Healing Draco Malfoy

By jschulte

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Healer Potter gets a new patient in his specialized ward at St. Mungo's. He can heal injuries that no one els... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 62

779 57 18
By jschulte

Chapter 62

Published: October 16, 2023

Harry watched the waves crash until the sun started to rise, then he heard a crack. He didn't have to look to see it was Ron. He met his eyes, and Ron slowly approached.

"Hey, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You were gone all night, and we were worried," Ron said, quietly.

"I'm okay," Harry murmured, looking back out over the water.

Ron took another step forward and said, "Do you want me to leave? If you need more time...."

"You're fine. Just wanted to process," Harry said, still gripping the journal tightly.

"I understand. A lot has happened," Ron said and sat beside him. "Was it the newspaper articles?"

Harry shook his head. He hadn't even read them. "No. Were they bad?"

Ron gave him a look. "A little. I'm pretty sure that many people think you're... gay, but they weren't too derisive. Just bringing the question to the readers. 'Is Harry Potter gay?' was The Prophet's headline. Witch Weekly is loving it, though. 'Star-Crossed Lovers Reunited' was theirs. Someone or a few people took photos of your dance."

"Huh... strangely, I don't seem to care about that," Harry said. Draco's words were more important than the views of the rest of the world.

"I can't believe he did that," Ron said, shaking his head. "Asking you to dance in front of everyone."

Harry looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you were in on it?"

"A little. Malfoy asked Hermione to convince you to come. He told her about the 30-day requirement the Patels recommended. He said a very public, seemingly random meetup would be better than a private one. One appearance and it would be all over. You guys wouldn't have to hide your friendship."

"Friendship? Is that what he told you he wanted?" Harry questioned, looking at him.

"Not me, Hermione. She said that he didn't want to push you into anything. She said he just wanted to be friends until you both were ready for something else. Apparently, he was quite awkward about discussing it."

"I bet. Draco said the same. He wants more, though."

Ron leaned forward and met his eyes. "And you don't?"

He looked away. "I do, but I'm scared."

Ron sighed. "I'm sure. Even if all the crap you've been through hadn't happened, you'd be scared. Love is a powerful thing."


Ron scoffed. "Harry... come on. You've been obsessed with him for months. You do love him. It's not just about him being your patient. You've been infinitely happier ever since he came to your ward, and that's with all the other shite that was thrown at ya. Don't ya think that I thought all the same things when Hermione accepted me? She's unbelievably smarter, more capable and more loyal than I am. Ten times more, yet she chose me. I've always thought I was the luckiest guy in the world."

"What!? You're just as great as she is," Harry argued.

"Yeah... we all have our insecurities, Harry. Malfoy ain't asking for ya to jump into something you ain't ready for. He'll take anything, cause he loves ya. I'll bet he'll do anything for ya, and you deserve that level of devotion."

Harry looked at him, relieved. "You... really think... it'll be okay?"

Ron smiled. "I do. What are yeh worried about? He knows what happened to you... and you know what happened to him. You're both gonna do anything to reassure and help each other through the bad times. Yeah, putting yourself out there is scary, but it's worth it in the end. Harry... will there ever be someone else who understands you more than Draco? I've been your best mate for nearly 13 years... and I didn't see it. Draco did... immediately."

Harry shook his head, tears brimming.

"Harry... do you have any idea what you look like when you look at him?"

He swallowed and shook his head.

"Everything else fades out. Your eyes only look at him, and it wasn't just at your birthday party. I saw it at Draco's birthday, too. You smiled every time you looked at him, whether he was looking at you or not. You were so happy staring at him. So, stupidly happy. And Harry... so was Draco, every time he looked at you. That's why I have no doubt that it'll work out just fine."

Tears dripped down. "I-I don't think that...it would stop. The pain. Nothing good ever happens to me, Ron. It's like I've been doomed to suffer forever."

Ron slowly hugged him. "I don't believe that. You were happy in between all the bad. Yeah, fate was a bitch to you, but you have family... us, the kids and Teddy. You have loyal, diehard friends, a great job and someone who wants to spend his life easing your pain."

