By Ambs713

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Romantic Jikook one shots. Specifically of Jimin's beauty. ☁️ Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, Jimin... The most beautifu... More

beautiful boy
whatever it takes
do you love me, too?
take me to the moon?
for a long time now
"i love you, but.." pt 1
"i love you, but.." pt 2
live a little
i hate myself for it
start with, "i love you."
tell me you love me
friends in love
tell me the truth
drunk & in love
be brave
So lucky
i love you
special chapter.


398 44 20
By Ambs713

Jungkook smiles softly, looking up at the blue sky and feeling pure bliss, even though he has to squint with how bright the sun is.

"Jungkook! Come in the water with us!" Hobi yells, laughing and splashing the others.

Jungkook inhales before sitting up.

He leans on his elbows and watches his favorite people splash each other with wide smiles.

And his eyes fall on one of them, and they stay there.

Jimin smiling, Jimin running around.

Jungkook's lips part and he feels his throat go dry.

Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, Jimin...

The most beautiful human he has ever seen.

"Jimin," He whispers, "Jimin is something else..."

Jimin's eyes, his lips, everything about him is absolutely beautiful...

The sun shines right on him, making his features shine even more than usual.

And Jungkook smiles.

Jimin is ethereal.

The gorgeous boy turns and smiles at Jungkook, and Jungkook feels himself shyly look away.

Jimin has always been stunning, but only until recently Jungkook has been feeling...things.

Why is it that my heart rate increases when he's near me?

Why is it that I have to sit and take a break, to simply gather my thoughts and steady my breathing when he's staring deeply into my eyes?

Why must he have such a strong impact, and only now?

Why do I feel this way...with a boy?

Jungkook chews his bottom lip, feeling his hands grow sweaty but it's not because of the sun.

"Hey!" Namjoon says, approaching Jungkook breathlessly from all of the loud, obnoxious playing.

He takes a seat on the sand next to the younger.

"What's wrong?"

Jungkook shakes his head and let's out a quiet, "Nothing, nothing is wrong."

"You look like you have a lot on your mind," Namjoon says with a chuckle as he sits in the same position as Jungkook, leaning on his elbows.

Jungkook then sits up, staring at Jimin intensely, just like before.

And Namjoon notices.

"Have you ever....thought a boy was....beautiful?" Jungkook whispers.

Namjoon smiles, "All the time...I think that way with Jin."

Jungkook looks at him with wide eyes, "About time you admit that?"

Namjoon laughs, nodding his head slowly.

The two go silent for a few seconds.

Admiring the sight in front of them and the warm sun on their now tan skin.

"You keep looking at Jimin.."

Jungkook clears his throat, now standing awkwardly and dusting himself off.

"'s okay," Namjoon says, looking up and into the youngers scared eyes. "It's okay, you were looking at Jimin and it is more than okay."

Jungkook can't believe he just asked Namjoon that. No one was supposed to know.

He frowns, glancing at Jimin once more before looking back at Namjoon, "It's...weird. It's weird, Hyung."

"How is it weird?" The older asks, standing.

"I-I don't know...I mean-"

"What? You're supposed to only think girls are pretty?"

Jungkook gulps, nodding slowly.

"Here," Namjoon holds Jungkook's shoulders, and turns him so he's facing the ocean that everyone is currently playing in. "Look at Jimin, okay? Jungkook...what do you see?"

Jungkook exhales a shaky breath. "I see....beautiful," He mumbles the last part.

"What do you see?" Namjoon asks.

Jungkook sighs, "Hyung...I see the most precious human in the world...I see, someone I love dearly...someone I just want to take care of..someone that m-makes my heart skip a beat..."

Namjoon smiles, "How did you feel saying all of that?"

"I feel relieved. I feel good."

Jungkook smiles now, looking up at Namjoon sweetly.

"You feel good about this, and you aren't hurting explain to me how this is at all wrong?"

Jungkook frowns, "Come on, you know me and my family...I was raised-"

"Wrongly. Okay? If you were raised, being told you can't let yourself fall in love with specific people, then I'm sorry, but you weren't raised around people that make you feel as if you can always be yourself."

Jungkook presses his lips together, smiling softly.

"You have six people who love you, and support you...."

Jungkook chuckles, "That makes me happy, thank you for that."

"Of course..." Namjoon says, wrapping an arm around Jungkook's shoulder as they watch the group together. "You know, I've seen you watch Jimin a lot these days...but I didn't think you liked him so much."

"It's a little scary," Jungkook whispers.

"Because it's new. But once you accept how you feel, once you get it off your chest...slowly but surely, things become a little less scary."

"You are so wise, Hyung."

"I know. Now come on, they've been wanting you to join," Namjoon laughs, pulling Jungkook by the arm, and towards the ocean.

"Yes, Jungkook!" The groups exclaims, smiling and splashing the younger.

Jungkook laughs, gently splashing them back.

And once Jimin appears in front of him, he smiles even wider.

"Took you long enough," Jimin giggles, playfully splashing the taller.

Jungkook swallows hard.

