Lupin's Daughter

By hailssbales

6.6K 101 34

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) its always ourse... More

the letters
diagon alley
platform 9 3/4
the great hall
waves and full moons
falling out
double trouble
you'll feel better
they aren't all bad
the prank
welcome home
frames and broomsticks
new year
under the willow
time's blur
never let me down again
curses and spells
carriage in the cold
on the ice
the christmas waltz
gobstones and gillyweed
into the maze

to be alone

65 0 0
By hailssbales

This chapter will contain themes of S/A.
Another warning will be placed for those to know when to skip the parts that can be triggering and one placed after it is over.


Many students entered their names for the Triwizard Tournament in hopes that they will be one of the three students to become school champion. No one under seventeen were permitted to enter and while most students sulked in their discontent a few took action. Fred and George brewed a ageing potion in attempt to step over the age line Dumbledore placed and to drop their names in the goblet. To their embarrassment the spell changed their appearance to be that of old men.

"You shouldn't have doubted Dumbledore!" A Hufflepuff boy shouted as the boys ran off.

Like Cedric said he would, he placed his name in the goblet of fire. A group of friends surrounded him with praise as he stepped up to enter himself and he received a roar of applause from surrounding students.

"How do you feel Ced?" One of his friends asked.

"I feel like I'm going to see this cup again!" He said with a smile.

October had come around again and I find myself another year older. The day was like any other except for the occasional 'happy birthday'. Classes went on just like always and nothing felt different. That is until I received an owl during lunch.

With Autumn's arrival to Hogwarts red, orange and yellow trees are dotted among the remaining green. Sitting beside the black lake I set aside a small package as I tore open the letter Regulus sent.

Dear Hailey,
       Happy birthday! I am sending you, all my love
along with this gift. One year ago you came into
my life and for that I am forever grateful. I wish
this year is full of everything good for you little
       one. I hope you are settling in well with your
       new dorm mates, they sound like a nice group.
       What new classes have you decided to take this
       year? I look forward to receiving your letter!


I folded up the letter, returned it to its envelope and slid the box sat beside me onto my lap. It's wrapped in brown paper with twine wrapped around it with a bow knotted on the top. After undoing the knot I tear open the wrapping to behold a scarlet and gold scarf, lifting the item from the box a small piece of paper falls out from the folds.

This belonged to your dad. I hope you like it!

I wrap the knitted scarf around my neck and gather my things to return to Gryffindor Tower. I tuck the card away in my nightstand and leaving the common room I follow twisted stairs down to the dungeons. I hoped for at least a letter from dad but my hopes were kept low to keep from being disappointed.


Strolling towards the kitchen a hand grasped my arm, pulling me into a dark room. One you'd never pay any attention to. Words are muttered and the hand covering my mouth released after I sink my teeth into its palm, causing blood to be drawn. The red metallic taste dripped down my lips as I spit it out. Grips tightened and my holder grows stronger as I am shoved to one of the few tables in the room. Past memories flood my body, my mind, as my hips are forced into the edge of the table and my hands are pinned above my head. Bent over I hear the sound of a belt unbuckling. This time I try to scream but no matter how hard I try, no sound comes out.


I turn on the hot water and holding the soap I wash myself. My hands tremble as I pick up my clothes and throw them aside to be washed, but never cleaned. I climb into bed for only a moment before running to the bathroom for my body can't contain the feeling inside. Numb to the pain I hold my body to try to feel, my hands grip the sides of the toilet but I feel no cold. Tears roll down my cheeks and I suddenly feel the cold again. Cold not from the temperature but from the cold the world gives. The world can while one moment be shining all it's warm light, showing you everything that is good can in the next fade on you as fast as the clouds covers the sun, leaving you in darkness. I close my eyes and slipping off to sleep the aches in my body subside for a moment.

I woke up, keeping my eyes scrunched closed as I try to fight the pain in my head. While everyone blissfully slept my mind flooded itself with nightmares, causing my body to toss and turn throughout the night. The nauseas feeling fills my stomach again and I pull aside the curtains around my bed and run to the bathroom. I feel lethargic, overwhelmed with thirst and swaying back to my bed everything goes dark as I hit the floor.

"Oh my god!"

Many people enter the room, causing my head to pound again from their noise. I felt myself being levitated, floated down the stairs and through the common room and down halls until I am laid in the hospital wing. Questions are being asked, questions I know the answers to.

"What happened? How did she get like this? Do any of you know where she was last night?"

"We were all asleep Madam Pomfrey. We woke up to the sound she made when she fell."

"Thank you girls, Professor McGonagall will escort you back to your dormitories."

It was the evening when I next woke up.

"You miss scared a lot of people." Madam Pomfrey said while standing at my bedside, "your head will hurt for a few days, you had quite a hard fall."

I hummed in response.

"Miss Lupin," Madam Pomfrey turned from her usual stern demeanor to a more gentle one, "is there anything you want to talk about? Anything you say will be safe, just between you and I."

