By booksxswiftie

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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ જ⁀➴ Partying, Drinking, Shopping. That's what you do, when you're a teenager about to graduat... More



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By booksxswiftie

NEW YORK at this time of the year looks magical. The gold and brown leaves that slowly fall on the ground, the breezy air that flutters through your hair, and the endless fashion inspirations. Owning to the fact that fall was named the trendiest season by Vogue Italia. Sadly fall, also means the beginning of a new school year. Or in this case the last new school year.

Oliver walked to his limousine, after having waited for his roommate, Jackson, for at least 40 minutes. "Ollie!" shouted a voice, which stopped the infamous Oliver in his tracks. Jackson was completely out of breath as he ran up to the limousine. "Forty minutes, Jackson. Forty fucking minutes waiting for your lazy ass," he said as he and Jackson opened the door of the vehicle to get in. "Sorry man. I have a bad hair day, if you haven't noticed yet and I lost track of time."

Ollie looked at his Rolex before releasing all the air that was bottled up in his lungs. "We're so late. And on our last first school day. You should be thankful for having such a loyal friend as me, that always waits for you." he chuckled. "I never said you weren't. But trying to style your hair in the morning wouldn't be a bad idea, you know? It's not like you don't get the chicks anyway, but to win our bet, you'll have to look your best at all times. Nathalie would never consider fucking you if you....look like this."Jackson furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed as he scanned Olivers Uniform, as it looked like it had been slept on. Or in.

The limousine started to move and the first thing that Jackson did, was taking out a metal flask. "Now give me that." said Oliver trying to rip the flask out of his hands. Nevertheless, Jackson opened the metal bottle, and in one swift motion, he downed all the brandy in his mouth. Or what was left of the brandy from the night before. The alcohol burned in his throat as he swallowed everything down. Oliver sighed and closed his eyes, knowing damn well that his friend needed to get a grip on his life or it wouldn't end up as magically as he wished.

"Jack you can't drink before school.." he pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and his index finger. "You need to be as lucid as possible. This is your last year and then you're done. You'll be free to do anything you want. But to do that you need to graduate. So please, try to not get expelled. Now give me the flask". The brown haired boy chuckled as he handed over the flask before saying:"It's empty anyway".

Before the two knew it they had arrived at school and they calmly walked to class. Calmly, because after Jacksons philosophy you don't need to try and get to class as soon as possible since you're late anyway. Oliver was against the idea but gave in after having thought about how embarrassing it would be to walk into class, alone, while being an hour late. They knocked at the door and prayed for their goddamn lives since it was Mrs. Kraves' lesson. "Yes?" called the Woman from inside the classroom. Jackson opened the door and went in, followed by Oliver. "Well, well, well. Look who honored us by finally showing up."Mrs. Krave's smiled, but that smile wasn't reassuring at all. It was one of those deadly smiles.

"What happened? Did you get caught talking to Little Red Riding Hood and the bad wolf?" she looked at Jackson intensely. "Uhm...hamster died" he nodded "This morning he," Jackson sighed and continued "he had a heart attack" "Your hamster had a heart attack?" she nodded "And you Mr.Mayweather?" Oliver swallowed. "Well, we live together. Mr. O'Brien was too devastated so I had to flash him down the toilet." Giulia spit out a laugh as she looked over to Nathalie who also was trying (and also failing) not to laugh. "Very convincing," said the teacher. "You Mr.O'brien have a bright future as an actor. And as for Mr. Mayweather...." she stared at him, the smile wasn't there anymore. It vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. "...change career path".  That's when Isabel couldn't hold it in anymore and bursted out laughing. Mrs.Kraves shook her head and invited the boys to sit down in the front row, which they politely declined.


Isabel caught up as Giulia was walking out of class, after what felt like an eternity. "I can't believe Jack actually used that as an excuse. When will he take school seriously?" said Isabel as she looked down. "The real question should be; When will he take anything seriously?" she giggled.

"I'm just worried-sick about him...if he makes one more mistake, his father won't give him the O'Brien company...it will pass on to his stepbrother whom he hates. I don't think he realises that"Isabel said as she looked at her cuticles, which were bloody as she spent the whole class flickering them. "That's sweet of you...worrying so much about him. Have you talked to him in the summer break?"Giulia asked looking over at her friend, who looked like she was in her very own world. "No..why?" "Okay, I'm gonna ask you a question and I want you to answer it honestly. Do you still like Jackson?" Isabel stopped in her tracks and looked up at her best friend. "Are you kidding me? No, absolutely not. And if if I did I don't think he'd feel the same. He sees me as a little sister.." "That's not true, Bels! I think he likes you.." the brown haired girl smiled at Isabel, who didn't seem as convinced. "And I think he likes you." "You have to be shitting me...no Isabel, he doesn't." "Oh shut up it's not like you haven't lost your virginity to him.."Isabel laughed and shook her head. "We were fifteen...it was four years ago."

"Yeah..if you say so. Oh I almost forgot to give you the invite to Nats party." said the blonde girl, as she fumbled in her bag for the card. "What are we celebrating?" she asked as she took the invite from Isabels hand. "It's a mystery. Not even Tessa knows.."Bels chuckled as she looked at her friend. "This must be something special then..". "I hope she isn't pregnant, we had planned to go on a drinking spree this Saturday.." "No way, she's not pregnant...god this feels illegal to even say." "I guess we'll find out tonight then..".

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