By AnghelNoMore

574 7 0

For my offline reading only. ❗️❗️❗️ The story is not mine, as well as the translation. Nothing of this story... More



28 0 0
By AnghelNoMore

Chapter 26

The Berlin Philharmonic concertmaster was a proud student of Professor Karl, and the professor was one of the European Academy's important representatives. He was also a long time friend of Min Chen and Daniel.

Robert Karl was not wearing a formal attire even at such an important event, and he came over with his large belly and a wave of his hand. Greeting the others warmly, he then turned to Daniel and said, "Hey, Daniel. Long time no see."

Daniel nudged Professor Karl's chest with his elbow and laughed, "Hey Big Beard, why are you in Huaxia?"

"It's for a competition. Oh right, you haven't met my new student yet." Professor Karl then turned around but found that no one was behind him. He touched his beard and smiled, "Chinese people are shy. I'll introduce Victor to you when we return to Germany. He's a lovely young man."

Almost all the guests were already gone. Professor Karl was among the last few there. He turned to the man with a cold face and passionately said, "Auston, we haven't seen each other for such a long time, why don't you give me a hug? My little baby said she could die for you. She said when she listened to your Berlin tour this year, your charming back almost made her faint!"

As he spoke, Professor Karl, who had enthusiasm akin to the French, stretched out his arms and stepped forward, wanting to give him a hug. However, Min Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly stepped aside, leaving Professor Karl to hug empty air.

The handsome and indifferent man lowered his gaze and pointed at Professor Karl's belly which was so large it could raise a whale and said plainly: "No hugging, I'll panic."

Qi Mu who was resisting the urge to laugh: ". . ."

Daniel who was in the same situation: ". . ."

Professor Karl whose heart was hurt: "Auston, you're getting less and less cute!"

"Not cute." Min Chen lifted his Phoenix's eyes and raised an eyebrow. "When have I ever been cute?"

Professor Karl: ". . ."

What did he say before? Who said Min Chen was easy to get along with, and that he was like a gentleman? Once he's with people he's familiar with, he would unleash his naturally poisonous tongue! Professor Karl, who was the target of his attack, suffered -10,000 damage and died of blood loss.

In fact, Professor Karl had long gotten used to Min Chen's poisonous tongue, but what he didn't understand was why Min Chen seemed a little fiercier today. Which made him wonder who angered this stingy fellow.

Even after he thought about it, he wasn't able to come up with anything. He put the matter aside and chatted with Tan Lao and Du Sheng. When he saw Qi Mu, his eyes suddenly lit up and he gave Qi Mu a big hug.

The panicking Qi Mu: ". . ."

Professor Karl said with a laugh, "Qi Mu, your performance today was amazing. It's a shame I can't bring you to Munich. I remember telling you before that your style is similar to Auston's. I'm surprised you both had the chance to meet so soon."

Once the words were registered, everyone except Qi Mu was stunned. Especially Min Chen. He reflexively turned to look at the youth standing in front of him, his surprise evident.

There was an old Huaxia saying that went: "outsiders understand the situation best". In fact, when they listened to Qi Mu's performance tonight, Min Chen never said a word. He had an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he heard Qi Mu's solo as if he knew the way his performance echoed in his ears. It was very familiar.

At times, things are too familiar to say what about it was familiar.

Min Chen removed his gaze and concealed the look in his eyes.

At first, he thought that Qi Mu's style was similar to a certain person he knew. But after hearing Karl's words, it seemed to be himself.

Min Chen looked at Qi Mu meaningfully after making a judgment in his mind. For the first time, he met someone with "a style similar to his." Especially. . . this person played the violin, which was different from his own preference.

This was very interesting.

Min Chen didn't know that his sense of familiarity was not the same as Professor Karl's. Ever since he could remember, Min Chen had heard countless sounds. The chaotic noise of nature, the melodies of musical instruments, and the sound of strings being plucked. He had even heard Lu Zi Wen's solo in private, but he had never listened to his 《E Minor》 or《Tzigane》.

Music was interlinked. When someone played a song, unconsciously, they would incorporate their own style. In fact, Min Chen actually heard Lu Zi Wen's style this time but his mind couldn't lead him down that absurd direction. So he missed this opportunity to discover the truth.

The others present had yet more ideas that were different from Min Chen's. They were surprised to hear that Professor Karl's evaluation of Qi Mu was actually that high.

Similar to Min Chen? What kind of evaluation was that? Could it be. . . that he could become the next Min Chen?!

Daniel couldn't help but pay more attention to Qi Mu.

The sky was completely dark by this time, but the city never slept, even at night. The bright light from the gate shone on the youth's white face, contrasting with his red coat and making his smile appear even more beautiful.

He nodded politely and smiled, "Thank you for the compliment. I am honored."

Professor Karl nodded and said: "Actually. . . I want to thank you for today. You let my silly student let go of that matter so he can finally come with me to Munich without worries. I owe you a favor this time. Qi Mu, if there's anything, you can come to me in the future."

Now, the people present were even more perplexed. Except for Min Chen whose eyes narrowed slightly as he seemed to have come to an understanding. Qi Mu was surprised for a moment but then he laughed, "Thank you, Professor Karl."

Karl was planning to leave but just before he left, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly returned to ask, "Daniel, when are you going back to Germany? Let's take the flight together so we can accompany each other."

Daniel said, "My flight is the day after tomorrow. I've already booked a ticket."

Professor Karl was shocked then overjoyed, "As it happens, my flight is also on the day after tomorrow. Auston, is that yours too? Then the three of us, oh, plus my silly student, that makes the four of us, can go together."

"I'm not going back this year."

"Going back together. . . What? You're not going?!" Professor Karl's eyes widened in surprise.

Min Chen just answered with a gentle, "Un."

Professor Karl: ". . .You're not going back for Christmas?"

Min Chen nodded slightly, with no expression on his cold face, "Not going."

