OMARI: When He Wakes

By AlaskanRookie

22.3K 861 409

After taking the last step off the Hospital Roof, Sunny wakes up in what seems to be a different reality. One... More

(1) The Truth, Guilt, and The Jump
(2) Fading, MARI, and HELLSUNNY
(3) The ENDLESS FIELD, Orchids, and A Promise
(4) A Picnic, A Camera, and Numbness
(5) Together Again
(6) Morning, Recovery, and Orange Joe
(7) Pancakes, Coffee, and Tea
(8) Suprise Visit, Catching Up, and Outside
(9) School, OTHER LIBRARY, and Faint Memories
(10) Into Your Dreams...
(11) The Chase, a Dream, and a Snap
(Updates and QnA)
(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper
(13) Bargaining, Circumstance, and Returning
(14) Revival, KEL, and a Text
(15) Left on Read
(16) Rushing, Reunion, and Retelling
(17) Pain, Panic, and Moving Forward
(18) Coming To, Caretaker, and First Steps
(20) Homeward Bound
(21) Prepping, Home, and MEWO
(22) A Call, Fried Tofu, and Sandwhiches
(10K Views and QnA)
(23) Stairs, Bed, and Fractured
(24) A Orchid, Dreamers, and BASIL(?)
(25) Recital Day...
(26) Breakfast, Planning, and MOM
(27) Mother, Son, and...
(28) Father, SISTER, and a Surprise
(29) Tension, Temper, and Dinner Plans
(30) Field of Dreamers
(+20k Views and More Updates)
(31) Mirrors, Offers, and Honesty

(19) Hugs, Baby Carrots, and Medicine

500 25 4
By AlaskanRookie






Everyone waited as DR. HAPU was testing SUNNY'S reflexes. He kept tapping at his knees and stood up once he saw no reaction.

DR. HAPU: "Hmmm..." He pulled put his stethoscope and put it through his sleeve, guiding it to his chest. "Deep breaths, please."

SUNNY did as he said, though it looked like it took effort to take breaths that deep.

DR. HAPU: "Hmmm..."

MARI clung to HERO'S hand as she gulped. "H-how is he, DOCTOR?"

He stood up and took off his stethoscope. "Well... No, not exactly." He picked up his board and scribbled something down onto it. "His physical state is the same as always, no changes have been made. And yet... You say he was able to stand and walk, yes?"

Everyone nodded lightly, and BASIL stepped forward clearing his throat.

"W-We came in, he wasn't there, and before we were about to go get you, we saw him come out of the bathroom."

DR. HAPU nodded and exhaled slowly. "Well... If that is the case, then... I suppose SUNNY is well enough to not explicitly need the Wheelchair. HOWEVER, I highly recommend you take it still. Again, he doesn't know how much his body can physically take, so he may need it from time to time. Understood?"

Everyone sighed in relief as they heard this

DR. HAPU: "As for how he was able to do all of that... I myself am unsure. It doesn't seem physically possible, it should have take weeks to get to this point. And yet..." He looked over his papers briefly. "... I am going to need a second opinion. For now, do not run off to far, I will be back briefly about your brothers release."

He took his leave and everyone had a pretty big smile on.

KEL: "Woah, hear that dude? You're gonna be outta this place soon!"

HERO: "Well, probably soon. We don't know for sure yet, but things are looking that way.

BASIL: "Do you guys think it'll be today? O-Or is that too much wishful thinking?" He asked while rubbing his knuckles, obviously slightly nervous.

AUBREY put her hand on his shoulder. "I dunno if Hospitals do that kinda thing, but... I hope so." .

Both smiled, BASIL sighing as he leaned into AUBREY for a quick embrace.

MARI did the same to SUNNY with a smile. "You hear that? Pretty soon, you'll be home! Everything can go back to... ...normal..."

Everyone paused after hearing that. Even though none of them said it, they all knew in some way, things couldn't go back to normal. At least, not how they used to be.

