By AnghelNoMore

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For my offline reading only. ❗️❗️❗️ The story is not mine, as well as the translation. Nothing of this story... More



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By AnghelNoMore

Chapter 156

At that, Min Chen asked, "What did you talk about?"

Min Chen still looked calm. Qi Mu smiled. "Are you really curious?"

The handsome man raised his eyebrows and quietly laughed. "If you want to say, I'll listen." The implication being, if he didn't want to say, he wouldn't force him to, because... he trusted Qi Mu.

Qi Mu's face softened a bit, and the two walked into the subway together. He briefly summarized his conversation with Wu Lao as they went.

In fact, the talk had been quite simple. The center of their topic had been that little princess--『Edith』.

The original had wanted to sell the priceless violin a few years ago for money to go drinking and drag racing. But, if he wasn't going to sell his little princess, well, Wu Lao and the others were unlikely to fight against it. The original had sold his parents' house in S City before, but 『Edith』 had more meaning.

It was a token of love between the original's father and mother. In the beginning, it was at a violin exhibition. Qi Mu's mother and father had met while visiting "Edith." After the two were married, Qi Mu's father spent a lot of money to buy it at an auction. Though it could be said to be shelved, never to play again, it was still a very important violin.

This time, Qi Mu came to Wu Lao to test the elder's attitude towards "Edith." He wanted to let the beautiful relic be heard to the world under the identity of "Qi Mu." It wouldn't fade away in the cold safety of a bank, but shine its light unto the world.

And Wu Lao's attitude was clear. At first, because Qi Mu was too rebellious, they didn't want the unskilled child to sell it for drinking money. But, the Golden Hall was just a symbol, now Qi Mu could go directly to the Swiss bank and take it out.

But, in the face of the answer, Qi Mu refused directly. In Wu Lao's study, he had smiled at that serious old man and sincerely said, "Wu Lao, I will take 『Edith』 back with my own strength. I hope she can sing the most beautiful notes under the world's eyes. And, the Golden Hall... is very suitable."

Wu Lao was clearly satisfied with Qi Mu's answer. As he left, Wu Lao had especially encouraged him. Min Chen raised his eyebrows, "A violin called 『Edith』?"

Qi Mu nodded. "En, yes, it's called 『Edith』. Wu Lao showed me her picture, and she is an exquisite violin. Her lines are slender and elegant; she should be from a famous brand."

After a moment, Min Chen sighed. "If I remember correctly... Christole also has a violin given to him by a friend, it's called 『Burnell』. I think it was produced in the same year as your 『Edith』."

Qi Mu halted. Looking at Min Chen in surprise, he said, "You mean..."

The man nodded, his tone helpless, "It's very likely... they're a pair of violins."

Every time a violin maker made a violin, it consumed a lot of time and effort. In such a situation, it was challenging to make two violins at the same time, but these two, 『Edith』 and 『Burnell』 were exceptions.

His accomplishments on string instruments weren't on par with Qi Mu and Christole, but that didn't mean Min Chen hadn't studied the violin.

Christole owned 『Burnell』, but he seldom played it. He took it out and played it at a New Year's concert, but Min Chen hadn't seen it since.

Afterward, Min Chen hadn't cared much about the matter. Instead, Daniel was the one to check into the violin. He'd whispered in his ear all day for a month afterward in horror, "Oh my god, Min! Can you believe it! That 『Burnell』 was auctioned at the sky-high price of 1.15 million euros. Oh God, why didn't I touch it when Christole took it out..."

Daniel was too annoying to listen to, so Min Chen had also looked into 『Burnell』 and discovered it was created at the same time as 『Edith』.

Qi Mu was caught between hysterics and tears. The world was really too small. He didn't expect Christole to own the violin counterpart to 『Edith』.

After thinking for a while, Qi Mu laughed. "That's fine. Later, when I take 『Edith』, Christole and I can have a two-person ensemble and use the two violins."

Qi Mu pulled out the key to open the hotel door. He pushed it open, but he hadn't even turned on the light when something touched his waist. In the next second, his back was pressed against the door. Qi Mu raised his blank eyes, but it took a moment for him to recover.

In the darkness, Min Chen's voice seemed to come straight from the depths of hell, alluringly seductive, "If you and Christole have a double ensemble, then I also want..."

His warm breath brushed Qi Mu's ear as Qi Mu's eyes adjusted to the darkness. He rejoiced at not having managed to turn on the light-- at least his red ears wouldn't be seen.

The environment was perhaps too quiet, and the distance too close, and his voice was a bit hoarse. "Min Chen, do you want to have a double ensemble with me? But your violin is really..."

Qi Mu didn't have the heart to continue.

Min Chen's violin wasn't all that bad. He at least could be regarded as an ordinary member of Bai Ai. During his interview with Bai Ai, the examiner could have pulled him in without a thought.

But comparing Christole's violin to Min Chen's...

If the former was a natural sound, the latter was barely passable.

