Why Am I Sakura?!

By StarGizer789

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This what if story will be about how I the story teller became the most un-liked character from Naruto, Sakur... More

I Am Curse From Above!
Days Of The Ninja Academy
Reaching Out My Hand
The Demon Hidden In The Mist
Heated Rivals
Rematch Crimson Snow
Fragile Heart
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test part 2
The Hunting Snake
Spiral Sakura
The Flow Of Change
The Battle Zone
War In The Home Front
Clash Of Titans
A Road Trip
A Bond To One Another
You Are My Ideals
3 Legendary Sannins Konoha's Finest
You're Smile That Brightens My Day
The Sun And The Moon Fight Over Mother Earth
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon part 2
Darkest Before Dawn
The Light That Morning Brings
The Sun And The Stars That Shine Upon
The Holy Knights Of The Round Table
Days That I'm Missing You
Return Of A Hero
Teacher Vs Students
Leaf Ninja At The Sand Village
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art Part 2
Love And Family
Friendly Reunion
New Member of 7
The Slug Princess vs The Snake Prince
Clash Of Dawn
Relax And Reflect
Return To The Holy Lands
Royal Hidden Conflict
Royal Life Style
Past Of The Copy Cat Ninja
Royal Party Time
Behind Close Doors
Time To Prepare
Family's Ties
Immortal Duo
Ties Of Change
Myriad Of Lives
Onwards The Search
Striking The Immortals
The Hawk's Prey
Life Within The Trees
Hidden Secrets
A Glimpse Of Me
Art Vs The Lightning!
Meeting Of Tailed Beasts
Over Coming The Dark Within
Touch Of Divinity
Spy In the Rain
God's Entrance Of Pain
Battle Of The Paths
Liberation From Secrets
Unity Of Family
Journey To The Dark
True Mage vs Ninja Mage
Sunset Silhouette
Crimson Moon
My Silhouette
Mirror On The Wall
Fall Of Konoha
Fall Of Konoha part 2
Passion Of The Night
Alternative Life
The Red Moon Scroll
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma Part 2
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma Part 3

Crimson Blood

143 7 2
By StarGizer789

Warning: I advise the reader to use his or her discretion, intended for mature readers only.

Contains scenes of explicit sexual nature activities, strong language, bloody violence for short [L.S.V.], and unsuitable for children under 17, you have been warned.


/We start off from chapter 71, we left off with both Itachi's and Sasuke's fireballs that clash at each other to overpower one other which Sasuke is slowly pushing Itachi's fireball but Itachi focusing his right eye to use a powerful jutsu and suddenly open it and spoke the name of the jutsu/

Itachi: Amaterasu.

/With the black flames that are easily over powering Sasuke's fireball it was pointless to waste more chakra into it and so Sasuke quickly move out of the way of the black flames and luckily enough he wasn't touch by the black flames and from a safe distance Sasuke sees the black flames burning even the normal flames from his fireball jutsu and leaving nothing left which gave him an idea which he himself might not like but he needed an ace up his sleeve and so he'll risk it and so Sasuke keeping an eye on his brother to see his chakra gathering into his eyes and in that moment Sasuke rushes around to not be hit with the black flames of Amaterasu and Itachi slowing trying to gaze at Sasuke so that his black flames could touch and burn him to nothing and while his black flames are burning the different areas of the Uchiha hideout [here's a pic of it]/

/Until finally the black flames touches Sasuke which he feels the burns but Sasuke acted quickly by laying on the ground to hide his next trick by using the chidori to cut a hole on the roof tops of the Uchiha hideout and use one of Orochimaru's abilities to create a substitution by paling off his old shell of his body to hatch out of it and be covered in slime to escape the black flames of Itachi while his shell of his body is left behind to trick Itachi into believing his black flames finished the job of killing his little brother, which hasn't happen since Sasuke is now inside of the Uchiha hideout which he took this moment to breath heavily since he wasted a lot of chakra to pull off the Substitution and reach into his pouch to grab a chakra food pill to eat it and put his hands together to gather up his replenishing chakra thanks to the chakra food pill and now transforming into his curse mark level 2, now we put our attention to Itachi who believed he killed Sasuke and walked up to the believed dead body while breathing heavily and once Itachi got close enough to the believable dead body of Sasuke and kneels down to grief over his little brother while hiding that very emotional pain from his outward expression and so Itachi in his moments of vulnerabilities tries to reach out to Sasuke's hand but before Itachi could even so much as touch the shell of Sasuke's body it turn to slush which surprise Itachi and he sees the hole that his younger brother made which is what gave Sasuke enough times to gather enough chakra for his attack and uses a few handsigns to use his chakra efficiency for his next jutsu since he's in his curse mark level 2 and say the words [here's a pic of it]/

Sasuke Curse Mark Lv. 2: Fire style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!