Harry let out a sob into his chest. "You really think...."

"Yes! You daft git," Ron chuckled, light-heartedly. "How many times do you want me to say it?"

Harry leaned upward, wiped his tears and laughed a little. "A few more."

"Sure, Draco is...."

"Thanks, I get it. Never thought you'd be advocating for Draco so much... after everything."

"I grew up. Even though Weasleys have been known for being obstinate, I'm not hanging onto the past."

Harry nodded and ran his thumb against Draco's journal. I know that you will never love me, like I love you, but I have to try, seventeen-year-old Draco wrote. It rang so true, now, for him. He has to try, too.

"What's that?" Ron asked, gesturing to the book.

Well, Ron genuinely likes Draco, he thought, but said, "It's Draco's."

Ron raised an eyebrow.

"His journal. I took it from his house a couple months ago."

"Harry! You can't read that," Ron spluttered indignantly.

"He gave me the password. He wanted me to read it," he said, quietly.

Ron's jaw dropped. "Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to... accuse you of... violating his privacy. But do you... want to talk about it? I mean... not the private bits."

Harry debated it mentally. He just wanted to talk to someone about it, and Ron... well... he could see it. "Draco... he's always felt something for me. He had a crush on me since third year."

"I would have guessed earlier," Ron scoffed. "Merlin... the Duel, stalking you when Hagrid had Norberta, the Duel Club, joining the Slytherin team just to play against you... I could go on."

Harry blinked and stared at Ron. "Huh."

"He might not have known that he liked yeh, but he was always Pottah this and Pottah that."

Harry laughed. "Yeah... he was quite shocked when he figured it out. But Draco... he actually helped more than we knew. He knew we were in the Room of Requirement before Umbridge did. He let Dobby know to tell us. He took down the manor wards when we got caught. He was sorry that he had almost killed you and Katie, that he called Hermione names... that he had to take the Dark Mark."

Ron nodded, approvingly. "People can always surprise you. He was stuck in a hard place, but he can now tell you how he feels. The question is... what are you going to do about it?"

"What do... how... I don't know what to do next," Harry admitted.

"I own an owl, Harry," Ron said, pointedly. "Here's some parchment and quill."

Ron handed it to him, and Harry looked at him, astonished. Ron really did want him to work it out with Draco.

"What... should I write?"

Ron smiled. "Dear Draco... would you like to meet me today? Harry."

Harry glared at him.

"I'm not joking. Just ask to meet him, either go to Zabini's house or meet a muggle café or something."

"Why a muggle café?"

"Cause you want some privacy, don't ya? There aren't going to be many wizards at muggle shops."

Harry nodded. He didn't know any place, but maybe Draco or Blaise would know of one. "Thanks, Ron."

"No problem. Write it and then come home to clean up and change your clothes, okay?"

Harry nodded and Ron Apparated home. Harry was glad to be alone when he wrote it, a bit excited.


Draco was still awake, staring at the ceiling, when Blaise knocked lightly on his door before he strolled in. He hadn't slept more than a few minutes since the reunion.

"Morning, Blondie. Gonna sulk for another day?" Blaise said before he sat on the bed next to him.


"You've got to be sore. You need to walk around."

Draco trembled and didn't want to. He didn't know if it was going to work out. He didn't know if he could stand to wait another day for Harry to reach out. He didn't know if it was worth getting better for. He had completed his plan, and only Harry could finish it. If Harry was too scared or too hurt, then well... there really wasn't a point. Draco wasn't going to keep trying. He only did it for Harry, because Harry needed to get better.

"Come on, you need to get strong," Blaise encouraged.

"No," he said, looking away.

"You have to give Potter some time to process. You want him to come here and see you this weak?"

"He won't come here," Draco muttered.

"He will if I tell him you won't get out of bed," Blaise threatened.

Draco glared at him.

"What? I haven't been pushy, have I? I let you wallow enough. Your conniving has come to fruition, so there's no need to let you get your way anymore. I'm responsible for your recovery, and I won't let you give up. You can vent and stew for a bit longer this morning, but Bethany will be here at noon to work out your muscles."

