Interstellar Tattered Queen IV

By AzcerLee

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By AzcerLee

  Chapter 2361 Isn't energy?

  Shen Changqing used one hand to directly hold Yue Qiguang, who was about to violently beat people, Yue Qiguang struggled: "These guys are obviously evil, don't interfere—"

  Shen Changqing said: "I know."

  Yue Qiguang was stunned.


  Yue Qiguang chose to believe in Shen Changqing, so he gave up struggling and calmed down completely.

  Shen Changqing let go of him, looked at the people of the red clan, and said, "What about the lifeblood made? Since it can't kill us all at once, it's not a cause for concern."

   These words are both arrogant and conceited.

   The leader of the red clan opened his mouth and wanted to refute a few words, but Shen Changqing suddenly pressed his shoulders, it trembled and struggled.

   But Shen Changqing's hands, like an iron wall, were holding it tightly, and it couldn't move. Moreover, after staring at Shen Changqing's quiet eyes for a while, the leader of the red clan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that he was disturbed by some unknown force and amplified the bad emotions in his heart, which caused everything.

   It was completely quiet.

  Shen Changqing didn't let go of the hands that were holding it, but raised his eyes slightly and looked at the other red people present.

   He didn't speak anymore, but his dark, deep eyes had been watching them quietly, and the people of the red clan, who had been passive, restless, and restless from the beginning, just calmed down a little bit.

  The surroundings are extremely quiet.

   Needle falling can be heard.




In the ears, the sound of Liu Fufeng's footsteps resounded again. Unlike just now, this time Shen Changqing released all his mental energy as a comfort. Not a single person from the red tribe made a sound, and not a single person moved. Everyone listened quietly. , watching Liu Fufeng keep advancing.


  Liu Fufeng stopped.

   He raised his eyes and looked at the cocoon in front of him, a pair of dark, beautiful eyes with a dignified color.

   In the place that no one can see, what Liu Fufeng sees is a virtual world, a virtual world made of countless threads.

  There, countless silk threads, densely packed, countless...

   It was a huge, terrifying, and confusing world.


   The cocoon in front of Liu Fufeng's eyes, through the 'big banyan tree' and the world made of silk threads, are now closely connected, inextricably linked... It is impossible to cut off easily.

   And what about the 'big banyan tree'?

In the world constructed by the whole world, the so-called supercomputer of the red people, that is, the 'big banyan tree' is nothing but a small lump formed by countless threads gathered together. Compared with the whole thread world, Not worth mentioning.

  Liu Fufeng stood quietly, his thin, thin body, as tiny as an ant in front of the huge cocoon, was not worth mentioning at all.

   He is watching and watching.

  This silk thread world is so huge and vast, it not only fills the information processing center of the entire red clan, but also extends far away. At first glance, it is impossible to see where the end is...

What exactly is this?

   Liu Fufeng did not know.

   He felt that it was unnecessary to pursue this issue at this time. The most important question at the moment was—how to completely cut the cocoon and these silk threads?

   He observed it carefully and felt that in order to cut off the connection between the silk thread and the cocoon, he still had to start from the knot, which is the 'big banyan tree'.

  Liu Fufeng's body stands in front of the cocoon, and the distance from the 'big banyan tree' is less than 5 meters.

   is very close.

   is also dangerous.

The thing that is called 'super computer' by the red people, and has always been proud of it, is now completely integrated with the world of silk threads. flowing...

  The direction in which they flow is the far away place without end.

Liu Fufeng looked at the cocoon again. The cocoon was also constructed of dense silk threads. These threads were constantly flowing. The direction of their flow was very simple and clear. They flowed to the 'big banyan tree', and then Flow further afield via the 'Big Banyan Tree'.

   In this scene, it looks as if something is being transported.

  Liu Fufeng's beautiful eyes showed a hint of confusion, but it also suddenly lit up, but soon, he suddenly frowned again.

  Because the origins of these constantly flowing silk threads are not all cocoons, but in all directions, front and rear, left and right, directly encompassing the entire soul pool.

   That is to say—

  These threads provided by Cocoon are actually just a part of the entire world of threads. What if Cocoon is not as important as you think?

   Liu Fufeng hesitated a little.


   In the next second, he quickly made a decision, no matter what, he would cut off the connection between the cocoon and the entire silk thread world!

   He believes that even if the things provided by the cocoon are not the whole of the world of silk threads, they must also play a very important role.

  Liu Fufeng suddenly raised his hand and grabbed one of the threads.

   This scene fell into the eyes of other people, as if Liu Fufeng suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the air in the air. It looked very strange, and it would definitely be very stupid to change someone else.

But Liu Fufeng is really beautiful, and he is weak all over, with a cool, clean and elegant aura. Therefore, he raised his hand gently and grabbed the air, not only not stupid, but also reserved. beauty.

   Although the people of the red clan did not know the reason, there were no other distracting thoughts in their heads. They were comforted by Shen Changqing's spirit. Each of them was so peaceful in terms of emotions and spiritual world.

  Yue Qiguang frowned, looking worried.

Shen Changqing stood quietly, his eyes as still as ever, but there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, cheeks, and neck. Obviously, with his own strength, he was responsible for the stability of the emotions of so many red people. It's still stressful.

  Shen Changqing, who was calm all over his body, was actually hovering on the verge of collapse every minute and every second, but he still held on tightly.

   Although he couldn't see the world that Liu Fufeng could see, Shen Changqing also understood one thing very well, he couldn't fall.

   Never fall down.

   Once he can't maintain the internal stability of the red clan, it will have a very bad influence on Liu Fufeng's next actions.

   Even, everything could be over.

   Must be steady.

  Shen Changqing's entire spiritual world was under enormous pressure, but his face was always as calm as ever, and it seemed that he was only sweating because the surrounding heat was too hot.

the other side.

   After Liu Fufeng reached out and grabbed a silk thread, he did not cut it abruptly, but paused to feel the silk thread carefully.

  It's very strange—Liu Fufeng didn't feel any energy from this thread, it just looked like an ordinary thread.

   Could it be that he was wrong?

   It is not a kind of energy that is continuously transmitted to the distance through silk threads?

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow\(^o^)/~



   (end of this chapter)

  Chapter 2362 A tragic victory

  Liu Fufeng was a little hesitant...

  If it is not energy that the silk thread transmits to the distance, what is it?

When Liu Fufeng paused, the number of silk threads connecting the huge cocoon and the 'big banyan tree' began to increase. That's right, in the 'big banyan tree', countless silk threads suddenly stretched out. The group got in.

  The cocoon, which had been stationary, suddenly twitched, and soon became stationary again.


  The silk threads that were stuck in the cocoon began to flow faster.

   After a while, the speed will not be able to remember how many turns.

   Liu Fufeng's expression froze.

   The reason for his heavy heart was not the silk threads that were stuck in the cocoon, but the countless silk threads that flew out from the center of the 'big banyan tree'.

  The target of these silk threads is obviously not the huge cocoon, they are all over the front, back, left, right, up and down of the 'big banyan tree', standing tall, the target is obviously in all directions...

  Where is this going?

  Liu Fufeng stared coldly, thought for a moment, suddenly his expression changed, and he shouted: "Retreat!"

   Shen Changqing, Yue Qiguang, etc. were unknown. They couldn't see anything, but when they heard Liu Fufeng's voice, they quickly backed away.


  The speed of those silk threads is too fast, and in an instant, they are about to hook everyone's heads...

   At this moment, Shen Changqing suddenly burst out with a powerful force, driving those silk threads aside.