/Upon hearing Sasuke shouting out loud his flaming jutsu that being the Dragon Flame jutsu Itachi while still tired but he quickly move out of the way of Sasuke's 1 dragon flame but then Sasuke shots out 3 more dragon flame jutsu out of his mouth which was aim high on the sky but more in the general direction of Itachi but regardless Itachi got one of his arm burn by a little from the flames and finally it stops and the ground of the roof tops gave way and now there's a large hole for Itachi to see Sasuke dropping out of his curse mark level 2 state to his normal self and seeing his little brother breathing heavily since it's clear to Itachi that he used so much chakra which Itachi spoke [here's a pic of them]/

Itachi: You used the Orochimaru's style substitution jutsu to escape my Amaterasu it's a good trick to deceive your opponent but it uses a large amount of chakra plus using the dragon flame jutsu 4 times, you're dangerously low on chakra Sasuke, what did you hope to achieve here?

/What Itachi didn't bother to notice that the clouds are darken and are gathering above both Sasuke and Itachi all around the Uchiha hideout and soon enough it starting raining which Sasuke couldn't help but grin/

Sasuke: You're right, I barely have any chakra left I only have a few chidoris or a few fireballs but that's it, using my curse mark level 2 to unleash those flames really did a number on me but regardless my time has arrive, this is it, the finale that I've been waiting for!

/And once those words left Sasuke's lips powerful lightning is gathering around the sky and it's all coming into one point which is awe inspiriting to see as if heaven's judgement has come [here's a pic of it]/

/And now Itachi realize what Sasuke meant but being tired out he knew it would be pointless to move much less use a simple jutsu to counter it after all this is a force of nature that is above normal chakra, it is a natural force of chakra in it's purest form and Sasuke is planning on using it and so Sasuke jump to reach the highest spot of the Uchiha hideout for his most powerful jutsu all thanks to nature's power and Sasuke spoke loudly enough for Itachi to hear/

Sasuke: Behold heaven's judgement, Kirin!

/Sasuke using his chidori to use the lightning to control the lightning storm above himself and a powerful lightning dragon descends and gave a mighty roar [here's a pic of it]/

/Itachi express shock upon seeing the lightning dragon and in that moment the lightening dragon Kirin quickly move at the speed of light but Itachi had to react with his final trump card quickly before he died and so Itachi summon his Susanoo quickly and got the Yata Mirror shield [here's a pic of it]/

/Susanoo protected Itachi from death but the kinetic force from the lightning was powerful enough to knock Itachi down on the ground and also knocking him out of his Susanoo and now laying on the ground hurt but alive but it's not the only thing that it did, it also destroyed the surrounding area which smashed down everything and Sasuke was block back and he crash against a wall from his back and knocked him down too since Sasuke planned it sure but he didn't think far enough to understand the power of the Kirin not fully and so Sasuke coughed and breath heavily from the pain of being knocked so harshly but Sasuke didn't care, he wanted Itachi dead and so a few minutes later finally getting his own strength back to get up from the floor and look afar to see his own older brother laying on the ground and Sasuke believed him to be dead and so Sasuke turned off his sharingan and sigh heavily and dropped to his knees tired and spoke with a tired voice/

Sasuke: It's done, it's finally over...

Itachi: Is this the death you imagen for me then...?

/Sasuke express shock upon hearing Itachi and now knowing he's still alive and look to see his older bother slowly but surely getting up from his feet which to Sasuke should be impossible and he spoke it out loud/

Sasuke: No, that's not possible, you should be dead!!!

/Then Itachi summon out his Susanoo and smile while blood is coming out of his mouth and spoke in a low tone/

Itachi: I should but thanks to my Susanoo I'm still alive..., you really have gotten stronger Sasuke..., now my final act Sasuke, my Susanoo another ability from the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Sasuke: Another bags of tricks, you sure love to spill out a whole mess of secrets Itachi, but I won't let that stop me!