Being up close to Jimin, while the small beautiful boy looks so tiny in the wet clothes that are currently sticking to his skin. Wet blonde hair falling down perfectly. And water drops along his gorgeously structured face....makes his stomach swirl and heart go crazy.

He hadn't realized that while looking down at Jimin his smile started to fade, but Jimin did.

"Jungkookie? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Jungkook can hardly hear it.

His loud heart beat is the only thing he hears clearly, and his breathing is loud.

"Jungkookie...." Jimin frowns.

Jungkook stares at Jimin's lips, slowly stepping forward.

Jimin looks up into the tallers eyes with worry...and butterflies.

So many things are running through Jungkook's mind, but somehow, in this very moment, only one of those things matter to him.

He grabs Jimin's waist and pulls him closer, wasting no time to connect their lips.

The members don't notice until Namjoon is pushing them away, and telling them not to say one word.

But Jungkook didn't even care if they were still there.

He's doing something he's thought about doing for a while now, but has always forced himself to leave the thought alone...until now.

However...being bold is fine, but Jimin also has feelings.

His eyes are shut tightly and his grip loosens.

What am I doing?

He pulls away, breathing heavily, slowly looking into the smaller's wide eyes.

"Jimin, I....I don't know....I just..."

Jungkook rubs his eyes, backing away with regret.

Regret because he might have messed things up with Jimin big time.

And strong regret for not even regretting it.

That kiss was the greatest thing he's ever experienced because it was with, Jimin.

He suddenly hears Jimin giggling, and he slowly opens his eyes.

Seeing Jimin smile widely and standing on his tippy toes, leaving a quick kiss on Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook turns red.

"Why do I get the feeling you've been wanting to kiss me for a while now?" The smaller asks, gently pulling a shocked Jungkook further into the ocean by his shirt.

Jungkook gulps, "H-How did you know?"

Jimin just laughs again, feeling that they're deeper in now so he stops walking, "You looked eager, and the kiss was filled with so much love..."

Jimin spins a few times, looking down at the water with adoration, and Jungkook is blown away while watching him.

"How can you be so beautiful?"

Jimin stops, looking up at Jungkook with a frown.

He doesn't know what's gotten into Jungkook today...but he'd be lying if he said, he didn't like it.

"Jungkook," He whispers, slowly approaching the taller and standing right in front of him.

The eye contact is deep.

The heart beats are loud.

The butterflies are flying around carelessly.

And love...Is most definitely there.

"Can I tell you something?" Jimin asks.

Jungkook barely gets a whisper out, "Always..."

The smaller smiles...
"I've been wanting you to kiss me...for a while now."

Jungkook smiles widely, scrunching his nose with happiness as he keeps his head up, while Jimin remains with his eyes down at the ground, blushing intensely.

"I've been wanting you to kiss me...for a while now."

The two can't believe this is real..

Their kiss...

Their confessions...

They have always wanted to say the truth, to yell it at the top of their lungs even, yet they never thought today would be the day it happened.

No regrets.

Suddenly, the two look down at their hands, gently brushing against one another's as they walk.

They slowly look into each other's eyes, all while inter-whining their fingers together.

Jungkook looks back up again, now nervous at the realization of how real this is, it's really happening. "I feel.....I feel so..." He slowly starts to smile again. "So lucky..."


Jungkook laughs now, quietly. "God...I feel so lucky to have you..." He stops walking now, causing Jimin to stop as well.
Jimin slowly faces Jungkook, looking up at the taller with his eyes widened just a little.
Jungkook looks into Jimin's eyes, breathing heavily form how fast his heart is racing. And he shakes his head. "This feeling, is just...indescribable."

Jimin's eyes practically glisten as he doesn't look away, just up into Jungkook's.

Jungkook smiles, bringing his free hand up to caress Jimin's soft cheek. "Tell me, do you feel about all of"

The taller's heart feels as if it can fall out of his chest as he waits for Jimin's answer.

Jimin inhales, then exhales softly before whispering, "...Free..." Jungkook's eyes widen. "That's how I feel, be here, with you...knowing you feel the same way....I feel, if all I was missing, was having you in the way I have always dreamed about....I feel pure bliss."

Jungkook chews his bottom lip, trying to prevent a smile since he thinks he does that a little too much.. can you tell that he feels happy?
"I have been wanting this, for a long time now."

"Oh? Have you?" Jimin asks with a mischievous smile as they start to walk again, still hand in hand.

"I have...and I knew that i was eventually going to tell you how I felt, and I'm so glad I did....I wish I did it sooner, but I'm truly scared of rejection. Rejection is part of life, yet I've always been terrified...I hate myself for it..." Jimin frowns. "But," Jungkook says. "Don't worry, I don't hate MYSELF myself, I just...hate that I let fear get in the way of something so good..."

Jimin thinks as he looks out at the orange sunset behind the ocean. He then smiles as he see's Taehyung and Hobi running around in front of them happily. "Jungkook...there has been so many times, where I looked at you and just wanted to ask, do you feel the same? Am I not alone in this...? Do you love me, too? Tell me the truth....tell me...tell me you love me..." He smiles wider. "I feared being rejected by you, yes...but I also just, want you to be happy...I didn't want to stress you out with the thought of one of your closest friends being deeply in love with you...and in secret, at that.."