   However, there are still a lot of silk threads piercing into the red people.

   At this time, Liu Fufeng suddenly closed his eyes.


When    was opened again, his mess, tearing, swallowing, and suppressing each other... In the spiritual world that was constantly being cut and chaotic, countless spiritual threads were opened at that moment, and in an instant, all of them tilted out.


   No one heard the sound, and no one could see the scene in front of them, but all the red people present felt a breathless pressure that spread and spread all around...


   It was as if there were countless bees in the head, flapping their wings when they were buzzing... The whole head suffered an indescribable shock...

   The leader of the red clan, the other warriors of the red clan... all hugged their heads and squatted down.


   started rolling around.

However, his mental strength is slightly inferior, and because of the trauma to his body when he forcibly tore off the cocoon, Yue Qiguang was already very weak at this time, and naturally he could not resist the invasion of this pressure. After all the red people fell down , Yue Qiguang was not spared, his body staggered for a while, and he was about to fall down...


   He fell into Shen Changqing's arms.

  Shen Changqing raised his hand and stroked his eyes.

at this time-

   Except for Shen Changqing and Liu Fufeng, who were still standing upright, there was no one else who could maintain a stable stature.

  Shen Changqing also swayed, but he never fell.

  Liu Fufeng stood on the spot, the huge cocoon behind him also shook slightly at this time.


  The silk threads that were launched from the middle of the 'big banyan tree', those aimed at the people of the red race, were pulled by another thread at this time, and they were fighting each other!





   It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that in just a moment, the battlefield is divided, and the silk thread in the 'big banyan tree' is completely defeated.

   However, Liu Fufeng did not get much benefit. Countless released spiritual threads were torn, swallowed, and dissolved in the struggle with the enemy threads...

   When it was completely over, in his spiritual world with countless gaps leaking out like a spiritual barrier and a sieve, the original spiritual thread was gone.

   There are only small clumps, small clumps, still spinning inside...

   Those spiritual silk **** released by him did not return to Liu Fufeng's spiritual world, but kept spinning around, swaying around...

  Liu Fufeng's pale handsome face kept dripping blood.

   The rich red infects his white protective suit little by little, and his thin and thin figure becomes thinner and thinner...

   A gust of wind can completely defeat him.

   Liu Fufeng always stood still.

  Shen Changqing couldn't see the situation inside, but he knew how dangerous it was just now. There was an attack in the direction of the 'big banyan tree'!

  What is the attack, Shen Changqing does not know.

   However, this must also be related to spiritual power.

  Shen Changqing hugged Yue Qiguang's head and clenched tightly—

  —My strength is still not strong.

   is not strong enough.

   In a battlefield like this, not only can I not participate in it, I can't even see it, I can only vaguely sense it.

   What is the use of this?

  Be strong!

  Shen Changqing has a strong desire to improve his strength for the first time!


  Liu Fufeng stood still, but his chest was heaving and heaving, panting constantly... The spiritual threads released from his spiritual world were constantly floating around, Liu Fufeng seemed to be indifferent, but in fact he was already working hard.

   He wanted to re-drive them.



   All failed.

  The released spirit silk, in the process of fighting against the silk thread of the 'big banyan tree', won a victory, but it was only a tragic victory.

   However, these spiritual silk **** obviously have no self-awareness, and some only have boundless instincts!

  Liu Fufeng, as their master, knows better than anyone that these silk threads have only one instinct, and that is—



   Or devour!

   They only have this one, devour everything that can be devoured, and grow themselves!

   This is like a catkin group, flying around constantly, the floating spiritual silk thread quickly aimed at the cocoon in front of him!


   They all rushed towards the cocoon.

   Liu Fufeng's pupils shrank!

   This will not work!

  These spiritual threads look very powerful, but facing the 'Big Banyan Tree' and the countless threads behind the 'Big Banyan Tree' are just a piece of cake.


   They were not under Liu Fufeng's control at all, Qi Qi flew towards the cocoon at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, they swarmed up.


The 'big banyan tree', which had just lost the brief struggle, was obviously already ready to fight back. When Liu Fufeng's out-of-control spiritual threads were about to touch the cocoon, countless shots were suddenly shot out from the cocoon. The number of silk threads is far above Liu Fufeng's spiritual silk, and Liu Fufeng's spiritual silk is drowned in an instant!

   Liu Fufeng's pupils shrank rapidly!

【return! 】

【return! 】

【return! 】


   No spirit wire can hear, or rather, no spirit wire can hear.

   Just listen, boom—

  Liu Fufeng's own countless unruly and uncontrollable spiritual threads were completely pulled into the cocoon in the blink of an eye.

   At this moment, Liu Fufeng, who has been standing all the time, suddenly crooked...

   Shen Changqing and Yue Qiguang clenched their fists.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

 Chapter 2363 Dangerous

  Liu Fufeng's body swayed, trembled slightly, and was about to fall...

   Shen Changqing and Yue Qiyuan had already prepared for the worst at this time.

The atmosphere around    was extremely depressing.

   The red warriors headed by the leader of the red race did not dare to make a sound or make the slightest noise, for fear of knocking Liu Fufeng down.

  In the corners that no one can see, except for the heaven and earth protected by Shen Changqing, silk threads are flying all over the sky, filling the entire information processing center, and there is almost no place to settle.

   And what about Liu Fufeng?

  Liu Fufeng's body was covered with silk threads at this time.

  His legs, soles of feet, hands, neck, head, abdomen...Without exception, all were wrapped in silk threads and wrapped...


   In the eyes of outsiders, Liu Fufeng's body has been trembling slightly, but if his mental power is strong enough to break through the blockade of this mental barrier, he can clearly see Liu Fufeng's true state at this time.

  After being wrapped and entangled by countless silk threads, he just struggled a little, and then stopped completely.


   After a few seconds of silence, the silk thread began to swim and pierced into his fair skin.

  One, two, three...

  In an instant, countless threads of silk received the order and stabbed into every part of Liu Fufeng's body, every inch of his body...

  Even though he couldn't see anything, at this moment, Shen Changqing's head was ringing with alarm bells, and that bad premonition instantly filled his entire chest. He opened his mouth and wanted to breathe hard.

   As soon as he moved, the originally stable aura all over his body began to vibrate. The faces of Yue Qiguang and the people in the red race were instantly pale...

  Shen Changqing instantly understood his current situation:

   Move, there is a certain possibility to save Liu Fufeng, but this may be very weak, the probability is as low as one in a billion.

   If you don't move, you can temporarily keep Yue Qiguang and the people of the Hong clan.

   At that moment, Shen Changqing felt the pain and embarrassment he had never felt before, and he suddenly remembered what his grandfather said to him:

  A qualified general must learn to choose.

   There is no need for, and for, and for...

   Only take one and discard one.

  Grandpa also said, "Ah Qing, when you learn to choose between calm, indifference and coldness, it means when you grow up, but Grandpa really doesn't want you to have that day."

He didn't understand it at the time, and even felt that his grandfather was too ruthless. The Shen family had produced countless mecha warriors, and most of them served in the grandfather's army. However, most of them died. When Shen Changqing was a child, he was often taken by the housekeeper to see off his uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters. ...

   He doesn't understand, grandpa is already the commander of the legion, why can't he protect his family?

   When he becomes the commander-in-chief, he will never be such a cold and indifferent person.


  Shen Changqing, who had countless thoughts flashed through his head, made the coldest and most indifferent decision at that moment:


  Shen Changqing didn't hesitate at all, he stopped directly, didn't dare to move, and didn't rush in the direction of Liu Fufeng, he was just helpless, watching Liu Fufeng being submerged by danger.