Qi Mu coughed lightly and concealed his smile. But Min Chen had sharp ears. He pursed his lips, and his dark eyes steeped in the darkness. He lowered his voice, "I want to ensemble with you."

Qi Mu replied quietly, "I remember we've played one before, like... Paganini's 《Etude No. 24》?"

Min Chen's tone was decisive: "Doesn't count, no one heard."

Qi Mu: "......" After a while, he said, "Professor Akkad and Dylan would cry."

Min Chen pursed his lips, "Too few people."

Qi Mu thought about it. "Oh, that's right, that other time, the college evaluated our ensemble of Beethoven's 《Spring Sonata》 in front of many people. You really scared me that time. Ensembling without rehearsing... that's the first time I'd done something like that."

"But, you played well."

That sentence, Min Chen didn't say it. He looked down at the young man in front of him, peering into his clear eyes, and whispered, "I want to open with a... piano and violin ensemble."

Qi Mu's eyes blew wide open, his surprise unconcealed.

To open a concert with Min Chen, what a privilege it was! This man, who was too lazy to even open his own show with his piano, wanted to ensemble with others? It was simply impossible to pass up!

After thinking, Qi Mu smiled. "Okay, let's have a concert. Once I get 『Edith』, then we'll open. By then... you'll have finished writing 《Twilight Under the Moon》, we'll play that one together."

The pleasant voice filled the quiet room with this answer that was just too gentle, and Min Chen's chilled eyes softened.

Moonlight shone in from behind him, coloring the youth's eyes as bright as amber.

Min Chen bowed his head and pressed his lips to Qi Mu's. At the familiar softness, he didn't want to let go. This kiss was so affectionate that though he clearly remembered he had to catch a plane the next day, Qi Mu gradually sank into the other man's rich warmth, shyly responding.

Their heated breath filled the empty hotel room, and when Qi Mu woke the next day, he grabbed the closest thing at hand-- a pillow and threw it at the abominable man.

"Didn't I say I had to return to Vienna and needed to go to bed early!!!"

Min Chen dodged the "death pillow" and innocently pouted, "I'm packing."

He raised the clothes in his hands, crumpled rather than folded, and stuffed them into the suitcase.

Qi Mu: "... Stand still, I really won't kill you."

Min Chen: "... You couldn't bear it."

Qi Mu: "You'll see if I'm reluctant!!!"

Min Chen: "......"

Chapter 157

On the plane to Vienna, Qi Mu couldn't be bothered to even throw a glance at the man beside him, rubbing the slight soreness at his waist. He was already kind enough not to elbow him, but to ask him to care?

The blue sky and white clouds outside the window bore witness to the handsome man thoughtfully serving hot coffee to the young man beside him. In return, the young man snorted softly and took the provided air meal, then sat it on the small table. Despite the exchange, the young man still refused to look at him.

Min Chen: "......"

After a while, he leaned over, "You're not angry, you're not angry, you're not angry."

Qi Mu: "......"

A moment later, Min Chen repeated, "You're not angry, you're not angry, you're not angry."

Qi Mu was thoroughly amused, "I'm angry!"

There was a smile in Min Chen's eyes. "You're not angry anymore."

No matter how firm the idea was in Qi Mu's head, when he saw this man's "you can't bear to be angry with me" expression, it completely vanished. He chuckled, "If your fans saw you like this... what would they say?"

Min Chen raised his eyes and asked rhetorically, "Don't you appreciate me more?"

Qi Mu: "......"

After a few seconds, Qi Mu said blankly, "There's a bug on your shoulder."

Immediately, the man straightened, his eyes solemnly wide. He didn't dare breathe too loudly. Min Chen kept a calm look on his face, but demanded, word by word, "Where. Is. It...."

Qi Mu laughed loudly, "How are there bugs on a plane? You're thinking too much... eh..."

Then, Qi Mu leaned in, "Angry?"

Expressionless, Min Chen said, "No."

"... Really angry, ah?"

"... No."

Qi Mu's mouth twitched a little, and he helplessly sighed, "Actually really angry."

Min Chen: "......"

The long voyage was spent exchanging the two sentences, "You're angry" and "No." It was evening by the time they arrived in Vienna. Gorgeous rays of sunlight dyed the sky in magnificent shades of purple, while the air's floral fragrance made the city feel lively as if it had yet to enter winter.

Min Chen claimed he was angry, but when Qi Mu secretly took his hand between the seats, he just leaned over and playfully rubbed his cheek against Qi Mu's hair like a large dog.

The two gathered their luggage and took the shuttle to their apartment. As they walked, Qi Mu remembered, "Is it okay if you don't go back and deal with Bai Ai's affairs? Though the members took a holiday two weeks ago, I remember Daniel, Christole, and you didn't have one."

Min Chen shook his head, "It's been mostly dealt with. Daniel will email me the important information."

Qi Mu didn't ask any further questions, and, together, the two got off the shuttle at three streets away from Min Chen's apartment. They had to walk the rest of the way.

