
By sbregier2

15.5K 647 101

I don't know how it gets better than this. You take my hand and drag me head first.. fearless. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

3.5K 179 30
By sbregier2

Not long after the sun disappeared below the horizon, they felt rain drops.

"You ready to head back to the car?" Karlie asked.

The rain started coming down harder as they both stood up.

Taylor nodded her head and held onto her beanie as they took off running hand in hand.

About half way back to the car, Karlie stopped and told Taylor get on her back, remembering that Taylor had heels on.

Karlie squatted down and let Taylor jump on her back. Taylor wrapped her legs around Karlie's waist and her arms around her shoulders. Karlie locked her arms under Taylor's thighs.

"Hold on tight." Karlie shouted as she took off running.

They made it back to the car but before Karlie could grab the door, Taylor leaned against the door and smile at Karlie. Karlie looked at Taylor with a confused look on her face.

Taylor looked up at the sky, the rain continuing to pour down on them. Then she looked shyly down at the ground as she whispered, "Dance with me?"

Karlie didn't really hear what Taylor had said. The rain was coming down pretty hard, and Taylor wasn't looking at her when she said it. She wasn't sure what Taylor had asked, so she simply smiled at Taylor and squeezed her hand to get her to try again.

"Will you dance in the rain with me?" Taylor asked, her voice more secure this time.

Karlie's smile stretched all the way across her face as she looked into Taylor's eyes. Karlie bowed and extended her hand to Taylor.

"May I have the honor of dancing with you?"

Taylor smiled and nodded as she said "Nothing would make me happier."

Karlie pulled her in close and they started dancing in the rain. They started off slow dancing, but Karlie held her hand up for Taylor to twirl around her a few times. Karlie even spun Taylor out to the side a few times, only to pull her back in closer than before.

It didn't matter that they were freezing and absolutely soaked. There was a certain closeness and intimacy they shared with their dance. Karlie was holding onto Taylor so tight. They laughed and spun and danced in the rain, completely getting lost in each other's arms and enjoying the moment.

Karlie smiled down at Taylor and they continued to dance. A loud crack pulled them out of their moment as a flash of lightning lit up the night sky.

Karlie ushered Taylor towards the car and once again held the door for Taylor.

As Karlie got in, she remembered the towels she had packed in her bag. Luckily when they reloaded the car, they put that bag in the back seat.

She pulled out towels for herself and Taylor to dry off with.

"Are you ok?" Karlie asked as she dried herself off.

"Yea. I mean, I look like a wet dog, but other than that, I'm great." Taylor said with a laugh.

Karlie let out a light laugh. "Do you want water or anything? We still have some food left if you're hungry."

"No I'm good. Although you might need to start cranking the heat. I think I'm colder now than I was when I had my hand on the ice wall." Taylor said with a giggle.

Karlie leaned into the back again and pulled out one of the blankets from earlier. She gestured for Taylor to lean forward and Karlie tried wrapping her up in the blanket as best she could.

Taylor looked over at Karlie and shook her head as she smiled. "This girl is too much." Taylor thought to herself.

Karlie began driving back to Taylor's apartment. She couldn't believe the day was already over. Karlie ran her fingers through her hair, trying to get the knots out and keep the wet hair out of her face.

Taylor was watching Karlie the whole time she was driving. She had her one hand on the steering wheel as always, and ran her other hand running through her hair. The wetness on Karlie's face made her skin glow.

Taylor admired her angled cheek bones and defined jaw line. Taylor had never seen such electric green eyes before. Even being soaking wet, Karlie still looked like a model.

Karlie glanced over at Taylor and saw her staring.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." Taylor replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

Karlie playfully narrowed her eyes at Taylor.

"I've never seen someone look so effortlessly beautiful. I look like a wet dog, and you look like you're in a fashion shoot." Taylor said with a laugh.

Karlie blushed at Taylor comment. "You don't look like a wet dog. And even if you did, there's nothing cuter than a wet puppy." Karlie said with a smile.

Taylor laughed and let herself get lost in her thoughts.

Taylor thought about how perfect the day was. Everything that Karlie did made Taylor fall for her more. She'd never been with someone that made her feel like Karlie did.

There really was only one thing missing. She wondered if Karlie was ever going to kiss her. It felt like there had been several perfect moments, but Karlie never made a move.

