Prey On | COD reader x Ghost...

By Natirka

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The nightmares prey on us in the night's. They aren't so scary when you are next to me. I got bored, made a s... More



11.1K 231 123
By Natirka

Sarah handed me another bottle of bear, I wasn't planing on getting drunk but she decided to be the one who stays sober. When it came to alcohol, she was the one who handled it much better, so I wasn't too worried.

"For everything that has been keeping us alive!"


We clashed our bottles together and swallowed a good amount of the cold beverage. Music played loudly, while the rest of the girls seemed to be having fun as well.

The party was going great as we all danced and drank. It was one of those nights were everyone could pretend everything was fine. A moment where we could live like every other normal person, a cherished time, something we all silently agreed not to ruin.

That was, until our superior had come to the tent. What she might have wanted? It was hard to tell, especially in our drunken state. Everyone was quiet, even the music has stopped for a moment, as if it knew of the oncoming storm.

She began lecturing us, how we might have a day for ourselves but that doesn't mean we are supposed to use it for this type of entertainment. Of course she was spatting out nonsens, no other Captain would be mad about it nor would they bother us. It was just her.

The other girls didn't look any happier, after all she basically came to rant about how she can't drink so we aren't supposed to either.

The booze made me tune out for just a moment but it was enough time to suddenly find myself in the middle of the camp, walking away from the commotion.

My hands wrapped around my arms as I hugged my now cold body, the thin clothes not giving me much cover from the freezing night.

I guessed no one has yet noticed I was gone, since the Captain was still nagging at the girls. I doubt anyone would notice I was gone.

I kept on walking, not minding the people passing by me, instead I observed them with little to no interest. There was someone else I wanted to see right now, I wondered where KorTac's section could be.

A sudden orange glow draped over the ground grabbing my attention, a big campfire standing in the middle of some tents that stood a bit further from the rest.

I could make out figures sitting on makeshift benches next to it, one of them seemed to wave in my direction.

As I got closer it was easier to see who was so enthusiastic as to call me over. Soap.

The task force 141 was sitting around the fire. Some preparing food, some simply watching the flames dance in the night, it was a nostalgic sight of sorts, something that reminded me of warmth and family but I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

Not like my family was ever like that, or at least not ever since my brother died. How much would I give just to see him right now.

Alive, and not the cold version of my nightmares.

"How are ya lass?"

Soap's smile never wavered as I got closer. I didn't answer, only sat down next to him and looked into the fire, the smoke didn't seem to help with my swaying vision. My eyes were getting more blurry with every blink.

"Fine... I guess..."

My distant eyes looked into his enthusiastic ones, however his energy seemed to disappear with my words.

"Aj aj, Señorita. Give the poor man something to work with."

Alejandro spoke with a little disappointment, giving me a cheeky smile. Only then did I look around noticing the whole task forces attention was turned to me.


Surprised? I just entered their territory without so much as a greeting and now I am trying to bring down their mood?

"We haven't seen you for days, you look awful."

"Ah... Sorry. I am just a bit tired."

I rubbed my eyes in hope to make my vision better, my hands left my body only for a moment, but it was more then enough for the icy wind to cover my exposed skin in goosebumps.

I shivered lightly but tried not to let it show, I could hear shuffling coming from the side. When suddenly-


I have been wrapped in a warm zip up hoodie, the one that Soap was wearing just a moment ago.

"No- it's fine. I am not cold."

I tried to give it back to him, but he only shook his head.

"You can give it back to me tomorrow. No need to worry. You must have had a hard day."

He truly didn't seem to mind, so I nodded my head and didn't try again, after all his cologne did smell nice. Not as nice as König's or Ghost's, I wanted to hug them.

I must be drunk.

"Thank you."

The fire truly looked mesmerizing, but I could feel certain eyes looking at me, the mask not enough to hide the obvious stare.

The music from our tent could still be heard. It sounded like no one was tempting to the songs as it started to play "Daddy Issues."

"The girls must be having a hard night."

Captain Price came over, now standing near me and Soap. I started to play with the sleeves, as the nerves got to me.

I was very much drunk, sitting with a group of men in a secluded area in the middle of the forest, it was not the best combination.

My brain didn't seem to realize the seriousness of my safety and health. It looked like none of them noticed my condition, yet.

"You are too quiet. Did something happen?"

I looked around once again, realizing that no one went back to what they were doing before, all of their eyes still focused on me and me only.

Did something happen? Of course it has. Not only was I being stalked, but I was also almost KIA on my last mission. The worst thing is, I still think it was planned.

A shiver run through my body, as I thought of what to say, nausea hitting me like a truck. I tried to get some words out but I couldn't, eyes becoming glossy from the sudden pressure on my chest. And I laughed.

A sweet, innocent laugh. Something none of them has heard come out of my mouth before. Not even when I got drunk with Gaz and Soap.

Their bodies tensed at my sudden and weird reaction, something was off and now all of them could tell, but they didn't know what it was exactly.

What made me this way?

"I have never felt better. In fact we were all celebrating."

The lies came out of my mouth like second nature, so natural. I am sure everyone would have believed the words without a doubt, if not for the tears falling from my eyes. Your voice was cut off by Ghost, as he began to slowly piece together the small hints.

"I should-"

"Is there no one looking after you?"

Sarah was, yes. She was looking after me. But why would he ask that? Was Ghost worried about me? He probably didn't want to take care of me again, like he had to when I was drunk last time.

My voice sounded a little angry, contrasting the now stopping tears that filled my eyes.

"Sarah is looking after me."

His voice was rougher then before, he sounded a little upset, perhaps he was irritated.

"Then why isn't she here?"

She didn't have to be because-! Because...
Why wasn't she here? Did I tell her where I was? I couldn't remember, everything was so blurry. Like it never happened. Did it ever happen?

The images of my mission appeared in my mind like a nightmare, the needles penetrating through skin leaving marks on my arms.

The laughs of those who tortured me, the weeks of silent preparations, not being able to eat, everything because of damn orders.

The fact that they all left me.

Except König.


I need to find him.

My breathing became quicker, my face pale as I felt myself grow weak. I got up hastily from the log, Soap's hand moving away from my body, I didn't even realize it was there.

I started running. Just run.

Run Run Run Run Run.

It was all my brain could think off.

Get away from them. They can't know. How much does Ghost know? Can I trust him? Where is Persha? What is going on?

The alcohol messed with my head even more. It was a bad idea, I shouldn't have drank. Why did I?

I couldn't remember.

I passed my tent and ran further the line, trying to find him. I needed to find him. I saw the people in a haze, passing multiple soldiers, some asking if I was okay.

That's when I saw it. I can't mistake this mountain of a man. His face still covered by his mask, he was entering a tent, I watched until he disappeared from my view.

I didn't know whether I should follow, but I got closer. KorTac's soldiers looking at me like I was an enemy, I couldn't care less. However I was still too scare to enter, worried what might be waiting inside. So instead I walked around the tent trying to get in from the back, through the side facing the forest.

My hand reached out touching the rough fabric, but I never grabbed it.

Word count: 1521

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