Wednesday X Tribrid

By Arrowcraft

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the story takes place in Nevermore where Wednesday meet a tribrid that is Hope's twin sister who was misplace... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
charter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 8

1.2K 38 0
By Arrowcraft

Wednesday was back in her dorm working on a novel or more concretely trying to work on her novel. But she kept putting incorrect words on the paper making the need to take them out. after doing so Wednesday put them on the desk and Thing put them in the bin for her.

she looked at the price of the paper that she had picked of Rowan when he had died. she picked it up looking more closely than before seeing something in one of the corners of the paper. and because she didn't know what it was and there was one person would could look for that person dead or alive.

but after looking all over the school for Rowan and not finding him. Wednesday goes to Miss Weems's office to ask her about it. " I need to speak with Rowan. I can't find him"

"it won't be possible I'm afraid. he's been expelled" Miss Weems informed Wednesday

"for what" Wednesday questioned Miss Weems wanting to know what Rowan did that got him expelled from school with her not saying he tried to kill her two times. there should be no reason for that other than the fact he's dead.

"never you mind, he'll be on the first train out this afternoon. what were you doing in the woods with him anyways" Miss Weems asked Wednesday a question she had answered already.

" I told you already. I heard a noise and went to investigate," Wednesday says the same thing she said when the sheriff asked her.

"the excuse might have placated the sheriff, but you can't fool me. you had a psychic vision didn't you" Miss Weems says like it's a fact and with Wednesday not saying anything about it says Miss Weems is right. "I realized you might be having them when we passed by the accident and you knew that poor farmer had broken his neck. your mother started having visions around your age. they were notoriously unreliable and dangerous. I remember at first, she thought she might be losing her mind. Have you spoken to her about them" Once again Wednesday did not say anything back to Miss Weems " Clearly the person withholding information here is you"

"May I go now?" Wednesday asks

"Not until you picked your extracurricular activity. we want our students to be well-rounded"

"I prefer to remain sharp-edged," Wednesday tells her not wanting to have to do more things with the school than before.

"I've taken the liberty of putting together a list of clubs that have openings" Miss Weems handed Wednesday a clipboard with a list of different clubs on it.

"how thoughtful"

"you need to have picked one by the end of the day. I'll be keeping my eye on you. no doubt you'll find something that tickles your fancy"

"the last person who tickled me lost a finger," Wednesday said leaving the office without getting what she wanted in the first place and leaving with something she did not want to do not all.

"Weems is clearly trying to keep tabs on me. keep an eye on Rowan don't let him out of your sight." Wednesday ordered Thing to do while she went and looked for a club to join after Thing left Wednesday to do the task that he had been ordered to do by Wednesday. She walked out into the quad to see that is where the choir group was set up.

Wednesday walks up to the group not wanting to be there. but with Miss Weems making Wednesday's choice a club needed to be there. well, maybe she could say something to help her with the rowan thing that going on. not that Wednesday knows what going to go at this point.

When Bianca noticed Wednesday she turned in her and said "Weems said you be stopping by but to be honest after your performance at the harvest festival, drama club might be more your speed," 

"After I passed out who did you tell? the sheriff." Wednesday question Bianca.

"you think I'd trust normie cops? I went straight to Weems and let her handle it. any let's get this audition over with. what are you? alto, soprano, or just loco" Bianca says to Wednesday the rest of the choir behind Binanca laughs. 

Wednesday does not care about anything getting in with the group she opens her mouth but at the time no sound comes out of her mouth. Wednesday closed her mouth with the person who was playing the piano Glass cracks with other things made out of glass has when.

"what was that"Bianca question Wednesday

" a note only dogs can hear," Wednesday says back like it was the common thing to say before turning and leaving for the next club Wednesday needs to go to.


Wednesday walks up to Xavier as he is at the archery club. Wednesday watched as Xavier shot the bow and where the arrow hit the target and missed the middle of it. before Xavier saw that Wednesday was there not thinking she would show up.

"huh, you actually showed up.  ever shot a bow and arrow before," Xavier says Wednesday

"Only one live target,"

"Okay, "Xavier says grabbing another arrow and putting it into the bow and speaking again. " square stance, load the arrow like this. the yellow side out. three-finger. pull back and let it fly" With that Xavier shorts the arrow and once again misses the middle of the target. "any question,"

"When was the last time you saw your roommate Rowan?"

"What, you mean the one that was killed by a monster?" Xavier says back to Wednesday while looking at her grabbing another arrow and putting it in the bow. " the harvest festival. I haven't talked to him since. but his side of the room was all packed up this morning. rowan's always been a little off. but uh, the last couple of weeks he's been more erratic. you know, telekinesis can mess with your head. he, it started to freak me out," Xavier shot the arrow that the target "So what the deal with you and Tyler?"  

Wednesday glares at Xavier not seeing why he would care who she is with or uses. and the fact that he is asking a personal question too when they are not friends. "Oh, I'm sorry were you the only one who got to ask non-archery questions here?" Xavier question Wednesday 

"There is no deal. he was doing me a favour by driving me out of town," Wednesday says to Xavier getting bored of talking to him already.

