ChromaTober | FMS 2023 writin...

By Golden_Fogfury

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I try to keep up with the challenge for the first time - I'm in for an interesting challenge >:] More

Day 1 | Hunted
Day 2 | Eyes
Day 3 | Sneak
Day 4 | Return
Day 5 | Flower
Day 6 | Improvise
Day 7 | Mask
Day 8 | Fuse
Day 9 | Betrayal
Day 10 | Memory
Day 11 | Lull
Day 12 | Toxin
Day 13 | Cold
Day 15 | Confinement
Day 16 | Below
Day 17 | Comfort
Day 18 | Voice
Day 19 | Habit
Day 20 | Stalk
Day 21 | Guilt
Day 22 | Grow
Day 26 | Animal
Day 28 | Awaken

Day 14 | Shelter

123 11 8
By Golden_Fogfury

AU: Continuation to day 11 "Lull'
Characters: Sabre, Time, Green
Note: this shorter because I had a busy day

— — — — —
Time Steve POV

Eventually, everyone in the cave was asleep after Sabre's beautiful lullaby.

Then, morning hit with no better weather conditions. It had gotten even worse somehow, the rain fall looking more like someone throwing water from a bucket. I sat limply against the cold stone, sighing heavily as I tiredly stared into nothing towards the entrance, grateful to have arrived here before the worst of it. Even when wearing the warm clothes and having a blanket over, it was cold for me and others. But none of us were complaining - we were lucky to have a place as a shared shelter in the first place. A natural cave we only had to make sure was safe and mine an emergency exit if it ever came necessary. Other villages and kingdoms were likely to not have this chance.

I hope everyone else is safe... I wonder how Light is doing with his Colourless Guard. Are they helping? Outside? Or organising everything in a bunker or any shelter they are in?

Questions swum in my mind, one after another, but didn't have any answers. And I kept thinking, knowing, that I should help around here. Portion the supplies, ask around about everyone's well-being, do anything.. But I didn't. I just couldn't. I was the one they had to help...

"Time, you have that face again. Don't even think about it, it's not your fault."

Why must Sabre know me well?

"Whatever you're talking about."

"Time. You can't help around when you have a killing headache, overexerted exhaustion and burns from that teleportation! Plus we both a fever from cold."

"It doesn't-"

"No, we're lucky to only have gotten away with a fever! A high fever at that, but that's not it- There are others who are injured or sick too. They're being taken care of, don't worry about them that much. I know you want to, but right now.. you have to worry about your own health."

"... I still don't like it."

"I know, I don't either."

"You made us all sleep last night, at least you helped!"

"I wouldn't be here, but instead bled out and drowned down in a ravine if it weren't for you following and helping me through my post-traumatic nightmare experience, that may I say... is not fun and I'm so thankful you didn't leave me to die."


"See? Silence of consensus. Glad we're on the same page."

"You make my head hurt."

"It was already hurting."

"You and your words today, is it the cold?"

"I donnu man, just tryna' 'elp :/ "



"Fine, you win... I'll try to rest and regain my energy."

"And let your burns heal."

"How about n-"

"-Yes, Time. I will personally see to that matter." Green then appeared in front of us, standing with two bowls of steaming soup in his hands. "And I have some delicious chicken soup to help you heal."

"Why must we be trapped in this stony shelter..." I muttered, rethink the choices of my whole short life.

"Because-" I cut Sabre off with: "No, I'm not listening to any of you."

"You really should."

"Okay, that's enough Sabre, Time has it the worst. Be thankful for you life for Time and leave him to rest."

"Yes, sir." He obeyed immediately and snugged further into his blanket and fell asleep as soon as he got comfortable.

"How even-..." I couldn't comprehend that. Just how-

Green chuckled. "That's just the ways of mysterious Sabre, I guess. Some things might be better to left unanswered or questioned. Now, here, take the soup and eat up." He handed me the bowl with a wooden spoon in it already and I took it carefully, making sure my tired hands wouldn't spill it, and started eating. My awake companion sat down in front of me, adjusting his coat because he was cold too.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Nah.. I'll do that later when everyone else is fed. This soup is Sabre's-" he cut off when he saw that the bowl was no longer by his side but in Sabre's hands - he was eating the meal.

"I really appreciate you helping us too, Green." He said with his mouth full.

We stared at him, wanting to understand him but failing hard to do so. "How and why are you like this?" We both asked him at the same time. He perked up with a confused hum, his whole being being just as confused and surprised.


"..." We were just speechless.

I really hope it's just his cold making him act like this- I don't my head can bare this-


"No use, he fainted."

"You're just gonna say that so casually?"


"Sabre, he dropped his soup."

"Kind of a good thing, no? He'll be warm and has the luxury of being able to smell the delicious what-once-was-a-meal. A win-win."

"He gets more burns and will be hungry."

"He ate most of-"



Green facepalmed and tried his best to help again.

This is going to be a loongggg time in the shelter...

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