Draco seethed and looked away.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you give up. I promised Potter. I'll leave you alone, Draco," Blaise said, quietly.

When he made to get up, Draco turned and said, "Thanks... for putting up with me."

Blaise sat back down. "It's nothing, Draco, really. I care about you. We've been through a lot."

Draco smiled and looked at the wall. He realized that he probably should say something to Blaise about the journal. "Did... did you ever tell Neville about... us?"

Blaise snorted. "Of course. Sorry if you think I shouldn't've."

He looked back at him and shook his head. "No... I just... Harry knows."

Blaise nodded. "I'm okay with it. We made the 'don't tell anyone rule' because we didn't want our parents to find out. I didn't expect you to hide it forever. Why are you worried about that now? We were lost and lonely teenagers back then."

"I... Harry has my diary."

Blaise smirked. "Really? And you gave him the password?"

Draco nodded.

"Wow... damn... I don't think I'd ever be brave or crazy enough to let Neville read mine. Dare I ask why?"

"I realized Harry stole it from my house. It's covered in glamours, so no one who hates me can see it."

Blaise smirked. "I wondered why you started talking to me more."

"Yes... it did help me realize that you weren't trying to... play me. You and Theo. But... I just think that Harry would get too hung up on my status as his former patient to give us a try. So, I gave him the password."

"So, you thought a direct insight into your inner thoughts would help... assay his concerns?"

"Yeah... and make him see that this wasn't just a him-saving-me thing. He's always been important to me. More than Harry really knows."

"Did you write about how you stalked him?"

"Yeah... and loved him... and wished he would rescue me from my asshole father."

Blaise shook his head. "If Golden Boy doesn't come around after that...."

"You have a feature in it, too," Draco warned.

"Ahh... so that's where your concern is coming from. Please tell me you didn't profess your undying love for me or something."

Draco laughed a little. "No... just that... what you said... after. I felt that, too."

Blaise had some tears in his eyes. "I didn't love you like that, but I loved that moment. I still do."

"I'm sorry that Harry knows it... it wasn't meant for others. It's hard to explain that."

"It's okay. It's not like you loved me or I loved you."

Draco looked at him. "I never really was sure about that... in my journal."

Blaise sighed. "I see. So, Potter might say something about your... doubts."

"Probably... Blaise... why did you give me that journal?"

His dark eyes met his. "Cause you were hurt and alone like me. I saw your scars... the visible ones and the mental ones. I found the journal when my mum took me to Italy on holidays, and it was amazing. I knew if there was one person who needed comfort from what life threw at him, it'd be you."

Draco looked away. Even at twelve, Blaise knew he was hurting. "It really helped, Blaise. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I don't know if I can keep working at this crap... if Harry doesn't... accept me. I mean... what am I living for?"

"Draco... don't say that. I care about you. Neville has grown fond of you, too. Harper, Cass and Natalie have visited. You like your job, too. Why else are you going there?"

Draco sighed.

"Potter will come around. Just think of all he's been through in the last few months. He's a survivor... of a lot of f'ed-up shite. Like you...."

"And you. I'm sorry, Blaise," he mumbled.

"Apology accepted. Come on, get up. There's breakfast on the table. I'll drag you out of bed if you don't," Blaise threatened with a smile.


Suddenly, an owl landed at the windowpane and tapped. Draco creaked his neck as he whipped his head around to see it.

Blaise laughed. "Well... it's for you, blondie." He got up and opened the door. The grey owl lapped the room and landed on Draco's bed.

He reached out and untied the message roll. The owl waited. He slowly untied the message with his uncooperative fingers, unrolled it and recognized Harry's nearly illegible writing.


I'm sorry I haven't written yet. I had a lot to think about. I read your journal. It was hard, but I liked understanding more about what you've gone through. I was wondering if you'd like to meet later for a cuppa. Or dinner? Maybe at a muggle place? I don't know any, though. Or at Blaise's if you want. But I want to see you, and if you're busy, we can do it tomorrow.

