Let Me In [Male Reader x Yand...

By SteveTheAlbino

292K 10.4K 6.7K

They say connections make us all. Whether it be the connection of friendship; of family; or even more platoni... More

Chapter 1 '327'
Chapter 2 'Ramen & Rain'
Chapter 3 'Men At Work'
Chapter 4 'Friday Night'
Chapter 5 'Mission Start'
Chapter 6 'Ticket For One'
Chapter 7 'Talk To Me'
Chapter 8 'Out Of My Head'
Chapter 9 'Falling'
Chapter 10 'The Party'
Chapter 11 'Untitled'
Chapter 12 'She Wolf'
Chapter 13 'Losing Control'
Chapter 14 'Dogs Eating Dogs'
Chapter 16 'Save Me'
Chapter 17 'Dates & Airplanes'
Chapter 18 'The Invisible Parade' (Part 1 Finale)
Chapter 19 'Death Do Us Part'
Chapter 20 'Chainsaw Man'
Chapter 21 'Rookies'
Chapter 22 'Mutt'
Chapter 23 'Demon And Divison'
Chapter 24 'The Story So Far'
Chapter 25 'Spiral'
Chapter 26 'Non/Fiction'
Chapter 27 'How I Met Your Mother'
Chapter 28 'The Yandere-In-Law'
Chapter 29 'Dance! Dance! Its a Festival!

Chapter 15 'Eternity'

6.5K 307 181
By SteveTheAlbino

[Hey everyone, Steve here...Sorry for the two-week delay. Lot of stuff happened. I didn't want to put out a chapter I wasn't happy with, plus, just yesterday as of writing this bit, my Dad died...Now, before anyone says take a break, yada yada yada. I'll say this here...If I wanted a break, I'd take one. And if I feel like a break, I'll take one. But right now, I want to write, because I feel that will help me most right now. So, yeah, just wanted to explain why I haven't updated the book since then. What's written below is what I previously had...]

[Alright, so last weeks chapter did a chapter 13, and debuted with a low vote count, at least for this story. And I probably put that up to the last chapter really not going anywhere. Nevertheless, chapter 13 made a comeback with votes, and I have faith the last chapter will grow with time as well. Even so, the last chapter, and this book in general, is doing amazing with gathering readers. With 1.3k in 24 hours, and that is definitely nothing to scoff at. So thank you all for that everyone, honestly, as of late, I sometimes get a bit thrown off with writing by a few people complaining about small things. Whether it be Makima not being Makima, or grammar soldiers (I understand you are trying to help...Still kinda annoying to get your mistakes pointed out is all lol). Nevertheless, I will stay strong and rectify mistakes to deliver the best possible Yandere Makima book I can possibly muster. So let's do that, shall we?]

[Warning: "This chapter is a little more on the darker side. Not by gore or anything. But I'll just say it'll involve you hating Takeru a whole lot more...]

[Your POV]

"How long is this hallway?"

"We must have walked a hundred meters by now?"

"Why is this even happening to us?"

"I knew we shouldn't have come to this stupid aquarium."

"I thought you guys were Devil Hunters, if a devil is causing all this...Kill it already!"

I've never really been a violent person in life, but right now...I was contemplating what exactly it'd be like to spend the night in a Japanese jail. Unfortunately, I feel like doing such a thing would lead to me having more struggles with my job, so I refrained from turning around to knock some sense in Takeru and instead remained quiet. The stubborn male currently positioned at the end of the group next to Kamino, the weather lady from TV, continued to rant as I looked around at the surrounding area. 

If Makima was right about this Eternity Devil being the cause for these endless hallways, I wish it would have been at a much more interesting location, like a shopping mall, or a theme park. Something fun to drive me further away from this boredom. Instead, I was forced to witness the same punch of fish through a glass wall for over several minutes now as we continued to search for a means of escape. As we did, Takeru's words continued to fill the air, meanwhile next to me, Makima rolled her eyes. Which I couldn't help but find cute in the moment.

(Y/n): "Man, I really hate the fact I let that guy get two punches on me now." [Turns to Makima] "You sure I can't punch him now?"

Makima: "If he keeps complaining...Sure."

However, my smile was quick to drop when I noticed the lack of any recognition other than the words from Makima. Not once did she glance my way, and honestly, I felt that. So, when things fell silent again, I couldn't help but grow a nervous look on my face. Eventually, I did gather the courage, however, to reach my hand out and take hers into my own. Something that surprised Makima momentarily, though she still kept her gaze focused straight ahead.

(Y/n): "Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you earlier. I-I don't want to make you mad or anything...I mean, I hope I didn't..."

A moment of emptiness surrounded us as Makima processed my words. With each passing morsel of time, an inch of fear grew inside me. Thankfully, I was soon released of such a feeling when Makima finally turned to face me. A soft smile prodded at her lips.

Makima: "You didn't, (Y/n)." [Sighs] "I'm sorry if I made you think that. I'm just a little focused elsewhere right now."

(Y/n): "On the devil causing this?"

Makima: "You could say as much..."

(Y/n): "Speaking of which, I still don't understand why you're not telling the others about the situation with the Eternity Devil."