Karlie reached over and placed her hand gently on Taylor's thigh. Instead of rubbing circles on her hand, Karlie made them against the skin on Taylor's leg. Taylor got goosebumps from the contact.

She turned to look at Karlie. She had a really cute smile on her face, smaller than her usual smile. She almost looked a little nervous. But she looked really happy.

Taylor decided not to worry so much about it. Karlie wasn't rushing her, so she shouldn't rush Karlie. She just wanted to remember this moment forever.

They soon pulled up to Taylor's apartment. The rain had died down and the storm seemed to pass. The sky was clear as can be but there was still a chill in the air.

Karlie got out of the car and walked to Taylor's side to help her out of the car. They walked hand in hand towards the steps of her apartment, Karlie carrying Taylor's bag of gifts she got at the zoo.

When they got to the door, Taylor turned to face Karlie.

"I..I.." Taylor stuttered her words. She really didn't want the night to end. She didn't want Karlie to go. Taylor couldn't believe that she chose now to become so nervous and not be able to form coherent sentences.

"I had a really good time with you today Kar." Taylor managed to mumble out the words.

Karlie looked at Taylor. "Yea?" She questioned shyly.

Taylor nodded her head. "Yea. It was kind of perfect. You literally pulled out all the stops. It was like something straight out of a movie, only better."

Karlie let out a nervous laugh. "I don't know about all that. I'm just glad you had a good time." She said with a smile as she looked down at their hands that were still intertwined.

Taylor looked down at her feet and tried to think of something to say. How could she tell Karlie this was the best date she's ever had? How could she tell her how much everything she did meant to her?

"So I guess this is good night?" Karlie asked as she released their hands, handing Taylor her bag and stuffing her hands in her coat pockets.

Taylor quickly looked up, realizing she was just standing there not saying anything.

"I.. I guess so." Taylor said quietly.

Taylor just couldn't find the words. She couldn't figure out why she was so nervous. She's never been this nervous before. She's also never felt this way so quickly about someone before.

She placed the bag on the ground and reached into her pocket, fumbling around with the keys to her apartment.

Karlie noticed Taylor's nervousness. She thought it was really cute that Taylor was trying to stretch out their night as long as possible. She saw the way Taylor's hands were shaking when she was reaching for her keys.

Taylor turned her head to look at her door, then turned to face Karlie again.

"Thank you for everything today Karlie. I really did have a good time. This day was just per..."

Karlie slowly reached forward and grabbed Taylor's hand again, interrupting her train of thought.

Karlie looked into Taylor's eyes and swore they were brighter than the stars in the night sky. She gently started pulling Taylor closer to her.

Taylor looked up curiously at Karlie. She saw softness and a sparkle in Karlie's eyes. Taylor found herself not wanting to look away.

Karlie slowly reached up with her free hand and rubbed her thumb across Taylor's cheek. She could feel Taylor practically melt into her touch.

Without thinking about it any further, Karlie slowly leaned her head forward, her hand moving slowly from Taylor's cheek, along her jaw, and softly placing it on the back of her neck to pull her close.

Taylor tilted her head up and smiled. She felt Karlie gently pull her forward and closed her eyes as Karlie's lips finally met with hers. Her arms instinctively wrapped themselves around Karlie's neck, pulling herself closer to Karlie.

The kiss was perfect. It was soft and gentle, filled with nerves and insecurity, but also with passion. It lit something inside of them, a slow and steady flame, and both girls felt the world around them fade away and time literally stopped.

They didn't see the headlights of passing cars, or hear the honking of angry cab drivers. They were completely lost in this moment with each other.

They both pulled away from the kiss at the same time, bringing their foreheads to rest against each other, smiles on their faces.

Karlie nudged Taylor's head with hers as she looked down, searching for her favorite bright blue eyes. Taylor looked up and saw how green Karlie's eyes were.

"Now it's perfect." Karlie said softly, finishing Taylor's train of thoughts from before the kiss.

She tucked another loose strand of Taylor's behind her ear.

Karlie moved her hands and placed them over Taylor's on her neck, holding her hands, softly rubbing her thumb over Taylor's knuckles.