Professor Karl walked away with doubts in his heart. He didn't understand why would Min Chen spend his Christmas alone in this place without his family. After Karl left, Daniel continued to talk with Tan Lao and Du Sheng.

This time, Qi Mu could finally look at the handsome, upright man before him.

Growing up in Europe, naturally, he knew that Christmas was the equivalent of the Chinese Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) in Huaxia. Even though Min Chen's mother was Chinese, their family lived in Berlin, not Huaxia. Qi Mu also didn't understand what it was that made Min Chen decide not to return to Germany.

The good looking youth frowned, looking down as if he was thinking hard about something. Min Chen watched Qi Mu silently for a while. It happened that Daniel was having a good time talking to Tan Lao, and he didn't notice whatever was happening over here. Min Chen went forward and softly whispered in Qi Mu's ear: "Do you have time to go to a concert together?"

Qi Mu, who was thinking, suddenly heard this and immediately looked up in surprise. He raised his head and his gaze met Min Chen's directly. Qi Mu's brain was spinning so fast because he couldn't understand. Why did he suddenly ask such a thing?

Min Chen didn't allow him to be stumped for too long. Min Chen's thin lips curled slightly, and he said with a low laugh, "You really do understand German."

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Just now, Qi Mu was so surprised by the words that he didn't even notice that it was in German. The words were so unbelievable that he didn't think too much about it.

From Qi Mu's impression, the original didn't seem to speak German, so he turned his eyes away slightly and said: "Recently, I've started to learn other languages by myself. I can somewhat understand German, but I still can't speak it."

A glint of light flashed through Min Chen's eyes, but he didn't expose the young man's lies. He thought for a moment and said, "Do you have absolute pitch?"

By this point, Qi Mu already knew that he was exposed, so he didn't hide much and directly admitted, "Yes."

Daniel was ending his conversation with Tan Lao and Du Sheng, and he heard Qi Mu admit to having absolute pitch. His eyes immediately flashed. He looked at Qi Mu for a long time with eyes that screamed of: "I'm looking at a beautiful woman" and "I'm an addict" and, finally, he couldn't help but say: "Xiao Tian Shi, do you really not want to study?"

After Qi Mu refused politely once again, Daniel let out a sigh.

When he left the concert hall with Min Chen, Daniel said sadly: "Hey, Min Chen, that Qi Mu is truly a good seedling. Why is he so smart but unwilling to accept my kindness?" Daniel held the steering wheel and said helpless, "Just in his twenties and his skill with the violin is already high. Even that old beard said his style was similar to yours. He even has absolute pitch. . . Why didn't I find out about this talent earlier?"

Daniel complained a lot and, when he finally felt more comfortable and less depressed, suddenly heard a low chuckle from the other man:

"You'll see him sooner or later. His ambition. . ."

"Is greater than you think."

Chapter 27

The concert ended at 9pm, but by the time Tan Lao and Du Sheng finished sending off the guests, it was already 10 o'clock. Since it was late autumn, B City was bleak and chilly. Tan Lao didn't linger to celebrate further, and Du Sheng went to send them home.

During the car ride, Du Sheng continued to praise Qi Mu on his performance. He also inquired about why he refused Daniel's offer to pursue an education in Europe. As aforementioned, Conservatoire de Paris and The Royal Conservatory of Music were among the top world's conservatories. Those who lacked even a bit of strength couldn't touch their threshold.

Qi Mu had to make clear that he wanted to practice more in Huaxia, and that he had no intention of furthering his studies yet.

Du Sheng felt it was a pity but didn't say anything else. It was Tan Lao who, after staring at Qi Mu for a long time, suddenly asked, "Xiao Qi, are you. . . familiar with Min Chen?"

Qi Mu was stunned when he heard the question. He automatically shook his head, "Tan Lao, I had never met Mr. Min until you introduced him to me the other day. How could I be?"

Tan Lao hummed lightly and didn't speak another word on the matter. He said instead, "You're not too young, and if you don't want to continue your education, you must have your own reasons. This year's tour is over. Before the Spring Festival concert, you only need to come to rehearsals a few times a week. Xiao Qi, do you have plans?"

In fact, even before Tan Lao mentioned it, Qi Mu already knew that he would spend the next month or so idle. As assistant concertmaster, he only needed to replace Du Sheng in some songs, so his rehearsals were relatively few. Other than that, he had nothing to do.

After thinking on it, Qi Mu eyes curved with his smile and he nodded, "Thank you, Tan Lao, for your concern. I do have plans already."

A month ago, Qi Mu knew that Tan Lao would probably have said something like: "What are your plans?" or "You must seize this time. You cannot relax." But Qi Mu's recent growth was obvious, and Tan Lao had seen it with his own eyes. His previous hesitation and concern towards Qi Mu had vanished.

Tan Lao just nodded to indicate that he understood and questioned no further.

Qi Mu's home was the closest, so Du Sheng dropped him off first, then Tan Lao.

In the cold and windy night, the youth wearing a crimson coat watched the black car leave. The red of his coat was like a fire searing into the night, one that could not be ignored.

When Du Sheng's car disappeared down the road, Qi Mu raised his head slightly and turned to head upstairs. There was a hint of a helpless smile in his amber eyes. Qi Mu took the elevator and pressed the "26" button. He then watched as the golden number at the top changed rapidly.

The evening's events were above and beyond what he anticipated, but. . .

It was still mostly in line with his expectations.

Tan Lao had already planned for this indoor concert before Qi Mu joined B City Symphony Orchestra. Later, he deliberately left a place for him as one of the performers. This was Tan Lao's goodwill for him.

Before Zheng Wei Qiao left, he pulled Qi Mu aside and excitedly told him that he would write a manuscript immediately after he got back, on Qi Mu's performance.

Zheng Wei Qiao still had quite the reputation in the Huaxia music circle. Qi Mu's mother was his teacher so his violin skill was not low and he also had some writing skills. Qi Mu knew that as long as this article was published, it would cause quite a hype.