Let me know,


Draco was nearly shaking reading it. Harry wanted to see him. It was more than he thought he'd get. Sure, Harry didn't profess his undying love or anything. He looked up at Blaise, who unscrupulously read it as well.

"Sounds like Golden Boy wants to see you," he purred.

"Y-Yeah... what... where should we...?" he trailed off, his anxiety kicking into overdrive.

"There's a nice muggle café nearby at the edge of the town. It's quiet, and no one said anything when Neville and I went."

Draco nodded. "Will you take me?

"Sure. I put up charms at an Apparation point nearby."

Draco carefully wrote Harry directions to where the café was, as Blaise explained it. He said he'd be there at two, if that was fine, and then Blaise attached the message to the patiently waiting owl. He watched it fly out the window, but Blaise ordered him to the table to eat and then to do his morning stretches.

"Can't let you meet Potter all stiff. He's already pissed about the whole Lightening Charms," Blaise muttered as he massaged his muscles loose the way Potter and Bethany showed him.

Draco was too excited to worry about his proximity. He didn't focus when Bethany came later to do his physical therapy. His mind was on Harry... and his hopes were pinned on this meeting. He was almost getting scared. What if he had scared Harry off? What if Harry was mad that he had set him up? What if he was even more freaked out by Draco's diary confessions? What if he had miscalculated? What if....

"Hey... look at me, Blondie!" Blaise demanded.

Draco blinked as his eyes found Blaise's face.

"You're freaking out Bethany. Calm down. It's going to be fine. Breathe," he said, and Draco did. "It's going to be great."

He nodded and met Bethany's eyes. "Sorry... I get stuck in my head sometimes."

"It's okay. I don't want to hurt you if you're disassociating."

"No... this time it's just... I'm nervous. Thank you, I think that's enough for today."

"Okay... see you in two days, Draco," she said, and left, though still looking concerned.

"Blaise... will you take me there early? I need to be there," he said, trembling.

"Of course... after you change and fix your hair. Holy Salazar! Potter is rubbing off on you!"

Draco scowled, but he grabbed his walker and shuffled down the hallway. He moved as quickly as he could. Blaise made some clothing suggestions as he was going out where muggles were, and Neville gave him some advice on what to order. After triple-checking his hair was perfect, Blaise offered his hand at the front door and Apparated him and his walker to the town.

There were several vehicles driving on the streets and muggles walking on the street. He had never walked around a muggle city before. He saw that one person was even talking to their hand. Strange.

Blaise laughed at his expression. "Alright, don't break the International Statute of Secrecy, Draco."

"I'm not stupid," he huffed as he stopped his walker in front of a clearly labelled café.

"Here's some muggle money. Ask for a table and say that you're waiting for a friend, okay? And only ask for tea or coffee. They won't have butterbeer or firewhiskey."

"I wouldn't ask for alcohol with Harry there, Blaise," Draco said, pointedly.

Blaise held up his hand. "Just making sure... and butterbeer is non-alcoholic, Dray. Do you want me to stay with you until Potter shows up?"


"Alright, you'll have to ask Potter to bring you home, or I'll come by at six if he doesn't, okay?"

Draco said, "Thanks," and scooted his walker forward into the little restaurant. He wouldn't use Lightening Charms in front of Harry. The games are over. He asked the young man serving if he could have a table, and he politely offered a table on the side patio. Draco was ever-so grateful for that as he sat down and looked up at the sky. He hadn't wandered outside much, even at Blaise's. It was scary and pleasant at the same time. Even here amongst the muggles, he felt he was in the open, and it soothed his nerves ever-so-slightly.

"Hi! I'm Slater! What would you like to drink, sir?" the server asked, overly cheerful.

"Hi-hmm... tea?" Draco said, uncertainty.

"We have a full selection. Shall I bring out the tray and some hot water?"

"Yes, please. I'm...uh... waiting for a... friend," he managed, having never spoken to a muggle before.

The young man smiled. "Of course, sir, I understand. I'll bring two cups and a large pot, then."