  The boundless and huge pain also drowned Shen Changqing.

   In the entire team, Yue Qiguang's mental strength is relatively weak, however, his strong fighting talent and intuition tell him that the situation at this time is very critical!


   may really be downsizing!

   On the premise that everyone had made countless preparations, at this moment, Yue Qiguang found that he still could not face it calmly.

   He clenched his fists tightly, that huge, powerless anguish, tore at him, making him want to roar, to roar...

   But he couldn't do anything.


Everyone in the red clan was at a loss, only to see Liu Fufeng with his back to everyone, and he had completely calmed down at this time. He was thin and thin, but like a towering tree, he stood in front of everyone, blocking all storm.

in the dark.

  The silk threads turned into sharp thorns, and the speed at which they plunged into Liu Fufeng's body was not controlled by anyone, nor could anyone expect...

  They didn't stop.

   Moreover, the action is faster and more efficient.





   The sound of flesh being pierced resounded in everyone's ears as if it were real. Everyone in the red clan opened their eyes wide, while Shen Changqing and Yue Qiguang listened...

   No one saw it, but everyone knew the danger.

   In the silence of everyone, Yue Qiguang, who was hugged by Shen Changqing, suddenly said, "Shen Changqing, stay here, Dad!"

  He decided!

   And, don't hesitate anymore.

   Before he finished speaking, Yue Qiguang had pushed Shen Changqing away and took a step directly!

at this time-

  Under the gazes of all the red clansmen, Shen Changqing seemed to have anticipated it long ago. He pinched Yue Qiguang's neck and knocked him unconscious. It was also at this time—

  Liu Fufeng's body suddenly shook violently.

   The hearts of everyone in the red clan were violently tugged, and they raised their throats, and then, without knowing where the power was, the entire information processing center shook violently.




   Countless silk threads were shattered a lot under this vibration, including those threads wrapped around Liu Fufeng's body, and the whole 'big banyan tree' was also crumbling...

   This is what happened?

  Why do you always feel that something is going wrong?

   All the people from the red clan at the scene were puzzled, anxious, and anxious when they saw this... The leader of the red clan thought something, and suddenly said: "Could it be that the general is ready to destroy the soul pool?"

   It is obviously not an ordinary cause that can cause such a turmoil.

  It thought about it and thought that there was only one explanation!


  The outside world has reached the edge of life and death?

what happened?

   Could it be that the lifeline is really calling? Or is he already in action?

"no no..."


"how come?"

   "If the general really activated the function of destroying the soul pool, it all over... over?"

   At this moment, there are warriors of the red tribe who finally couldn't hold back their tears...

   They have gone through hardships, endured countless tortures here, and carried all the pressure, for what?

   Of course not for his own sake!

   is for the whole tribe!

   In order to continue the red clan!

   But if the soul pool is about to be destroyed, it means that the red clan can no longer continue, and there is no longer any conditions to continue, they—

The    family is gone!

   Completely wiped out!


   They are still here hard guarding, suffering, and what is it for?

   All these things they do will become meaningless.


The vibrations around    not only affected the huge 'big banyan tree', but also completely broke the stability that Shen Changqing had managed to maintain.

   The situation is a crisis, and it is extremely severe.

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow ^O^



   (end of this chapter)

 Chapter 2364 Broken pot

  The situation is extremely critical.

   Roots of silk threads have tied Liu Fufeng into a sieve, and his handsome face is pale, pale, and ferocious.

  The whole space is shaking, and there is a possibility of cracking at any time.

  The hearts of everyone present, from tension, anxiety, to complete silence.


at the same time-

  Ji You hides in the silk thread cage and has an almost unlimited energy supply. Ji You successively made many Horcruxes. Those Horcruxes were stacked in the original silk thread Horcruxes, and then connected in series with each other...

  One, two, three...

   Hundreds of small Horcruxes and huge ones are intertwined with each other, and they are completely integrated into it, no longer distinguish between you and me...

  Jiyou is still in production.

However, in the process, the silk cage that wrapped Ji You is also growing a little bit. The silk threads in the control center, one, one... are still superimposed on the silk cage. They are very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they increase thick layer.

   At the same time, the silk thread Horcrux made by Ji You is also constantly impacting. Several times, the silk thread Horcrux seems to be crushed by the impact.

   At the most dangerous moment, Ji You's spiritual consciousness was almost thrown out of the silk thread Horcrux. She looked at the dozens of small Horcruxes she had made, and suddenly remembered the scene she once saw on the iron sheet...

  Numerous lines, intertwined, intertwined with each other, regardless of each other, integrated into a whole, dazzling, but well organized...

   Ji You's mind flashed, she didn't even think about it, she put dozens of Horcruxes at hand into the silk thread Horcrux according to a certain order.

The silk thread Horcrux that was about to collapse soon stabilized after the addition of these small Horcruxes. Then, Ji You did not dare to stop at all. She kept making Horcruxes, and through the small Horcruxes, she strengthened the original silk thread little by little. Horcrux.

   In the blink of an eye, Ji You's mental awareness was firmly stationed in the silk cage again, but was not noticed by the main control center.

   And, under the cover of the silk horcrux, Ji You dived deeper and farther...

   Not only did she see the 'towering tree' in the main control center, but she was only one step away from sneaking in front of this huge tree made of silk threads.

   is only one last step away.


The whole 'towering tree' suddenly trembled, and then, there was a scene that made Ji You stunned. It skyrocketed!


   Its figure suddenly doubled in size!

   Ji You was so frightened that he slipped back straight away!

   "Mom, I was almost buried." Patting her chest, Ji You couldn't help but sighed that she was really the son of destiny, and she could escape successfully even in this situation.

   After the 'towering tree' doubled in size, the whole body suddenly began to glow with a faint luster. I didn't know what was going on, but Ji You just glanced at it and felt terrified.

   And, in the silk cage, Qing·Da·shi and Lv·guang·shi huddled together and shivered under this sudden change.

   "I don't know what's going on, but I always feel so panicked." Qing Da Shi squeezed tightly with Lu Guang Shi.

   "Can you still say panic? It means you are not panicking." Lu Guangshi looked at the other party's eyes sparkling, both scared and excited, and then said, "I think you are quite happy."

Qing Da Shi squeezed out a smile: "I don't know why, thinking that we might really die this time, it's a complete death, the kind that has nothing left, when I was afraid, I even carried a little bit of it. Excited."

   After he finished speaking, he fell silent.

   Green Light Stone also fell silent when he heard the words.

   In this state of being neither human nor ghost, half dead and not alive, I don't know how many years they have lived, and they have been looking forward to death countless times, looking forward to complete liberation...

   But he was disappointed countless times.

  The taste of not dying, they have tasted too much, too much...

   Now, really dying—

   "Is it really going to die?" Lu·1guang·shi sighed slightly and said, "It's not that I'm very scared, but I just feel a little regretful."

  What do you regret?

   The tip of Green·Light·Stone's tail, lightly tapped the little flower on his neck, and looked at the silk thread wall that was close at hand—

  Qing Da Shi said: "We don't seem to be helping Your Excellency Long Aotian."

  What a pity.

   Next second.

The entire silk thread cage suddenly burst into a circle of faint rays of light, and the rays of light directly enveloped the bodies of Green Light Stone and Qing Da Shi. Infused with energy.

  These energies, through the small Horcrux on their necks, poured into their bodies continuously, and flowed out from their bodies. The whole process continued to wash their bodies and grow their bodies!