/Sasuke quickly got out a kunai to cut his thumb to draw out some blood and use a few handsign to use the Summoning Jutsu and he spoke the words/

Sasuke: Summoning Jutsu!

/Sasuke with the remaining chakra he had it was more then enough to summon Manda and if you're wondering why he's still alive well if you read chapter [The Slug Princess vs The Snake Prince & Art Vs Lightning!] Manda never died within this story and so Sasuke summoning Manda and the large snake looks around and notice Sasuke on top his own head and spoke loudly with annoyance [here's a pic of Manda]/

Manda: What, wait Sasuke Uchiha grrr, why you..., where's Orochimaru that bastard almost had me killed by that damn slug and I didn't even get my sacrifices!

/Itachi seeing Sasuke summoning Manda and spoke in his calm voice/

Itachi: So you still have enough chakra to summon that snake, my my Sasuke desperate are we?

Sasuke: Shut up!

Manda: Hm?

/Manda notice Itachi and his power of Susanoo which surprise the large snake and his hiss at Itachi and spoke/

Manda: Well well, that damn Orochimaru never shut up about you Itachi Uchiha and seeing how weaken you are, Sasuke much really did a number on you.

Itachi: It doesn't matter, you're not much of a challenge you oversize snake.

Manda: *Angry* You disrespectful little weasel, how dare you insult me, that's it you're dead!

/Manda eyes the Susanno to see any opening and soon enough Susanoo draws out a sword, not any sword a sword that is made of pure chakra and a gourd as it's handle and it is called the Totsuka Blade and now seeing the chakra blade Manda is more careful and slitters around and hiss loudly while Sasuke is still on top of the head of Manda and quickly got another chakra food pill to recover some more chakra which might be a risk but Sasuke didn't care, he needed an edge and Sasuke's willing to risk his own life to kill Itachi no matter what and so Manda got a bit close and at that moment Itachi reacted by using his Susanoo to have the Totsuka blade to swing at Manda but the large snake reacted quickly and the blade miss and at that moment Manda took his chance to attack and bite at the side of Susanoo and the large snake bite down hard and at that moment Sasuke got off of Manda and rush towards Itachi and using a few handsign and gather up every bit of charka from his left hand and created lightning which is clearly Chidori but unlike his normal one Sasuke transform into his curse mark level 2 to super charge his Chidori too be Onyx Chidori as the blue lightning change into a black lightning [here's a pic of it and ignore the rinnenage eye]/

/Sasuke charging towards Itachi with every speed he can muster and dead set to finish everything using every bit of chakra he had left even if it cost him his own life and Sasuke had one chance to finish everything which Itachi knew Sasuke would risk everything but he's too slow to react and Manda is holding Susanoo and it's too late to swing his own Totsuka blade and the Yata Mirror is the only thing that could stop Sasuke but Manda had a strong grip on it's side which leaves Sasuke a large opening which he gladly took and so with Sasuke striking down the Susanoo and rib part of the Susanoo broke and shatter apart and Sasuke enters inside of Susanoo and Itachi draws out a kunai in the last act of defends but Sasuke blinded by his own action and willing to risk everything and so Itachi knew it would be pointless but he needed to act quickly and so he strike which didn't matter much cause Itachi's kunai shatter like glass from Sasuke's over charged Onyx Chidori and at the last moment Itachi move and cause of that Sasuke pierce Itachi's shoulder which cause him to yell out in pain and during that moment he grab Sasuke with his right arm since it's his remaining good arm left since now his own left arm is now useless do to the pain and the nerves of his left arm is cut off and now Sasuke and Itachi are beyond tired and both brothers are breathing heavily and so Itachi lose his ability to use Susanoo and cause of that Manda is free to do as he please but the large snake knew this is something Sasuke wanted to do personally and so he remain on the side lines to watch how everything turns out and so Itachi looks at Sasuke but his vision is so blurred that he can't even see Sasuke's face so well anymore and so he spoke in a tired defeated tone of voice/

Itachi: It's..., clear now that... gah... you've... defeated me...

/Sasuke didn't say anything and he didn't any more strength or chakra to do anything else and his left arm is inside of Itachi's left shoulder where his hand pierced and he didn't want to drop his guard against Itachi in cause his older brother had another trick up his sleeve in fact Sasuke isn't willing to chance anything but he himself didn't have the strength nor the chakra to do much and so he drops out of his own curse mark level 2 and breathing heavily but he had enough chakra to keep his sharingan being active and seeing Itachi pain it's good enough for Sasuke to see his older brother in pain and so Sasuke kept still and spoke in heavy breaths/

Sasuke: That's right... if you have anything... tricks... you better use it... Itachi...

