powers 1

By KingofVideos1

3 0 0

This storyline is people with power and they fell people into More

chonger one
change 2

change 3

0 0 0
By KingofVideos1

The city start cool  down so good now.  The girls  on team  they are sexy, pretty and more things.  Some for the girls they strong powerful body, training together so good to use they power.   Fireball whiskey she  is powerful girl , she can fly with fire jet. Ice cube girl  good  with water and Ice things   to save the day  so good now  and made  a mark. ☃️🔥😍  The earth strong girl  she  is great become  power now.   The people full with power into city and  the  people ⁷⁸⁸⁷ 
Líkée it so good now.  She get power and Ice and more now.

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