This is?

  The two spiritual threads looked at the radiant thread cage in surprise, Qing Da Shi opened his mouth: "The enemy shouldn't be so kind, right?"

  Green Light Stone asked: "When you kill the enemy, are you still kind enough to improve the enemy's strength?"

  Qing·Da·shi: "I'm full?"


  Two spiritual threads said at the same time: "It's Your Excellency Long Aotian!"

"definitely is!"

   Your Excellency Long Aotian is still alive. Not only is he alive, but he must be brewing a big event, and even, they may escape!

   In an instant, the two spiritual threads, who had been prepared to die obediently, were immediately filled with hope! Hope for life!

Ji You, who was hiding in the Horcrux, saw with his own eyes that the 'towering tree' doubled without warning, and the speed and efficiency of it drawing energy from distant places were significantly improved several times. To the point where he wanted to cut off the energy supply of the 'towering tree' to escape, it was obviously not feasible for the time being.

   After a little thought, she quickly changed her strategy.

   If you can't escape, then stay!

  Since the 'towering tree' can continuously draw energy from you to grow and strengthen itself from a distant place, so can she!

Isn't    just to draw energy?

   This sky is full of energy, and it's all fed to her mouth, why doesn't she eat it?

  The situation is ever-changing, and if you are not careful, you may hang up directly, and the teammates in the outside world must also do their best to save her.

   Ji You already had the mentality of breaking the jar, but she was still fully prepared when she acted.

She threw her newly made small Horcrux to the farthest point of the silk thread cage, and then, after the small Horcrux was firmly connected to the silk thread Horcrux, she took the help of this little Horcrux and continued to throw the second one. The third...

   Throwing it down like this, there is no doubt that the entire silk thread Horcrux has grown, and it has also extended out of the silk thread cage, towards a farther and deeper place.

  The ultimate goal is to point directly to the 'towering tree'!

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

  Chapter 2365 and other opportunities

  Jiyou is usually a timid person, and he likes to go out. When peeling with a fruit knife, he has to be very careful, for fear of cutting his own skin...

   But if it really came to an emergency, she was very courageous. Not only is it big, but it is also very shocking.

  Like now, after she decided to absorb the energy of the main control center, she didn't go a little from those corners and corners at all. Slowly absorbing it, she directly made a big one!

   From the hub of the main control center—

   That is, the towering tree!

   She doesn't have time, and her friends don't have time to wait for her to take a slow, dripping stream of energy.

   To make a big one, and it is not reckless to rush directly, Ji You still has a plan, her entire spiritual consciousness sits in the silk thread Horcrux, which is the silk thread cage that locked her.

   At this time, the entire silk thread cage could no longer trap her. Not only that, but it was even used by her. As long as Ji You wanted, she could dismantle the cage at any time.

But she didn't do it, she knew that as long as the main control center still maintained a stable operation, as long as the 'towering tree' did not fail, she would only remove one hundred, two hundred, hundreds of millions of silk threads Cages are useless.

  In that case, why dismantle it?

   Not only did Ji You not dismantle it, but she also took advantage of this silk cage to cover herself and used it to paralyze the main control system.

and then?

With the help of the small Horcrux she made, Ji You used the connection between the silk cage and the 'towering tree' in the main control center to pave the way for her little Horcrux and get closer to the 'towering big tree'. Tree'.

   At this point, Ji You couldn't remember how many small silk horcruxes she had made and how many she had successfully laid. She only knew that the 'towering tree' that was far away was within reach!

   As long as she stretches out her hand gently, she can reach the branches, leaves, roots, and trunk of this big tree...

   But Jiyou didn't move.

   has already reached this stage, of course she is not lacking in patience.

  Jiyou is waiting.

   Wait for an opportunity.

   She believed that as long as he was a senior, Chu Jiaojiao, Shen Changqing, Yue Qiguang, Yue Qiyuan, Sheng Qingyan, Liu Fufeng...

   Including the warriors of the red tribe.

   As long as they still have one person alive, then they will definitely do their best, even if they sacrifice themselves, they will create this opportunity for themselves without hesitation!

  Jiyou believes in his friends.

   Time passed little by little.

Inside the silk cage, Qing Da Shi and Lu Guang Shi couldn't understand anything at this time, but they clearly felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more serious and depressing... They were clinging to each other tightly. Encourage each other to meet the next storm.

at the same time--

   He Ne and Chu Jiaojiao, who were lying in the hatching cabin, never opened their eyes, they seemed to be in a deep sleep, even their breathing was so shallow that people could hardly notice...


  1373 knew that the two men were not dead.

   Not only is he not dead, but he is still getting better and better, and his body is constantly recovering and growing at an incredible speed!

   They used the function of the hatching cabin to nurture cubs, and the energy provided in it, constantly repaired and strengthened their bodies!

   This is top physical fitness!

   It's coveted.

  No. 1373 looked envious, but it was not even a little bit of greed, because, throughout the whole process, the source star named Ji You always stayed here in a state of spiritual silk!

   She is strong, strong...

   At least, No. 1373 is convinced that 10 of her own can't beat one of her fingers.

  In this case, what is it fighting for?

   It is better to lie flat.

   Besides, this Yuanxing person also promised that as long as he keeps his own feet, as long as he doesn't play tricks, he will definitely repay his kindness in the future.

   The gift of repayment must be something I need and care about very much!

  No. 1373 completely rested.

   It also decided to play the role of 'Benefactor' well, to help this Origin Star named Ji You, to guard this mezzanine space, and to avoid the search of the main control system several times.

  Although the entire mezzanine space avoided the main control system, because it was originally set in the middle of the entire black ship, it could not completely conceal its existence. Therefore, the main control system passed through here several times and found it.

  Whenever the tentacles of the main control system extend here, No. 1373 quickly tops up, and when the system detects the existence of the cub No. 1373, it is known that the cub is all normal, stable and improving, so it quickly withdraws.

   That's it, several thrilling searches, all with the help of No. 1373, narrowly avoided.

   And, why and Chu Jiaojiao, got a very safe time to repair the body, and accumulated a lot of energy to strengthen themselves.

   Just when No. 1373 felt that there might be a long period of quiet and peacefulness, a very violent shaking suddenly broke out outside.

   The vibration this time is obviously different from the previous one!

   It's more violent, it's bigger, and its impact is deeper.

Originally, due to its characteristics, the small interlayer space can use various conditions to avoid the characteristics of the main control system. In each vibration, the interlayer space that was not affected in any way was inevitably affected by this shock. !

  1373 straightened his tail: "There is a situation."

   The fourth raised his eyelids, looked at No. 1373 who had an uneasy look, and said calmly, "What are you panicking about? I'm here."

  It is amazing, after hearing this sentence, No. 1373, who was very restless in his heart, suddenly calmed down.

   It doesn't know why it believes in a Yuanxing person so much!

   is also a source star of a lower plane.


  Who makes his heart choose to believe?

   It also obeys its own heart.

So, No. 1373 thought about it for a while, and he immediately found comfort in his heart, and, in the midst of another huge shock, No. 1373 approached the fourth child as if to please him, and gently touched him with the tip of his tail. Nodding on the fourth child's tail, seeing that the fourth child didn't respond, so he boldly moved closer.

   Just a little bit of testing, a little bit of movement, and after the whole body was close to the fourth, the trace of fear and fear in No. 1373's heart finally completely disappeared.


   It's definitely safe now! It is all leaning on the Origin Star people, and it is absolutely safe.