It was at that moment that Makima's smile wavered. A serious demeanour taking her face as she turned to look at me. Causing all movement from to stop instantly.

Makima: "I already told you, them knowing would only make things worse."

(Y/n): "But if this situation is bad. Shouldn't they have a right to know? They're in the same environment as us."

Makima: "And they'd only screw it up...That's the only thing humans are good at."

(Y/n): "Only thing humans are good for? Makima, you know how that sounds, right?"

Makima: "I know that it sounds like the truth."

Her words were quick, and without falter. Her eyes snapping back to me abruptly as she said them. When I saw the cold nature that surrounded her pupils, my entire body froze. Even so, I didn't let the fear hold me back from talking, as much as I didn't want too.

(Y/n): "Is that really what you think? That all humans are good for is hatred? Gee, thanks. I guess it's a good thing to know you think I hate everything..."

A simple drop of my followed instantly. As it did, Makima seemed to realize the error of her ways. Or, at least, a version of it.

Makima: "N-No. (Y/n), I...I didn't mean you. I--"

(Y/n): "You know, I hear that devils aren't exactly fond of humans. So you saying that must either mean you're a devil--"

Makima's body froze.

(Y/n): "...Or whatever is going on inside that head of yours is far worse than I originally thought."

As I said these words, I finally lifted my head once more. In doing so, I was greeted by a look of guilt that wavered over Makima's face. The cold tone in her eyes was now gone, replaced with the sense of innocence that I so often saw. I knew, as soon as the words escaped Makima's mouth earlier, that it sounded like a sense of hatred for humans. Which, I could understand to a degree. 

After all, Makima's life had been filled with hatred for people. So I couldn't wrong her in that assumption. But the way she said it before, seemingly disregarding me, it was hurtful. Even so, I knew that whatever feelings Makima felt, they were built off a ground of fear. And I never wanted Makima to be afraid. So, I went to fix it. And I started off by holding her hand tighter, bringing her closer to my side as all movement from us came to a stop.

(Y/n): "Makima, you know I'm here for you if you need to talk? I'm here to listen. That's why I'm pushing this subject, okay? Because I don't want to see you like this."

Makima: "I...I already told you, (Y/n). I'm fine. Really."

(Y/n): "Really?"

Makima: "Yes! I'm fine! Besides, even if I wasn't. It wouldn't matter. We don't have time to waste!"

It was clear Makima didn't want any of this to move forward. Hence why, before she even finished speaking, she had already made the move to pull her hand from my own and step passed me. However, I wouldn't let that happen. Gently I reached out to grab her arm. The sight, whilst not violent by any means, seemed more than enough to stop the progress of everyone else. Who saw the sight in front of them and froze in complete silence. But me, my attention never left Makima. Who now looked at me with a mix of anger, annoyance, and uncertainty.

(Y/n): "Makima, listen to me. Anything to do with you...It's not a waste to me. I love you. Which means I don't like it when you're sad, or upset about something."

Makima: "But I'm no--"

(Y/n): [Grins] "Makima. I may be a guy. But even I'm not dense enough to realize something clearly isn't fine here. So don't even say otherwise, Pookie."

Makima: "(Y/n). I'm...I'm serious."

The cute and sudden blush she spawned upon hearing my nickname for her was something rather pleasing. It just went to show, that even when Makima was agitated and focused on something else, a simple word like that was enough to break her. Clearly, though, she did not like the fact that she was currently blushing. Quickly going to move her face slightly to avoid me seeing the blush, yet, it was too late. As soon as I saw that blush, I knew I was one step in the door.

(Y/n): "Now. Pookie. Are you going to tell me what's wrong? Or are you going to just say everything is fine again?"

Makima: [Blushes] "Everything is...fine."

(Y/n): "Yeah, well, going on my past history with girls. Whenever they say everything is fine. Everything isn't fine."

Oddly enough, the conversation took a weird turn as soon as I said that. Because almost instantly afterward, Makima looked up at me with a narrowed gaze. In a way, I think she was more annoyed by the fact I mentioned 'past history with girls'. Which I didn't know whether to take as something adorable, or a warning to watch what I said next. In the end, I decided to ignore this for now and instead take a different approach. Such an approach being to loosen my grip on her arm, whilst still holding it softly, and offer her the most truthful look I could at the moment.

(Y/n): "Hey...you know you're not alone, right? I mean, I know I haven't exactly seen a devil yet. But I'm still here! If that helps...I-I just want you to know that okay? That's why I'm asking if everything is fine..."

A warm feeling instantly washed over Makima. I could tell by the less hatred in her eyes, and the return of that soft, content, composure that I was so used to seeing. It was a welcome sight. Even more welcome was when Makima slowly dropped her head and sighed.

Makima: [Sighs] "It does...Really..." [Turns to you and smiles] "You don't know how much I'd be struggling right now if you weren't here."

(Y/n): "What? Pfft! As if! No way! My Makima is a strong independent woman who needs no one by her side to do amazing things!"

Makima: "Yeah, well... Maybe to you..."