In a city so filled with classical music, Min Chen raised the collar of his coat and donned his sunglasses, covering his face.

Even so, they'd just taken two steps when they heard a cry from behind, "Good... good heavens! It's you!!!"

Surprised, Qi Mu turned around to see a middle-aged woman carrying a vegetable basket, staring at them in shock. In the next second, she rushed over.

Qi Mu reluctantly took two steps aside, intending to let the fan get closer to her idol, but when he took a step aside, so did the woman.

Qi Mu: "......?"

"Are you Little Seven?! I've heard your 《The Marriage of Figaro》 at the Palisade Theatre before. It was great! The best 《Figaro》 I've ever heard! God, I didn't expect to see you on the street! What to do, what to do... I didn't bring pen and paper..."

Qi Mu took the pen Min Chen silently handed over, still surprised. He wrote his name on a piece of paper and smiled, "Thank you for your affections. I'm honored to bring you wonderful music. Thank you for your support."

The woman became even more excited, "I didn't expect you to be even more lovely up close, ah! Child, work hard! I like you, I will always support you!"

After a few more words of thanks, Qi Mu couldn't help but ask, "Err... You really came for me, not for him?" He still found it a little challenging to look at the man beside him.

The middle-aged woman glanced at Min Chen and asked, "Who is this man, ah?"

Qi Mu: "......"

When the two men took up their suitcases and continued home, Qi Mu's handsome face was helpless. He shook his head. "I didn't expect my performance at the Palisade Theatre to attract any fans..."

When an orchestra performed with an opera, they played in the shadows under the stage like heroes behind the scenes.

"Your performance was excellent," the other man's melodious voice said from beside him, "She really likes your music."

That startled Qi Mu, but he laughed and said, "You think too much. If that person recognized who you were just now, I doubt they would have asked for my signature at all."

Along the narrow street, the man paused. Realizing he'd stopped walking, Qi Mu turned back.

Under the glory of the setting sun, Min Chen's profound face seemed a little more defined than usual. He shook his head. "No. Your music is no less than mine."

The young man's light eyes widened. Then, after a long while, he smiled. "Yes, yes, yes. Not inferior to yours." Qi Mu changed the topic, "Well, what should we eat tonight? There's nothing prepared, so we could eat hot pot? En, let's eat hot pot..."

The dim light lengthened their shadows, making the dark silhouettes meet ambiguously on the flat road. Min Chen stared at the youth beside him, and his lips curled into a quick smile.

He just... really wasn't lying.

The young man's violin had unknowingly reached his level and wasn't inferior to him at all. In the near future, he would stand under the brightness of a thousand lights and let the entire world look up at him.

Palisade Theatre, after a month-long Christmas vacation, finally ushered in another training period.

Qi Mu had been a part of the theatre for almost four months, and those four months had made him very popular in the orchestra.

Even Wallace joked, "Little Seven, you're the youngest of our orchestra, or... could you be our mascot?"

That day, Little Seven finally remembered the "disgrace" that was being called "the mascot & Little Angel." He shook his head righteously and said, "Mr. Wallace, I think that name is unsuitable for me. I'm 22 years old this year."

Wallace regretted not getting to call him that again, but a few members that overheard would often call him so in private. Even if Qi Mu tried to stop it, they would already retort with--

"Little Seven, don't be so humble!"

"That's Little Seven. How cute is our mascot, cute as my baby!"

"Hey John, your son's only three this year!"


In such a lively atmosphere, the sense of laziness slowly dissipated. Within an hour, they were invested in their regular daily rehearsal.

They had an early Christmas vacation because the PalisadeTheatre sent out invitations on Christmas Eve every year for a grand symphony concert. They treated it as a review of care for the past year.

Ordinary theater orchestras provided music for operas, but that didn't mean the orchestra couldn't also hold symphonic concerts. Although they are unable to compete with Wei Ai, the world's top Symphony Orchestra in Vienna, the PalisadeTheatre orchestra was also first-rate and had a good reputation.

Every year, the Palisade Christmas Eve concert attracted a large audience. The event was majestic and was sure to be a grand show. The repertoire that year was roughly the same as previous years, with songs such as 《Ave Maria》, 《Emperor Waltz》, and 《The Blue Danube》.

Though the songs were the same, the performers had changed dramatically!

Most of the audience who received the invitations were surprised to find out that the year's symphony concert was using the new concertmaster, and not the old concertmaster that just retired!

The influence of a concertmaster on a concert was second only to the conductor. He led the entire first violin group and all the string instruments and could affect the performance of the whole orchestra.

Many of the audience looked forward to this performance, but what they didn't know was, the Palisade Theatre at this time...

Was arguing...

Chapter 158

The Palisade Theatre's large conference room spanned about 100 square meters. Inside the conference room, dozens of the theater orchestra members and opera actors could sit, discuss, and provide suggestions for the theater's following schedule.