/Itachi even in pain he couldn't help it upon hearing what Sasuke said, he couldn't help but grin which Sasuke question Itachi's action of grinning but he stood ready for anything/

Itachi: I don't have... anymore... chakra you and I... both know that...

Sasuke: Itachi... tell me the true... why... why did you... really killed everyone... our people... I know you... so tell me... no lies... no BS... the true... or else...

Itachi: I guess you're... smarter then I... thought... fine..., I know you'll... find out... so please listen to... everything I have to say...

/And with the remaining strength Itachi had left his used his left eye of his Mangekyō Sharingan and used Tsukuyomi to show the truth of the night of the Uchiha Massacre why he joined Akatsuki [here's a video of it]/

/And since Itachi explained everything to Sasuke and both of them are still inside Itachi's Tsukuyomi they talk/

Itachi: And that's why everything I've done is for this, I've did everything within my power to stop the coup d'etat but we had little time and it was too late to stop it and so I acted as the man you hated to protect you, the Uchiha would have started another war, a 4th shinobi war and you're were too young to understand, too young to take on the burden of our clan, and too young to be thrown into war Sasuke, the world is very harsh and cruel, I never wanted this but I had no choice...

Sasuke: Mom and dad, they... they did this... and Danzo tricked you into this as well.

Itachi: Regardless of Danzo's ideas, blood would have been spilled, either our clansmen or everyone within the leaf, Sasuke don't judge the leaf village for it's actions, beside I heard news that Danzo turned traitor and left the leaf and Sakura and lady Tsunade are taking care of everything, if you want you're revenge please... if you must kill someone kill Danzo... please leave the people of the leaf village they didn't know and they don't deserve it... and now my last gift to you...

/Itachi within the Tsukuyomi world walks up to Sasuke who looks surprise and Itachi smile and place his hand on Sasuke's shoulder and draw him into a hug and both bother's forehead touch and both of them gaze into each other's eyes/

Itachi: From this point on, I'll be by your side Sasuke..., so please protect the village and... live for me...

/Itachi is dying no amount of time to slow could stop death and so Tsukuyomi shattered and both brothers are back into the real world and Sasuke see Itachi about to drop and so Sasuke grab Itachi and gently lay his older bother down with a shock expression on his face and spoke in his disbelief in his tone of voice/

Sasuke: Itachi...

/Itachi in his dying moments smiles to his younger brother and a tear of his left side of his eye started to drop as it mix with his blood and at the remaining strength Itachi had left and use his right hand to reach out to use both his index and middle finger to poke Sasuke's forehead one last time and spoke lowly and weakly/

Itachi: So long... Sasuke...

/And finally Itachi's right arm drop quickly and Sasuke sees that Itachi is no longer breathing and seeing his lifeless eyes remain open and Sasuke with shaking hands respectfully close his older brother's eyes and reflecting everything he's done in his own life, and tears drop from Sasuke's eyes, it was too much, all of his journey to hear the truth, to realize far too late that his brother was a hero to only be labeled a villain, to sacrificed everything to only save a younger brother, Sasuke lost in his own thoughts, lost in the ways, unsure, hurt, betrayed, and most of all, regret, so much regret that Sasuke wish to close his eyes and look away from the truth, but Sasuke knew he couldn't run away, and his anger, he wasn't sure who to be angry at, at the village that Itachi loved so much or his own clan for forcing his older brother's hand, or his own father who didn't tried to stop the clan from acting upon the coup d'etat, but it didn't matter to Sasuke at this moment, now Sasuke is the true last Uchiha, alone and so with everything that Sasuke when through tired, emotionally tired, just tired and so Sasuke drops and passes out, a few hours later we see a masked man who's Obito appear and sees Sasuke who's passed out and the dead Itachi as they lay next to each other and so Obito gather up both Itachi and Sasuke and teleported away, now we put our attention back in Konoha as we see both Sakura and Naruto at an open field and Naruto is the first to speak/

Naruto: Are you sure you want to do this Sakura, entering my mindscape and speaking with the fox won't be a pleasant experience.