Honestly, I've gotten so used to this confident version of Makima, that I completely forget sometimes that before I properly knew her, she was struggling with a wave of self-esteem issues. So seeing such issues creep up now, I didn't exactly know what to do. In the end, all I could think of was wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her close. At first, the notion seemed to surprise Makima. Her eyes widened in surprise before eventually relaxing, allowing her head to rest on my shoulder as we continued on our path through the hallway.

(Y/n): "Look, I know today may have not been perfect. I mean, it started off perfectly. I got to see you today~"

Momentarily Makima lifted her head off my shoulder to offer me a coy glance. Though, I knew she secretly loved hearing what I said. So I just continued talking.

(Y/n): "But seriously, I know today has been rough. With you suddenly being put in charge of a division and me getting a new partner. It's all happened out of nowhere."

Makima: "Add in the fact Hamada totally did all of that on purpose and you'd be right on the mark. I guess you're not just good for your looks after all."

(Y/n): "Excuse me?" [Looks down at her and grins] "I'll have you know, Makima. I am more than just a hunky body you can get your hands on. And may I just remind you, we are currently working. So you've gotta stop distracting me."

Makima: "Hasn't stopped you in the past."

(Y/n): "Uh, hey now. May I remind you before today all we really did was just patrol. That's legit just walking around a massive city. What else am I supposed to do other than check out my hot girlfriend?"

Makima: [Grins] "Maybe your job?"

(Y/n): "...Nah. That math is not mathing. I'm sorry."

Makima could only roll her eyes at that remark. All the while she crossed her arms and proceeded to lean against the wall. Now, this may seem unhelpful in the front view of things. But just from the brief hints I've got about the situation at hand, it was not something that would be easy. So if it wasn't easy, that means we'd need everyone on their A game. 

And that included Makima. But if she was being held up by whatever was holding her back, then it was my job to make sure those things held her back no more. And the start of that was getting her to loosen up. Now, I don't know about you. But seeing a happy smile on the face of anybody was a sure enough sign that they had loosened up just even a bit.

(Y/n): [Smiles softly] "...But seriously. I know everything seems out of place. But I believe things happen for a reason. And whether they have been made for the purpose of good or wrong, there's still a chance to rectify all that. You're in charge here not because Hamada wants to ruin something between us. At least, that's not what I believe. I believe you were put in change by a greater will because you're you, Makima!"

The grin on her face slowly began to drop. But it was not for a bad reason. Makima was simply becoming encaptured by the words I was giving.

(Y/n): "From what you've told me, you've been a hard worker all your life. Always doing everything you can. And you know what? Me knowing that, it makes this situation we're in a hundred times easier. Because I know you're going to give everything to get us out of here. And by all means, will help you do exactly that." [Smiles] "So, please, stop letting whatever it is that's getting you down, hold you back, and show everyone here just how great you are! Because I believe in you!"

Upon my words coming to an end, I patiently began waiting for any reaction, any sign, that Makima had a change of heart. And at first, it didn't seem likely. With her head remaining low, I was afraid that even my smoothest words had done nothing to sway her opinion. But just when I grew the most fearful, I was given a sign of relief when I felt something touch my hand. Immediately I looked down to see Makima loosen drip the appendage and begin to hold it tightly. Following this, our eyes soon met, a soft smile on her face as we shared this moment.

Makima: "Maybe I have been...just a little harsh. I'm...I'm sorry..."

[3rd Person POV]

It was those very words that mended the scene between (Y/n) and Makima. The pair left staring at each other with radiant smiles on their faces. All the while, the group of devil hunters and civilians watched in a wave of different emotions. Haruka carried a cheerful smile, along with the weather lady, Kamino. Both were giddy seeing a sense of love in such a haunted place.

Haruka: "Aw! They're so sweet! (Y/n) going out of his way to make sure Makima is alright. I wish I had a boyfriend like that!"

Kamino: "I know, right. She's so lucky!" [Turns around] "Right, Takeru?"

Instantly upon turning around, Kamino offered a smile to her own date, Takeru. But whereas the girls seemed joyous by the scene before them, Takeru was not. Both Power and the towering Mamoru, seemed to care very little for what was going on in front of them. Whilst Akira and Takeru watched the scene with dismay. Akira was more so annoyed that his boss was wasting time with a personal matter like love in such a serious matter, clearly not understanding the true disaster at hand that currently took place in Makima's mind, which (Y/n) was trying to help with. But Takeru, he held full on hatred as he watched the scene. 

He felt this way ever since that night so long ago when he first saw (Y/n) return home with a drunk Makima in his arms. You see, that night, Takeru came to visit Makima's apartment like he always would. Of course, Makima was never a fan of his late-night visits. But Takeru didn't care. Now, some may think Takeru's constant visits to Makima was a sign that he liked the girl, and truthfully, he didn't like Makima. He thought she was nothing more than something beneath his feet. The only good thing about her was her body. Something Takeru wouldn't have mind to use a few times like he had with other people. 

Because, whether this was known before, Takeru was not just a bad guy...He was a monster, to put it simply. You see, Takeru was raised in a more rich, than poor, family. Such left him with a life of receiving everything he wanted. And with him being on the wealthy side, that meant people wanted to be around him because they wanted what he had. Now, Takeru would never give them anything. But if he pretended like there was a chance he would, then those people who wanted something would do anything to get it. But Takeru soon grew bored with playing with the emotions of those who needed his money. 