Therefore, the effect that Tan Lao desired would be achieved.

Qi Mu had no idea that half the city away, a man with a kind face was staring at his computer screen while scratching his ears and cheeks. The screen was filled with dense square characters, and Zheng Wei Qiao was engrossed in typing.

About half an hour later, Zheng Wei Qiao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and excitedly sent the manuscript to several newspapers and magazines that he was familiar with and waited to receive a reply.

But, Zheng Wei Qiao didn't expect that just as he stood to walk away, not even two steps from the computer, he heard one notification after the other. He turned quickly and looked--

【Music Hall - Xiao Wang: Zheng-ge, we don't need this manuscript. The boss decided to personally write one with the same topic.】

【Sound of Music - Lie Jie: Xiao Zheng, unfortunately, we have also written a paper on the same topic. The boss hasn't written anything personally for months so we can't accept yours this time.】

【Classical Music - Ah Chen: Zheng-ge, you are so unlucky. Lu Jie said she's planning to write a manuscript on your topic herself! We can't accept your manuscript, alas. . .】

. . .

There were another three or four messages just like these, all from the various classical musical media that Zheng Wei Qiao was familiar with. These were all well-known media outlets in B City. Not only were there weekly magazines but also semi-monthly and monthly ones as well. Zheng Wei Qiao's articles were also popular with them. When the market was poor, they would even rush to publish them. Zheng Wei Qiao never thought that this time. . .

He would unexpectedly encounter Waterloo?!!!

Zheng Wei Qiao was stunned for a long while. Then he quickly sat back down in his chair and carefully read the draft he wrote from beginning to end three times. He then finally went to Xiao Wang, the editor of Music Hall and typed: 【Xiao Wang, were you mistaken? My topic is Qi Mu, the new Assistant Concertmaster of B City's Symphony Orchestra, and not the actual concert organized by Tan Lao tonight. Zhang's article could be used as the main article and mine as a supplement.】

Zheng Wei Qiao then opened the chat of Lie Jie, the editor for Sound of Music. He hadn't even typed out his message yet when Xiao Wang replied: 【No, Zheng-ge. The chief editor meant that he would write an article on Qi Mu himself.】

Zheng Wei Qiao was shocked when he read the words. He then asked several others like Sound of Music and Classical Music and got a unified response--

The bosses who hadn't personally written anything for several months had actually decided to write an article on Qi Mu themselves?!

This was tantamount to a small earthquake!

Zheng Wei Qiao's expression was that of joy. The first thing he thought of was to call Qi Mu and tell him this fantastic news. But as soon as he picked up his phone, he remembered that it was already past midnight so Qi Mu might have fallen asleep already. So he only sent a text.

The moment you have good news but can't share it with others really makes you feel bad!

The more Zheng Wei Qiao thought about it, the more he felt as if there was a fire blocking in his heart. He couldn't get over it. The more he held back, the more excited he got. Not even a few minutes later, he couldn't help but send another message to Qi Mu, informing him that 《Friend of Music》 also rejected his manuscript. Three minutes later, it was 《Audio》 with a similar rejection. Then five minutes later, it was. . .

So when Qi Mu woke up the next morning, he turned on his mobile phone to find Zheng Wei Qiao's 13 consecutive messages. After the first one at 1am, he kept sending one after another until 3 in the morning.

Qi Mu drank hot milk that he had warmed using the microwave while reading Zheng Wei Qiao's emotional messages. He was so excited he didn't even use the correct punctuation in them. His eyes lingered on Zheng Wei Qiao's last message for a long time.

His slender fingers seemed to move on their own and were tapping the glass table, producing a rhythmic beat. After a long time, he finally gave Zheng Wei Qiao a call, preparing a lot of words to comfort the other man.

His delicate eyebrows were slightly knitted, just as the call connected, he let out a low sigh and said: "Zheng-ge, you don't have to be upset. I know. . ." It's sad to be rejected.

"Qi Mu, you woke up?! I am so happy!" Qi Mu hadn't even finished talking, when Zheng Wei Qiao's unusually excited voice burst through the small phone speaker, "I'm so happy today. I'll pick you up later. Your sister-in-law is also excited, and she cooked several dishes especially for you. Come and eat."

". . ."

Why was he happy being rejected? Shouldn't he be sad and depressed?

Qi Mu's eyes turned hard, and he hastened to say, "Zheng-ge, don't force yourself to appear cheerful. Your manuscript was rejected 12 times in a row. I believe there will be magazines that will accept your manuscript. If there isn't, I can talk to Tan Lao, and see if there's any that he's familiar with. . ."

"Huh? Forcing myself? Xiao Qi, what are you talking about?"

"He's familiar with some outlets. . ." Qi Mu suddenly stopped and thought of something. He then frowned, a bit puzzled, and asked, "Isn't it. . . you sent me 13 messages last night telling me you got rejected, weren't you were sad about it?"

". . ."

After an extended silence, a burst of laughter carried down the phone. Zheng Wei Qiao's rare laughter carried in his voice, "Xiao Qi, ah, I forgot to tell you! My topic for the manuscript was on your performance last night. And my manuscript was rejected. . . because all the magazines had a chief editor or another major writer that wanted to personally write about you!"

". . .?!"

"Xiao Qi, ah, this is really great! Don't say anything more. Let's meet and talk, okay. I'll pick you up now! Haha!"

Listening to the beep and dial tone of his phone, Qi Mu was so shocked that he couldn't respond. He then walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows and couldn't help but squint his eyes in confusion at the rising sun over the horizon.

The sunshine was so brilliant that it shone through the dense layer of clouds that covered the sky, falling to the earth that was deeply asleep. The golden light fell on the youth's hair, making it look as though inlaid with gold.

After a while, Qi Mu burst into laughter and murmured helplessly, "It turned out to be such a small matter. I thought Zheng-ge was worried that there would be no rice bowls in the future."