Sakura: I know, but Kurama needs to understand that everything hangs in with him, how our world could be, if he refuses our world could lay in ruin and none will be safe, the Ōtsutsuki will return, so I rather get everything ready and gather what possible strength we can gather, so this is needed.

Naruto: Got it.

/And so Naruto and Sakura lay next to each other under the shade of a tree and hold each other's hand and both close their eyes and enter into Naruto's mindscape and both stand before the large fox that is caged behind his large seal [here's a pic of it]/

/And Kurama opening his eyes to see the two couple which always disgusted him and it rubs on his nerves to see the both of them and he need why they're here and the reason and so he spoke one word/

Kurama: No...

/Both Naruto and Sakura were taken by surprise to hear Kurama spoke 1 word which Sakura figured Kurama knew everything but Naruto got annoyed and spoke loudly at Kurama/

Naruto: Are you kidding me, you know everything that we do, you know that those Ōtsutsuki guys are coming and they're going to kill everyone even you, they'll absorb you into themselves and destroy everything.

Kurama: And death would be better then being trapped and used, I'm not an object for you humans, I'm a living being made of the natural world, something to be respected, not some toy to be used, you humans cause more destruction then any living being, and you all cause me more pain then anything else, beside I don't think I could trust a vision of a delusional girl.

/Sakura wasn't sure what to say since in a sense it's true and but wasn't sure what to do either since it's up to Kurama to decide for himself to befriend Naruto, to let go of the anger and hate for so long, and that's a lot to ask for a being such as Kurama who lived for so many countless years to see the ugliness of humanity and Sakura can't answer for him nor did she had the right too either and so Sakura look to Kurama nodded in understanding which takes Kurama by surprise but hide it quickly to give nothing away/

Sakura: Okay... if you wish to be alone, we'll take our leave but make no mistake we humans will always take our survive first, but that doesn't mean we can't live in harmony, it's up to you and your brothers and sisters what you decide.

/And so Sakura look to Naruto who glance at Sakura as she gestor to him that it's time to go and so Naruto nodded and agreed and so both Sakura and Naruto exit the mindscape and both Naruto and Sakura open their eyes and sit up as Sakura sigh/

Sakura: I guess it could have gone worse.

Naruto: Why aren't we making him listen.

Sakura: You know that it wouldn't work, beside it's cruel to force someone who seen the worse of humanity for so long to suddenly ask him to be reasonable and expect him to join our side.

/Then Sakura got up and extended her right hand out for Naruto to grab which he did and with Sakura's help got up and both couple look to each other as Sakura smile/

Sakura: Let's go home, I got something wiped up for lunch.

Naruto: Sounds good to me.

/Both the teen couple held hands while walking home together as we put our attention back inside of Naruto's mindscape of the caged Kurama who sigh and seeing Naruto's point of view to see that his jailor is happy and also reflecting everything within his own long life and mutters to himself/

Kurama: Father...

/Now we put our attention in the hideout of the Akatsuki and the leader who is Nagato as he's alone and worried for his only friend Konan who's been captured and held in Konoha and he would have done anything to get her back but he's limited in movability and not only that being informed that it's protected by 5 large diamonds that surround Konoha within it's inner walks to not only protect but shut down any and all who has chakra to take down any powerful foe who'd dare enter in Konoha and so Nagato needed a plan to sneak in and save his friend and he needed a plan to take care of the masked man who calls himself Madara and speak of the devil Obito appears and carries two people on his shoulder and lay them down 1 being a dead Itachi and the other is Sasuke Uchiha which Nagato who using his dead friend's body to see the 3 Uchiha that suddenly return in the hideout and so Pain speaks with Obito who calls himself Madara/

Pain: So Itachi is dead, why did you bring his younger brother?

Obito: Oh I have some use for the boy, I plan on using Sasuke to capture the 9 tails and give Sasuke a little gift, one that I'm sure he'll be grateful for...

/Pain or rightfully know as Nagato didn't like what Obito's plans will be and Pain needed to hurry with his plan and find an ally to stop Obito from achieving his goal but none the less Nagato who goes by the name of Pain/

Pain: I see, so any news from Konoha?

Obito: Why yes, but one I was waiting for, I'm sure you know the relationship between Konoha and Britain, if we can gather assistance from these Mages, they might have a bypass to enter Konoha without worrying, you can rescue Konan and capture the 9 tails.

Pain: Perhaps, but we both know that the 9 tails has grown stronger and with the Lotus princess, it's nearly undoable.