So he took a sicker route. He signed up as a life coach, all so he could use the emotions of those mentally weak to his gain. Most of the time it was for sex with the women he was contacted with. Women who felt alone, like no one cared for them. It left them open to be used, and that's exactly what Takeru enjoyed. He'd use these girls, using their weakness to add to his own pleasure, whether that be pleasure of the body, or things they owned. Takeru often found himself stealing anything that brought these women joy, solely so he could bring them into an even more vulnerable state for him to use. 

For two years he did that, and corrupted and broke so many women like they were nothing. But then one day...He came to Makima's apartment...



The sound of the busy street life of Tokyo's city district rang out into the air as 6 P.M. in the early night rolled around. At this time in the day, almost everyone was working. One such person was a young, slender boy with short black hair. It wasn't long before this person was revealed to be Takeru. The growing man carrying a grin on his face as he spoke into his cellphone and smoked a cigarette. All the while he proceeded to walk up a flight of stairs.

Takeru: "Look, man, I would totally come out for drinks tonight. But I can't just yet."

"Why not man? You know the bitches get around early. That's why we've gotta move in quick."

The voice of another male spoke through the phone. His remarks were rather...tasteless. But he didn't seem to care as he laughed over the phone. As for Takeru, he couldn't help but grin upon hearing what his friend said.

Takeru: "You know you sound rather desperate when you say that, right?"

"Fuck you, you're just sad I get more bitches."

Takeru: "No, I'm not sad. I'm just disappointed my best buddy has to get girls drunk so they will sleep with you."

"Shit! You don't know! Besides, are you any better? Prowling on weak-minded bitches so you can sleep with them."

Takeru: "Hahaha! You're right!"

Another wave of laughter flooded the air as Takeru continued to climb the stairwell at a familiar location. It was clear by the grin on display, and the laughter over the phone, that neither person was regretful with what they just said. Truly, they were nothing but monsters. Takeru carried this familiar grin until he reached the top of the stairs where he reached a floor of this apartment building where a familiar number could be seen etched on a door. '326'. But Takeru didn't even reach that door, as he instead took a pause a few doors away, to discard his cigarette and finish off his conversation with his friend.

Takeru: "It's funny you say that though. Because that's what I'm about to do."

"No shit!"

Takeru: "Yeah. I got assigned this chick that works for Public Safety. Some socially awkward bitch."

"Damn...Doesn't sound like your type."

Takeru: "You're right. She isn't...But her rack is! The bitch has tits for days!"

"Hahaha! That sounds more like it. Damn, dude, she sounds hot as fuck."

Takeru: "Eh. Her body, yeah. But the rest of he ris just as fucked up as any of these other people I'm assigned to work with. But what can I say, I like playing with these toys. The fact they need someone like me so much is pathetic that I can't help but enjoy it."

"Dude! You're twisted, bro! But hey...hey...You think when you're done with this chick you can send her my way? I wanna see what its like to fuck a braindead bitch!"

Takeru: "Fuck, no! Get your own!"

Another wave of laughter escaped Takeru's lips before he ended the call. Discarding the phone into his pocket and flicking the cigarette over the edge of the railing, Takeru straightened his clothes up and continued walking down the walkway until he finally stood in front of room 326. Both knocking, however, a sudden shocked look spawned across his face. Immediately he began patting his body as if looking for something.

Takeru: "Fuck! Fuck! I...I...I forgot the condoms. I can't fuck this bitch without them...Hahaha!"

Some would say the words alone were enough to showcase just how much of a monster Takeru was. But the fact that would go unnoticed by some was how quite he was when he said those words. Truly, it was a distraught thing to hear. But it only pushed the verdict further, that Takeru was not a good person. Even so, he placed on a mask of being a good person when he finally knocked on the door in front of him.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The sound echoed three times before Takeru pulled his hand back and waited for the door to be opened. At first, no sound came from the room in front of him. When out of nowhere the sound of locks being undone echoed. It confused Takeru. He never heard anyone walk towards the door. It was like...the person behind the door was standing there this whole time, as if they knew he was coming. But that was a ridiculous thought that Takeru immediately dislodged from his mind as the door began to open. 

It was a rather quick motion, which meant he had little time to prepare himself for the person on the other side. But this wavering state was suddenly thrown completely from his soul when the door opened fully to reveal the sight of Makima, decked in her Public Safety uniform. She had been at work all day, yet her suit seemed to showcase no wrinkles that suggested such. To put it simply, she was perfect. And that's exactly what Takeru thought as he stared at her. Not perfect as in a perfect human. No one was perfect to him. But she was definitely perfect to use, after all, Takeru loved nothing more than being in control.

Makima: "Can I help you?"

She asked blankly. No emotion on her face, or in her words, whatsoever. Though, it was enough to alert Takeru back to reality.

Takeru: "Uh, hi! Yes, I'm Takeru." [Smiles] "I've been assigned as your new life coach."

Makima: "Oh..."

