By fiftyshadesofbey

18.3K 1.2K 323

Beyoncé, an emotionally distant teenager, has lived at Golden Earth orphanage since she was ten, rarely inter... More

The Beginning..
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The End.

Chapter 17

635 45 4
By fiftyshadesofbey

Onika had told Ms Eden that she and Beyoncé would be attending a friend's birthday party come Sunday and the woman had agreed for them to go.

As long as they came back on or before 5pm.

Sunday came by pretty quick and it was currently 11am.

Onika had already woken up bright and early and was dressed casually, but had to rush Beyoncé -who was still a little unsure about going to her house-to get dressed.

They left a little after 12pm, and had to take a bus since Onika's house wasn't that close by. Almost an hours drive actually.

Beyoncé just looked out the windows as they drove by the streets with a jittery Onika besides her who couldn't and wouldn't stop talking.

"You're gonna see my house for the first time!" She exclaims to Beyoncé who just nods nonchalantly, although she was a little curious to see it as well "And you're gonna see my room too.. wait did I clean it up before I left?" Onika says whispering the last part to herself although Beyoncé did hear it causing her to let out a little smile.

They stop at a bus stop. And Onika immediately holds on to Beyoncé's hands as they got down the bus and started walking.

"You know you're supposed to be walking on front of me right? I don't really know where we're going to." Beyoncé says to Onika who was walking by her side swinging their conjoined hands back and forth.

"It's not very far from here, maybe five to ten minutes. Don't worry I'll lead the way." Onika replies back still facing forward and still swinging their hands.

Beyoncé can't help but stare at her sun kissed skin and plump pink lips pulled up in a smile but quickly snaps herself out of it looking down at the pavement.

They continue to walk for awhile turning to different streets and cutting different corners until Beyoncé soon found herself in the classic white neighborhood.

The whole estate just screamed expensive! And Beyoncé couldn't help but awe at the sheer sizes of the buildings.

A minute later and Onika stops before a house which looked a little different from the rest of the houses on the street. It was a cream colored house with black colored roofing and was times two the sizes of every other house they'd passed by.

Beyoncé had to pick her jaw from the floor because.... damn! The house was fucking massive.

"This..? you..? Is this your house?!" Beyoncé asks Onika in complete astonishment.

I mean Onika did act a little expensive at times although the girl probably didn't notice it herself but really Beyoncé didn't expect this..

It was the biggest she'd ever seen, a complete contrast to her old childhood home that was just a two bedroom bungalow in a quiet neighborhood.

"Mhmm.." Onika nods looking towards the building with furrowed eyebrows. The place looked completely abandoned and that made her heart sink a little.

It made the fact that her parents were truly gone all the more real... she would never see them again.. ever.

"Let's go in shall we?" She asks trying to push the thought back. She wouldn't let it put her in a bad mood... at least not until tonight when the lights were off and she was wrapped up under her bedsheets.

Beyoncé follows her lead as they walk into the massive land passing by a beautiful looking mini garden before finally reaching the front door.

Onika kicks the front mat that read 'welcome' and just under it were the house keys.

"Really?" Beyoncé asks "Under the mat? Anyone would find it easily."

"That's the point."

"Not when it's an unwanted visitor."

"We have a backup for unwanted visitors.. well had."

"And what might that be?" Beyoncé asks as Onika opens the door leading them into the house.

"Our old family dog.. Disney. He was massive and aggressive."

"Disney?" Beyoncé chuckles but Onika just pouts.

"I like Disney movies."

"I realized that quite awhile ago." Beyoncé answers back taking a good look around the spacious living room with it's dusty white sofas and massive chandelier dangling in the middle.

The wall which held the tv was covered in family photos which Beyoncé couldn't help but gravitate towards. It was all pictures of Onika some with a woman who looked like an older version of her but only one with a man who was holding her up as she held up a trophy.

The pictures started from infant up to the first day of highschool most likely. Beyoncé couldn't help but smile, Onika looked cute in them.

Although she did feel this little pinch in her heart as a familiar feeling encompassed her. Sadness for the childhood she never got to experience.

The memories she never got to make or share with her parents.


"I'm going upstairs." Onika calls out to Beyoncé who follows behind almost immediately not wanting to get lost in this massive building.

The long spiral staircase lead them up to a long hallway lined with multiple doors which caused Beyoncé to ask the question that'd been on the tip of her tongue for quite awhile now. "Did your whole extended family live in here as well?"

"Nope. Just me and my mom. Occasionally my dad."

"Occasionally?" Beyoncé couldn't help but ask.

Onika just shrugs, "He wasn't around much."

Beyoncé sensing that Onika didn't really want to talk about it decides to deviate the topic from this one, "Then what's all the rooms for then?"

"Well.." Onika starts pointing at the first door to the left, "That's the upstairs living room. My mom usually just chilled in there with her close friends. I barely went in there." Onika explains before pointing to the one on the right.

"Theatre room or movie room. That over there is the laundry room. That's the guest bedroom. That's the second guest bedroom. That's my mom's room. That's my dad's room when he stayed over. That's my lady cave which I had to beg for, for years-"

"Can I see what's in it?" Beyoncé asks a little curious to see what was in there.

Onika just shrugs with a nod turning the door knob and leading Beyoncé into the blue coloured room.

Beyoncé couldn't help the jaw drop, it being the second one of the day. The room looked just like a literal arcade.

There was a bunch of games lined up on the walls; subway surfers, virtual reality, basketball and what not.

There was a vending machine to one end which still had snacks in it. A mini fridge right next to it.

Two bean bag chairs in one corner facing a tv. It was a literal dream.

Beyoncé ran up to the basketball game first with so much childhood enthusiasm. "Can we play? Please?"

Onika just chuckles at her excitement, "Sure.."

They end up staying in there for almost an hour, playing games and snacking on junk and hot soda.

The light bills were unpaid and so there wasn't any power to cool the fridge so all the drinks in there were hot.. but at least they weren't expired.

"Okay so where were we before we got side tracked? Oh yeah and then right here is my room. My sanctuary." Onika smiles dramatically tapping on the door.

"Just open it girl." Beyoncé chuckles which causes Onika to roll her eyes, "Patience is key." She mumbles as they walk into the white coloured room.

Beyoncé first took note of the colour scheme when she'd walked in, white and light pink.

The walls, bed frame and study desk where all white but the curtains, bedspreads and wall decor were all pink.

There were led lights surrounding the room too which Beyoncé wouldn't be surprised were pink too.

Onika moved around touching things and remembering. Before then going into her walk-in closet to pick a few things. Hopefully Ms Eden wouldn't notice.

Meanwhile Beyoncé moves around the room inspecting it. From Onika's awesome looking game setup to the stuffies lining her bed and even the cloud like pink fluffy rug on the floor.

They end up spending a few extra hours in the house. Beyoncé moving around the house and Onika in her parents rooms picking out things that she thought she needed.

Just like Beyoncé had said, important things of theirs to cuddle with when in a bad mood.


I didn't end this very good but I hope you all like this.




The chapter?

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