  It thought that if there was an unavoidable danger, it would let this powerful Origin Star run with him.

   The other party will definitely not refuse, right?

Just when the vibrations from the outside became more intense, No. 1373's mood calmed down, but when it started to secretly think about some things, Chu Jiaojiao, who had been lying quietly in the hatching cabin, suddenly opened her mouth. Open eyes.

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

 Chapter 2366 Wake up!

  No. 1373 hadn't noticed yet, but the fourth brother, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes immediately and looked at Chu Jiaojiao.

  Chu Jiaojiao looked a little dazed, and then she quickly locked the position of the fourth child.



   However, the feeling it gave her was very reassuring.

   There was a very familiar atmosphere, which made Chu Jiaojiao calm down from her dazed state of mind. Although she couldn't see anything, she knew that Ji You was there.

  Or, Jiyou's spiritual silk is there.

   There is no reason, and there is no hesitation, she is so firm in trusting this breath, and she also firmly believes in her own judgment.


  Chu Jiaojiao glanced at herself.

   She stayed in a long cabin like a treatment cabin, with pipes all over her body, and there was a steady stream of energy, which was transported into her body from these pipes.

   Her whole body is also warm, like waking up from a sound sleep, full of firepower.

  Chu Jiaojiao didn't suddenly get up and leave, but shifted her eyes slightly and looked around.

The surrounding    is roughly the same as the small independent space she stayed in after falling into the black ship. There is only one difference, that is, there is no big screen that can play the outside world.

   That is to say, she doesn't know how the outside world is now and what happened?

   And, what was her own real situation at this time?

  Chu Jiaojiao soon saw He Nei lying in another cabin, her heart tightened, why did the senior be here?

   Could it be that something serious happened?

He Bi's handsome face, with a ruddy complexion and a calm demeanor, was obviously not in a very bad state. Chu Jiaojiao thought about her current state, and quickly understood why she should have been placed in this kind of cabin. Repair the body.


  Chu Jiaojiao glanced around again, but didn't see Ji You, nor other friends, nor did she see the slanted face that occupied the body of the team leader of the Qing clan.


   Crooked mouth and slanted face has been beaten to death by himself.

Chu Jiaojiao immediately remembered what happened before she fainted. After she fell into the black ship, she was caught by two bodyless alien monsters. The body wants to occupy her.

   Next, she had a fierce battle with the two aliens.

  She was still outside the big screen when she saw Senior He Bi and classmate Ji You, and rushed over.


   I must have been rescued by Ji You and He Bei.

  The only problem:

  Where is classmate Jiyou?

  Chu Jiaojiao's eyes suddenly caught sight of a very simple treatment cabin in the corner, and her heart skipped a beat.

  There, she saw classmate Ji You.

Ji You was lying inside, covered with blood, but her face was calm. If there was a very slight but steady breathing sound from the senior's cabin, then Ji You's simple treatment cabin had no heartbeat at all. .

   At that moment, Chu Jiaojiao felt something, clenched her heart and squeezed it hard.


  It hurts, it hurts...

   It seems that apart from this simple word, which can describe her inner emotions, there is no more simple and clear word to describe it.

  Chu Jiaojiao turned over and was about to come out, at this time—

   She felt something and suddenly approached her. In an instant, Chu Jiaojiao raised her heart, but her face quickly regained her composure:

   "Are you awake?"

   She heard that thing and said to herself, the other party's voice contained a trace of excitement, a trace of excitement, but more of a sense of apprehension and panic...

   This is not the breath of Jiyou.


   She immediately understood, this is the alien inside the black ship!

  Chu Jiaojiao clenched her fists tightly, about to violently hurt someone, at this moment, the other party seemed to be startled and ran away immediately.

  No. 1373 was really scared to death, these Yuanxing people really didn't talk about martial arts at all, and they would launch an attack without asking a question.


   Fortunately, Jiyou's tail successfully saved himself.

  No. 1373's tail hooked, and he wanted to entangle the fourth child, and the fourth child had a tail, slapped it away, and then continued.

   The fourth child met Chu Jiaojiao.

  Chu Jiaojiao blinked: "Classmate Ji You?"

   The fourth child was silent.

   It is observing Chu Jiaojiao's spiritual world.

   Chu Jiaojiao, whose spiritual world has been severely damaged, has this time repaired her wounds?


   No matter whether the person in front of him woke up from Chu Jiaojiao's body, the fourth child has to confirm whether the other person is the real Chu Jiaojiao.

   It must ensure the owner's body, absolutely safe.

   In this dangerous place, and there are often aliens who are very interested in the masters of their bodies, it has to be guarded.

   The fourth child did not say a word, and all his breath was restrained.

  Chu Jiaojiao waited for a while, and soon realized that she also made a quick decision at this time. She looked in the direction of the fourth child, and looked at him silently.

   The fourth child's eyes narrowed.


   The fourth child completely shielded the surroundings. Even the nearby No. 1373 couldn't pry at all. After Chu Jiaojiao immediately removed her mental barrier.

   When he saw Chu Jiaojiao's spiritual world clearly, the fourth child, Sisi, who had seen all the wind and waves, almost couldn't hold back her exclamation!


   It's so full of holes, it's not enough to describe it!

   In addition to the thin layers of spiritual barriers, the entire spiritual world is still maintained, and it is like being pushed through with an excavator, a mess.


More seriously:

  Chu Jiaojiao has no spirit!

  Not a single one!

   In this kind of situation, the fourth child simply doesn't know what to say, or rather, it is more appropriate to react...

   for a long time.

   The fourth child said, "Jiaojiao, you are so miserable."

  Chu Jiaojiao: "..."

  This tone...

   is very similar to Jiyou, but not all Jiyou. Chu Jiaojiao was a little confused, but she didn't ask, anyway, she just believed the other party for no reason.

Chu Jiaojiao grinned in the direction of the fourth child, and said, "It's not miserable, it's not miserable at all to see you all alive." In that battle, she cut off all her spiritual threads and detonated it after the explosion. , I never thought that I would still be alive to see my comrades in arms...

   Her smile is bright and bright.

   The fourth elder sternly checked Chu Jiaojiao's spiritual world, and found that although it was a mess, and there was not a single spiritual thread, Chu Jiaojiao's spiritual core was still intact, that is to say, it was not injured at all.

   It's just that there is no spiritual thread, and it's not that the spiritual world is completely broken.

   There must be a way to save it.

  The fourth child thought about it and decided to leave this problem to the master and her friends to solve. It is just a small thread, so you don't have to worry about this baldness.


   The fourth child quickly told Chu Jiaojiao about his current situation.

   Hearing this, Chu Jiaojiao's pupils sank.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

   Chapter 2367 Confluence

  Mezzanine space.

  Chu Jiaojiao woke up. After listening to the fourth one talking about the whole process, she only felt a heavy heart, but she still had no idea of ​​giving up on saving Ji You.

  Jiyou's entire spiritual consciousness is trapped in a virtual spiritual space, which is certain.

The issue is-

  Chu Jiaojiao doesn't have any spiritual threads to use now, and she can't enter that spiritual space.

   She thought for a while and asked, "You said that Ji You's other spiritual threads wandered around the entire black ship and found a strange place?"

   The fourth elder nodded.

  Chu Jiaojiao thought for a while, and said, "Even if it is a world completely created by spiritual power, it is definitely not rootless duckweed. It must have something as a support point..."

   Having said that, the hatch of the entire hatching cabin has been opened, and Chu Jiaojiao jumped directly from above.