Without another word, Makima hesitated not a single moment to shut the door in Takeru's face. The action was rather surprising to the boy. Normally the people he were assigned to were in need of help, and they understood it. Hence they wouldn't push them away. But Makima, she wasn't like the others as Takeru would soon understand. 

Besides, Takeru had already walked this far to this shithole, so he wouldn't leave without getting something in return. So before the door shut completely he reached out with his foot to seal the door in place from shutting. Such a thing Makima noticed. Her cold yellow eyes focusing on his foot momentarily before silently lifting to look back at the eyes of Takeru, where she was greeted by a seemingly innocent smile.

Takeru: "You must be Makima, I'm guessing? Look, I'm your life coach. Your Mother contacted me saying you needed--"

Makima: "My mother is a liar. I don't need anything."

Takeru: [Chuckles] "We all need a little something, Makima. Even pretty girls like you."

Makima: "I don't see how my looks would involve anything to do with you."

It was fair to say that Takeru was not expecting such a response. So much so that he lost his train of thought momentarily. But he was quick to reflect, as he did, a smile crossed his lips.

Takeru: "Look, what I'm saying is...Just give me a chance. If I don't do a good enough job for you. I'll leave. All I ask is that you give me thirty minutes try and get to the bottom of this. Please...?"

All Takeru needed to see was the hesitation in Makima's voice. One that told a thousand words, even if Takeru couldn't hear them. But Makima certainly could. All such confirmed when she happened to glance at the reflective surface of her window to the side. There, a more serious version of her current self could be seen.

Mirror Makima: "Forget this idiot. You don't need him. You need me. Haven't I helped you so much already? You were alone...until I showed up to protect you. I've done that for years now. You don't need anyone else when I'm in control."

Makima: [Thoughts] "Yes, but...It wouldn't hurt to at least hear him out. I...I need this."

Mirror Makima: "No, you don't. You need me."

Makima: [Thoughts] "You, are nothing. You're not real. You're just a voice in my head that makes me do crazy things."

Mirror Makima: "Crazy things? I protect you from sick, twisted people. Like your boss. I was the one to step in when he tried getting with you. You didn't want that, right? Yet, when you were in control...All you could do is stand there."

Such was true. Makima remembered the image vividly. All she could do was stand there as Mr Hamada slowly began to approach her. He asked her to come to his office, there, she found her boss drunk. Before long, he was walking toward her. She could sense what he was trying to do. It made Makima sick even thinking about it. So, the voice in her head was right. 

Even so...Makima didn't want to be held back by this voice anymore. She wanted to be normal. And even though she hated these life coaches her mom sent to see her, she couldn't help but wonder, in this fragile and broken state, if it was exactly what she needed. So, instead of asking Takeru to remove his foot and leave, Makima hesitated. Even as the voice in her head echoed once more.

"You don't need him. You need me."

"Humans are filled with nothing but hatred."

"He will try to use you, like everyone else."

"Just give me control. I'll tell him to leave if you're afraid."

"Give me control. Give it up. Let me handle things."

When the encouraging words didn't work, the voice in her head took a more direct approach.

"But let me guess? You won't listen to me. Not because you think you can handle this. Or those pathetic excuses you say. You're just scared. Scared of this world. Scared of everything and you're too afraid to say it!"

Makima: "I'm not scared."

"You are! You are scared! You're always scared! You were scared when Hamada came onto you, you're scared in life! Whenever something bad happens, you're too scared to do anything. So who has to step in?"

Makima: "I-I'm not scared!"

"Me! I'm the one who has to step in! Because you're too weak!"

Makima: "I'm not!"

"Too fragile!"

Makima: "I'm not!"

"You're a broken piece of humanity that no one cares about."

"All your life you've wanted love."

"Wanted friendship. But you know what?!"

"You won't know love! Or friendship! Ever!"

 "...And I feel sorry for a pathetic piece of existence like you."

Makima: "I'M NOT!"

It was with that scream that Makima was brought back to reality. Unbeknownst to her, every word that had muttered from her mouth, that replied to the voice in her head, could be heard by. It made Takeru question even coming here, yet, he was suddenly forced back into the moment by the final scream from Makima. One in which echoed from her voice violently as she clenched her head and dropped to her knees. 

Tears ran down her face as this happened. Takeru was shocked, and was seconds from leaving when the door pressed against his foot loosened causing his body to stumble forward slightly. It was this sudden movement that caught the attention of Makima. It was in this moment of stress that she reached out for him, and began crying up at the man before her. In the moment, she didn't care who he was. She just needed someone desperately.

Makima: "Please! Please! You've gotta help me! You've got to please! I-I can't handle this anymore! I-I want it all to end! Everything! All of it! Please!" [Starts crying and whimpers] "Please...I don't want to be like this anymore.

Soon enough Makima's hands fell off Takeru's body and dropped to the ground, her body followed shortly after. Now, she laid on the ground, crying her eyes out as a plethora of thoughts and emotions rocked her body.

Makima: "Please...Please...Please..."

Her mutters filled the air, leading Takeru to look down in disgust and utter discomfort. He was about to outright leave, letting Makima be alone for the pathetic thing that he thought she was. But just when he was about to, an idea came to mind. Slowly, he returned to his previous position and looked down at Makima. 

