Tiny Hands, Sad Eyes

By mrwwow

1.2K 19 6

Jim Kirk gets shot by an automated weapon while on an away misson. Instead of injuring or killing him, it dea... More

Fearful Child
Searching for Solutions

Caring for Young Jim

280 4 4
By mrwwow

Spock woke the next morning to find that Jim snuggled up next to him sometime during the night. A small smile crossed his face as he watched the child sleep, his head pillowed on Spock's stomach. It was gratifying to know that his T'hy'la trusted him, even when he was terrified of everyone else.

Jim looked so peaceful, cuddled against him. A wave of affection flowed over him, and a little smile turned up his lips. He decided to let him sleep and so grabbed his padd and began working on what he could.

He sent a message to Sulu to inform him that he had the Conn but that he could contact Spock if he had any questions. That done, he contacted supplies to request several outfits to fit a 4 year old human boy. After that, he began to check up on the various science projects that were in progress. Jim continued to sleep soundly, pressed against his side.

The clothes were delivered to his room less than an hour later, just as Jim was beginning to stir. Jim blinked his bright blue eyes up at him blearly and snuggled closer when the door beeped, alerting Spock to their arrival. Spock simply lifted Jim into his arms as he got up to answer the door.

Jim hid his face in his neck as he opened it and took the garments. Thanking the crewman who delivered them, he shut the door and carried Jim into the bathroom.

Jim was cuddled into Spock's neck and was loathe to be set down.

"Jim." Spock murmured, rubbing his back soothingly. "It is alright. I will not leave you. But we need to get ready for the day. I need to take a shower, as do you. Would you like my assistance, or would you prefer to shower on your own?"

Jim pulled away from Spock's neck. "You." He answered definitively, not letting go of Spock's shoulders.

"That is acceptable, Kan-bu. However, you will have to release me in order to get ready for a shower."

At this Jim finally allowed Spock to set him down with a huff. He stood at Spock's feet, a pout firmly in place. Spock couldn't help the small smile that graced his face as he looked down at the child.

"Jim. I will now disrobe and turn the water on. You will need to remove your clothes as well to shower effectively."

Spock then stripped off everything but his underwear and turned on the water in the sonic shower, making sure to get it warm but not too hot.

When he was done, he turned to find Jim had done as he was told. His clothes were in a heap on the floor. He stared up at Spock expectantly.

Spock grabbed a couple washcloths and ushered Jim into the shower. They stood under the shower spray as Spock covered one of the washcloths in soap.

"Do you require assistance to apply the soap to your body, or can you do it yourself?"

Those brilliant blue eyes looked up at him. "I can do it."

"Very well." Spock handed him the soapy washcloth and turned away to grab him own and wash his own body, keeping an eye on Jim as he did so.

Jim was able to clumsily wash his body without Spock needing to intervene. Once he was done, Spock asked,

"May I help you with your hair? I believe my assistance would be useful to keep the soap from running into your eyes."

Jim nodded eagerly. Spock smiled at this. He found himself smiling more since yesterday than he had in the entire month. It was a disconcerting thought. Though there wasn't much he could do about it. He needed to allow his emotions to be more expressed around young Jim.

He knew that a normal human child would not understand the stoicism associated with his race. They typically perceived them as angry with them. And that was not even taking Jim's personal emotional issues into account. The child flinched away from everyone but him. He couldn't bear the thought of breaking that trust or of frightening or harming his T'hy'la.

This was also a stressful situation for him. And since he and Jim had been attached at the hip since it happened, he had not been able to meditate like he should. So it was inevitable that more emotions would slip through, especially around his T'hy'la.

These thoughts ran through his head as he carefully washed the child's hair. He gently tipped his head back as he soaped up his golden locks, massaging the shampoo into them. Then, instructing Jim to close his eyes, he meticulously rinsed it all out, being sure that none ran down his face.

Once the shampoo was washed out, Spock repeated the process with conditioner. He allowed it it sit in Jim's hair as he quickly washed and applied conditioner to his own. He then carefully rinsed out Jim's hair, followed by his own.

Shower having then been thus completed, he turned off the water and stepped out. Jim whined but followed suit. Spock wrapped Jim in a large fluffy towl the minute he emerged and helped him dry off amid the child's giggles.

Once Jim was sufficiently dry, Spock stripped out of his wet underwear and dried himself off. Afterwards, he secured the towel around his waist. He then carefully brushed Jim's hair, being careful not to yank any tangles. His own hair required much less attention. Just a few passes with the brush and it was perfect.