Draco took a deep breath and waited. He was more than a half-hour early, but he wanted to ensure he didn't miss Harry's arrival. He dunked a tea bag of Chamomile tea in his cup to let it steep. He almost missed when Harry came through the main entrance, but he spotted him, as "Slater" asked him if he wanted a table inside or outside.

"I'm here with someone," Harry said, looking around the inside booths.

"Oh!" the waiter smiled. "There's a gentleman outside... is that...?"

Harry turned to the window, and Draco smiled when he found him. "Yes... that's him."

Slater held the door for Harry, who thanked him as he walked through. Draco saw Harry take in his walker and smiled approvingly. He took the seat across from him and, thankfully, didn't seem to look upset.

"Hey, Draco... how are you?" Harry said, his eyes bright.

"Good... good... well..." he stammered, looking down at his fidgeting hands. "To be honest, my nerves are rather shot. I'm sorry. Just... apprehensive."

"I know," Harry said, and leaned forward to take one of his hands. "I've been antsy all morning."

Draco's heart started beating faster, as he was so happy for the physical contact. "Thank you... for coming, Harry... for writing. It means a lot. I'm sorry if I... made it... awkward, now." Draco looked down, aware that tears were starting to form as his anxiety took over.

"Draco..." Harry whispered.

"No... it was too much, wasn't it? I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have...."

"Draco!" he snapped, and Draco couldn't help but flinch. "Shit... sorry. Just... calm down. I'm the insecure one... remember?"

Draco snorted lightly. "Maybe. It was a huge gamble, Harry. I still think that it was too forward. I should have...."

Harry waved his free hand. "I don't want to hear about should haves and should nots, Draco. I want to talk to you," he emphasized. "How have you been? I want to hear about how you're doing... about you... what's happened this past month."

Draco looked at him, but Harry just stared back, patiently curious. He trembled from the intensity of Harry's expression. He stammered about his daily breakfast routine with Blaise and Neville, their morning exercises, Bethany and the other healers, and his mind healing sessions with Carla. He wanted to tell Harry everything. So much had happened. He told him how he was learning to cast again, fumbled through dressing himself, struggled to remember things he had forgotten and relearned how to write wonky letters. Harry listened very attentively and rarely interrupted as they drank tea.

"Aunt Andy wrote me back," Draco mumbled. "She-She wants to meet me."

"Thanks, great, Draco," Harry said, still gripping his hand.

Tears welled in his eyes, and he wiped them away. "Why would she want to meet me?"

"You're her family, Draco. You're her nephew... you and Teddy are her closest blood relatives."

Draco lowered his head. He was impressed by Harry's comparatively calm words. "I... wouldn't... I couldn't go alone. Would you take me? I mean... one day?"

"Of course, it has been a few months since I've been to see them. Teddy is seven and can see more than the little bits can. She-well-they knew I drink a lot, so I stopped going as often."

"Have you told them that you stopped...."

"No," Harry said, guiltily. "I was kinda in my own little world this past month."

"What... What did you do?" Draco asked hesitantly. He wanted to know what Harry had been up to.

"Ron... he made me run... like every day. It helped keep me out of my head. I played with the kids and... more or less sat around and did nothing. I needed time."

"I understand. I really do, Harry. I didn't want to rush into anything.... If you want, we can take as long as we need. There's no hurry."

Harry nodded, but his hand was somewhat massaging his. Draco could feel Harry reaching out, testing him, their boundaries. Draco didn't intercede like he had at the party. Harry needed to know how he was doing.

"You're still in a lot of pain."

"I just had physical therapy. It's rough, but she's making my muscles work again."

"It'd be faster...."

"I know. I waited this long. I can wait longer," Draco murmured.

Harry shook his head. "This is what I do not like. You're in pain... you don't need to go through this for me."

"Harry, I am willing to go through this so that I can be friends with you on equal grounds. I had the right to make this choice. I choose you... us."

Harry's green eyes met his, and he could see tears forming, but he wiped them away. "Okay, Draco. I'm sorry. I do want this, too. I don't like to see you in pain."

"As I, you... but I'm okay. It's just soreness. You healed me, Harry, in every way."