And now, since that evening, the room has entered a fierce state. The party represented by the music director, Greer, and the party represented by the conductor, Wallace, argued ceaselessly.

"Wallace, I understand what you're saying, but it isn't feasible! I've never heard of an orchestra that gave up the vocals of 《Ave Maria》! Yes, I've heard 《Ave Maria》 with a violin solo, but do you dare say that that kind of 《Ave Maria》 is more outstanding than one with a vocal accompaniment?!"

Encountering these issues with the performance, Greer was flushed with anger. Wallace hastily answered, "Oh no, Greer! Don't you think because we've performed 《Ave Maria》 for over ten years, we need some improvement this time? Our theater is developing, it's time for innovation!"

"Yes! We have to innovate, but give me a better suggestion!"

Determining the repertoire for the Christmas Eve concert led to the disagreement between conductor Wallace and music director Greer.

The former belonged to the school of innovation and believed the orchestra could not go on like this. There had to be change and improvement! Therefore, Wallace suggested they give up the vocals when playing Schubert's 《Ave Maria》 this time.

However, the latter was conservative and thought 《Ave Maria》 without vocals could not portray the same solemn performance and would be the failure of the Christmas Eve concert. It would do nothing to improve the situation.

The two argued for over half an hour, and neither would yield.

This was the first time Qi Mu had seen Wallace so agitated. The French gentleman was entirely without his usual grace, keeping firm to his ideas.

A few members of the orchestra spoke, but when it came to giving up the vocals or not, the discouraged members also joined the "war."

The musicians played the violin with such elegance in the past, but when it was time to decide the repertoire, they bitterly fought. It bore no resemblance to their usual joking demeanor. A regular sitcom, ah! If they made the wrong choice and didn't have the best results, what would they say?!

Watching the situation grow bigger and bigger as several members grew angry, the orchestra's first trumpet, Nelly, turned to Qi Mu and sighed. "Little Seven, how do you see this turning out...? I think Mr. Wallace's idea is good, we do have to change something, but Mr. Greer is also right. If this change has a bad effect... ah, what good will this do!"

Qi Mu was equally helpless. "Nelly, I don't know how to choose, it really is a difficult decision."

Nelly naturally knew before Qi Mu spoke, there was no way to decide for sure. She could only shake her head. "Ah, this meeting will go on for a long time. If there was a sound that could replace the vocals, it'd be great! Mr. Wallace and Mr. Greer would be satisfied."

Qi Mu froze. His light eyes widened, and he frowned a little. Then he suddenly said, "Nelly, you're brilliant! I think I know what to do!"

The confused Nelly: "Eh?! I didn't say anything, Little Seven..."

"I really want to thank you," Qi Mu answered with a smile. Then, he turned to Wallace and Greer, who were in the midst of a cold war. Standing, his voice rang with clarity, "Mr. Wallace, Mr. Greer, I don't know if you'll listen to me, but... I have a good idea."

Everyone turned to look in Qi Mu's direction.

Qi Mu took a deep breath, slowly let it out, then spoke his thoughts, "Actually, I think..."

"So, you took the matter unto yourself?" Over the phone, Zheng Wei Qiao sighed heavily. "Little Seven, don't increase your burden like this. You are still young, it's not good to put yourself under so much stress!"

Qi Mu carried his violin case in one hand and pressed the elevator button, caught between tears and laughter as he said, "Zheng-ge, I didn't put much stress on myself at all. I agree with Mr. Wallace's ideas that an orchestra needs an adaptive spirit. After thinking for a bit, I decided to use the violin solo to replace the vocals."

Zheng Wei Qiao's voice was frustrated, "Little Seven, your idea is good, but now, your weight in this concert is so heavy, isn't that added pressure?"

The elevator climbed floor by floor, and Qi Mu watched the flashing numbers, smiling, "En, but Zheng-ge, this is also a challenge for me. I haven't had much pressure since I graduated, and you know, if people get lazy, their skills will rust."

"......" After a moment of silence, Zheng Wei Qiao said quietly, "Little Seven. Even if it means you're lazy, do you want your Zheng-ge to live?"

They said a few more words, then Qi Mu hung up the call that spanned over half the earth. Taking out his key, he opened the apartment door but was surprised to find the room dark and empty.

The sun set early during Vienna winters. Even though it was already dark, it was only just after five. Qi Mu shook his head to clear his confusion, then changed his shoes. Setting his violin case in the music room, he heard the sound of a key in the door.

Leaving the music room, he called, "When I first came back, I was wondering why you were gone. Where did you go?"

Min Chen was surprised for a moment. He was slightly slow to change his shoes but returned to normal swiftly. He raised a hand and the plastic bag in it. "Bought dinner. Today, the orchestra affairs ended quite early?"

Since Min Chen had been to the Palisade Theatre before, Qi Mu strictly forbade the man from taking another step inside... Well, he was still allowed to watch the show, but he was never allowed backstage again!

