Until I Found You [2]

By WriterAden

340 23 3

This is a sequel to "Until I Found You", I heavily advise reading that first before reading this so you know... More

[1] Toothless the Missing
[2] Toothless... the Murderer.
[3] Investigation
[4] Blood in the Water
[5] New Faces
[7] The Attack
[8] Aftermath
[9] Recovery
[10] Fight for Her.
[11] Devestation.
[12] Quella's Redemption...?
[13] Preparation
Quick notice.
[14] Ready or Not, Here I am.
[15] Here, I make my Final Stand.
Ending 1: Allay's Destiny [Bad Ending]
Ending 2: Im Sorry [Neutral Ending]
Ending 3: I wont fight you! (Good Ending)
New and Final Book Released

[6] The Breaking Point

13 1 0
By WriterAden

Time and time again...
It wasn't me, I just wish they knew that...
I walk very slowly through an open grassy land away from the Kingdom, looking down at the ground.
I wish Luna knew that...
I then heard a branch break behind me. I turned around quickly and prepared to shoot a plasma blast until I saw it was a... Lightfury?
LIGHTFURY: "Hey there."
I stay quiet, after all I don't know who this dragon is.
TOOTHLESS: "Who are you?"
LIGHTFURY: "A friend."
She slowly begins to walk towards me as I watch her carefully.
I can't trust-
-I can trust this Lightfury.
TOOTHLESS: "What's your name?"
QUELLA: "My names Quella, handsome."
She gave me a friendly smile after getting close in front of me. I shouldn't trust her, but something just makes me want to.
TOOTHLESS: "Why are you out here?"
QUELLA: "Well I heard the stories about you."
I growl and turn around, starting to walk away.
Should've known.
QUELLA: "I feel bad for you."
I suddenly stop and turn back around.
QUELLA: "Because I don't think it was you."
I stay completely still and silent as she walks slowly around me.
QUELLA: "Nightfury, last of his kind,"
...Wait a minute, do-
I don't recognize this dragon.
QUELLA: "A king at that, I don't think you would've ever done this."
Tears start to form.
TOOTHLESS: "It... it wasn't me,"
She stops in front of me and hugs me, which reminds me of when me and Luna once hugged.
QUELLA: "I know, let's go on a walk back to my place."


Me and Change are almost back at the Kingdom, but we notice a young dragon yelling for help nearby.
CHANGEWING: "Do you hear that?!"
RAZORWHIP: "I do, let's keep going."
CHANGEWING: "We need to help him!"
RAZORWHIP: "What we NEED to do is inform Luna of what we saw."
Before I could even finish my sentence, she was flying towards the noise.
RAZORWHIP: "...Motherfucker, FINE!"
I flew after her, detouring from the Kingdom. We fly towards the noise which is coming from a very dark cave.
RAZORWHIP: "You wanted to do this, you go first Changey."
Change took a step forward, then suddenly the noise just... stops.
Something isn't right.
I take a look myself into the cave. I squint my eyes; and see a fake dragon outline made out of rocks.
RAZORWHIP: "It was a bait, we need to get to the Kingdom now!"
We both turn and begin flying back to the Kingdom as fast as we can.



It's been too long, something must've happened. I have been held up here in my den protected by my royal guards but it's time for me as Queen to take matters into my own hands. I walk to the entrance.
GUARD1: "Your majesty, it isn't safe-"
I push past him as I fly to the gate. I decided to construct a massive wall around the Kingdom with only one gate, the walls being covered by air traps to catch anyone flying over it. There's plenty of dragons guarding it and as I walk out the captain of the group who is a Armorwing spots me.
ARMORWING: "Queen, what brings you out here?"
LUNA: "Two volunteers I sent out haven't returned yet, I'm-"
I look straight ahead.
I see two dragons.
Toothless and my exiled Sister, Quella.

LUNA: "Guards battle positions!"
The plenty of guards all form two lines as I walk down the center getting in front of them, glaring at both Toothless and my sister.
LUNA: "Quella, what is the meaning of this?!"
QUELLA: "Oh not much, just this~"
Toothless's eyes turn black as Quella kisses him.


My heart sinks and I stare. Quella then turns to me with a smirk.
QUELLA: "What's wrong, Sister?"
Anger builds up inside me, and I decide to start the inevitable from this bitch.



Me and Change are quickly flying towards the Kingdom. We hear blasts up ahead.
RAZORWHIP: "We're late, but maybe not too late!"
We keep flying until we finally see the gates of The Kingdom. We see Toothless and that same one eyed Lightfury fighting Luna and the massive amount of guards.
CHANGEWING: "Razory I don't-"
RAZORWHIP: "We're going in."
I immediately flew into action, tackling the Lightfury to the ground.
QUELLA: "Aw new friends! ...How cute."
She suddenly pushes me off.
I did NOT expect that strength from her.
As I get up, she's already immediately firing fireballs at the guard dragon as if I wasn't even there.
Someone's a bit of a cocky whore aren't they?


I manage to bait Toothless just a bit away from the guards as I stare him down.
TOOTHLESS: "Someone seems a bit mad."
I immediately roar and begin firing plasma blasts at him, he dodges them as he rolls towards me, leaping into the air and coming straight at me. I roll to the side and as he lands shoots him in the side. He growls and turns to me but I'm already back up watching him carefully.
TOOTHLESS: "You're stronger then before."
I ignore his comments and fly up in the air and cloak myself. He stands still turning and looking around for me as I time my dive. I dive down at the perfect moment as he turns away and slash the back of his neck before stepping back. He roars loudly and turns, this time with glowing red eyes.
He suddenly shoots a red plasmatic blast, and as I shoot one back it just absorbs mine and hits me. I'm launched all the way back until I hit a tree and fall down, electricity going through my entire body for a few seconds before the pain finally stops. I look up at him defiantly but he turns to the Kingdom, looks at me with a wicked grin, and flys towards it.

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