The view of the twenty-sixth floor was grand, and the young man's tall, handsome figure reflected on the glass in a blurred shadow. What Qi Mu didn't know was on that very same glass, there was another reflection of an even taller man's silent back.

This single, high-end apartment was separated from Qi Mu's by just a wall. The lower floors had about 200 square meters whereas the upper ones had around 300. The whole room was post-modern styled, dominated by black and white. Like its owner, it seemed silent.

Min Chen stood with his back to the window and lowered his head, seriously lifting a sugar cube to gently drop it into his coffee. When the white cube was gradually stained brown by the coffee, he picked up the cup and took a sip.

". . ."

Two more cubes were added, only then was Min Chen satisfied with the taste.

Outside, the sun was bright, and the sky was blue. The crisp autumn breeze blew through the clouds above, looking like willow catkins scattering in all directions.

It really was. . . good weather.

--The two neighbors separated by a wall sighed ruefully

Chapter 28

Huaxia was a rising star in the classical music world. In recent years, this art form that originated in the west was growing popular, but it was nowhere as big as it was in Europe. Magazines and newspapers like 《Music Hall》 and 《Sound of Music》 were generally only circulated with the people already involved with the circle.

Li Yue Yue's favorite pastime was to watch movies. She felt happy watching a good one every day, and every Friday before work, she would stop by the newsstand to purchase a copy of that week's 《Entertainment Frontier》 to lick* the face of her favorite idol.

*For more details, read Rebirth of a Supermodel

But today, just as she was about to pick up《Entertainment Frontier》from the stand, her sight was not immediately drawn to the picture of her idol on the cover. Instead, her eyes involuntarily fell on a small image on the cover of a different magazine.

It wasn't big enough. The main focus of the cover was a violin, and the picture was placed at the lower right corner. This square photo that was only 10 cm in size made Li Yue Yue unable to move her eyes away. She stared at it for a long time and suddenly pointed at the magazine and said, "Boss! Boss! Which star is this? How can he look so good?! I want this magazine!"

The owner picked up the magazine and looked at it for a while then handed it over to Li Yue Yue. He laughed and said, "This is 《Sound of Music》, it's a classical music magazine. No stars here, young miss."

When she heard this, Li Yue Yue eyes widened, "He's not a star?! How is that possible, he's so beautiful he must be a star!"

With that, Li Yue Yue ran away excited with the magazine clutched in her arms, leaving the puzzled booth owner to pick up a copy of 《Sound of Music》 and stare at it for a long time. The more he looked at it, the more he felt, "He really does look like a star. Don't say. . . did 《Sound of Music》 really invite a star this time?"

Entertainment magazines were generally the best-selling ones in the newsstand. The owner thought of Li Yue Yue's reaction just now and made a decision he himself could not believe: Put 《Sound of Music》 in the most eye-catching spot!

So, in one day, before it was even evening, 《Sound of Music》 that usually only had okay sales was unexpectedly sold out. The owner who had earned money narrowed his eyes, and from then on, he made the decision to purchase more classical music magazines.

That was something to talk about later.

Around this time, Qi Mu's period of leisure had begun. He only needed to report to the orchestra two or three days a week. He didn't know all that many people in B City, and that reacquainted him with the long-lost feeling of loneliness and idleness.

Every morning, he got up early and ran a few laps around the community, bought some dishes to cook some simple meals for lunch and dinner, and practiced the violin. He practiced in the morning and afternoon, wanting to get himself familiar with this body and playing the violin with it. For the past two months, Qi Mu practiced without rest.

Qi Mu hadn't done this type of ten-hour-long practice in years. Back when he first learned how to play, this was how he began. It was the most bitter period for him, but it was also crucial for his foundation. Once he got into the Conservatory, he systematically learned professional skills, so he no longer had to keep up with his foundation as much.

The violin he had taken back from Zheng Wei Qiao had terrific lines, and it produced a charming sound. Qi Mu was reluctant to let it go, it was such a good violin. Sometimes, he would think: if this imitation was already so good, how much better would the real thing in that bank be?

If he could get that Xiao Gongzhu Edith, he wouldn't dare to even think about selling it like the original had. Instead, he wanted to hold it while standing in the place light gathered and perform with it.

"Back to Golden Hall. . ." Qi Mu muttered and then laughed softly, "This is truly a great challenge."

Want to get Xiao Gongzhu back?

You can, but first, you have to go back to Europe and show your strength.

This was the test given by the elders to the original, and now, it had fallen to him.

With that pressure motivating him, Qi Mu focused more on his practice for the next few days. He wanted to be able to play the songs he was most familiar with in the past.

Perhaps the apartment's insulation was that good, or Qi Mu's decorations for the specially renovated violin room were too good. But, he had played the violin for ten hours a day every day, yet the beautiful sound never left the room. Not even a single note!

Similar to how Qi Mu never heard the sound of the piano from next door.

Qi Mu spent most of his time in the violin room. At the time, he was unaware that while he practiced his violin, just a wall over, a man played a nine-foot Steinway grand piano in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his fingers dancing across the keys.

The elegant Steinway could produce the most beautiful sound. It was proficient at expressing both sad and happy songs, and even solemn ones. Compared to Qi Mu's diligence, this man was simply lazy beyond saving. More often than not, he would lay on the sofa flipping through scores.

His scores were different from Qi Mu's. Generally, conductors printed their scores on sheets of A3 paper. The details for the string instruments, the brass, the woodpipe, and the percussion, everything would then be written out in great detail.

Every conductor had their own style and, similarly, they had their unique way of seeing music. For example, the chief conductor of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Mr. Erberk Dorenza. His music scores were always packed with notes, so they were often used as a reference by instructors in various academies.

And when those same conducting instructors heard the name "Min Chen" or "Auston Bertram," they would share a difficult expression.

Because. . .