Since Min Chen's visit, the other members had laughed and teased Qi Mu, saying, "Little Seven, how do you know Mr. Bertram?," "Little Seven, I heard Mr. Bertram doesn't make a sound even when he's eating, is it true?"

Qi Mu answered them seriously. Though Min Chen didn't speak or make much noise while eating, he still made chewing sounds!

But the fans would wear "Little Seven, you're lying" expressions.

Facing such "mentally disabled" fans, Qi Mu felt that if they were told Min Chen was actually an ordinary person that ate and drank, they would all cry in unison, "No! Little Seven! How could Mr. Bertram be like ordinary people!"

......Fortunately, he still kept Min Chen's bug-fearing secret under wraps.

Taking the bag from Min Chen, Qi Mu arranged the delicate, yellow packages on the table. Getting tableware from the kitchen, Min Chen listened as Qi Mu spoke, "This afternoon, we discussed what we'll perform at the concert. Since we finished early, I came back first."

Min Chen handed Qi Mu chopsticks and asked casually, "《Ave Maria》,《The Blue Danube》... What else?"

Qi Mu looked up at him in surprise. "Another's the 《Emperor Waltz》." He paused and asked, "Have you heard the PalisadeTheatre's Christmas Eve concert before?"

Min Chen's narrowed phoenix eyes were smiling. He shook his head. "No." At the youth's surprised expression, he chuckled, "《Ave Maria》 is a must-have at many orchestra's Christmas Eve concerts, and 《The Blue Danube》... well, are the Viennese so paranoid as to be terrified of Strauss, as if he were god? I didn't expect the other song to also be Strauss'. What a terrible obsession, ah."

Qi Mu chuckled, "If the Viennese heard you, they'd beat you."

Min Chen raised an eyebrow indifferently, "Not afraid, my lover will protect me."

Qi Mu: "... Recently, I feel you are particularly annoying."

The handsome man nodded. "En, only my wife can beat me."

Qi Mu: "......"

Under Qi Mu's disgusted eyes, the simple dinner was quickly over. While dining, Min Chen, who was thought by the members of the Palisade Orchestra to "not make even a sound at dinner," acted elegantly with excellent dining etiquette. He didn't make a sound.

But after the meal, the thick-skinned music master directly swept the lunch box into the bin.

A flash of realization hit Qi Mu. "... You deliberately went out to buy dinner tonight to escape the responsibility of washing dishes?!"

The man stiffened his broad shoulders and turned his head to say expressionlessly, "I would never do something that dirty. Never."

Qi Mu: "......"

If not, why act so serious!

That's not what your expression says!

In this leisure time after their meal, the young man practiced his violin in the music room. The man leaned against the smooth piano lid with one hand, gazing at him.

His dark, deep eyes reflected the youth's thin back. Min Chen slowly frowned.

... Did he really just go out to buy dinner?

Perhaps only he knew.

Chapter 159

The Palisade Theatre was an ancient, Romanesque-styled building that stood in Vienna for nearly 100 years. Throughout the continuously changing musicians and actors, many loyal viewers considered it their favorite theater for life and visited every week to listen to the opera.

Those people were the pillars that supported the PalisadeTheater for a hundred years. For them, even on Christmas Eve, the members of the theater orchestra insisted on playing a high-level concert to display their level of excellence.

Therefore, the intense practice was absolutely necessary.

In the bright rehearsal hall, the melodious music rang clear. The trombone rumbled, the string instruments sang like flowing water, and it all came together soothingly, bringing to life the beautiful, moving sound that was unique to Strauss.

《Emperor Waltz》 was divided into a prologue, four small waltzes, and six parts at the end. Almost every part had two themes. The former is bright and cheery, and the latter is passionate and intense in sharp contrast with each other.

It was a warm ensemble. The music quieted, and the conductor raised his baton and turned his head to the left of the podium.

Qi Mu looked up and smiled at Wallace, a bright sound flowing from the violin under the youth's fingers. It was clear, bright, and soft.

The Palisade Theatre's concertmaster successfully completed the music piece at the conductor's will. The whole orchestra played neatly under their leadership.

Even for rehearsals, no one in the orchestra dared to make a mistake. Even the woodwinds, the ones most prone to mistakes, were as stable as if they had trained a hundred times.

When in fact...

This was only their first rehearsal!

Nearing the end of the song, the musicians directed the first seat of each group. Stepping off the conductor's platform, Wallace turned to Qi Mu. "Little Seven, when Lance introduced you to me, you were great! Your violin was gentle and delicate. I really couldn't believe such a young person could have such powerful force!"

Without waiting for Qi Mu to respond, the other members of the first violin group laughed, "Mr. Wallace, our Little Seven has been for over four months. How can you only discover he's simply unscientific now!""

"That's right. When I saw Little Seven, I thought... When I was 22, I also organized a small band in my hometown. Several people were playing, right?"

"Arnie, you're pretty good, ok! When you were 22, you all graduated. I was still being scolded by my tutor all day long in college!"


