Radiators are my only weaknes...

By PirateQueen14

68.9K 3.9K 663

I know everything about boring things like science but what I want to know is, what is pain? What does it fee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chpater 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 52

564 51 29
By PirateQueen14

Ryuen was sitting under the Christmas trees since I was sitting in it. I dropped down next to him making him flinch and he did lift his fist a little. "Can you tell me about how it felt when you lost all hope? Why did you try to leave? Is the school not worth your life? Is winning not everything?" I asked.

He was just staring at me with wide eyes. "So?" I asked Ryuen as I sat down next to him.

"You really aren't scared of me?" He asked me.

"I sent Albert flying, aren't you scared?" I retorted.

"How did you end up like this?" Ryuen asked me as he held out his ice cream to me and I licked it.

"That's a boring flavour," I mumbled.

"Mint." He let out. "It's nice."

"It's the same as toothpaste. Kiyo forces me to brush my teeth." I groaned. "And how I ended up like this...death? More near death? A stupid old man."

"...Who?" Ryuen questioned me.

"Who cares?" I retorted.

"I do." He stated.

"Yes, I have seen that, but I should explain that you are not a who, you're a Ryuen," I explained.

"...I'm a Ryuen?" Ryuen was even more confused by my logic, so I just palmed his hand making the ice cream bump into his face and he gasped.

"...The surprise or coldness?" I asked for the reason for his reaction.

"You are so annoying." Ryuen sighed. "...You must have gone through so much pain to be able to fight with your condition..."

I grinned at him and he was confused since he always thinks it's for a bad reason.

I like that he has his own pace he doesn't just match mine and goes back to his own while others would most of the time annoy me with their stupid pace or just match mine and be a little sheep.

Kiyo does it nicely and we just make the pace together until he tells me to go to the nurse's office.

We went back into the shops looking for more things for the tree. Ryuen seemed more active in looking so he was in a different aisle from me.

I got a call and I answered it as Ryuen was actually looking at some ornaments. I thought he might just sulk during this date, but it seems he has been more lonely than I thought making me grin.

"Hello!" I answered. "You have a lovesick puppy now, right?"

"Yeah, thanks for pushing Kei to do the date thing." He hummed. "How is it for you?"

"His curiosity for me is over the roof. He also showed he has started to care for me even more after I showed I want to know him more." I grinned. "We got him to isolate himself then I swooped in and took him."

"But...I think, maybe I can use him to get rid of my thoughts to always use people as caregivers for me. He tried to tease me. He's rude but he also does actually fully try to stop me...maybe I can make a real friend, aren't you trying to do the same thing?" I asked.

"I do wonder if my relationship with her will ever change, how about our relationship?" Kiyotaka suggested.

"Our relationship?" I mumbled then I noticed Ryuen was listening in this time it was very obvious. "If it grows, I don't mind, but we have too many things and know too many things of each other to ever let it fall apart. I don't think I would want to get rid of it either, ever."

"Me to." He hummed.

"But if you die that's your own fault and I won't cry." I grinned.

"Me either," Kiyotaka responded.

"So we still feel the same! I will be back after making a snowman, and I can show you the tree!" I grinned.

"I will meet you at the spot earlier, we can have our own little date if you want." He informed me.

"Three dates in one day?!" I exclaimed. "Awesome!"

"Date?!" Ryuen freaked out.

"Yeah...what? I can do more than one. I want a million!" I declared.

"Why?" Ryuen questioned me as he held his head.

"Aren't you the one who kept inviting Suzune to have sex?" I asked and he choked on air.

"How-" He was now bent down on the floor with his head down between his knees.

"The Dragon Boy is being weird. See you soon, I also have you a gift!" I grinned. "Man, this is fun! I like Christmas!"

"I do to," Kiyotaka admitted. "Have more fun."

Ryuen and I carried on finding stuff for the tree and he did question me about that call. But I just said nothing since why does he need to know and I also kept asking for ice cream in exchange.

He didn't want to get more.

My tree was very beautiful making me grin as I admired it in its little bag.

