Wei Ying x Lan Zhan Time Trav...

By LanWei_WangXian

192K 8K 824

what if.... just what if Wei ying and Lan zhan time traveled back when they were just kids... but instead of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31

Chapter 30

1.4K 70 2
By LanWei_WangXian

In this chapter involved some scenes in the the untamed...

Enjoy reading bunnies😍


"Ah. Who could be this hand belongs to Lan zhan."

"Need to investigate."

"That's why we are here in the first place anyway" Qi ying replied.

Lan wuxian spoke, "That's right we need to trace it to it's source to know and understand them so we could save them if ever."

The severed hand lead them northwest. And right now they heading towards Qinghe where the hand is pointing to.

Their children is still in the cloud recesses spending time with their Lan Family. After they solve this problem they would travel back to ghost city again.

Following the ghost hands direction they travelled northwest, and they duetted rest every single day, to temporarily calm it's anger and killing intent.

When they are near Qinghe the posture that the arm maintained suddenly change. Its index finger curled back and formed a fist.

It means what the hands pointed at is near in the area.

Lan wuxian apeak, "Ahm Uncle Lang can you contact aunt Ling to ask about resent events here in Qinghe."

Lang Qianqiu just nod.

Lan wuxian spoke again, "Then Lan zhan and I would also inquire for a bit. Let's just meet at an inn near that bridge Uncle, bye!" After he finished speaking lan wuxian drag lan wangji along.

Lan Wangji, "lan ying."

Lan wuxian just smiled sheepishly and drag him towards a charlatan who dressed like a cultivator, who carried a chest, selling a few items to passerby.

Lan wuxian, "What are you selling? How does it smell like this? As he was used to the mild scent of sandalwood he cringed at the pungent odor.

Seeing that someone ask the Charlatan beamed, "I sell everything! The rogue and here are both cheap and fine. Young master take a look!"

Lan wuxian, "Sure i'll take a look."

The charlatan spoke, "For your wife?"

Lan wuxian give him a grin, "for myself."

"..." The charlatan's smile froze, thinking to himself, 'are you joking with me.'

Before he lost his temper another young master turned around and come over. He spoke with emotionless face, "Lan ying do not bother others if you are not going to buy it."

As the charlatan was a fake cultivator, he knew about a few things in the cultivation world. Having recognize the lan clan motif he attempted to run away.

Lan wuxian called him, "hey where are you going I am going to buy it."

Lan wangji spoke, "Do you have the money?"

Lan wuxian replied, "of course! But even if I don't you could always give me money." Lan wuxian grinned.

Lan wuxian spoke again, "hey don't go yet. There's something I want to ask you,doing your business here, have you ever heard of strange events? Or seen any odd things?

The charlatan replied, "Strange events? Good thing you ask me, I stay here most of the year, I was known as know-it-all here of Qinghe. So what sort of strange events are you looking for?"

Lan wuxian, "For example, evil spirit hunting grounds, dismembered corpses, incidents on which whole clan is destroyed."

The charlatan replied, "there isn't here, but if you go a bit less than two miles ahead, there's a mountain range called Xinglu ridge. I suggest you don't go there."

Before lan wuxian could ask again Lan zhan interrupt. "Lan ying uncle Lang is already looking for us."

Lan wuxian replied, " okay A-zhan. Then let's get going already."

Before they leave Lan Wuxian buy two compact of rouge.

Lan Wuxian spoke, "A-zhan why did you interrupt. Isn't cutting someone while talking is prohibited in the Lan clan?" He teased.

Lan zhan replied, "I no longer belong to Lan Clan a-ying."

Lan wuxian laughed, "Lan zhan you really."

lan zhan, "mn."

Lan wuxian spoke, " then we better hurry this mission so we could go back home with our little bun a-zhan."

After awhile they finally arrive at the inn.

Lang Qianqiu spoke, " A-xian we already spoke with Ling wen. There is a mountain rage called Xinglu Ridge, it is known as the man eating ridge. But in truth is was the burial grounds of the nie sect. It was called the man eating ridge as it swallowed some people who ventured inside."

Qi ying replied, "Then why is the ghost hand pointing towards there? Does it have some of it's part there?"

Lan Zhan replied, "We better investigate fast, before the one behind of this dismembering corpse knows someone is already investigating."

Lan wuxian spoke, " I agree with my dear Lan zhan here, so better hurry uncle."

Lang Qianqiu replied, "then we better go there tonight."
Time skip

The investigation in the Xinglu ridge went smoothly with the help of Nie Huaisang. They found the pair of legs being sawn in one of the corpses.

There next destination is towards the Chang clan where the hands is pointing to.

The chang clan was a minor clan but was wipe out a year ago.

According to the locals during night time there would be banging inside like someone is locked up and wanted to get out but during day time there are non.

That's why they are there tonight.

And just like what they heard, there is really banging in the door. So they went up in the roof, and they saw some corpses banging wanted to get out. There is also some digging.

Lan ying spoke," must be digging our dear friend, Lan zhan."

Without being told Lan wangji dashed towards the grave digger. He dance around and trust a few times.

Lan wuxian saw that the grave digger wanted to use teleportation so he hold him down using the resentment energy. And Lan wangji knocked him out.

Lan ying spoke, "Uncle can you tie him up, and also bring him to the ghost city we will deal with him soon. But first let's check what he was digging."

Lan wuxian checked, "it was just a paper mannequin."

Lan zhan replied, "not all Lan ying, the chest is real." Wei wuxian checked again, and he was right.

Lan wuxian replied, "so right now we are only missing the head and the left hand."

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