Listening to them rant, Qi Mu laughed. Wallace frowned. "When he introduced Little Seven to me, Lance said he was an emotional child, that he felt the emotions behind the music. Even then, I didn't think Little Seven could deliver such an excellent 《Ave Maria》 in a week."

Praised to that extent, since Qi Mi didn't have a face thick enough to serve as national defense, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. He coughed, "Mr. Wallace, everyone in the orchestra is outstanding. It was through this ensemble with everyone that I could grasp this 《Ave Maria》."

"Little Seven! You are so humble! I believe, by the concert next week, you and the orchestra can play the most memorable 《Ave Maria》!"

Faced with Wallace's praise and the orchestra's laughter, Qi Mu could only accept the kindness of his companions.

Just when he thought this outburst would end, a voice sounded out in the crowd, "That's right, Little Seven, this invitation, should we make a Q version and print your image on it as mascot?!"

Qi Mu: "... I don't think it's..." very suitable.

"Hahaha, that's a great idea! The orchestra always uses such rigid invitations, not very energetic."

"That's right! Mr. Wallace, can we redesign the annual invitation letter?"


The entire group roared in agreement. Wallace looked at Qi Mu with a "Rest assured, I know what to do" glance. While Qi Mu was feeling relieved, Wallace calmly said, "Our invitations are indeed too rigid, they should be improved. But I think... the orchestra mascot is a bit too much, right?"

Qi Mu: "......" Who's the mascot!

Wallace thought for a while. "If we're sending invitations to young children, should a mascot doll be included? Make a little rabbit called 'Seven.' It's consistent with the image of Little Seven, and it'll promote the cute image of our orchestra." Wallace turned, "Little Seven, what do you think?"

Qi Mu's mouth twitched a little. "Mr. Wallace, I think this is..."

"It's decided!"

"That's it!"

"Great suggestion. I'm sure the young audience will like this Little Seven rabbit!"

Qi Mu: "......"

Who's a rabbit!!!!

Inside the PalisadeTheatre's large rehearsal hall, everyone was laughing. Only the handsome young man had tears in his heart. The next time he had to write his resume, his job title would be--

《My Career as The PalisadeTheatre's Mascot》.

While everyone in the theatre was delighted, half the city away, in the Vienna Supreme Court's courtroom No. 1, the atmosphere was solemn. The trial proceeded with little suspense.

Very few cases were allowed into the first courtroom of the Vienna Supreme Court, which could accommodate a large audience. But today, there were countless public media specialists in attendance, along with numerous cameras, waiting for the final outcome of the two prisoners.

Many of the reporters gathered at the front of the gallery, for the front row seats were already full of people with important identities. For example, the chief conductor and music director of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Albert Dorenza, and the chief conductor of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Evra.

These people were all big names in the classical music world. Every one of their concerts would be sold out, attracting countless fans. Today, they were all gathered together for the finale of this case.

Zayev and Luo Yu Sen both hung their heads in disgrace as they were escorted up, neither daring to look up at the people in the gallery. Zayev looked directly at the judge, not letting the reporters take pictures of their embarrassment.

When the judge knocked the gavel, the room immediately fell silent.

The clerk stood up and read the cold, ruthless testimony and other details of the case with an expressionless face. When he read, "The suspect Luo Yu Sen took the victim's asthma medication," the clerk glanced coldly at the dark-haired man standing in the center of the court, then continued to recite.

The courtroom was silent. After the clerk finished reading aloud, and the procedures were completed, Luo Yu sen and Zayev had nothing to refute.

The judge, who had always been fair and just, looked at the two guilty criminals below the stage. The disgust and contempt in his eyes were impossible to hide.

The judge had tried many violent murders, but for him, these criminals were no better than those disgusting murderers!

This was Vienna, one of the most beloved places in the classical music industry. Beautiful music could be heard all the time at the ends of every street in the city. There were statues of great musicians in every square!

But, in such a place, such terrible and disgusting sins were bred!

A talented young violinist lost his precious life, because of these two prisoners' jealousy and selfishness!

How much beautiful music had the world lost! What kind of talent had the world lost!

How could two people who love music, possibly commit a crime so atrocious!

Many people didn't know the judge of this trial was privately a fan of Wei Ai and had also loved the music of its chief Zayev. But, if the judge had liked his music before, he hated the man standing in the middle of the courtroom that much more!

This was blasphemy!

This was ruthless blasphemy against music!

You were unworthy of the beauty of music the day you picked up the violin!

The gavel landed heavily. After the relevant regulations were read, the judge, who was upset, sneered. For the first time in his life, he destroyed his image of selflessness and impartialness in law enforcement and selfishly said, "I really can't understand. How could there be such a villain as filthy as you in the great world of classical music!"

The gallery immediately erupted in noise as countless reporters wrote and filmed.

This was the headline!

The always impartial judge, angry in court!