"yeah, word of advice. steer clear,"

"why? Because he's a normie" Wednesday questioned Xavier not liking the fact of someone telling her what to do. At the same time, Xavier and Wednesday had just met and had not known each other for long really. what gives him the right to tell her what to do?

"cause Tyler and his friends are a bunch of jerks. they can't stand that this school's propping up their podunk town."

"say the boy's life was served on a silver platter"

"Hey, you know girls in a glass house"

"should throw bigger stones," Wednesday says grabbing an apple behind her and throwing it in the air. " at least I'm not an elitist snob." Wednesday finished off by shooting the arrow she had in the bow going through the apple and its bull's eye on the target.

"ouch," Xavier says as Wednesday's turn and leave Xavier there not seeing a point to being there more than she needs to be with someone like Xavier.


Wednesday walks up to the shed with a bee on the front of it. this club was the Nevermore Hummers where there was one person there. 

"Are you interested in the ancient art of beekeeping? Eugene. Eugene Ottinger. founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers."  Eugene put out his hand for Wednesday to shake.

"Wednesday. Wednesday Addams" Wednesday says shaking Eugene's hand. Wednesday looks around the places and sees there is no one other than Eugene there. " am I late or is it only you" Wednesday questions the boy.

"the hive life isn't for everyone. most kids are afraid of venomous insects" Eugene says to Wednesday with a sad tone before adding "Are you willing to feel the sting"

Wednesday put on the bee-keeping suit and walked out of the shed. to stand in front of Eugene while he talks "bees have been producing honey in the same way for 150 million years. they nature-perfect community. all working together to achieve a common goal. fun fact, it's also one of the few ecosystems in which females dominate" Eugene says with the small then seeing Wednesday is not there anymore. with Eugen despising the fact Wednesday leaves with him wanting more members for his club and maybe at the same time making a friend for himself.


Wednesday was putting back on her black and grey blazer before running into Faith looking at that rowan while he walked to a car so he could leave the school. but before Rowan can get in the car Wednesday stops him to talk to him about the other night.

"Rowan we need to talk" Wednesday demands the boy making him stop and look at her.

"Wednesday I'm not allowed to speak to anyone," Rowan says back not wanting to talk to Wednesday at all.

"you had a lot to say the other night when you tried to kill me. told me I'm destined to the school remember? where did you get that drawing,"

"I just went into the woods to clear my head. then you came after me" Rowan lies back to Wednesday and if it wasn't for that fact she knew that he was lying to her she couldn't tell.

"Wednesday. you shouldn't be here" Ms Thornhill says to Wednesday walking over to the driver's side of the car so she could take Rowan to the train station.

"yeah, back off and leave me alone" Rowan tells Wednesday before closing the car door. when the door closes Ms Thornhill takes off from the school with Thing who is trailing still.

 "It's weird isn't it," Faith says to Wednesday making her look at Faith with a questioning look trying to think of what the girl means by that and coming up with nothing for it.

"what do you mean" Wednesday answered Faith still not knowing what she was talking about.

"Rowan getting expelled from the school. I mean the day after you claim that he dead no less, and from as far as I can tell there is no reason from it," Faith answered Wednesday's question

" so are you saying you believe me then" Wednesday questioned with more of a hopeful tone than she wanted to. with this feels different than with Tyler when he said that he believed her. maybe because Wednesday didn't care if Tyler believed her but with faith she does care just a little.

"I believe in the fact of the scenario, which just happens to say that you're right." Faith says before adding "In my opinion, There are three reasons why people would believe something. one because of the fact of the thing they looking at, two because they were there and know it true and three which is the worst one by far is because they have a crush on you and just trying to impress you by saying that they believe you but more likely don't believe you that all," Has faith finished talking to Wednesday with that turn to leave the girl standing there.

" wait but if you going on fact then how can you leave out the fact that Rowan was in front of you like a minute ago," Wednesday questions Faith wanting to know more about the girl and the reason why she believes it.

" yes, when there is more than one way for that to happen I just happen to know multiple ways for it. but at the same time I know in this town and school I'm the only one that could do something like this, which I did not do." Faith says looking at Wednesday as she explains things to her. 

"that does not help me at all" Wednesday shot back not liking the fact Faith said something and made it so vast not giving her anything to go on at all. but that is the same thing something very personal about herself which is something Wednesday thinks no one gets or does and it is like this. Wednesday try to think once again about what faith could mean be it but that the same tie not wanting to ask for more again.

"but then again with live in a world full of outcasts," Faith says back and if Wednesday didn't know any better it sounded like Normie talking about outcasts. but that couldn't be right she one herself right.

"what do you mean" Wednesday finds herself questioning the girl in front of her once again. but this time Faith didn't answer Wednesday wanted to hear that all.

"Just think about it, if you are smart you should work out what I mean by what I just said," Faith said turning and walking away from Wednesday now leaving her questioning what she meant with the last thing she said before leaving.

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