This man's music scores were always pristine--they were blank--Totally! Blank!

Whether it was a short sonata, or a long symphony, a two-to-three page score, or even a dozen, or twenty to thirty pages, Min Chen's music scores were always clean. Maintaining their white and smooth surface, they looked as if they had just been printed.

Daniel once asked Min Chen curiously, he had never written anything on his music scores, could he remember the orchestra's mistakes? The answer was of course, yes.

Bai Ai was excellent. But even they, when rehearsing new songs, would have places where there was friction and occasionally experience a few bumps along the way. Mr. Dorenza would take note of it on his score so they could go over it again. But to Min Chen, it became, "You don't remember them?"

In this regard, Min Chen had never wanted to fall behind others.

Maybe because one neighbor was too lazy while the other one was too diligent. Even though they practiced every day, they never heard each other's music.

Min Chen, even if he had absolute pitch and a good sense of sound, he naturally couldn't hear things that weren't transmitted. Likewise, Qi Mu who too has the absolute pitch could not hear the piano his neighbor played only ten minutes everyday--who told him to be in the practice room at that time?

The communication between people in modern society was getting less and less!

Don't be separated by a wall. Go over to the door and have a chat. It would be great.

These two people who had been "living together" for a month were still unaware that they had a neighbor!

. . .

As the night grew darker, the dim moonlight was blocked by the city's glittering lights, and gradually the mood hid behind thick clouds. The tall 26-floor building with excellent insulation completely isolated them from the bustling city's noise. None of it entered the apartments.

Qi Mu wiped down his wet hair with a towel, drying it as he walked over to his computer to type in a URL. In the second, a black and white page appeared on the screen.

Qi Mu stared at the handsome man in the page's background for a long time. In the end, he smiled helplessly and said to himself, "This month's theme. . . is him?"

The site, "Blue Danube" was based in Austria and it was one of the most formal classical music forums in Europe where many professionals gathered. It was said that even Mr. Erberk Dorenza had an account there.

Every month, the forum would change its theme and use an element from the theme as the background and in the layout. Qi Mu remembered that when he last logged in, the theme seemed to be 《A Night on Bald Mountain》 by Mussorgsky. Unexpectedly, when he logged in this time, it had changed to Min Chen.

It was not like there had never been people chosen as the forum's theme, but in the past ten years, Qi Mi could remember that it had happened less than five times. But Min Chen. . . after "Bertram Night," this was now his second time on the list.

Qi Mu smiled and didn't think too much more on the matter. He directly logged into his account and start browsing. Most of the content on the website was just information on where some world-class orchestra would be performing, or where some solo musician was going to hold their own concert. Other than that, there appeared to be little news.

He thought a bit, then typed in "Luo Yu Sen" in the search box.

There weren't many links that appeared, but the first one surprised him a little. He clicked to have a look.

The handsome youth's eyebrow furrowed a little. He looked at a reply on the post, a little doubt flashed in his pale eyes, and he whispered, "Luo Yu Sen is. . . not faring well?"

Qi Mu remembered that when he last closed his eyes in that lounge, Luo Yu Sen bluntly said "You're in someone's way" and since this "someone" was able to hire Luo Yu Sen to teach him a lesson, they were naturally not simple. But surprisingly, Luo Yu Sen seemed to have not benefited.

This is quite unbelievable.

Looking at the dense English words on the screen, his frown gradually eased. With a sigh, he turned to look at the sky that was dyed red by the city lights.

"Although you are now miserable, do you think. . . this will be enough?"

Hatred caused by death wouldn't be influenced by anything.

Qi Mu would always remember the last moments before his death. His whole body felt as if he was on fire, and he had despaired. He wanted to climb up, to reach for that door, but there was no strength left in his body, his fingernails were broken, and his heart was in agony.

That pain was worse than death.

That bright sheen in Luo Yu Sen's eyes when he left him there will never be forgotten. What he wanted was not for this scum to be just miserable and looked down upon in Vienna, but really--

He wanted to drive this scum directly out of Vienna!

Chapter 29

More than two weeks had passed since Tan Lao's concert was reported on by several magazines in the classical music circle like the《Music Hall》 and the《Sound of Music》, but the buzz still hasn't dissipated.

Most of the professionals had a high opinion of the concert. The performers who were invited for the concert were all the famous musicians in Huaxia. There were no accidents, and all the performances were successful. Therefore, from an appreciative perspective, this concert was one of the most outstanding performances of the year.

On the other hand, a young "unknown" had appeared and attracted the attention of a lot of people. While Qi Mu's name could be found in their distant memory, he hadn't appeared in public for nearly ten years, and as his comeback was with such brilliance, they could only emotionally declare, "Young talent, ah!"

For non-professionals and those not in the circle, classical music generally sounded lofty. As while others were listening to the Spoon Brothers' Little Pear, and they asked, "What are you listening to?" they answered with, "I'm listening to Balakirev's 《Islamey: Oriental Fantasy》."

See, wasn't it just pretentious?

But, that person who played such beautiful music on the violin. . . what-a-handsome-brother!

The superimposed effect would startle the world, and that would just be tragic. Especially for those with a superficial understanding of classical music, they would fall for the enemy and only shout: what a male god.

So, of those that did not know Qi Mu, there were many in and outside the industry that liked his sound. . . and his face. At the time, Qi Mu had no idea, but many girls bought the B City Symphony Orchestra's tour album because of him. And, after listening to the majestic music, they shouted: "Coach, I want to learn how to play the violin!"

Beauty is not strength--that was the evaluation of his many fans. It was also the opinion of 《Voice of Music》's editor, Li Mei. When she saw the young man that followed Zheng Wei Qiao in, Li Mei suddenly felt as if she had become the editor of a fashion magazine and a T-model had walked into the room.

"Li-jie, this is Xiao Qi. It's been difficult on you today!" While he spoke, Zheng Wei Qiao handed over the boxed cake in his hands, "I heard today's exclusive interview was with Li-jie, ah. I'll be waiting for you."