  Chu Jiaojiao jumped up again and jumped to He Bi's cabin. She checked it herself, and after confirming that it was correct, she said, "Senior He Bi's condition is very good."

   "According to my estimate, I can wake up in a day or two at the latest."

  Chu Jiaojiao looked in the direction of the fourth child. Although she couldn't see it, she could vaguely feel the breath of the fourth child and said, "I'll go out."

   The fourth child was silent for a while, then came to his senses: "Do you want to visit that place?"

  The place that the eldest, the second and other spirits found, occupies a very clever location, and it is hard not to make people wonder what is the key inside.

  You can't do it without going to see it.

  The fourth one wanted to see it by himself, but he had to guard his master's body. Before the master really woke up, even if the flood was terrifying, the sky was torn apart, and the whole world was about to perish, it would only keep guarding the master's body.

   The fourth brother thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "You can go and have a look."

  Chu Jiaojiao raised her feet and left.

  The fourth child: "...Pay attention to safety."

  Chu Jiaojiao: "Hmm."

   From making the decision to Chu Jiaojiao's departure, the whole process did not exceed 10 seconds, and Chu Jiaojiao simply left.

  1373 watched her leave with a dull expression on his face.

At once-


   What is she going to do?

  Because of the mental shield of the fourth child, No. 1373 could not break through, nor did he dare to break through. Therefore, he had no idea what the two of them said.

  No. 1373 can't figure it out, so I don't even think about it.


  Chu Jiaojiao left, targeting Jiyou's spiritual silk boss and other locations.

   Then, she soon discovered that her body was abnormal.


   The strength is stronger, the body is more agile, and the reaction is more flexible. According to her preliminary estimation, her physical fitness has been improved by at least three times!

If this is placed in the alliance, there is no way to improve in such a short period of time. It must be accumulated over time, decades, hundreds of years... Even when Chu Jiaojiao's life comes to an end, it is estimated that there is no way to improve it to the present. to the point of.

  This is an unforgettable opportunity!

   is a great opportunity!


  Chu Jiaojiao's heart is very heavy, but this opportunity of hers was brought by Ji You and Senior He Bi with their safety!

   She would rather not.


Dodging the various organs in the black ship has also become easier for Chu Jiaojiao. Once, she almost came face-to-face with the cleaner system in the hive. At that moment, Chu Jiaojiao burst into the limit speed. , run away early.

   Finally, we arrived at the place.

   Moreover, during this process, Chu Jiaojiao always felt a little strange, and this strangeness also came from her own.

   This time, it is not the body, but the spiritual power.

  Because she lost her spiritual thread, her spiritual power was almost negligible. She could reach her destination without a hitch. She thought that she only depended on her physical strength.


Not at all.

   There is another very important reason, that is-the defense system in this black ship seems to have failed to find itself once or twice.

what reason?

  Chu Jiaojiao thought of how she ran away when she was about to face the Sweeper System. She put almost all of her strength on escaping!

   She thought that the other party might catch her, or at least chase her for a while, but the sweeper system did not catch up.

   It's not that it doesn't want to, it's that it doesn't find itself!

  Chu Jiao Jiao thought about it, but the biggest possibility was that the other party didn't find her! Why?

The    sweeper system connects all the small spaces in the entire hive. Once it is found that there is an abnormality in the cubs, or there is a problem with the hatching cabin, or other foreign objects are broken into, they will receive the news as soon as possible and come to solve it.


   It didn't find itself?

   This can no longer be described as strange, it is completely incredible.

   Therefore, after a series of elimination methods, Chu Jiaojiao determined that the other party did not find her, so it is not difficult to guess the reason why the cleaner system did not find her.

   is related to spiritual power.

  Chu Jiaojiao has no spiritual silk now, and the spiritual world has suffered a severe setback. Therefore, she can hardly use her spiritual power.

   For a system that needs to detect abnormal problems by detecting the mental energy fluctuations of a creature, Chu Jiaojiao was like a cloud of air in its eyes at that time.

   What does this mean?

  Chu Jiaojiao's eyes suddenly lit up, which means that as long as the equipment, systems, enemies... that use mental fluctuations as the main detection method, there is no way to find her!

   In other words, she was a blessing in disguise, which was equivalent to an extra hang.

   After Chu Jiaojiao understood this, she was not in a hurry to verify her guess immediately. She moved forward at full speed and arrived at the place where the fourth child said.

  Because the boss left a mark, Chu Jiaojiao did not get lost, and smoothly joined the boss, the second, the third...the sixth and others.

  Chu Jiaojiao couldn't see anything, but it was like seeing the fourth child. The strong sense of closeness and trust told her that these were Ji You's spiritual threads.

  Let's talk briefly, Chu Jiaojiao understands the current situation, Ji You's spiritual threads did not act suddenly, but patiently observed...

   Then, I found that this place focused on strengthening the protection of spiritual silk and the like. Once the boss and a few suddenly acted, maybe they would be discovered at the first time.

   This is why they dare not move.

When    was stalemate, Chu Jiaojiao arrived.

  Chu Jiaojiao shared her guesses with the boss, and soon, everyone decided to experiment again.

If it really confirms Chu Jiaojiao's guess, her mental power can really avoid the mental monitoring in the entire black ship, then the boss and other places that can't go can be handed over to Chu Jiaojiao. explore.

This is really drowsy and came to the pillow, thirsty for water, and hungry for food. Chu Jiaojiao and the eldest brother summed up, found a few places to conduct a small experiment, and after confirming that there was no problem, they decided to enter that one. Weird place.

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

Chapter 2368 Go to his calm

  Chu Jiaojiao walked in there.

   In an instant, her figure disappeared from the line of sight of the boss and several other spiritual threads.


   The sound of the entire black ship suddenly accelerated sharply.

   The eldest, the second and the others looked at each other and saw worry in each other's eyes, but they didn't move for the time being as they said in advance.

   A few spiritual threads await...

  Chu Jiaojiao dodged, and after entering inside, she found that what she was facing was not a complicated world, she saw a tree.

   A very large tree, she raised her head high and stood on tiptoe, unable to see the tree at the top.

   This is very strange.

   When she came in, she carefully observed the surrounding environment, so little space could not accommodate such a huge tree.


   Her eyes sank.

   This is a man-made space.

  The technology of the Human Alliance, the space button produced can span several planes and be used on the Tianshi plane.


   The space technology of this so-called advanced civilization must also be very powerful, and it must be much stronger than the human alliance.

  This tree has very luxuriant branches and leaves, and its roots are also very developed. One by one, it extends out, and there is no edge at the end.

   Just standing under this tree made Chu Jiaojiao feel an irresistible sense of awe.

   What the **** is this?

   Could it be that the control center of the other party, that is, the supercomputer, is really built in the shape of a tree?

   There was nothing else in the surroundings except this tree. After Chu Jiaojiao stared silently for a few seconds, she decided to climb up the tree to find out.

   Immediately, Chu Jiaojiao's steps were interrupted.

   About 10 meters away from the tree, a strong resistance suddenly appeared and stopped her.

  Chu Jiao frowned.

   Next second.

   Countless pressure suddenly gathered on her body, and Chu Jiaojiao's face turned pale.

   Those are all spiritual energy!

   Like sea water, rushing towards Chu Jiaojiao, if all her spiritual threads were not lost, and she lacked the tentacles to sense these energies, just a little of this energy would definitely crush Chu Jiaojiao into flesh!

too terrifying!

  Chu Jiaojiao resisted stubbornly, and tried her best to restrain her breath to the point where there was almost no trace left, and then those vast energies like sea water quickly faded away.