I ponder her words, the seriousness in her voice and the worry in her eyes. She knows. "My head will be ok?" I asked.

She nodded, hoping for more.

"Then I'm fine. When can I go?"


I interrupt her, "when can I go?"

After my stability was evaluated and I was deemed well Madam Pomfrey had no excuse for me to stay. She gave me pills to take for the pain before I left. I return to the common room and looking around find it empty, I lied down on the couch in front of the smoldering fireplace. My eyes are looking at the ceiling until out of the corner of my eye I see the flames rise, watching them dance they begin to take form of something, no, someone.

"Sirius?" Behind the couch is Harry. I slowly try to sit up to make room for him but I can't muster up the strength to stay up. Laying back down I hold pressure on my head.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked.

"It's nothing." I said in a tone that told the boy to drop it.

"Sirius it's been weeks since I've heard from you! Where have you been?"

"I'm afraid I can't say Harry but I am safe. You don't worry about me, ok?"

Harry nodded.

"Now Harry if you wouldn't mind excusing us, I'd like to talk with Hailey."

"I don't really feel like," but before I could finish my sentence Harry already said goodbye and was gone.

"What happened?" Sirius asked.

"It's nothing. It's fine."

It's hard to make out expressions from the flames but I definitely saw an eye roll.

"Fine. I wasn't feeling well and I passed out. I hit my head on the floor but Madam Pomfrey bandaged me up. It's fine."

"Poppy always was the best at making a person feel better."

"Yeah." I sighed.

"I should go. Tell your dad I'm ok. Goodbye."

"Wait!" I paused a moment, making sure I caught Sirius. "Dad and I, he hasn't talked to me since the first day of term." I explained what happened on the trip he planned and Sirius stayed quiet, listening to the whole story. "I've wrote letters and he hasn't written back. It was my birthday and he didn't send a word, let alone a gift. I don't know why he's doing this." I choked out the last words as tears fell down my face.

Sirius pondered my words, "your dad is a complicated person, believe me I know. He is a great man with so many good qualities but his biggest flaw is how hard he can be on himself, and sometimes while he is punishing himself for his mistakes, he punishes others by pushing them away. He can be a real twat and it is hard but the best thing you can do is forgive him."

I nodded my head. Sirius really does know my dad, much more then I thought. And he knows me. He knows every feeling that has control of me the past month. "Thank you Sirius."

"Anytime! And Hailey, I have to confide something in you. Something very important that no one needs to know, not even Harry." I nod my head.

"He is in trouble, I can't share why but I know it. I ask for you to keep an eye on him for me and to tell me anything you think is important. Can you do that for me?" I nod my head and with that the flames returned to normal and Sirius was gone.

The embers were no longer only smoldering, the blaze within the fireplace was bright. Sirius brought light and warmth for the moment, and it almost felt like his arms wrapped around me. The newfound worry for the time was pushed to the back of my mind as I embraced the warmth.

Weeks have passed and going to classes have been miserable, at the end of each Transfiguration lesson McGonagall pulls me aside to ask how I'm doing. She makes me wonder how much of a confidant Madam Pomfrey really is. Defense Against the Dark Arts is nothing like it was last year, our professor, while he is a good teacher certainly lives up to his name for he is as mad as a Hatter.

When I'm not in the great hall, library or a classroom I am in the safety of Gryffindor Tower. Either sitting in a corner of the common room or hidden away in my bed. One month. It has been one month since I was pulled into that room, silenced as I was held against my will. Feeling unwell I had planned to stay in for the night.

"Bonjour," a voice spoke on the other side of the curtain. Gabrielle Delacour, the third girl staying in my door for the remainder of the term.

I pulled open the curtain, "Hi, I'm sorry but I don't feel much like talking now." I began to close the curtains when Gabrielle raised her hand to hold them open.

"Oh but you can't miss tonight!"

"Thanks but I really don't feel up for anything." She took my response with a solemn nod and left me alone. I drifted off to sleep for quite some time for when I woke up the sun had set and the light of the moon shone through the window beside my bed.

Madam Pomfrey assigned for my favorite house elf Dot to bring me food for my missing meals had been noticed. "Thank you Dot."

"Of course Miss Lupin! Anything for you!" And with a pop the elf was gone. My appetite hadn't returned but the pain from hunger became so unbearable I was forced to eat even though it didn't always stay down.

It was late in the evening and no one had returned to the dormitories, not a single step was heard on the stairs. I peaked my head into the hall and in the distance heard voices overlapping each other down the stairs. "How could he of done it? Outsmarting Dumbledore? That's impossible."

"He must of got someone to do it for him."

"What happened?" I asked a Gryffindor girl.

"You don't know? Harry Potter is going to compete in the Triwizard Tournament!"



To anyone who is a victim of S/A, you are not to at fault for what happened and I am here for you ❤️

Song: To be alone
by Hozier

Word count: 2079

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