They stayed in their embrace, soaking up everything they felt in that moment. Karlie placed a soft kiss on Taylor's temple and let out a content sigh.

Taylor placed her head in the crook of Karlie's neck, bringing her hands down to rest on Karlie's chest and she could feel the beat of Karlie's heart.

Karlie moved her arms and wrapped them protectively around Taylor, holding her close.

Karlie finally broke the silence.

"We should get you inside. It's getting kind of late and I don't want you to get sick."

Taylor let out a sigh and slowly removed herself from Karlie's embrace.

"We should do this again sometime." Taylor said as she reluctantly reached back in her pocket for her keys.

Karlie had a smirk on her face.

"Which part exactly?" She said with a light chuckle.

Taylor shook her head with a knowing look on her face as she laughed too.

Karlie's smile stretched even wider as she swung her hand that was still intertwined with one of Taylor's.

Taylor slowly pulled her keys out. She went to move towards her door but felt like her feet were glued to the ground. She really didn't want to go. She turned her gaze back to Karlie.

"Alright you. Enough stalling. Go inside before you get sick." Karlie said playfully as she gestured towards Taylor's door.

"Call or text me to let me know you made it home?" Taylor questioned as she turned towards her door.

Karlie stepped forward to hold the door for Taylor.

"I will." Karlie replied with a smile as she grabbed Taylor's hand and gently pressed her lips to it.

Taylor blushed at the gesture. She picked up her bag and walked towards her apartment.

Karlie gave Taylor's hand a soft tug, causing Taylor to turn back once more and look into those green eyes she couldn't get enough of.

Karlie leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Taylor's cheek, causing Taylor to blush.

"Good night Taylor." Karlie said with a smile, seeing how red Taylor's cheeks have become.

"Good night Karlie." Taylor replied with a soft smile, trying to hide her blush.

Karlie slowly released their hands and waited until she saw Taylor go into the elevator before walking back to her car and heading home.

Taylor walked into her apartment feeling so happy. That was definitely the best first date she's ever had, not to mention the breathtaking first kiss she was still recovering from.

Taylor fed her cats and headed to her room, grabbing her guitar. As Taylor thought about her night with Karlie, lyrics began bouncing around her head, so Taylor started strumming.

"There's somethin' 'bout the way

The street looks when it's just rained

There's a glow off the pavement

You walk me to the car

And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there

In the middle of the parking lot


Oh yeah

We're drivin' down the road

I wonder if you know

I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now

But you're just so cool

Run your hands through your hair

Absent mindedly makin' me want you

And I don't know how it gets better than this

You take my hand and drag me head first


And I don't know why but with you I'd dance

In a storm in my best dress


So baby drive slow

'Til we run out of road in this one horse town

I wanna stay right here in this passenger's seat

You put your eyes on me

In this moment now capture it, remember it

Cause I don't know how it gets better than this

You take my hand and drag me head first


And I don't know why but with you I'd dance

In a storm in my best dress


Well you stood there with me in the doorway

My hands shake

I'm not usually this way but

You pull me in and I'm a little more brave

It's the first kiss,

It's flawless,

Really something,

It's fearless.

Oh yeah

Cause' I don't know how it gets better than this

You take my hand and drag me head first


And I don't know why but with you I'd dance

In a storm in my best dress


Cuz I don't know how it gets better than this

You take my hand and drag me head first


And I don't know why but with you I'd dance

In a storm in my best dress



Oh yeah"

About an hour later, Taylor had finished the song. She checked her phone to look at the time. She saw that Karlie texted her.

"Thank you for making today one of the best days of my life. I made it home safe and sound. I can't wait to see you again. I hope you have sweet dreams, I know I will. :) Good night Taylor <3."

Taylor smiled at Karlie's cute message.

Taylor shut off all her lights laid down in her bed, grabbing her phone.

"I can't thank you enough for today Karlie. I can't wait to see you again either. You honestly haven't left my mind all night. Good night Karlie :)"

As she typed her reply, Taylor thought about the wonderful day she spent with Karlie. There really weren't enough words to describe how happy she was. Thinking about the song she had just written, and feeling a little brave, Taylor quickly sent another message before putting her phone down and drifting into a peaceful sleep.

"I don't know how it gets better than this. You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless. And I don't know why, but with you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless. <3"

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