But instead of taking in the tears, he looked down at her body, and the pathetic state she was in. A wicked grin soon found his face as he noticed the perfect opportunity for his evil intentions. When Takeru realized such, he quickly lowered himself down next to Makima. the sudden touch of his hand on her arm was all it took for her to look up at him to see a soft smile.

Takeru: "It's okay. You don't have to be afraid...I'm here to help you..."


But, as we all know, that didn't last for long. That moment of weakness that day soon dried up thanks to the conniving words of the voice inside Makima's head. Besides, it didn't take Makima long to realize Takeru just wanted to use her like everyone else. Thus brought out a cold nature within her. Constantly pushing the male away, leaving her alone once more. However, there were moments of weakness, and in those moments of weakness, Takeru would exploit them to get close to Makima in hopes of feeling the wave of energy he got whenever he got the chance to be in control of someone else. But right now, as he stood in the neverending hallway of this aquarium, Takeru felt no such control. 

He simply watched on in a wave of anger as (Y/n) walked off with Makima holding close to his body. She...She was smiling. She was happy...With him. Takeru never liked Makima. But seeing someone who was so broken, so pathetic in his eyes, find happiness. It made him sick...And he'd stop at nothing to make sure Makima understood who exactly was in control of her life. Not (Y/n). But him! Not (Y/n)...Him. That thought processed through Takeru's head over and over again as the group of entrapped humans continued in their search for freedom, and thankfully for them, Makima seemed much more open after her talk with (Y/n). 

Now, she still didn't reveal to the others what exactly was going on to the others, but now Makima was vividly sharing what could help them escape. During this period, Makima showcased multiple things that brought about the true sense of their entrapment. Such as, plain and simple, there was no escape. No matter what doorway or entrance you went through, you'd once more be brought to the same place you previously left. Even removing some tiles from the roof to look through, you'd simply pop up right at the bottom of the floor everyone stood on. Makima did this to showcase to everyone that this matter wasn't simply solved, and to survive they would need certain things to bring about their safety. 

One such thing being food and water. Such was a necessity that Makima made it the group's first task. It was as the group searched for such things, that a few people present, mainly the girls, minus Power, couldn't help but remark how well-trained Makima was. And their respect for the division leader was quickly growing. When (Y/n) overheard this, he couldn't help but nudge his girlfriend slightly. Though Makima just played the words off. That didn't stop a smile from crossing her lips afterward, however. 

It was this feeling of acceptance amongst her team, something that she had sought since first meeting them, that got her motors going even further. To the point, it wasn't long before the group of devil hunters and civilians found refuge in a small staff room. Where the likes of a shelf with various books, a first aid kit, and other various items could be seen. But the thing that brought a lot of people joy was the fridge filled with water. The sight alone brought out the thirst that had been silently sneaking up on them all this time. It was as the group drank from the various plastic bottles that (Y/n) made his way over to his girlfriend, who watched the joyous sight in silence with a smile.

[Your POV]

(Y/n): "Pretty cool we found this place, huh? I mean, there's drinking water in the fridge...We're pretty lucky."

Makima: "Hmm? Oh, yes. We were quite fortunate to find this place."

(Y/n): "Yes, fortunate, lucky, sure. Whatever. But all of this..." [Looks around the room] "...It's because of you, Maki. You're great leadership and thinking skills brought us here."

Upon turning back to Makima following my words, I was greeted by the most adorable sight possible. A blush that showcased she clearly wasn't prepared for my words. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but smile to herself as she nervously rubbed the side of her arm.

Makima: "I-I don't know about that. Yes. I mean, every working place should have at least one staff room with water...I-I just searched for that."

(Y/n): "Yeah, sure." [Grins] "But you were the one that found it. You knew about what would waste time and what wouldn't. You're incredible!"

That one word seemed to spark something inside of Makima, who seemed like she could barely hold the smile back from her face at this point. It was only destined to get worse when the voice of the others began speaking up.

Haruka: "Yeah, Miss Makima! You're incredible!"

Kamino: "Thank you for the water! It's really refreshing."

Mamoru: "Yes! This water will do nicely! I know understand the legends behind your name, Miss Makima."

Makima: "...Legends?" 

Mamoru: "Yes! Everyone in my training division knew about you, Miss Makima. Your ability in such tight situations are truly showing their worth right now."

Makima: "O-Oh...Um..."

She could barely say words due to the smile that was appearing on her face. Nervously, she turned to me, as if asking for help speaking. But I rather enjoyed the look she currently had, so I said nothing and simply stood back. In the end, it was this moment that kinda brought everyone's mind away from the chaos at hand. 

For a good thirty minutes, we all just sat here, and forgot about what was going on outside. We drank water and talked, well, most of us. Takeru and Akira didn't say a word, but that wasn't surprising. When the time for working came, however, Makima instructed the group to split up and search for food, anything they could use to eat and regain strength. And so everyone split up into groups of two, and went off searching for food and anything else that could be useful. 

Of course, Makima and I ended up as a pair. The two of us now walking hand in hand, through these endless hallways. We hadn't found much yet, but we took this time of the two of us being together to simply chat and further get our minds off the conflict of the Eternity Devil. But if I'm being honest, I was just glad that Makima seemed less frustrated and worried.