He led Jim back into the bedroom and gestured to the small pile of clothes for him. Jim grabbed them and happily sifted through them, looking at each item one by one.

"I can have different ones brought here if these are not to your taste." Spock said solemnly.

Jim clutched the clothes to his chest protectively and shook his head vehemently.

"Very well." Spock smiled. "I will leave you to pick out which clothes you wish to wear and dress yourself as I too need to clothe myself. Feel free to request assistance if you require any."

Jim nodded enthusiastically, beaming at his new clothes. Spock's heart clenched. He had only provided the child with clothes, a basic necessity, and yet he was acting like Spock had given him a treasure of untold worth. Something was very wrong. He determined to get some toys for Jim as soon as possible. He turned away to dress himself.

Once fully clothed, he turned back around to see Jim dressed in jeans and a brightly colored shirt, grinning. He held his other clothes in his hands and was seemingly loathe to put them down.

This only reinforced Spock's plan to get Jim some toys. If he was this enthralled by a few pieces of clothing, Spock wanted to see just how happy actual toys would make him. He grabbed his padd and asked for a couple toys to be replicated and sent to sick bay.

Then he walked over to young Jim. Kneeling to get on the child's level, he spoke softly.

"Jim. We must go now. We need to stop by sickbay this morning to see Dr. McCoy again. But we need to get food for our breakfast beforehand. What would you like to eat?"

Jim looked up from his new clothes. "Waffles?" He whispered.

"Very well. We will get you waffles. Would you prefer syrup or strawberries with whipped cream and powdered sugar?"

Jim lit up. "Strawberries!" He exclaimed.

"Very well. If I add bacon and eggs, will you eat them too?"

Jim nodded vigorously. His still damp hair had started curling itself into blond ringlets. Spock had never noticed before that the captain had curly hair. He filed the thought away for future inspection.

"Very well. As soon as you put down your clothes, we can head to the mess hall."

Jim set the clothes down on the bed and hopped off of it, sufficiently distracted by the thought of waffles.

"Would you prefer to walk or be carried?" Spock asked before walking to the door.

Jim simply held his arms up to Spock. Spock immediately scooped him up with graceful ease, and they left Spock's quarters.

Jim clung tighter to Spock as they approached the mess hall. It was full. A fact that was very apparent from the noise that spilled out into the hall. Spock stepped into the room, unnoticed by the majorityof its occupants. But enough eyes turned to them to make Jim hide his face in Spock's neck.

"I'm scared." He whispered in Spock's ear.

Spock paused in his determined walk towards the replicator. He ran his hand soothingly up and down Jim's back as he whispered back.

"It will be alright, Kan-bu. We are only in here to get our food. Once that is done, we will proceed to sickbay to eat it. We will not be in the mess hall for very long. Is that acceptable?"

Jim nodded against his neck but didn't let up on his death grip. Spock continued walking, ignoring the curious eyes that tracked his movements through the room.

Spock quickly made his way to the replicator and ordered their meals, requesting them in containers for later consumption rather than the regular plates and bowls. Then, gathering the containers in his free hand, Spock left the mess hall.

He walked quickly to sick bay, Jim cradled against him. The child seemed to flinch closer every time they passed anyone in the halls. This only served to hasten his steps, and soon, sickbay was in sight.

Jim seemed to relax infinitesimally as they crossed the threshold from the hall into sickbay. Spock felt the minute change and was glad for it. McCoy was at his desk pouring over files when they arrived. Spock headed straight for it.

He set the food down on the desk. Then, using his newly free arm, he brought a chair over for Jim to sit and eat his breakfast. McCoy looked up at the movement.

"Ahhh, you're here. I was wondering when you'd show up. Breakfast for the kid?" He nodded towards the food containers now adorning his desk.

"Yes. Jim does not appreciate the amount of people in the mess hall. Therefore, I felt that it would be logical to feed him in a more secluded location."

"Understandable, Spock. I assume you brought your own breakfast as well?"

"Correct, Doctor. There is no reason for me to eat at a separate time from Jim. Especially since he has a dislike for the mess hall."

"Yeah, yeah. Sit down and eat, you pointy eared hobgoblin!" McCoy scoffed jokingly.

Jim glared at him ferociously. "Spock is wonderful!" He snapped angrily. "Don't be mean to him, or I'll kick you."