《Voice of Music》 was one of the leading magazines that covered classical music in Huaxia. Although it wasn't on the same level as 《Music Hall》, it was still a professional magazine that was not to be taken lightly. In general, their interview candidates were only the seniors of the industry, like Tan Lao or Du Sheng, and other musicians who had won awards.

After all, it was a classical music magazine. Although 《Voice of Music》 was a leader in the industry, compared to other newspapers, it had flat sales. But to their surprise, half a month ago, their magazine actually doubled their sales!

After a meeting of the higher-ups, the sharp increase in sales was generally believed to be related to Tan's concert. Specifically. . . related to the young man's face on the cover. So, they set forth with this scene: 《Voice of Music》An exclusive interview with Qi Mu by Zheng Wei Qiao.

Li Mei was thirty years old this year, and she had long passed the age of infatuation, but even she couldn't help but glance a few times at the beautiful youth.

She certainly understood why this young man could double the sales of their magazine. "Xiao Zheng, don't be polite! I wanted you to come so I could thank you! Xiao Chen, take him up for makeup and photos!"

Qi Mu followed the young man called Xiao Chen, then he was busy with the interview and filming.

When he was in Paris to participate in the Thibaud Violin Competition, although he only got second place, he had a lot of interview opportunities. The process was the same, so Qi Mu paid meticulous attention to detail, and Zheng Wei Qiao didn't have to worry about it.

After over an hour of interviewing, Qi Mu politely said goodbye to everyone in the room, and the editors who had always been cold and high-up could not recover their senses. Holding out his phone to take a picture, one said to himself, ". . . He's gone?! I haven't taken photos yet! I'm gloating to an old classmate in an entertainment magazine that we also have handsome guys in the classical music world! The photos haven't been sent yet, how can he leave?!!!"

The entire editorial room mourned.

Having such keen hearing, Qi Mu heard every word. With a helpless smile, he turned to listen as Zheng Wei Qiao spoke, "Xiao Qi, I didn't expect you to do so well today, it only took an hour, and we're done. I thought you weren't familiar with this kind of thing. I even especially bought a black swan cake to build a good relationship with everyone. . ."

Zheng Wei Qiao said nothing else and Qi Mu turned to look at him. He saw Zheng shaking his head with regret. Pushing the silver frame of his glasses up his nose, the other man sighed, "If I knew you could get along with everyone so well. . . I wouldn't have wasted the money!"

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Qi Mu truly didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he was still very grateful to Zheng Wei Qiao for the opportunity. Although it was 《Voice of Music》 that took the initiative to invite him, it was still Zheng Wei Qiao who had taken the time and energy to build the relationship and arrange everything properly.

"Zheng-ge, I really appreciate you helping me so much this time."

As soon as Qi Mu's words registered, Zheng nearly slipped, and he turned to stare at him in surprise.

In the dim light of the parking lot, the young man was smiling at him, and his handsome face was slightly obscured. Qi Mu smiled, "You've been very busy. If you and sister-in-law come over to visit next month, I'll order some food."

Qi Mu wasn't a hypocritical person, and he naturally knew that Zheng Wei Qiao would not reject his offer. Along with his direct thanks, he also changed the way he expressed his gratitude.

As expected, the tight expression on Zheng Wei Qiao's face eased a lot and he opened the car with his key fob. After the two got in, he fixed his seatbelt and said, "You have grown up Xiao Qi. When I first heard your thanks, I thought you were going to send me something."

Qi Mu was dumbfounded.

He did not know that Zheng Wei Qiao was referring to before. When he had first introduced jobs to the original, the original Qi Mu had on a whim tossed the imitation violin at him in honorarium and said, "As thanks for introducing me to work, the rest isn't needed."

Qi Mu had to think that Zheng Wei Qiao must have been angry at the time. His kindness and good intentions had to be measured with money in the eyes of the original. Anyone would feel chilled by it.

Zheng Wei Qiao started and looked up to say, "Please, your sister-in-law and I can eat, but Xiao Qi, you'll have to change the time. You might not have time next month. You can come over to our place to eat once the New Year is done. Your sister-in-law will personally cook for you."

Qi Mu bowed his head and buckled himself in, then turned to look at Zheng Wei Qiao. "I won't have time next month? Zheng-ge, how do you know how much time I'll have before I do?" He said so, but there was a smile in his voice and his eyes.

Zheng Wei Qiao said affirmatively, "Of course I know you won't have time, because soon. . . Hong Kong will have a festival next month. Over the course of two weeks, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Montreal and Salt Lake City's Symphony Orchestras, and many other world-famous ones will be there."

Qi Mu was stunned into silence, and he could only listen as Zheng continued, "In addition, the famous Ukrainian pianist, Sweet Sheri, and the American violin master Claude Porter, and other outstanding professionals will be there. I have to accompany your sister-in-law here, so I have to pass, but you can go for a trip."

These names only made Qi Mu's surprise grow even stronger. In the end, he reached such a state of shock he couldn't help but ask, "There is such a music festival? I've never heard of it before!"

Zheng Wei Qiao said with a smile, "There seems to be a problem with the propaganda so it will take a few days for it to reach a large-scale publicity. I have a friend in Hong Kong, so I know about it. Although I can't accompany you, will you go, Xiao Qi?"

Qi Mu naturally couldn't not go!

Since his rebirth, he had yet to participate in such a grand-scale event. New York, Montreal. . . These were all world-class orchestras that were no less acclaimed than Vienna's. And Sweet Sheri, Claude Porter, these were masters in the industry!

Along the way back, Zheng Wei Qiao told him about the festival. Once Qi Mu had entered the apartment building, he intended to drive away. He bowed his head and twisted the ignition, but in the peripheral vision, he seemed to see a familiar shadow. But, when he looked up, the path was empty.