(Y/n): "So, yeah. My sister and I spent the entire night waiting for Santa only to catch our parents coming downstairs to kiss and, uh...other things."

Makima: [Giggles] "That is...hehe...That is a rather...fun story...hehe."

(Y/n): "Pfft! Yeah, right. Do you know how traumatized I was when I saw my Mom making out with Santa?"

My question went unanswered, well, by words, anyway. The sound of Makima's giggles turning into full on laughter was enough to cause my eyebrow to raise. Once it did, I couldn't help but grin. The next Makima knew, she was suddenly pressed up against a wall. The look of shock on her face was a rather funny sight in itself, as I looked down at her with a teasing glint in my eyes.

(Y/n): "Okay, that's enough laughing from you. I told you that story out of trust that you wouldn't laugh."

Makima: [Blushes] "I...I didn't laugh..."

(Y/n): "Oh, really? Then what was that amazing sound that just came out of your mouth?"

Makima: "...I don--"

Once more, I was quick to shut Makima up by playfully pushing my body against her own, further sealing her against the wall. This was enough to make her freeze as she looked up at me with complete shock. Though that shock soon dropped to a flustered blush as I moved my face closer to her own.

(Y/n): "What were you going to say, Maki?"

Makima: [Blushes] "O-Okay...Maybe I did laugh...Just a little..."

(Y/n): "There we go, thank you! That's what I thought!"

And just like that I pulled away, I think that shocked Makima as much as me pushing her against the wall did. It left her in a state of not entirely being sure what to expect. I think she was left even a bit wanting, as without hesitation she began chasing after me as I continued down the hall.

Makima: "Hey! Wait up!"

(Y/n): "Haha! Sorry, Pookie, but we've got food to find."

Without me noticing, Makima immediately came to a stop and crossed her arms, playfully glaring at the back of my head like a child just having been denied candy. However, unlike a child, Makima had enough strength that when she finally caught up to me she was able to instantly spin me around and push me against the wall. Now it was my turn to be shocked as she brought her grinning lips close to my own.

Makima: "First off, don't call me 'Pookie' out of nowhere. You know I...I like that name, and I can't think straight..."

She waywardly glanced elsewhere as a small blush crept onto her face.

(Y/n): "Really? That's it? I thought it was my natural charms that were--"

Makima: "I'm not done! Secondly, I wasn't laughing to make fun of you. I was laughing because that sounded like a nice memory..."

(Y/n): "What? Seeing my Mom kiss Santa? Or me being traumatized? Because if you're into that stuff Makima, either one, actually, I don't think I can see a future with you. Sorry..."

As soon as I said that last part, Makima was quick to return her narrowed gaze. This time she outright pushed her body against my own. If I was blushing before...Now I was doing something on a whole other level. The way all I could see was Makima's spiral-shaped eyes staring deep into my own, it easily made my legs week. It was like I was being hypnotized. 

Add in the fact that Makima's hand now waywardly wandered my body. I could do nothing. I was just left there, to stand, in complete emptiness as Makima went about as she pleased. If I was guessing, it seemed like she didn't care whatsoever if anyone saw us. And right now, I couldn't help but feel the same. All I could do was continue to stare into those colourful eyes as she grinned wickedly at me.

Makima: "Tell me, (Y/n), do you honestly think I'd let you leave me? You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I'd be foolish to just let you...Slip from my hands~"

All I could do was have my back pressed up against the wall behind me. The tingles that Makima's hands alone caused me to feel all over my body due to how close she was. It was intoxicating, like a drug. The smell of her perfume mixed the raw emotions of pure and impure thoughts drove me crazy. Makima was like a completely different person right now, and I could barely believe it. Yet, I kinda liked it. In the end, there was only one thing to say as I was dominated by a completely smoking hot redhead.

(Y/n): "...I'm sorry. I don't know whether to feel comforted or aroused right now and it's really confusing me."

Immediately following my words, Makima broke out into a wave of laughter. The seductress nature in which she previously carried was now dropped. In its place, a gentle smile as she shook her head and laughed silently.

Makima: [Laughs] "You really have a way with words, don't you?"

(Y/n): [Blushes] "Um...Uh...What's happening?"

Makima: "We're looking for food, remember?"

(Y/n): "B-But, um..."

From that point on Makima seemed to play off the fact that she had totally just awoken something inside of me that I didn't know existed until now. Or, at least, that's the opinion given. Yet, I couldn't help but notice the certain sway in her hips that rocked her lower body from side to side as she continued to walk down the hallway. It left me in a state of confusion, to say the least. However, I was instantly brought back to reality when I realized just how far away she was getting. Quickly I bounced off the wall I had been pressed against and followed after her.


Ten minutes later and both Makima and I seemed to calm down. Now, we were simply just walking hand in hand, PG-13 style of course. We just walked in silence, smiling at the world around us. Honestly, it felt more like a date rather than searching for food whilst in the back of our head we realized a nasty devil was in control of all of this. But sound finally resumed, when out of nowhere Makima stopped walking. When I turned to her, I was greeted with a sweet smile, one I couldn't help but grow a little confused by.