The judge continued, "You are the shame of Vienna; you are the shame of classical music! I cannot believe you picked up a violin and played such beautiful music this year. I'm afraid that behind that false beauty lies a rotten swamp! Austria is a benevolent country without the death penalty, which I have never regretted until this moment. You cannot erase the sins with which you have desecrated the classical music of the entire world!"

"But in this moment, I can only regretfully announce Lyon Zayev, imprisonment for 5 years and 31 days; Luo Yu Sen, imprisonment for--"

"71 years and 20 days!"

Luo Yu Sen immediately shouted in horror, "I am unsatisfied! I am unsatisfied! Why should I..."

"Silence!!!" The judge's cold eyes made Luo Yu sen flinch back suddenly. He looked at the gaunt man blankly, "If there are objections, please file an appeal!"


In a panic, Luo Yu Sen shouted in disbelief, and the whole trial came to an end.

Dorenza, sitting in the front row, felt the relief of a burden on his shoulders. He spoke with his old friend, Evra, while the reporters swarmed out the door after the angry judge.

《Voice of Vienna》 reporter Jake walked out the door a little slower. He spotted a man wearing sunglasses in his peripheral vision and felt a trace of surprise. There was an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he quickly turned to chase the judge again.

In the last row of the gallery, no one spotted the handsome, elegant man with slightly lowered eyes staring at the already empty court. His thin lips pursed, and he whispered, "71 years and 20 days..."

Well, many things could happen.

Chapter 160

Qi Mu barely maintained a calm smile the entire afternoon rehearsal as he tried to persuade Wallace and the other members to give up the unrealistic idea of a rabbit mascot.

Just as Mr. Wallace looked as though he would relent, Nelly, the trumpet's first seat, ran over and handed a small book to Mr. Wallace. "Mr. Wallace, I learned how to paint when I was little. Though it isn't particularly good... what do you think of this cute little rabbit? It's as cute as Little Seven!"

In the book drawn was a chubby, round, little rabbit with long ears, a short tail, and large, wet eyes. Even through the paper, it tickled the itch of one's heart and could only be described as--

Meng God!

Wallace nodded. "Oh God, Nelly, you have such excellent drawing skills! This cute rabbit Little Seven is awesome! Let's make it the mascot. Before the concert, send it out on the invitations!"

Nelly nodded vigorously.

Qi Mu: "......"

Mr. Wallace, do you remember who just said he would reconsider...

This mascot Little Seven was discussed throughout the orchestra--and yes, it was directly called Little Seven--such as what color it should be. Qi Mu tidied his things in silence to get as far as he could from this place where right and wrong were inverted.

He had an ominous hunch that if he stayed, something terrible would happen.

Just as he stepped out of the theater's side door, Qi Mu received a call from Min Chen. Shortly after, he stepped into Min Chen's car. "How did you think of coming to pick me up today?"

The handsome man held the steering wheel in one hand and looked at the young man in the passenger's seat. A smile flashed in his dark eyes, and he whispered, "Remember what day it is today?"

Qi Mu was stunned, "Your birthday? Impossible. Isn't your birthday in the spring?"

"...Think again."

Qi Mu placed his violin case in the back seat and furrowed his brows in thought. "It has nothing to do with me. So... what day is it?"

Min Chen said, "It's been a year since we met... and 23 days."

Qi Mu: "......"

After a speechless moment, he said, "You didn't do anything 23 days ago..."

Min Chen's eyes darkened. "Makeup today."

Qi Mu: "......" Can this stuff be made up!

"I'm in a good mood today."

There was a hint of joy in the man's low voice that had Qi Mu looking at him in surprise. A dim streetlamp flashed past the window and cast shadows on the man's handsome face.

Min Chen said with a smile, "Today... I am in a good mood. Exceptionally good."

Without him saying anything, Qi Mu had already noticed from his soft expression. He asked cooperatively, "Oh? Why are you feeling so good today?"

"No reason. Just exceptionally good." Min Chen stopped at a red light and turned to look at the young man beside him, lips curled in a small smile. "En... I want to have a candlelight dinner outside."

"... You're not going to do the dishes again today?"


The beautiful, romantic atmosphere collapsed instantly. Min Chen's mouth twitched, and he sat back in the driver's seat.

Seeing him grow awkward, Qi Mu felt weird and helpless. He took the other man's hand and patted it, hoping it would make the man's expression better.

Seeing the other man's face, somehow, the cute rabbit that Nelly had drawn came to mind. Qi Mu smiled. "In two days, I'll give you a gift... en, something similar to you. You can call him 'Little Chen Chen'."

En, that rabbit wasn't Little Seven, but Little Chen Chen!

Min Chen: "......"

After laughing for a bit, Qi Mu suddenly recalled, "There are no dishes tonight, but you left yours in the sink last night! They must be cleaned when we go back tonight! Little Chen Chen! Cough... I gave it away."

Min Chen, pretending to understand nothing: "...Wash tomorrow."

Qi Mu's eyes were cold. "No, it's been delayed by a day already. Must be washed today!"