Awkward silence and unease was broken as soon as BASIL spoke up, catching them all off guard.

BASIL: "... We can't, can we. Everything's different now... How CAN we go back. After what y-"

His gaze went to SUNNY, looking confused and slightly worried. This made BASIL close his eyes and take a deep breath.

BASIL: "After... what happened. It feels almost impossible for things to go back to the way they were..."

He looked at MARI while saying this, nothing verbally said, but his eyes filled with resentment. This made her look away quickly, grasping at her shirt.


KEL saw both of them, clenching his fists and take a slow breath in. "Uh- Hey, bud. How about we go to the Cafeteria and get you something to eat, 'kay? While we wait for DR. HAPPYS word and all, plus you look like you need a sandwich or something, heh." He said trying to break the tension and separate them for the time being.

BASIL looked away from her and quickly went past KEL, walking to the door. "Yeah..."

KEL rubbed his neck and sighed as he swiveled around, walking behind BASIL as they both left.

Everyone was quiet after they left. MARI was obviously stung by what he said, even after years of hearing it, it still made her feel awful. HERO comforted her and held her hand, letting her lean against his shoulder. A long exhale was heard as no one knew how to break the silence...

But it was broken abruptly by coughing. AUBREY looked to SUNNY quickly, suspecting it was him until she saw him staring at his sister. She was coughing into her elbow, becoming more and more strained as she cleared her throat.

This made HERO press his hand against her head, shocked by what he felt.

HERO: "Woah- MARI, you're burning up!" He quickly stood up and faced her. "Why didn't you say anything? W-We need to get you to DR. HAPU, or someone!"

MARI held a hand out and shook her head. "N-No, no I'm fine! I-Its nothing, I-" She cut herself off, coughing again into her elbow before feeling HERO pull her up.

HERO: "No If's, And's, or But's. We're taking you to a DOCTOR, ASAP, got it? You should've gone to one ages ago."

She looked up and wanted to retort, but seeing his concern stopped her mid thought as she tried to think of an excuse. Then she remembered a certain Primordial Being's advice about taking care of herself. Even though she didn't want to be a bother... she knew she did have to get this taken care of.

MARI: "... O-Okay." She nodded quickly, coughing again.

HERO sighed with relief. "Good." As he tried to walk out, he stopped them both. "Oh! Uhm, AUBREY, can you stay here? Make sure DR. HAPU knows where we are if he comes back."

AUBREY nodded and rushed right over to MARI and hugged her briefly. "Feel better..."

MARI nodded as her and HERO left the room. Leaving AUBREY and SUNNY by themselves. She slowly made her way to the Hospital Bed, sitting next to him as she put her hand on his. She saw his expression... he was worried.

He never expressed much, as far as she could remember, but now, it looks like he was wearing his heart on his sleeves.

AUBREY: "Hey, she's gonna be alright. You shouldn't stress yourself over this, the DOCTOR will give her some medicine, she'll become better, it'll all be okay. Okay?"

SUNNY slowly looked to her, not fully believing he shouldn't worry, but nodding slowly. She felt him tighten his grip faintly with hers. "O-Okay..."

AUBREY smiled a bit as she hugged him next, wrapping her arms around him tightly and squeezing. SUNNY wasn't sure what to do, his good eye widening almost fully as, even with the numbness of his body, he still felt his cheeks flush, hands slightly raised but not sure if he should hug her back. Even now, after everything... he still felt... embarrassed when she used to do this, just like in the past.

SUNNY: "A-Ah, uhm..."

AUBREY opened her eyes and looked confused, leaning back with her hands on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

She looked at him and saw... an embarrassed expression. Not able to look her in the eyes, his pale skin making it impossible for him to hide his blush. It was then she realized... it was just them. And given she was hugging him so tightly, her face went red as she scooched away from him and looked away, scratching the back of her head as she laughed nervously.

