Bite Me

By kalagapalagam

2.3K 106 65

Santa comes back from Korea to find that other men have started moving in on what's his. Too bad for them, to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

350 22 10
By kalagapalagam

"Okay." Earth said, shutting the door of the studio behind him, "Turn the music on then since you wanted to practice so badly."

The commotion outside died down and Santa heard the distant slam of the main entrance door closing for the night. The hall lights clicked off and everything was cast into a dimly lit glow as the energy savers came on. The sudden silence was jarring but Santa refused to let it be uncomfortable.

Earth threw his belongings against the wall by the door and they landed in a heap next to Santa's bag. He walked over to the mirror and shook his bangs out before arranging the strands of his hair to fall artfully across his forehead.

Santa didn't even try to look away as Earth preened, and when they met eyes in the mirror Santa smiled at him, warm and flirty.

Earth stared for a moment, mouth parted and face unreadable before he quickly averted his eyes. "Are you going to turn it on?" He prompted, voice a little husky.

Santa plugged his phone into the speakers and made sure the song was set to repeat before pressing play. He skipped forward so they would have just enough time to take their ready positions.

When Earth didn't move, Santa grabbed his waist and pulled him away from the mirror to the middle of the floor.

He held Earth against him like that, enjoying his closeness.

When Santa left earlier that year, he didn't know whether he would dance like this with Earth ever again. But here he was, here they were. They were dancing together again, and it felt like a dream within a dream. He floated above everyone and everything, feet pillowed on the clouds, an idyllic blue sky stretching endlessly just for them.

Santa had broken the ice by dragging Earth into the dance, and their practice became silly. Their movements were accurate but loose and they shot each other exaggerated coy looks each aiming to make the other laugh.

Right now, they didn't have to put on a show, and they didn't have to be a spectacle. Here alone in the practice room with Earth, it was relaxed and comfortable and despite their frivolity, it was so intimate. It was like they were dancing in the kitchen, messing around while they waited for whatever was on the stove to finish cooking.

Santa was reminded of all the times they would play music and dance around each other's houses without abandon. No choreography, no expectations. Just themselves and the music and the laughter that would get louder the more ridiculous the dance moves that were attempted.

Right now with Earth, Santa was reminded of why he loved dancing in the first place. He remembered a time when he danced just for fun, just for the sheer joy of movement and expression. As the song wound down, Santa abandoned the choreography entirely and let his limbs loose, he flailed this way and that, in awe of how therapeutic it felt to drop the facade of indifference he'd used like armor for almost a full year.

"Okay, okay!" Earth exclaimed when Santa got in his space, eyes scrunched and tongue lolling, face contorted all funny. "For real this time."

Santa was still smiling at Earth when the song started over and they returned to their positions.

Earth was more serious this time so Santa matched his energy. He was also much more sexy. Earth had enough playing around it seemed, and he shimmied down Santa's front like he meant it. He ignited him everywhere he touched and Santa didn't care to mask the effect that had on him. Santa had lost count of how many times they'd practiced this dance, but when Earth ran his hands all over his chest, Santa tingled and burned like it was the first.

Santa pulled Earth close, almost nose to nose and fuck but he wanted more. He wanted everything.

He didn't want to mess up their working relationship, it was still a newly mending thing, after all. But he desperately wanted to take this next step, he needed to know what his place in Earth's life was. He needed to know whether his feelings were reciprocated.

"That was great!" Santa congratulated Earth when the song ended.

"We really did it that time!" Earth squealed in happiness.

Santa unhooked Earth's leg from his hip and Santa held out his hand for Earth to high-five.

Earth obliged with a laugh and tapped Santa's hand with his. He began to walk away to grab his drink, but Santa yanked him back on a whim and crushed him into a hug.

The moment their chests collided, Earth went rigid as a board, their previous playful mood completely wiped from his form. The song was still blasting in the background, but Santa couldn't hear it. Not over how deafeningly blood was pounding in his ears. Holding Earth this close always made his heart eagerly put in overtime.

Hugging Earth restored Santa's spirit.

It felt like sliding the deadbolt of a wrought iron gate into place, the things that hurt locked safely behind it. Being pressed together felt like putting on a different kind of armor, the kind that made wearing his heart on his sleeve not feel quite so dangerous. Because even though Earth was tense in his arms, when they were together, Santa felt safe.

Earth warmed to Santa in increments.

First, the tension left his body and Santa felt Earth relax into him. Next came his arms, they rose to rest on Santa's back, delicate but solid. Last was his head, one moment it was held carefully away so as not to make contact but the next it was pressed into Santa's shoulder. Earth rubbed his cheek against him in an endearing nuzzle. When they hugged just a few short months ago, their heads rested over the other's shoulder, but now Santa was tall enough to lay his head atop of Earth's. When had Earth gotten so small?

Santa breathed deeply in contentment. Earth was using a different perfume these days, it had the bright and juicy top note of mango, but it was buttery too. It reminded Santa of mango sticky rice, thick, sweet, and creamy. Earth was especially fragrant at the pulse point in his neck. He must've dabbed his wrists along his neck before he left that night.

Earth clutched the back of Santa's black bandana print button down tight. His fingers dug into the fabric and his knuckles pressed into the lateral muscles on either side of Santa's spine. He pressed himself against Santa and squeezed. He huffed a breath of contentment that Santa echoed because they needed this.

The longer that they hugged, the more that Earth melted into Santa's arms. And it was the purest, most chaste energetic exchange. Strength flooded Santa from the way Earth hung on. It was powerful and magical, rare like a shooting star. Santa in turn poured back into him. All the earnestness and passion he had to offer flowed from his skin to Earth's.

