luka sat next to her, enjoying their ice cream.

"Time sure flies by, Marinette and I are turning 16 next month." Y/n started. "That also means that prelims are rolling in soon." She continued.

"Yeah, and graduation is coming." Luka added as y/n sighed.

"Do you mind watching her for a while, I need a shower after almost half a day in the sun." Y/n turned to Luka as he nodded while y/n left to go upstairs. Y/n and Luka continued to babysit Giselle for the rest of the day until dinner time where y/n cooked something simple for everyone. The doorbell rang shortly as y/n went to open the door.

"Uncle Jerald, Giselle was just finishing up her dinner, she'll be out soon." Y/n greeted her uncle.

"No need to rush, I'll wait in the living room." Uncle Jerald smiled as he entered the house.

"Oh, who's this by the way?" Uncle Jerald asked. Y/n stood stoned for a moment before answering, "M-my best friend. He's a friend of Marinette's and she introduced me to him."

"He was also my daddy for the day!" Giselle exclaimed as y/n buried her face in embarrassment. Uncle Jerald chuckled as Giselle ran up to her actual father after finishing her food.

"Thank you once again y/n for babysitting my daughter, and your friend too." Uncle Jerald thanked.

"Bye mommy, bye daddy." Giselle waved to both y/n and Luka as both of them waved back. Closing the door behind them, y/n sighed, "Jeez, sometimes having children can be a pain in the butt."

"I think you would make a great mom in the future." Luka commented.

"Oh really, and you'd be the dad who spoils the child a lot." Y/n retorted. Suddenly, her phone in her pocket vibrated as she took out her phone to see a video call from Marinette.

"Oh, gotta answer this call, I'll be right back." Y/n say as she pecked Luka on his cheek before heading to her room to answer the call.

"Marinette, hi, did you manage to find Adrien?" Y/n started.

"I did but someone stole all my things at first when I was looking but I got them back already so all is good now." Marinette replied.

"Oh gods sis, why are you so oblivious about your surroundings?" Y/n facepalmed herself.

"Hey, it's not my fault, she was desperate. Anyways, this isn't the main point, main point is my friend has offered you a job to do when our final year exams are over." Marinette explained.

"A job? In Shanghai? What is it?" Y/n asked.

"Why don't I pass the phone to my friend and she'll explain everything." Marinette insisted as the video switched to another Chinese girl with blue hair just like her and Marinette but had a pink streak of hair on one side of her face and sunglasses on her head.

"Hello y/n, you must be Marinette's twin sister. Certainly see the similarity in you two." The girl started.

"Thank you, you are?"

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, my name is Fei Wu and after sister Marinette told me how your Chinese is better than hers, I decided this job is perfect for you." Fei explained.

"I mean I wouldn't say my Chinese is that perfect but that is true my Chinese is more fluent than Marinette's." Y/n say. "So, what's this job about?" She asked.

"Teaching the younger kids Chinese, right here in Shanghai." Fei replied. "Look, a lot of people are living on the streets and some don't have the money to send their children to school. So, your sister and I came across this programme and they were recruiting 16-year-olds and above who are fluent in Chinese to teach these children who can't afford to go to school." She explained.

"Not being able to go to school, that sounds really upsetting." Y/n sulked. "When does this programme take place?" She asked.

"Second part of November to early December." Fei replied. "But rest assured you can still return to Paris to celebrate Christmas with your family." She continued. Y/n thought for a while, 'If I actually go for this, I won't be able to spend a lot of time with Luka and my friends but at the same time I really want to help those children in Shanghai who can't afford to go to school too.'

"Okay, I'll do it." Y/n agreed in the end but needed a good time to tell Luka about her not being in Paris for a few weeks in November, and also not forgetting about the homecoming dance (aka prom) which she hoped was before she left for Shanghai.

"Great, your sister has given me your number so we'll keep in contact till the date arrives." Fei smiled.

"See you then Fei." Y/n smiled as the video switched back to her sister.

"I know not being able to see Luka will be hard for you but you made the right choice of helping the poor." Marinette say.

"I know, I'll reason with Luka when the date is closer." Y/n sighed.

"Hey y/n, your parents are back, I'll go off first." Luka knocked on the door.

"Oh, sure, talk later ba- I mean Luka." Y/n nearly called Luka 'babe' while on a video call with Marinette.

"Did you almost call Luka babe?" Marinette asked.

"Me? No, he's just a friend. Mom and dad are back, see you tomorrow I guess." Y/n say.

"See you then." Marinette smiled as she hung up. Y/n laid on her bed thinking about the opportunity she got to teach the children who cannot afford to go to school and thought that it was the right thing to do, helping people.

'Oh boy, communicating with Luka is going tobe even tougher if I go to Shanghai.' Y/n thought. The time difference in Parisand China was 6 hours, if it was late morning in Paris, it would be earlymorning in China. Nonetheless, y/n was still determined to help the poor learnChinese despite their parents not having enough money to go to an actualschool. 

Word count: 2373

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