He froze for a bit, then smiled and said to himself, "That's weird. Did I just see Min Chen? Dazzling, ah." Zheng Wei Qiao then drove away from the community.

What he didn't know was that just three meters from his car, a handsome, expressionless man was staring down at a fat cat. Whether it was a large or small eye, neither was willing to concede.

Min Chen stared down at the cat that was blocking the way. It was too lazy to stretch its legs and go even a step further. Sprawled in the five or six meter wide road, it refused to yield.

At the time, Qi Mu was entering the building's elevator. His excitement due to the festival had yet to abate, and there were traces of joy on his face. Just as the doors were closing in from either side, he seemed to see a familiar figure in the narrow gap.

He remained in a daze as the elevator went up several floors, then he smiled helplessly, "Must have been the wrong person. . . how could it be. . . Min Chen?"

To mistake this kind of face, it always happened quickly.

However, a week later, during which Qi Mu had buried himself in packing up his bags to head for Hong Kong, the shrill of the doorbell took him by surprise. He quickly stood up and struggled through the mess of his luggage to the front door. With a creak, it opened.

The moment the two gazes met, both people froze.

Qi Mu's eyes slowly widened, and he stared at the indifferent man outside. He did not try to hide his gaze. Up and down, from one side to the other, he studied this uninvited guest. Finally, he seemed to believe his eyes--

It was Min Chen!!!

Outside the door, this indifferent man's ears, which no one could see, had turned red. But, on the surface, he maintained a cold expression on his handsome face as he asked in a plain whisper, "Are you afraid. . . of bugs?"

This voice was still magnetic and low, and he still looked calm and composed, but what he said--

It was like an entire dimension of dissonance!

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Chapter 30

Qi Mu had to fully prepare himself before he entered the apartment next door. Taking a deep breath, he slowly exhaled and stepped inside. He couldn't help but be astonished at the difference between his apartment and this one.

It was decorated in postmodern minimalism. Everywhere when looked, it was mostly a black and white contrast. The warm sunlight shone in through the large windows and gave the room a sense of cleanliness and comfort. But most importantly. . .

Wasn't it at least four or five times bigger than his own?

The idea flashed through his mind, but he shook his head and drove away the thought. Looking around, he couldn't find the evil creature, so he turned to helplessly look at Min Chen but froze the minute he saw him.

Qi Mu: ". . ."

What are you doing standing so far away? It's a bug, not a lion!!!

Min Chen's eyes were hidden, and the man stood just outside the door, refusing to come inside. Looking at Qi Mu, he immediately pointed in the direction of the sofa and said in a low voice, "There. Black. Bug."

Qi Mu nodded and walked towards the sofa. He searched for quite some time and finally found something near the foot. . . it was only as big as his fingernail. It was such. A. Small. One. It. Wasn't. Even. Big!!!

Qi Mu expressionlessly took a tissue paper from a side table and caught the bug. He instinctively wanted to toss it into the rubbish but suddenly had the realization that he'd better throw this "biochemical weapon" away in his own apartment.

Qi Mu, with the crumbled tissue in hand, walked calmly to the door. He saw the taller man was still standing behind the door refusing to take even a step forward. When he saw Qi Mu coming out, Min Chen's eyebrows twitched, and he asked, "There are . . no others?" His tone was calm but definitely relieved.

Qi Mu had been surprised to see him at the beginning. But, after battling with this "biochemical weapon," the respect and regard he held for the man had completely vanished, at least for the moment. Xiao Qi nodded slowly and said, "Yes, it's just this one. It isn't dead yet, so I'll take it to mine and throw it out." As he spoke, Qi Mu suddenly thrust his hand forward, pushing the crumpled tissue right in front of Min Chen.

Min Chen took half a step back instantly, and his Phoenix's eyes widened. His face was unnaturally blank, "Yes. . . throw it away."

Qi Mu: ". . ."

It wasn't easy for Qi Mu to hold back his laughter. He sealed his mouth shut to prevent it from bursting out, but he couldn't completely hide his shaking shoulders. He sped up and hurried into his apartment.

Min Chen: ". . ."

Min Chen let out a sigh, and his tense muscles eased when he saw the crumpled paper balled up and tossed into the trash can. By that time, he noticed the youth was all packed up.

He frowned. After thinking for a while, Min Chen asked seemingly casually, "You're packing? Going somewhere?"

He had just found out who his neighbor was, but after that. . . funny incident, even Qi Mu couldn't maintain his usual alienation from the man. This turned out to be the key that opened up the door for communication. Qi Mu lowered his head and packed up a few other things with a nod.

"Yes, I have a flight to Hong Kong this evening." Qi Mu suddenly seemed to think of something the moment he finished speaking. He set down the things he was organizing in his suitcase, having remembered the man was currently a guest. "There's a music festival next week, but I'm going early because I want to participate in it."

Qi Mu quickly stopped packing and stood to pour a glass of water. He set it on the coffee table with a smile, "Mr. Min, I never thought I would see you here. It surprised me."

Xiao Qi couldn't be blamed for his negligence. If you suddenly had your idol knocking on your door to get rid of a bug the size of your nail for him, you would also be blinded in an instant and not understand what was going on too.

Min Chen nodded and took a sip. After finding out it was lemonade, he nodded once more in praise for the young man's taste for quality.

Well, there was only plain water in his house.

Min Chen looked up and said, "I didn't know you were my neighbor. When did you move in?"

There was a guest present, so Qi Mu didn't continue to pack. Instead, he sat up on the sofa opposite Min Chen, holding a glass of lemonade, and answered politely, "Just over a month ago. The environment here is good, and it's close to the orchestra. I moved last month."

A dim light flashed in his narrow eyes. Min Chen just replied with a, "Hmm," but thought in his head: When I saw him on the street last time, he already lived here?

Although Qi Mu's apartment wasn't very large, everything was well-organized and nicely arranged. The few accessories added a little character to the space. Compared to his neighbor (the great god Min Chen), his apartment looked more lived in, and everything was neat.