  The surrounding of the whole tree has regained its tranquility.

What Chu Jiaojiao didn't know was that when she tried to approach this tree, in the spiritual world she couldn't see, the 'towering tree' that was constantly exuding faint rays of light, gathered energy surging, and was suddenly swept away. Jiyou caught it.

   Ji You's heart moved, she knew that this was the opportunity she had to wait for.


not enough.

   Such a little energy fluctuation only takes up less than 1/10,000 of the energy of the entire tree, which is not enough to divert the attention of this control center.

   Still waiting.

   Ji You never lacked patience, she continued to hug, patiently.

   Her little Horcrux, under her continuous laying, began to spread towards the surrounding of the 'towering tree', like a virus, constantly eroding the surrounding space.


  Because she is completely hidden in the original silk thread of the black ship control center, and she also walks on the original trajectory of the silk thread, and these silk threads have not been damaged by Ji You so far, so it has not caused the alert of the 'towering tree' for the time being.

   Ji You suppressed the throbbing in her heart and told herself to be more patient.

   When Chu Jiaojiao tried to climb up the towering tree, Liu Fufeng, who was entangled in countless threads, and even had completely plunged into her body, remained motionless, as if she was completely asleep.

  Shen Changqing's heart was hanging in the air, and there seemed to be winds all around him, constantly blowing and cutting his heart, he no longer knew what the pain was.

The vibrations around    were very violent, and everyone didn't know what happened to the red clan outside the information processing center. However, everyone also understood that the situation must have been extremely bad.

  The warriors of the Red Tribe also turned from hope to despair.


   The violent vibration stopped abruptly, and the eyes of the Red Race warriors were very dazed. Then, the vibration intensified. All the Red Race warriors present were knocked to the ground at once, and Shen Changqing's face suddenly turned white.

   The balance that was maintained by Shen Changqing was completely broken because of this turmoil.

  Shen Changqing spat out a mouthful of blood.

  Without Shen Changqing's maintenance, in an instant, dozens of warriors of the Red Race were knocked away one after another, and the scene was chaotic.

   These Red Clan warriors were also decisive. After sacrificing a few people, the Red Clan leader, with extremely tenacious willpower, re-formed the formation and protected Shen Changqing in groups. The formation of the formation has temporarily formed a balance, but everyone also understands that this is only a short time, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few minutes...

The faces of all the red people were black and red at this time. Because they were forcibly organized to resist the strong pressure around them, their strength was slightly inferior, and now they are forcibly resisting the pressure that is too much stronger than themselves, and they can't bear it at all. , including the leader of the red clan, all suffered heavy setbacks.


   Also because of their hard work, Shen Changqing won a chance to recover. Shen Changqing raised his hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Don't worry."


  Shen Changqing re-launched his spiritual defense barrier, wrapping all the red warriors present.

   Next second.

   Everyone in the red people fell to the ground one after another.

  Shen Changqing raised his head and looked at Liu Fufeng's position. After this change, the silk thread wrapped around Liu Fufeng's body also doubled!

The    was so dense that it was impossible to see Liu Fufeng's figure.

   He became another cocoon.

  The original huge cocoon is also gradually merging with the cocoon wrapped around Liu Fufeng at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "It can't go on like this, Dad has to help him."

Next to him came Yue Qiguang's voice, which was both hoarse and rough... He twisted his neck, then shook his head, stared at Shen Changqing very angrily, and said, "Shen Changqing, you hit Dad on the head, this is Dad. remember."

  Shen Changqing did not say anything.

  Yue Qiguang said: "Remember for a lifetime."

  Shen Changqing said: "Then I hope our whole life will be a little longer, preferably to live to the age of my grandfather."

   But he felt that maybe their life was short, maybe the next second, maybe the next minute, maybe the next hour...

   In short, not too long.

After    finished speaking, when Yue Qiguang frowned and looked unhappy, Shen Changqing suddenly asked, "How is your recovery?"

  Yue Qiguang said: "It's okay, 80%."

  Shen Changqing nodded and said, "We really want to go up and help him."

   Go for his trade-offs!

  Fuck his coolness, coldness!

   Whether Liu Fufeng is dead or alive...

   He has to take a look now.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

  Chapter 2369 Collaboration

   When a new round of shocks started, Shen Changqing and Yue Qiguang had a brief discussion, and then reorganized the fallen red warriors.

  Leaded by the leader of the red clan, they re-formed a formation.

  Shen Changqing, based on this formation, consolidated and expanded his spiritual defense barrier, and gradually extended towards where Liu Fufeng was.

  Shen Changqing sits at the rear.

  Yue Qiguang is in charge of the charge!

  Yue Qiguang did not hesitate, and according to Shen Changqing's instructions, he launched an attack on those threads he could not see!




   Countless silk threads were cut off by Yue Qiguang's machete who exploded with power.


  In an instant, the threads are gathered again and connected together.

  Yue Qiguang didn't stop.




   He is like a tireless fool, constantly moving the 'mountain' in front of him, raising his hands and dropping his sword countless times.

  Yue Qiguang seemed to have done a futile effort, however, he was also buying time for Liu Fufeng, just for a moment of breath, Liu Fufeng, who had been entangled in silk threads, suddenly moved.

   This little change quickly caught the attention of Yue Qiguang and Shen Changqing.

   The output of both of them increases at the same time.


   At this moment, when the cocoon that wrapped the second elder was about to swallow the cocoon that wrapped Liu Fufeng into it, the cocoon that Liu Fufeng was in suddenly exploded!

   A huge roar resounded in everyone's ears.

   In the center of the explosion, a strong light suddenly burst out, bursting in front of everyone's eyes.

Immediately after, the huge cocoon that wrapped the second elder was also affected by this level of explosion, and half was destroyed. It was also at this time that Liu Fufeng, who was motionless, suddenly opened his eyes and walked towards the cocoon. of the breach.

   "Student Yue Qiguang..." Liu Fufeng said, "It's not enough, smash it here."

   The violent explosion made Yue Qiguang's body sway, and it was almost impossible to maintain it, but he heard Liu Fufeng's voice, and immediately took out his big hammer and smashed it in the direction Liu Fufeng indicated.

  Just listen-


   Threads and threads all broke.

   Shen Changqing, who was maintaining the stability behind him, was keenly aware of the pressure all over his body at this time, and suddenly lightened!

it works!

   All the people present realized this, so the red warriors who were about to die, spitting black blood from their mouths, suddenly burst out with unprecedented power, as if they had been given a shot in the heart.

   Everyone will re-support the formation that wraps Liu Fufeng, Yue Qiguang, Shen Changqing, and their own positions with strong willpower!

  Shen Changqing expanded the scope with their help.

at the same time-

   Ji You, who has been waiting patiently for the opportunity, moved in her heart, she looked at the position of the 'towering tree', and saw that the energy surging towards the center of the tree suddenly diminished!

   This change, even if it is not obvious, is definitely eye-catching for Ji You who has been secretly watching here!

  There must be something wrong where the 'towering tree' is supplied with energy!

  Jiyou didn't even think about it, so he paved his way to the 'towering tree' and pushed towards the tree.

   did not cause the other party to notice, so Jiyou pushed forward again!

   A little, a little...

   Keep pushing!

at the same time-

   Chu Jiaojiao, who was about 10 meters away from this huge tree, also noticed the abnormality at once. The strong resistance that suffocated as soon as it approached seemed to have eased!

  Chu Jiaojiao did not hesitate to move forward!

  The resistance suddenly appeared again, but it was not worse than what Chu Jiaojiao expected, and it was indeed lighter than the last time!