Obito: Perhaps, but that's why we plan carefully.

Pain: Very well, when do we leave?

Obito: Until I have Sasuke join us, he could be useful for what I have in mind.

Pain: Perhaps, but I wouldn't put my trust in this Uchiha, but of course it's not my business, just remember our goal.

Obito: Of course.

/Then Obito carries Sasuke and Itachi to a private room and lay both bodies on a bed and got a small syringe and injected Sasuke with something which Obito sigh with delight/

Obito: And now everything will come together soon and you will be the trigger of my goal.

/And then Obito got Itachi's eyes and awaits for Sasuke to awaken as that's another time as we put our attention back into Konoha with the same love couple as we see something comedic as Naruto seeing Sakura cooking at the kitchen of her house and for the life of him he couldn't understand what his girlfriend just cooked up, in fact the very food seem so foreign that Naruto didn't know what it is but recalling the memories from his girlfriend he did notice food that he wasn't familiar with and many other things but now seeing in displayed and it was none other then Mexican food, 1 being fish tacos, burritos, nachos, quesadillas, which cause Naruto look to Sakura in question and look to the Mexican food and return his gaze back to his girlfriend who look gave Naruto a dead pan expression and quickly changes into a smile and shouted in delight/

Sakura: Behold Mexican food, god I've been craving this for soooo long, you have no idea how much I wanted some fish tacos.

Naruto: Wha...?

Sakura: Come on and eat some, I promise it's good.

/Naruto took 1 of the fish taco that has lettuce and sour cream and took a bite and he was surprise by the taste and voiced it/

Naruto: Whoa this one is awesome, what is it?

Sakura: Fish tacos, Naruto there's just so much I need to show you but now we're spending the time for it, as you're girlfriend I will make sure you find the love for different foods like I do.

Naruto: I still love ramen, but yet this fish taco is awesome.

Sakura: *Smile* Good enough for me.

/While both Naruto and Sakura were enjoying the Mexican food while Sakura's mother who's Mebuki stared at Sakura in question/

Mebuki: Sakura dear, what is that?

/Sakura look to her mother and spoke in delight while holding a fish taco/

Sakura: Mexican food!

Mebuki: *Annoyed* I can see that!

/Then Mebuki heard another person eating and she look to see her own husband Kizashi eating some of the Mexican food that Sakura made and it is the nachos and he smile in delight and cause of that she sigh of defeat/

Mebuki: Why do I bother...

Sakura: Oh relax mom, join us and eat good food, it's good.~

/Mebuki couldn't help but smile and roll her own eyes and soon took a seat to join in by eating some of the Mexican food that Sakura cooked, and then Naruto tried out the burritos that has different mix of beans, fish, lettuce, and sour cream in it and Naruto enjoyed it, everyone enjoy the food, later as both Naruto and Sakura which Naruto looks to Sakura in question since she's wearing a sombrero which puzzles him but seeing Sakura's smiling face he couldn't help but smile too/

Naruto: You know, you're very funny Sakura but whatever makes you happy.

Sakura: Yep.

/Then Sakura got the sombrero and threw it aside and both the teen couple lay on the bed to talk/

Naruto: That was good, what brought this on?

Sakura: It just that...

/Sakura has an expression that seem somber and tears started to fall which Naruto acted by holding Sakura/

Sakura: I miss home, I know that this is my home but I can't help it, it's not easy to let go and I miss my old life sometimes and that's why I...

/Then Sakura wipe some of her own tears and thanks to Naruto caressing her head helps to calm her down and cause of that Sakura gave Naruto a gentle smile/

Sakura: Why I wanted to bring some of it here, sure it won't be like my old life but I wanted to share some of it with you, if that's okay.

/Naruto smile and nodded/

Naruto: Yeah that's more then okay, I'll eat whatever you make and do whatever you want to do, I want to enjoy whatever you come up, it's fun.

/Sakura and Naruto smile and they drew closer into a kiss and enjoying the happy moment for today and I'll end this chapter here/

End of Chapter 72


Hi everyone I hope you enjoy the little detail of Mexican food and all that drama of the Uchiha, yes I'm doing planning and ideas and stuff like this, I feel like I'm making Sasuke a bigger bad guy then needed if you guys got the idea if the details didn't already gave it away, but I like it, but anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I hope to see you all in the next chapter, Bye!

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