Harry blushed, and his free hand fiddled with his now empty teacup. "You healed me... in a way, too," Harry paused, trying to get the words out. "I was... stuck. I went through the motions... but I wouldn't let anyone in. You don't know how bad I was getting."

Draco squeezed his hand. "You're getting better, Harry."

"Thanks to you... I had a reason to," he whispered, and Harry's eyes met his, again.

Draco's heart did a weird flip-floppy thing. Fuck... how he longed to be here... talking with Harry like this. They were still dancing around the direct words... but... they were both there... in this moment.

"Oh, Harry..." Draco burst out. "I'm so happy that you came... that you're here. It's more than I could have ever asked for. You are more than I could have ever dreamed of."

Harry wiped his eyes again and laughed. "I don't know. You seemed to put me on quite a pedestal in your diary."

Draco hadn't been willing to bring it up until Harry did. "It was about surviving. It was always about surviving. This... isn't that. Though I'm sure I wouldn't have a drive to do anything without you." He gripped Harry's hand harder.

Harry frowned a little but nodded. "I know what you mean. I wouldn't have tried... to keep going after... everything. Ron had to smack me upside the head to make me understand... what you were doing. I'm a little thick sometimes."

"Sometimes?" Draco purred.

"Prat," he muttered without mirth.

Draco laughed and looked up when Slater brought a fresh pot of hot water and said, "You two are so cute. Are you sure I can't get you some crumpets or scones?"

"Thanks... umm... Slater..." Harry said, reading his name tag. "Do you want something, Draco?"

Draco wasn't sure what to say, so he simply nodded. Harry smiled and asked for a few pastries.

"No problem!" their waiter said, and quickly returned with a basket and a cheerful "Cheers!"

Harry grabbed one and took a bit. "Yum!"

Draco took an apple strudel and took a bite. It was super sweet but flaky and so delicious. "It's good. Cass would love this." He had a promise to follow up on.

Harry looked at him, curious. "I never asked... Cass always seemed to show up when... well... we needed help. Did you guys talk?"

Draco laughed. "Yeah. It was our midnight ritual... I mean... before I could sleep normally again. She came in to check on me at first. Would talk a few minutes and leave. She told me stories, and then I started talking. She brought me sweets in, and we watched the telly."

Harry's jaw dropped. "Huh... she's a nice lady."

"She is. Said that I deserved some... decadence after everything."

Harry laughed and took another bite. He asked more about Cass as they ate. Draco enjoyed the simple conversation. It wasn't awkward... it was nice, though the fear of rejection still plagued his mind. When he looked out and saw that the sun was starting to set, he realized that they had been there all day. The café was empty. Slater was cleaning tables and flipping the chairs upside down.

"Wow, what time is it?" Draco asked.

Harry checked his watch. "Just after 7... huh."

Draco looked around, and he didn't remember seeing Blaise. Maybe he had seen that they were still talking and let them be.

"Oh... I guess they close at 7," Harry said, having not noticed it either. He sighed like he didn't want to leave. "I guess we need to pay and leave."

Draco nodded. "Blaise gave me some muggle money."

"I got it, don't worry," Harry said and went inside to pay. Slater smiled and waved farewell to him as well.

Harry came back and grabbed his walker for him. He set it up in front of Draco, but he couldn't get up. He didn't want this to end. During their talk, he had stopped worrying about everything, but... it was over. Harry was leaving... and he didn't know if he'd get to see him, again... if he'd see him, again. Salazer, he couldn't help but tremble.

"You're shaking," Harry pointlessly said, and sat back down across from him.

"No calming draughts tonight," Draco responded tonelessly, but noticed Harry's confused and concerned expression. "There are no more games... no more hiding, Harry. This is me... bloody terrified."

Harry nodded and looked down at his walker. "I get it, but you don't have to be afraid of me."

"Never of you, Harry," he said, looking at the table. He couldn't meet his eyes anymore as the fear grew. What if Harry didn't come back? He took a deep breath to control his panic attack.