AUBREY: "O-Oh! Sorry! I was just, a-ah- I mean, I guess... uhm... Old habits die hard, heh." She looked down as she clasped her hands before looming him in his eye. "I mean... even if I haven't really been able to, y'know, cling to you for a while... I uh... I've always wanted to again, if you ever woke up, heh..."

SUNNY heard this and curled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around as he rested his face between them. "U-Uh... Yeah. I uh..." It took him a second to muster up the strength to say it, but he shoved his head between his knees further and spoke up. "I... missed it too..."

Both of them didn't know what to do or say next, a complete loss of words while they couldn't even look each other in the eye. AUBREY looked back to him with her cheeks still flushed before it slowly faded, her embarrassment fading as she realized something.

AUBREY: "Huh... uh, can you come up, please?" She saw him raise his face, still blushing as she moved aside his bangs. "Wow... Your hair is... prefrontal long. I mean, not as long as KEL'S, but like... I'm used to seeing you with a short cut. Never really noticed before."

SUNNY sat up and felt behind his head, feeling his hair reaching farther than it had before in his other life. His embarrassment fades as well realizing this. "Huh... I guess it has."

AUBREY fiddled with it for a moment, chuckling as she flattened his unkempt hair in the back. "Well, KIMMY'S MOM does cut hair from time to time, maybe we can ask for a bit of a trim?"

SUNNY looked back while running his hand down the back of his head. "It isn't bad or anything, but... maybe."

AUBREY: "Oh, she dyes it too actually! She actually did my hair a bit ago too, she's reeeeal good at it. Maybe she can do that too! Heh, we can match." She joked, nudging him a bit as she heard him chuckle lightly.

Both of them didn't need to say it, simply taking in the moment as it went by. But after years apart, even after making amends with HIS AUBREY... it really did feel like he was reconnecting with her again. And by God... they missed each other.




KEL and BASIL were at the Cafeteria, grabbing something to eat as both were awkwardly making their way down the line without saying a word. They grabbed their food and headed to a table, sitting down and not immediately digging in. Just... sitting. Still not speaking up.

It wasn't until KEL sighed and put his forehead on the table that the silence was broke. "Welp... I~ Do not know what to say."

BASIL looked up, almost putting a spoonful of Jello in his mouth before putting back in the container. "... I do." He let out a defeated exhale and put his elbows on the table. "KEL, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, well... I-I just felt so..." He couldn't put his feelings to words, closing his eye and scoffing at himself.

KEL sat up and leaned on the table too, sliding closer to him. "Hey hey, It's okay... Well, not exactly 'Okay', but like...," He too didn't know what to say, but still wrapped his arm around his buddy. "Thanks for apologizing, man. Really, means alot to me."

BASIL looked to him and began to smile faintly. KEL'S grin was wide, seeing him soften up a bit. "Besides, it isn't me you should be apologizing to, y'know."

Realizing who he meant, BASIL'S smile faded, looking more stern. "Ugh... I know you say that, but... I just can't really change how I feel. Even after all this time, I just..." He clenched his fist, exhaling as his grip weakened. "It's... difficult. I can't just say 'I forgive you' and move on. It... hurts, knowing things can't go back to the way they were- To the way they SHOULD be... because of her."

KEL'S brows furrowed slightly, his haunting as he heard him say that. "Hey. I don't appreciate you saying that, man. Especially in front of SUNNY. You know, our best bud? Just woke up? Doesn't know everything that happened? Ring any bells??"

BASIL sighed and put his hands to his head, holding it as he leaned against his hands. "I know! I know... I know. And... I'm sorry, KEL."

KEL softened up a bit, his tone less harsh as he hugged him briefly. "Yeah, me too man. I shouldn't have out it like that. Buuuuut, you shouldn't have put what you said like that either, too. So it's even." He grabbed a bag of baby carrots and began chomping down on them.

BASIL looked down, away from KEL as he closed his hands. "I don't know... It was just the way SHE said it. It... rubbed me the wrong way. Like she could just gloss over everything! Like-"

He looked to KEL, his sentence cut off as a baby carrot was shoved in his mouth. "Less talky, more chewy."