Ryuen insisted on walking me back it was obvious it was out of concern, but also curiosity as to who my next date would be.

We found Arisu walking from the direction Kiyotaka should be in, so it must mean she finally acted. Ryuen had finished his attempt on trying to take down our class, so she came in right after since it would be sad of her to mess with us when we were already dealing with one person.

"Ari!" I exclaimed.

Ryuen looked at her confused as to why she would be here. "Did you speak to him?" I smirked and she nodded.

"You two know each other?" Ryuen asked.

"Yeah, dragon-" He covered my mouth and pushed my head back making me laugh as he pushed me by my back this time to make sure I stayed standing.

"It seems you two get along well now," Arisu commented.

"Yeah! We went on a date!" I exclaimed and she was a little surprised. "Want to go on one with me to?"

"I didn't know you were interested in girls." Arisu giggled.

"Why does gender matter? If you are interesting, I want to stick ice cream in your face!" I declared. "Also Ryuen, what's better cheese or tuna?"

"...Cheese." He answered.

"But why not both together?" I asked and he looked horrified. "Tuna and cheese is good!"

"Rekka, you are giving me too many mysteries in one day." Ryuen groaned. "How the hell am I gonna figure you out?"

"You won't be able to even if you know her past," Arisu added and Ryuen flinched.

"Really? I guess maybe you're right. I don't get how I got here either, but Kiyo does." I hummed.

"Well, I don't want to hear it from you." Ryuen glared at Arisu as he took my hand and walked on confusing me.

"I can't wait to see what you want to play next term! Just no more stalkers they are boring!" I informed her and she waved to me.

I was humming happily as we walked and Ryuen was so confused as to what just happened. "Are you seriously going to go against her?" Ryuen asked me, and I could see he's worried.

"Obviously, whoever gets in my way needs to move." I grinned. "You know, usually when I tease people they hit me but you just push me!" I grinned as I squeezed his hand that's holding mine. "You even stop me a little, no one ever does that except Kiyo."

"Hit?" he asked me.

"Even you know what I mean like what I did to you or did I give you brain damage?" I hummed and he frowned.

"You make it seem like everything is the first time you are doing it." Ryuen sighed.

"Well, yeah! This is my first Christmas." I explained.

"It was your first Christmas?" He asked me.

"Yeah! I'm glad I chose you for it!" I exclaimed.

He turned away confusing me. "Rekka you know you do come out with some words." He was covering his face, so he let of my hand. I tried to look at him, and he turned away from me.

"Thanks! Today was fun!" I grinned at him. "That's what you say, right?"

"It is." He nodded. "But you are the one who took me out, so you aren't supposed to say that to me."

"What? That's stupid." I sighed.

"Thanks for today, Rekka." He hummed surprising me when he turned to me. "You're the one who forced me out. Did you want the full experience of a date?"

"Yeah!" I nodded.

"Then close your eyes." Ryuen demanded, and I stared at him making him nervous, but I closed my eyes. "I'm gonna kiss your cheek, so don't punch me."

"Hmm." I let out confused then felt myself be pulled away from Ryuen confusing me. "Oh, Kiyo."

"Why did you pull me?" I asked Kiyotaka, and he stared down at me so I did the same back.

"Come on." Kiyotaka hummed.

"Kiyo!" I whined at him then my other arm got grabbed.

"Your date has ended, right?" Kiyotaka asked him Ryuen who had grabbed me.

"It has, but...let me ask you this, how do you feel about Rekka?" Ryuen asked him. "I seriously don't get it still. It seems like you two have known each other for a long time. But the relationship looks so weird."

"Why is that any of your concern?" I asked him.

"Rekka, you don't know danger even when it's right in front of your face." Ryuen explained.

I laughed confusing him. "Are you assuming he has the advantage over me because of my illness?" I asked him and Ryuen looked confused. "Sadly that would only work with someone who is afraid of death."

Ryuen flinched as I pulled Kiyotaka along. "Bye bye! Let's have another date!"