"...We'll be back late, you can't bear to keep me up that long."

Qi Mu smiled. "Not at all. I am very, very willing."

Min Chen: "......"

So... they said marriage was the tomb of love?

Look, they haven't even married yet, and someone was trying to shirk the duty of washing dishes! As time went on, how could this be good!

Of course, although he said so, Qi Mu's heart softened. He said tentatively, "There are a bunch, so... I'll wash with you?"

Min Chen agreed happily, "Ok!"

That night, after a romantic candlelight dinner, the two men went home, put on aprons, and washed the dishes in the kitchen. One carefully washed the tableware, and the other wiped them dry with a cloth.

When Min Chen handed Qi Mu the last spoon, he took the small, porcelain spoon and wiped it intently. He'd just finished putting it away when he lifted his head, but before he could speak, his gaze was caught in a pair of deep, fateful eyes.

Startled, he smiled, "Looking at me so hard, is there something on my face?"

The precious man shook his head and reached around Qi Mu's waist. "Watching my lover."

Qi Mu raised an eyebrow. "Not tired of watching?"

"Never tired of watching."

Qi Mu could only close his eyes in a smile at that and quietly hum.

In the cool, Bauhaus-styled kitchen, though it was decorated in only black and white, it seemed very warm. The cold wind outside shrieked and railed against the glass, but it couldn't disturb the two lovers.

Qi Mu placed the tableware in the cabinet and turned to Min Chen, asking, "When does the plane leave the day after tomorrow?"

"Ten o'clock."

Qi Mu nodded. "Ok, I should be able to drop you off at the airport before I go to the theater."

Min Chen nodded, "Great."

After the two cleaned up a bit, they turned off the kitchen lights, but moments later, the lights in the music room turned on.

This certain someone that previously said he "won't stay up late," sat on the piano bench and started playing 《Ave Maria》. The thoughtful Little Seven could only cooperate and play the violin part.

Why was he suddenly so excited?

Min Chen was happy!

His good mood, why was it so good?

That 71-year sentence... well, it was more than enough time for someone to suffer in prison.


Three days later, Qi Mu received the little rabbit called "Seven," and immediately wrote the words "with love" on the rabbit's gift tag with a red pen. He sent it via express to Berlin.

There were only a dozen days left before the Bai Ai's New Year concert.

Aside from Christmas Day, which Bai Ai would take off, they were all intensely rehearsing for the New Year concert.

On Qi Mu's side, Palisade Theatre's rehearsal had entered its final stages and was preparing for the encore.

The entire orchestra cooperated tacitly and, while it may not have achieved the thick, metallic tone of Bai Ai, and while it might be impossible to have the elegance of Wei Ai, they still had the brightness unique to Palisade Theatre. It was reflected most vividly during the last rehearsal before the concert.

After the practice came to an end, Wallace was so excited he ran down from the conductor's podium to give Qi Mu a big hug.

The young man hugged the over-excited conductor who chattered on, "Little Seven! I foresee a successful performance tomorrow night! That 《Ave Maria》 just now was amazing!"

Qi Mu nodded. "En, Mr. Wallace, I believe so too. Your adaptation will be phenomenally successful!"

The next night, countless people arrived before the huge marble arch in front of the Palisade Theatre.

A new red carpet ran from the top of the second-floor stairs down to the street entrance. The magnificent theater was lit by countless dazzling lights, and it was a very lively Christmas Eve there.

To one side of the gate, an invitation checkpoint was established. The older audience handed over their invitations with familiarity, thinking this was the same as before. After checking their invitations, they entered the theater directly, but were surprised to receive a cute rabbit!

The ladies who preferred small animals even exclaimed, "Oh god, what a cute rabbit!"

When Qi Mu secretly looked at the front desk from behind the curtain, he saw almost everyone in the audience playing with their cute little rabbits.

Nelly, who happened to walk by, said, "Ah, Little Seven! It seems many people like our little gift this time. They said we have a heart!" She said happily, "It's good to be liked by the audience. I think... they will treat our theater's mascot--rabbit Little Seven, very well!"

Qi Mu: "......"


After half an hour of lively chatter in the audience, a harsh bell rang, and the hall calmed down.

The players of the first group walked out from the left of the stage to warm applause. The musicians of the Palisade Theatre filed out and sat in their seats.

Taking his violin, Qi Mu stepped on stage and, with Wallace, led the orchestra in bowing to the audience.

Under the thunderous applause of the audience, the orchestra members sat down one after the next. Only Qi Mu still stood at the left of the conductor's podium, looking down at the dark shadows.

The past four months, he had always sat under this stage and accompanied the dazzling actors on stage.

And now...

He was coming up!

The orchestra's sound grew denser, and Wallace's baton flicked upward, producing silence.

Qi Mu turned and looked at Wallace. The two nodded, and Qi Mu's soothing violin filled the hall in the next moment!

Palisade Theatre's Christmas Eve concert--

Had officially opened!

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