BASIL raises his brow before chewing on the carrot. KEL gulped and grabbed a few more. "Besides, we can work out all of the stuff between you guys AFTER we let SUN-SUN adjust to his new life, got it? Don't wanna make it too tough for him by adding all the baggage between you and MARI to it."

BASIL swallowed and sighed. "Yeah... Yeah, that wouldn't be fair to him. I'll try not to bring it up in front of him-"

He was swiftly shushed by another baby carrot between his lips. "Hey! You shouldn't be talking about it at all, mister! Especially since you've been constantly reminding her about it allllll this time. Honestly, she's so hard on herself, she doesn't really need you harping on her more."

BASIL looked at him with half closed eyes, biting down on the vegetable and chewing a bit. "I can feed myself you know."

KEL raised his brow and tilted his head. "Oh really? Because that pale complexion and the fact I had to carry you to school tells me you're not getting your Daily 3's. Seems you need A LOTTA help feeding yourself."

BASIL rolled his eyes and began eating his Jello. "Yeah? Well... Alots happened. It's just kinda hard to focus on that. Making my mind all... jumbled."

KEL once again softened up and patted his back. "That I can get, bud. Really I can." BASIL leaned against him for a second as KEL rubbed his shoulder gently. "But hey, our bestes bud just woke up after waaaaay too long of s catnap. Meaning we've got about, one, two- FOUR years of memories to make up for with him! And we shouldn't make any of em' bad by mentioning you and MARI'S beef, alright?"

BASIL took a deep breath through his nose, slowly releasing it as he sat up straight. "Yeah... I shouldn't. I really should just be happy that he's awake again. After so long... he's back. That's what I should try and focus on."

KEL grinned and nudged him a bit. "Ayyy, see? Now you're gettin' it! Just keep that mindset and all will be good. That'd an ORTEGA Guarentee~"

BASIL chuckled as he heard that. "Must be pretty serious if you're going THAT far." Both laughed and continued eating, BASIL'S smile slowly fading as he thought more about it. Stating at his food, he closed his eyes nod took slow, calm breaths.

(He's awake now. It doesn't matter how he ended up... like that, anymore. He's up, and he needs us... Just try and focus on that for now... Just... try...)

As he thought this, he felt like the BLACK VINES were wrapping around his neck. Even if he wanted to move past this... he knew it couldn't be done so easily...




Deep coughs were heard from MARI, muffled by her elbow as she waited for the DOCTOR to get back. Even though she had a face mask on, she still coughed into her elbow, not wanting to spread the cold she had.

HERO: "Honestly... You really should've asked for some medicine before it got this bad. We were barely able to talk at all this week, and I was wondering if you were eating enough and healthy, but... well, I guess I got my answer." He crossed his arms and put his left foot over his right knee.

MARI cleared her throat and looked at him, slightly ashamed as she knew he was right. "I-Im sorry, HERO, honest. I just didn't feel like- ahem -like I should bring it up. I thought it'd pass."

HERO: "And look where thinking THAT got you."

She looked at him mildly irritated before it turned to a hint of worry.

MARI: "But... You're right. I should've done something. I was just so focused on- Well... you know."

HERO: " Sigh Look-" He sat next to her and rubbed her shoulder. "I'm just saying, you can't take care of him it you can't really take care of yourself. And you shouldn't JUST be the one taking care of him-" He scooched closer and had a calm smile. "We're here to help, now more than ever especially."

MARI: "I know- I mean... haa, it's just-" She hovered her hands over the side of her face and shook them a bit. "My minds just all jumbled, especially when he woke up. I felt so so happy to see him alive, but... I felt so terrible for how all this happened. I'm worried sick something will happen to him, I'm angry at BASIL for bringing it up right in front of him, and just-"

She dropped her head back and let out a groan, leaning against HERO'S shoulder. He reaches around her and petting her head gently.