"So?" I grinned at Kiyotaka. "Did she cry? I wished I had seen her when her heart was broken."

"She did cry." Kiyotaka nodded. "She got sad when she said I didn't smile for the whole day, so it seemed like I didn't have fun."

"She cared if you had fun or not? You are supposed to do that?" I let out confused. "Ah, boring! We do what I want then happiness for me!"

Kiyotaka gave me barely a little smile confusing me that he was even trying. "Oh, I'm worth it, am I?" I laughed. "I don't care if you ever smile! You look funny!"

"Kei can tell I don't feel affection for others." Kiyotaka admitted.

"And she stays? She's just going to get disappointed." I laughed. "That's going to be great to see! The little puppy really latched onto lettuce!"

"I'm still stuck there by seeing others as tools...Our relationship..." Kiyotaka let out on the way back. I thought to when I first properly joined the same group as him.

My group was all gone, it was just me now and they told me I would be joining the one that is of the same generation.

Once I was let in, I saw. "Everyone is already gone!" I whined then looked to the figure of the last person left sitting at their desk not even looking this way. "Hey, I heard you're the creepy healthy person!"

I slammed my hands onto his desk and grinned at him, and he looked to me with the same emotionless look he always had.

"So they put me in here to see if I can destroy you." I hummed as it seems he also could tell that was their purpose. "But I can't get anything from you..." I laid my head on his table.

"Really?" He asked me.

"Oh, you do speak! You sound like water! Really generic!" I grinned. "So you can't leave this room...then you have to listen to me!"

I took the chair from the other desk and pulled it over to his. "Go insane and leave if you want, you will give me what I want then. But if you want to win against me then you have to stay, but I also get someone who will listen to me!" I laughed as I got out a pen that I hid on me.

I started to draw on his desk, and he looked at it. "Now, this is a tree! How would you climb it?!" I asked him.

He looked at me then down at the table and I held out the pen to him and he took it.

He literally did it the most boring way, by climbing.

"Oh, come on! Be creative! Like backflip into it! Then you win!" I laughed.

"What's the point?" Kiyotaka asked me. "Why would you want to do that?"

"To see what it's like! You know the view, to feel and see a different place that isn't white." I grinned. "To scrap my knees! To fall from a tree! To get hit by lightning in the tree!"

He looked at me confused as I was so excited. "Why should I live a life paved out for me?! I want to make the decisions to do everything I want! Because that's what makes me happy! And to spite that asshole!"

"...I never thought of that." Kiyotaka admitted.

"Yeah, you seem like a book." I nodded. "But that was a tree once, so you were made to be this way, I have always been like this even when I was a baby!"

"Your name?" He let out.

"Seriously Kiyo, you don't know." I sighed. "I know all names. Well, it's Rekka! Nice to meet you son of the asshole who murdered my mother!" I grinned and he blinked at me. "If you think I would spite you for that, that's stupid, but it would be fun to make you completely useless to that old thing..."

"They must want us to use these skills for them, so just don't and draw trees with me!" I exclaimed. "Hey, draw me a car!"

He did, and I just stared at it. "...I thought you did calligraphy." I mumbled.

"That isn't the same as drawing." He informed me.

"It ain't, like you don't draw on the instructors?" I asked and he shook his head. "What? But it makes them look even stupider than they do!"

As we were walking, I was talking all about the day we had and how Ryuen was doing and he told me about Kei. "Yay, we both have slaves now! If you ever leave Class D, you got somewhat control of it without me." I grinned.

"You would come with me." Kiyotaka spoke up and I grinned since he's right.

"You are the best one who takes care of me. Are you that concerned to name our relationship or change it?" I asked.

"If it will it will." He mumbled.

I got curious about what Ryuen said earlier about completing a date, so I kissed him on the cheek and he looked down at me after.

We both just stared at each other not really getting what that was supposed to do.

"Maybe love isn't bad...can I actually finally learn something from you? You never show pain, but Ryuen can show me everything." I grinned. "Well, I'm sure next term will let me learn what I want yet again."

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