McCoy stifled a laugh. "I guess some things never change. Alright, kid. You got me. I won't do it again."


"Ok, kid." McCoy then turned to Spock.  "I'm sorry for insulting you, Spock."

"You are forgiven, doctor."

"There. We good now, kid?" McCoy asked Jim.

He nodded. "Just don't do it again."

Spock began to set out Jim breakfast. He assembled the waffles topped with whipped cream, powdered sugar, and strawberries. Then, he set out the bacon and eggs with Jim's preferred condiments.

"Jim. I will request that you eat at least some of the bacon and eggs before starting on your waffle." Spock said as he arranged them all within Jim's reach on the desk.

"Ok. I will." He replied as he began to happily spoon eggs into his mouth. His now fully dried blond curls bouncing in time with his movements.

Jim, being now taken care of, Spock pulled up a chair for himself and settled down to eat his own breakfast. McCoy stood up and began taking new scans of Jim while he was focused on shoveling food into his mouth.

The child ate at a rapid pace. It was almost like he was afraid that his food would be snatched from him if he did not eat it fast enough. Spock ate at a more sedate pace. Because of this, Jim had completely cleared all of his food before Spock had finished with his single dish.

When Spock finished eating, he cleared all the dishes and utensils they used into the waste bin. From there it would be recycled into energy for the replicator. He then stepped away for a moment, though he was careful to remain where Jim could easily see him. He didn't want to alarm his young T'hy'la.

He caught the attention of a personnel member and asked quickly if anything had been delivered there for him from supplies. They smiled and nodded before bringing over the items. Spock gathered them up and brought them over to Jim.

"Jim. I have something for you."

Jim looked up. His face lit up at the contents in Spock's arms. Spock handed him the toys. A stuffed teddy bear with soft brown fur. A shiny silver toy model of the Enterprise. And a brightly colored children's padd, programmed with several games for educational play.

Jim gathered them all in his hand and hugged them to his chest, eyes glowing with happiness.

"Thank you!" He whispered fervently, unable to let go of the toys.

"You are very welcome, Kan-bu." Spock answered, attempting to keep his emotions in check. "Every child deserves toys."

"I can't remember the last time I got new anything! You're so nice, Mr. Spock! I hardly have any toys or clothes at home. I always get Sam's old toys and clothes. They're always broken and full of holes. And mom always takes my toys away anyway. She says I'm too loud with them."

White hot rage boiled up inside Spock at this. How dare she treat her son like that?! Though he was against revenge on principle, Winona had a lot to answer for. If he ever met her, he vowed that he would make sure she felt just as small, just as afraid as she had made her child, her tiny, innocent child, feel.

Spock struggled to keep his fury from showing on his face. Thankfully, McCoy chose that moment to interrupt.

"I have all the scans I need for now, Spock. So if you and the kid wanna get on outta here, you can. Just come on back around lunchtime. I'll run some more tests then."

And with that, they were unceremoniously shooed them of sickbay.

Spock scooped Jim up into his arms, toys and all, and left sick bay. He headed back to his quarters. Jim was clearly enamored with his new toys, and so would probably want time to play with them uninterrupted. And it would give him some time to check in with work.

Once in his quarters, Spock set Jim down on the bed. The child simply grinned at him and began to play quietly. Spock pulled out his padd and began to work.

He went over report after report. Signing them, then moving on to the next one. But his mind was distracted. He couldn't help but think about what young Jim had told him in sickbay.

The clothes he could understand if Winona did not have the money to provide new clothes. Wearing an older siblings clothes was not inherently bad. The problem was that Starfleet had made it a point to take care of the families of those killed in service. This was especially true of George Kirk's widow. George Kirk was a Starfleet hero, a legend. Winona should have had plenty of money to buy both of her children new clothes and toys. So why didn't she?

And taking what few toys your child had away? Just for being a child? That was unacceptable. Spock found himself clenching his fist in anger.

Spock immediately unclenched his fist and took a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

He clearly needed to meditate. His emotions were getting the best of him. It would not do to be angry in front of Jim. He might get it into his head that Spock was angry at him, which was the last thing Spock wanted.

He glanced up to where Jim was quietly playing on the bed. He couldn't meditate while he had a child under his care. And since he could not leave Jim with anyone else on the ship, meditation would have to wait. He only hoped he could keep it together til they were able to find a solution.

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