MARI: "I think all of this happening at once made me push back how bad I was feeling. I didn't even notice how bad this fever was until everything calmed down." She sighed and snuggled up to him more. "I even made you worry..."

HERO: "Hey, c'mon, don't blame yourself. You even said it, you're going through a lot right now. Especially since you've been hard focusing on SUNNY for a while, even before he woke up." He looked down to her and held her hand. "You're only human, you can only go so far before your body and mind need to rest. And... not to be mean or anything, but-"

As she sat up, he saw just how pale her skin was, hair still sticking up in places and heavy bags under her eyes. No where near how a girl her age should look, if anything... she looked older due to all that stress.

HERO: "You're definitely due for a break in both those departments."

MARI looked over herself and exhaled softly. "... Yeah, I think you're right. Thank you for being honest though."

Both smiled before MARI covered her mouth again, HERO patting her back shortly after. "Eesh, one things for sure, you definitely need for a day or two when you get home."

MARI cleared her throat and held her chest a bit, thinking for a moment as she focused on what he said.

MARI: "Home... I have to help him adjust to home life when he's released. It... Will be a lot to take in..."

HERO held her hand more firmly, scooching himself to face more towards her. "Hey, remember. You're not alone in this. You never were, okay?"

MARI looked to him, hearing his words and not seeing a trace of deceit or lies in his eyes. She wiped her watery eyes and leaned against him, not making too much contact so he couldn't catch what she had.

MARI: "Sigh... I don't deserve you. Any of you guys... You're all really too good for me."

HERO: "No, no you do not~" He said with a smirk in his tone, hearing her groan with minor annoyance. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged tightly, embracing her and resting her head in his shoulder. "Heyyy, you know I'm kidding! You've just, been going through a bit of a rough patch is all... a long long rough patch. But hey-"

He put his hand behind her head and held her gently, looking her in the eyes with a warm smile. "Things are looking up now. Which means things can and will get better. M'kay?"

He saw her hesitate, but reply with a weak nod. Both pressed their foreheads together. A gentle embrace that made MARI'S cheeks grow rosy. She saw his eyes, so beautiful and full of such optimism. It was as comforting as it was embarrassing to see him staring at her without an ounce of disdain, even with her current state. He sounded so confident in what he said too... it made her heart skip a beat, if only a little.

MARI: "Wow... I MUST be sick. Your Pretty Boy Technique is actually working on me. Huh... I can't believe I just admited that." She giggled lightly.

HERO let out a chuckle. "Well, I actually wasn't trying to do that, but hey, glad to know it's working~" He raises a brow and smirked, a twinkle glistening off his pearly whites.

MARI rolled her eyes playfully. "Ugh, to think I was actually wanting to kiss you~"

"But you cannot."

Both of them jolted a bit, looking to the door as they backed away quickly. DR. HAPU came in with a glass brown bottle in hand.

DR. HAPU: "You have a cold, and contact like that will only spread it. Meaning, kissing is a No-No. So-" He raised his hand a bit and motioned them to step away from one another.

Both of them were embarrassed,  looking away from DR. HAPU with blushing faces as HERO went to sit down on one of the waiting chairs.

DR. HAPU: " Ahem , That is better. Now, MARI, I have your medicine right here. You will need to take it 3 times a day, before Breakfast Lunch and Dinner, or whenever your symptoms seem to worsen. Please do not forget to take it, and to keep that mask on until your symptoms fully clear. And not a moment more, okay?"

MARI nodded and cleared her throat, taking the Medicine Bottle and looking it over.

DR. HAPU: "Given your condition, I'd say it should clear in a few days, but only it you stick to the dosage. So do not forget to take them if you wish for your health to improve."

MARI nodded and thought for a moment.

(A few days... I have to start taking care of myself now. Not just for myself... but for SUNNY too. And... so the others don't have to worry about me either. I've made promises to him, and... and I intend to keep them.)

DR. HAPU: "Now that we've gotten you your proper medication, let us gather the others. And let us discuss your Brothers release."






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