Min Chen pretended to casually look around then asked, "Next month. . . there's a music festival in Hong Kong?"

Qi Mu nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's a grand music festival. I heard the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Salt Lake City's Symphony Orchestra, and masters like Sweet Sherri and Claude Porter will also be there."

Min Chen's eyebrow suddenly raised and he looked somewhat interested, "New York is going too?"

"The promotion went out a few days ago. If I remember right, New York has a performance at the beginning of the second week." The youth's slender fingers tapped on the glass table. He thought for a moment then looked up, "The music festival will last for two weeks, but I want to familiarize myself with the area, so I booked a flight for this evening."

In the quiet apartment, the chatter of the two continued on. It was the first time Qi Mu discovered that this man was quite talkative and didn't put up any airs at all. Talking with him was like talking to a familiar friend, someone you'd never lack a topic to talk about with.

After they talked for a while, Min Chen stood and planned to leave. Qi Mu immediately stood to send him off, but Min Chen's steps abruptly stopped when he passed the table. He looked at the different dishes on it.

There was still no expression on his elegant face, but he turned to Qi Mu and asked, "Did you cook this yourself?"

QI Mu took a look at the dishes on the table and smiled at Min Chen, "I did. . . um. . ."

The man's dark eyes were profound as if the endless sea was staring out of them. His expression seemed indifferent, but the message in his eyes made Qi Mu want to both laugh and cry.

After a bit, Qi Mu tentatively asked, "Since we've been talking for a while, would you like to. . . stay for a meal?"


He agreed so quickly, he didn't even give a chance for Qi Mu to take back the invitation.

Qi Mu: ". . ."

After the big god was "satisfied with the food and wine," Qi Mu closed his door and helplessly laughed out loud.

"Min Chen is afraid of bugs, bugs the size of a thumbnail."

"Min Chen can unexpectedly cadge a meal."

Such a thing, even if he said it, who would believe him?

Yeah. . . even he still found it somewhat unbelievable.

Thinking about it, Qi Mu walked over to his computer and opened a familiar website. He saw that the handsome man was still the site's background. A man who wouldn't even enter his own house because he was afraid of bugs. . . what a huge gap!

Qi Mu couldn't help his laugh. His lips curled as he typed out a post--

【How do you think it would be if someday you could have dinner with your idol? You really have to brace yourself to eat together.】

After posting it, he turned off his computer and didn't pay attention to it. He continued packing up his suitcase and was soon finished. While the sky was still bright, Qi Mu called over a taxi and was driven to the airport.

While waiting to board the plane, he remembered that he had written a post on the Danube forum and logged into his phone. There were dozens of replies!

【The great god Mozart has long passed away, so let's not talk about that. The existing maestro that I want to have dinner with. . . Mr. Dorenza? Haha, I would faint!】

【Oh my god, a meal with my goddess? When I eat, I always play her piano as the background music!】

. . .

The replies were quite diverse, but there were several that mentioned a name Qi Mu was familiar with.

【Dinner with great god Min Chen. . . isn't that too cool? God must be playing a joke on me. I'd have to plan a week in advance. . . no! a month in advance, to train my table manners!】

【Mr. Bertram has a very aristocratic atmosphere. I guess if I was having dinner with him, I would eat nothing, haha!】

Qi Mu stared at the messages for a while and pondered. The way he remembered it. . . the man ate his dishes until he was satisfied, he even looked as if he hadn't had enough. Really, one's imagination could kill.

Who would have imagined that the conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the same man with such great momentum on stage, was actually very afraid of bugs!

Qi Mu felt that he could count on this gossip to survive a lifetime.

What Qi Mu didn't know was that halfway across the city, on the top floor of a high-class apartment building, a handsome man with a cold face and a fear of bugs was standing in front of his floor-to-ceiling window. He was staring down at Huaxia's bustling nightlife. With its bright neon lights, the sleepless city's night had just begun.

Min Chen held his phone, looking down at the bustling street below.

"You suddenly ask me to book a ticket for a flight about to take off in an hour, how could I do it! Huaxia isn't Germany. We don't have that kind of relationship here. There's only a flight tomorrow, Min." Daniel's dejected and infuriated voice echoed over the phone.

The man frowned slightly then finally said, "Hmm, okay."

Daniel thought for a moment and asked, "What do you want to do in Hong Kong? Oh, by the way, there's a music festival there soon. Do you want to check it out? Nah, you're too antisocial. You've never liked going to such crowded places before. . ."

Who knew that the moment Daniel spoke, Min Chen's expression turned dangerous and his voice darkened, "You knew there was going to be a festival?"

Daniel instinctively answered, "Of course I know. Christole received several invitations. Of course, nobody invited you, haha."

Christole Mensa was their concertmaster, and he had a good reputation throughout the world. Several festivals and events invited masters to perform, so it was normal for Christole to receive an invitation.

Daniel's laughter continued, "You're not easy going like Christole, so of course people won't want to invite you. Besides, it's not like you'll be willing to play the piano at a festival. Didn't you say it yourself in your performance last year?"

Min Chen ignored Daniel's deliberate teasing. He lowered his gaze and asked, "Is Christole going?"

Daniel said, "No, you're not at the orchestra right now, so he's in charge. How can he go?" Halfway through, Daniel seemed to have realized something, and he suddenly asked, "Min, why did you ask whether Christole was going or not? It can't be. . . you want to go?!!!"

Min Chen nodded without expression: "Yes."

". . . If you have time to go to a music festival, then you should go back to the orchestra!!! You're making people live difficult days!!! Let me tell you, you. . ."

Min Chen wisely and decisively ended the call before the person on the other end of the line could blow a fuse, and his apartment returned to its usual calmness. Min Chen looked at the gorgeous city. The lights were bright, but they were cold as they shone onto his solemn face.

"Hong Kong. . ."

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