(Y/n): "Hey...Everything okay?"

Makima: [Smiles] "Yeah, I...I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For earlier. I mean, you were only trying to help me."

(Y/n): "That's okay. You don't have to apologise. I'm sorry if I was pushing anything."

Makima: "No. No. You weren't...In fact, you were right."

(Y/n): "Right? About what?"

Makima: "About...Me keeping stuff to myself." [Sighs] "What I mean is, there's a reason why I'm so on edge right now. About the Eternity Devil I mean. And...I feel like you deserve to know."

If I'm being honest, I completely didn't expect this to come out of Makima. Yet, I was least expecting of what she said next. All I could do was stand there as she began to tell me her history with the Eternity Devil...

[Makima's POV]

...I remember it like it was yesterday. The screams. The cries of pain. The thoughts to just give up and die... We all felt such things that day, long ago. It was the first time I realized even when you were an adult, life wasn't fair. I was one week into the job and I was thrown directly into a mission way out of left field with several other rookies that were a part of Public Safety at the time. We were told it was a simple investigation into an abandoned school that had gathered up a reputation where people would go as a 'dare'; only to never return. It seemed simple enough, until we realized that once we were inside, it felt like the school grounds never came to an end.

Whether it be walking through the halls, trying to find the roof, or even breaking windows. The building just seemed to have no end. No matter how hard we searched. At first, we remained hopeful that we'd find a way out. When that idea became weak, we turned our hope that someone more experienced from Public Safety would arrive to rescue us. But even then, that hope soon fell to its death. From that point on, things got worse. People started to panic. They screamed for someone to help them. To rescue them from this eternity of pain that was felt from feeling trapped in a single location. At start, their anger was directed at the devil who kept us there.

But before long, they started turning on each other...Like dogs. Their violent spews of anger and hatred became so loud I could barely concentrate. So much so I was forced to seal away myself in a room where I could hear my thoughts. But those thoughts weren't exactly good ones. I began questioning whether dreaming about working for Public Safety was the right idea. Should I have just remained in my little village, where I'd be alone forever and eventually die? I mean, it didn't seem like things were going to get better for me here. I was alone, left to watch from the shadows as one by one my fellow devil hunters were either killed by the devil, or ourselves.

The fear of being trapped was enough to drive people insane, but when the matter of no food or water came into play, a whole new ball park was opened. Some eventually resorted to drinking their own urine, whilst others took action on themselves, and began killing the weakest link in order to not go hungry. When I saw it all...I was horrified. Shocked at how these humans all went to such a vile nature as soon as they were given a terrible situation. They were dogs eating dogs, simple as that. As for me, I was left to run and survive on my own. Until eventually...I was the only one left. I thought I was going to die. I was prepared to die before I could even live my dream.

But whereas I was ready to die, the voice inside my head, was not. So when the devil finally revealed itself to me, due to thinking I was in my most vulnerable state due to my hopes of dying, I finally snapped. For the first time ever I allowed the other person trapped inside of me to have control, and it was only thanks to them that I was able to kill the eternity devil and live another day. I eventually left that haunted school with blood covering my body, and a glass appearance trapped behind my eyes. From that day on, people thought higher of me because I killed the Eternity Devil. But I didn't...Not really.

[3rd Person POV]

As Makima's story came to an end, she was left to look up at (Y/n) with concern, waiting to hear his thoughts on the matter. Of course, Makima didn't tell him the parts about her other side. Too afraid of what the love of her life would think of her about it. So she left that part out, even so, with the rest, she was still contemplating what exactly (Y/n)'s reaction would be.

Makima: "I still get nightmares of that night...The fear of being alone...But I was always comforted by the fact that I'd never have to deal with the fear of eternity ever again. But now, dealing with all this. I can't help but feel those fears begin to creep up inside of me. So...That's why I acted the way I was. I didn't mean to make you concerned. I was just--"

Before Makima could finish, however, she was suddenly cut off when out of nowhere (Y/n) launched forward and pulled her into a hug. The sudden feeling of warmth was shocking to Makima, but she accepted it nonetheless. Neither one said a word, both agreeing that a hug was all that was needed right now. However, unbeknownst to the pair, as they hugged each other, not far away, from behind a simple corner, Takeru could be seen standing there in complete silence. 

Having just heard everything. About Makima's fear. The Eternity Devil and how it was what was too blame for all this. And the fact Makima had kept all of this was everyone except for (Y/n). At first, Takeru was aggravated that Makima was keeping secrets about this. But then, a wicked grin spread across his lips when he realized...This was exactly what he needed to once more gain control. Over the situation at hand...And Makima.

[And there we go, after two weeks a chapter finally done! I really hope that despite the break, people will still come back and read this book. In fact, it's with this chapter that there are only three chapters left of PART ONE of this book. The Eternity ARC ENDS NEXT CHAPTER! After that we have a fun filler chapter, and the epic conclusion to everything that's been set up so far. So if you're excited for that, and what to see another chapter next week. Be sure to vote and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I really hope this book can continue to progress strongly, and it's all because of you guys. So thanks for reading, and I hope to see you all again soon for another chapter!!!]

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