"Hey, it would've been more than okay with me....I suppose we were Friends In Love," Jungkook says, chuckling a little, causing Jimin to giggle.

"Hey, look! Let's go check out that bar! The drinks look good!" Taehyung yells.

"Ohhh let's go!" Jimin says, then is stopped by Jungkook gently placing a hand on his stomach, making him blush. 'What is it?"

"I...listen, I see a lot of, young hot guys over there."

Jimin eyebrows rise as he examines Jungkook's narrowed eyebrows and small pout, before bursting into laughter. "Ohh Jungkook... Jealousy I see?"

"Hey you're mine now. I am only cautious, and jealous is what I used to be. Plus, I have every right to be jealous if someone approaches you flirtatiously as they always do. I'm sure they look at you and think, wow, what a rare creature-"

"Oh come onnn let's just go, and have drinks together. Jungkookie, what is it that you always say? Oh! Live A Little."

Jungkook and Jimin laugh, hand-in-hand once again as they walk out of the bar, in front of the others.

"Okay okay okay, what if, in the future, you get home super late and I'm home and sad because I was missing you, huh?" Jimin asks. He has been asking many what if relationship questions, just to hear how sweet Jungkook is.... Also if he passes with good answers.

"I'd walk straight to you. Will look for you, and will hold you-"

"And if you're drunk from having drinks with your friends? What if I say, get away, you're drunk."

"I'd say, yeahhh, Drunk And In Love~"

Jimin laughs as Jungkook leans in and places gentl kisses on his cheek. "Okay okay-"

"Hey guys," Namjoon says as he approaches the two, catching their attention. "We're gonna go swim in the pool next to our room...are you going to join us now or later....?" Jungkook and Jimin look at each other, they open their mouths to respond, knowing they went some alone time, but Namjoon beats them both to it, "The sky will fully set about you take a walk on the beach before you come in?"

Jungkook smiles, feeling appreciative of Namjoon. "What would I do without you, Kim Namjoon?"

Namjoon pats his shoulder, chuckling, "Love you guys, have fun."

The two watch their Hyung walk off with smiles on their faces.

Then suddenly, Jimin speaks up, "If I come home to you upset because people made me sad?"

"I'd say, you shouldn't listen to ignorance, strong...Be Brave."

Jimin blushes harshly as he and Jungkook walk towards the beach.

"And what if we have a bad argument? And don't know how to fix it, don't even know how to approach it."

"Well," Jungkook sighs, "We talk it out. Always. With words."

"...What if we don't even know where to start?"

Jungkook hums quietly in thought.

He and Jimin have argued before, but a friendship isn't the same as a relationship, everything already feels different.

Arguing with your friend is different from arguing with the person you're in love with. The person you're romantically committed to.

"Start With, "I Love You."

Jimin looks up at Jungkook's face before smiling widely. "I love that answer."

"Good..." i love you, jimin.

Jimin suddenly gasps as the two slowly stop walking. Completely amazed at the view. "The sun setting behind the ocean is so surreal..."

Jungkook nods, his eyes falling onto Jimin's face.

The gentle wind makes Jimin's hair move move around just a little, and his skin look golden. And his eyes, shimmer, gorgeously.

Jimin, Jimin...

You are so Ethereal, Jimin.

"Beautiful Boy," Jungkook whispers.

Jimin suddenly runs into the water, splashing around, laughing loudly. Without a worry in the world.

Jungkook doesn't look away, he can't even if he tried.

He sits down in the sand, right in front of the shore, and smiles.

As he watches the love of his life.

'And to think he didn't feel the same way for me,' He thinks, remembering how he stayed up all night, constant with the nightmares of Jimin saying, "I Love you, But.."

But there is no but this time.

Just, I love you.

Jimin finally stops, breathing heavily as he throws his arms in the air. Feeling the wind and water hit against him. "I feel amazing," He says.

"You look amazing."

Jimin giggles, gently splashing Jungkook as pay back for making him blush so much, before approaching the taller and joining him.

The two watch the sunset with smiles.

Jimin suddenly, and slowly rests his head on Jungkook's shoulders. "The sky is so beautiful...perhaps we should live there instead...Jungkook...Take Me To The Moon?"

Jungkook chuckles and rests his head on Jimin's, "Of course. I'll take you wherever you want to go."

"Even if it's hard?"

"Even if its hard...I'll do whatever, no matter what...Whatever It Takes."

Jimin now moves away so he can look into Jungkook's eyes, and he smiles once the taller looks down at him.

"What?" Jungkook asks, with a short laugh.

"This feeling...I want to feel it, always."

"Then feel it aways. Let's feel it together, Jimin..Forever."

Jimin's smile falls as he starts to feel more emotional. How could I have gotten so lucky?

"Jimin," Jungkook whispers as he caresses Jimin's cheek with one hand. "You're so are so Ethereal..."

Jimin finally smiles, at that single sentence. "Ethereal," He whispers, before gently pecking Jungkook's lips.
"....I like that word....and I love, you..Forever."

The End.

Thank you, I adore you...

You are Ethereal.

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