Santa ran his hands up and down Earth's sides, finally feeling the fabric of his shirt. It was just as silky as he imagined. Earth went completely slack at the touch, and for a moment Santa supported his full weight.

Then suddenly, Earth jerked back. Abruptly, he broke out of the circle of Santa's arms and tore himself away.

No! Why did he keep doing that?

Santa wanted to grab him back and seal him in his arms to never leave. He was trying, couldn't Earth see that? They had been having a moment dammit! Santa opened his mouth ready to protest, but Earth cut him off by loudly cleaning his throat.

"Are you going to film us now?" He asked, voice low, lips pouty.

Santa wanted to say something, but the sad look on Earth's face quieted him. He knew Earth, it would be better to film themselves first and then work on getting him out of his sulk.

Santa set his phone to video and he and Earth gave it their all as they danced to Bite Me for the last time that night. Santa didn't have to rewatch the video to know that it was their best run through yet. He couldn't wait to see the response to this one.

Earth pulled out of their ending pose and stopped the recording on Santa's phone. He grabbed it from where it was fixed to a tripod and handed it back to him.

"I guess we're done." Earth said, ducking his head and looking at Santa through his lashes.

But the way he said it was almost a question.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Santa asked.

It used to be that they would flop all over each other, perpetually ensconced in their own bubble. But Santa could tell that hugs rattled Earth now.

Earth sat down next to their stuff and smoothed his skirt so that it covered him. He grabbed his water bottle and drank deeply. Santa followed his movements, wishing he was the water slipping carelessly down Earth's chin and throat, wistful when he swallowed.

"I don't know what you do with your time now." Earth demurred, "I don't want to keep you from whatever you're doing after this."

"I don't have plans." Santa said considering Earth. "Do you? I know you're planning on going live later, but why are you so dressed up?"

Jerkily, Earth screwed on the lid of the bottle, turning it so tightly that it squeaked.

"I missed you, you know." Earth blurted instead of answering the question.

Santa's breath caught in his throat. "What?"

"I missed you." Earth didn't meet Santa's eyes and his fingers restlessly played with the pleats of his skirt. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." Santa said in a hushed confession. "I missed you like crazy."

He thought back to all the texts and phone calls they exchanged while he was in Korea, thought back to how it had never been enough. Nothing had been enough, not the meager food and water he'd been allowed, not the sporadic moments of sleep he'd been able to snatch, and certainly not the amount of contact he had with the outside world — with Earth.

But even though they'd been separated, Earth had always been right there, steady and unwavering.

"Even though things happened the way they did, I'm really proud of you." Earth said and he lifted his eyes and looked straight at Santa.

His eyes shone with sincerity and pride and Santa felt his heart thud urgently in his chest.

"You're gorgeous when you dance and you did such a good job. I loved watching you perform. Still do and always have. You work so hard and care so much. I'm... I'm so proud of you, Po."

Time stood still.

Santa had no idea how desperately he'd been craving to hear those words until Earth said them. Santa felt so loved, and until now, it didn't matter that they hadn't said those words aloud. Santa knew he needed to tell Earth how he felt, but Earth had never needed to say anything, his words and actions towards Santa always said it all.

"Thank you..." Santa said. He paused, trying to find the right words, "You know, Qingdao really was my best memory. I was able to perform as myself, and I got to do that by your side."

Earth smiled at him so sweetly that it made Santa flush beetroot red.

"I'm surprised you want to post our video." Earth said, gesturing to Santa's phone. "You haven't really been all that active online."

Santa knew that people noticed his absence online. The potential for backlash scared him and posed a very real threat, but for the first time in a while he was excited to share. He didn't always have confidence, but slowly, Earth was helping him regain it with his words and with his beauty. Santa was proud to share him, and he wanted to show that pride the way he used to before everything got so complicated.

Santa shrugged, "I've been so afraid of getting hate this whole time, but I figure I'm going to get it no matter what. And besides you look amazing. You deserve to be shown off to the world."

Earth blushed and Santa was suddenly struck by the value of having someone like him in his corner. Someone so loyal and supportive. Someone that stood by him through all his decisions, good and bad. Someone who came wrapped in the prettiest little package too, and when Earth looked at him like that, all Santa could think was that it was time he was unwrapped.

Santa made himself comfortable next to Earth. They sat pressed shoulder to shoulder like he wanted to earlier. Earth had his legs thrust to the side, but now he stretched them out long in front of him.

"Did your legs fall asleep?" Santa asked Earth.

"Yeah." Earth said, shaking them out and patting them to wake them up.

Santa grabbed ahold of one of Earth's knees and roughly shook it from side to side.


"Just trying to help." He said cheekily.

"Well quit!"

"Make me." Santa said, sticking out his tongue.

Earth rolled his eyes, "Bite me." He groused.


Santa didn't need to be told twice.

He leaned down and nipped at the outside of Earth's upper thigh, that little sliver of skin where his skirt ended and before his stockings began.

"Po!" Earth cried out in protest, crimson splashed across his face.

"What?" Santa asked, mischief written all over his face, "You told me to!"

"You know what I meant!"

"I don't know anything." Santa said, holding his hands up in false innocence. "You told me to bite so I did."

Santa snapped his teeth playfully at Earth again, and Earth scrambled backwards across the floor. He was so pretty with his lips parted open and his eyes comically wide. He had an exasperated but fond look on his face and it made Santa want to tease him more.

"I can't help it." Santa said, raising himself onto all fours, crouched and ready to pounce, "That song's been stuck in my head for weeks and you just told me to bite you!"

"So what?"

"So," Santa said, smiling widely and narrowing his eyes on his target, "If you don't want to be bitten again, I suggest you run fast."

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