"Draco?" Harry whispered. "Shhhhh... calm down... breathe deep."

He forced his lungs to work and took some deliberate breaths. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize."

"I should. I... put you through all this... doubt... pain. I'm so sorry," he said again, convinced it would never be enough.

"It's okay, Draco. I'm okay. We made it through... and we can... well... be free, now? I mean... it was painful... and stressful... but we're okay... and getting better. You don't have to worry about anything. It... you were worth the pain."

Harry cast a fugal glance at Slater, who was behind the counter rolling flatware, before he turned over Draco's hand, exposing his palm. He was shaking for a different reason as Harry ran his finger across his palm in three short lines before making another through them, making an "E". Draco sucked in a breath.

Harry smiled back. "What did you say, Draco? Never doubt it?"

Draco glanced up at him, tears threatening to fall again. The trembling slowly stopped. Love. "I won't."

Harry smiled and slowly stood up, pulling Draco slightly by the hand, until he was standing up. He led him over to his walker and let go, so Draco could grip the handrails.

"Come on, Draco. You have nothing to worry about," Harry said, and Draco found his feet. "See? You're doing great."

Draco nodded. He walked a few steps to the floor and looked at Harry, determined to say what was wrong. "I just wish... I would like to... yeh know... do this again?" Draco mumbled, fearing that Harry would say no.

"Yeah... Yes, I would like that. Maybe... umm... would tomorrow... be alright?" Harry said, as awkward and unconfident as he was.

"That'd be great!" he breathed.

"Tomorrow then," Harry said, with a big smile on his face, as he left some pounds on the table under his teacup. "Come on." Harry led him through the café and out onto the street. Slater thanked them and locked the door behind them.

Harry led the way to the alley and checked for muggles. "Are you Apparating, or am I taking you home?"

"Blaise was supposed to...."

"I'm here," he said from behind them. "I didn't want to interrupt. Hey... Potter." Blaise looked at Potter anxiously.

"Blaise," Harry greeted and eyed him, accusingly.

Blaise held up his hands. "I told him you'd be pissed about the Lightening Charms."

"I am!" Harry said with a smirk.

"Leave Blaise alone. He took good care of me," Draco said, smiling as well.

Harry sighed and said, "He did. Thank you for keeping him safe."

Blaise looked almost vulnerable when he mumbled, "I just wish I could have done more."

"Me too," Harry said and held out his hand.

Blaise shook it. "Would you like to... I can show you where my house is?"

Draco smiled, and Harry said, "Probably a good idea."

Blaise didn't let go and reached to take Draco's. "Got your walker? Alright, hang on."

Draco winced as Blaise pulled him through space to the front garden of Blaise's home. Blaise immediately let go as soon as he ensured Draco had his bearings.

"Here's home. I bought it after the war. You're welcome to come over anytime, Harry," Blaise said, and then, not-so-subtly, went into the house.

Draco sighed but looked at Harry. "I had a great time tonight, Harry."

"Me too," he said. "But you need to rest. We can meet at the café tomorrow. At two?"

"That sounds great," Draco said and almost moved forward to hug him but restrained himself.

Harry still caught the movement and came closer. He leaned forward and slowly pulled Draco into his arms. Draco just melted into him. Merlin, Harry was home. He tried not to grip him too hard. He didn't need to scare Harry. When they separated, they both had tears in their eyes. Draco was trembling. He wanted that for so long.

Harry smiled. "You're free now, Draco. I better get going. Blaise and Neville are probably spying on us."

Draco laughed and nodded. "Tomorrow then?"

"Tomorrow," Harry agreed and turned a little, but looked back. "Goodnight, Draco."

"Goodnight, Harry," he responded, and Harry disappeared with a crack.

Draco missed him already, but Blaise poked his head out. "You okay?"

"Yeah. It was nice. He wants to do the same thing tomorrow."

"That's great, Dray. I'm... happy for you. Come on... time to get your beauty sleep so you can be rested for Potter."

Draco rolled his eyes but followed Blaise into the house.

Trying to write more. Stupid real life.

But they're getting closer!!! Yay!!

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