   However, it was still not something Chu Jiaojiao could fight against.

She just stepped forward a little, only about 0.1 meters, and blood came out from her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Chu Jiaojiao raised her hand, wiped off the blood, and stopped, but she did not retreat. After that, he still stood firmly in place.


  Chu Jiaojiao repeated her old tricks, tried her best to restrain her breath, and tried her best to reduce her sense of existence, and because of the uniqueness of her spiritual silk, she succeeded again. The surging resistance quickly disappeared after not sensing the enemy's position.

  Chu Jiaojiao glanced at the distance between herself and the towering tree.

  9.9 meters.

   Her black eyes were slightly heavy, and she had to work hard. After several more visits, the goal of climbing the tree would definitely be achievable.


  Yue Qiguang followed Liu Fufeng's instructions and used all his strength to smash those threads with all his strength. Countless threads were broken under his attack, but there were also countless threads that reconnected and continued to operate.

   However, it is useful after all.

  The thread is decreasing.

   The red clansmen present, including Yue Qiguang who was attacking, couldn't see these threads because their mental power was not strong enough, but they could clearly feel that the pressure around them was decreasing little by little...

   As long as you can persevere, you will be able to cut these threads completely!

  Therefore, the people who were about to die in the first place were like being beaten with blood. Not only did they regain their vitality, but they even exploded with stronger power than before.

   The scope of the mental barrier maintained by Shen Changqing has also been further expanded.

  Those threads that were completely cut off after being attacked by Yue Qiguang were too late to be repaired. With the concerted efforts of everyone, they were occupied by Shen Changqing's spiritual barrier. As a result, the threads were completely isolated and could no longer be reconnected.

During the    period, there were also countless threads that wanted to attack Yue Qiguang and Liu Fufeng, but before they got close, they were blocked by Shen Changqing's mental barrier.

  With the protection of this barrier, Yue Qiguang's pressure dropped sharply, and he had more power to cut those threads.


  Liu Fufeng stopped suddenly after he took a step towards the cocoon and never moved.

  When everyone thought that he would continue to wait, suddenly, Liu Fufeng took the second step towards the huge cocoon that had burst, the third step...

   Just as Liu Fufeng was about to step out of Shen Changqing's protective circle, Shen Changqing's forehead was exposed with blue veins, and the pressure suddenly increased.

   Next second.

   Liu Fufeng suddenly waved to Shen Changqing.

  Shen Changqing was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant. He was very hesitant in his heart, but he moved a step faster and quickly removed the protection of Liu Fufeng.

As soon as he stepped out of Shen Changqing's mental barrier, Liu Fufeng's figure staggered and was about to fall down, but in a swaying, slightly trembling, he never really fell down. At the same time, the surrounding Those silk threads also gathered around Liu Fufeng in an instant, grabbing towards him as if with claws and claws.


   All the silk threads froze when they were about to touch Liu Fufeng, without warning. This scene also made everyone present relieved.

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

  Chapter 2370 Altar

Ji You's spiritual consciousness was already nested in the cage made of silk threads, and she did not move a step, but the distance between her spiritual power and the 'towering tree' through the path constructed by the small Horcrux was really close. within easy reach.

   Step out a little and you can reach the tree.


   Ji You didn't move.

   She is like a seasoned hunter, waiting for her prey to reveal its weakness...

at the same time-

  With Shen Changqing's rear protection and Yue Qiguang's military assist, Liu Fufeng swayed and swayed, but he never fell. Finally, he successfully entered the huge cocoon.

  In an instant, just listen—


   Countless threads extending from the 'big banyan tree' in the information processing center, tightly wrapped around the giant cocoon, suddenly burst at this moment!

  One, two, three...

  In an instant, countless threads were broken.

   The subtle sound of a silk thread breaking is hardly noticeable, but the sound of thousands of billions of threads breaking in unison is shocking!


When the    silk thread broke, Liu Fufeng not only did not avoid it, on the contrary, he further stepped into the center of the giant cocoon!

   In the center of the explosion, bursts of strong light erupted, and if there was a little carelessness, it was very likely to be implicated. Everyone was shocked. However, Liu Fufeng was still striding forward with difficulty.

   His whole body was surrounded by bursts of white light, and when he looked at it from a distance, it was as if he had stepped directly into the white light.

  Those white lights are constantly being extinguished, but new ones are constantly appearing...

  Shen Changqing, the warriors of the red clan, including Yue Qiguang who had retreated behind Liu Fufeng, all stared at him.

  Everyone is very curious, when the white light disappears completely, what is it that catches everyone's eyes?

   The second elder in the giant cocoon, is he still alive?

  Alive, it seems to have become a lifeline, and has long since escaped from the giant cocoon?

   The answer to all these will be revealed soon.

  Everyone held their breaths and watched carefully. Seeing that, Liu Fufeng suddenly stopped, and at the same time, those white lights that blocked people's sight were like fireworks. After burning out, they completely disappeared in front of everyone.

   The warriors of the red clan couldn't hold back and stretched their necks to see.

   Shen Changqing and Yue Qiguang also went there.

  See you-

In front of    Liu Fufeng, there appeared a spherical object wrapped and intertwined by countless pipelines, with a diameter of about 5 meters, which was not small.

Moreover, the silk thread on this spherical object has not completely cut off the connection with the 'big banyan tree', and there are still many silk threads that go around the 'big banyan tree' and continue to extend like the outside, no one can determine the specific The destination, but looking in the direction, it is towards the soul pool.

   That is to say—

Part of    is connected to the soul pool.

  It was very quiet all around, Liu Fufeng didn't speak, Yue Qiguang and Shen Changqing didn't say anything, everyone was silently observing this spherical object.

Everyone did not expect that after the cocoon was completely opened, it was still wrapped in a cocoon, and it did not cut off contact with the center of the soul pool at all. According to this momentum, it is not ruled out that there are still cocoons inside. group...

at this time-

   The leader of the red clan suddenly said: "This spherical object, its diameter and size, is somewhat similar to an object."

As soon as   's voice fell, a red warrior immediately echoed: "I also feel a little familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it."

   "I think so too, it's a bit familiar, but it doesn't seem to be a common thing."

   "It shouldn't be common, it must be something you can't see in a year, or a few years, a dozen years... Only on very important days, you can see things."


"what is it then?"

   The Red Race warriors racked their brains while maintaining the formation, but no matter how they thought about it, for a moment, they couldn't remember what it looked like, or what it was.

   Shen Changqing and Yue Qiguang did not stop them from discussing.

   Liu Fufeng, who was in front of the spherical giant cocoon, suddenly said, "It's an altar for sacrifice."

   Red Team Leader: "!!"

The other Red Race warriors stared at each other and suddenly realized: "No wonder I feel familiar, that's right, this is the altar that our Red Race sacrifices once every 100 years. The diameter of the altar is about 3 meters. 2-3 red people go up."

The location of the    altar has always been stored on the supercomputer of the information processing center, which is the central area of ​​the 'big banyan tree'.

  Under normal circumstances, private use is absolutely not allowed.

   It has a specific purpose. The main purpose is to use the best talent testing qualifications of the entire Red Race for a century.

   Therefore, every 100 years, the red clan will hold a festival. In addition to the carnival of the clan, the main purpose is to test the aptitude of the new generation. What kind of aptitude? Of course, it is the qualification to synthesize the lifeline. These new generation, those who have the qualification to become the lifeline will automatically become the candidates for the next clan leader.

   Once the current leader has an accident, or it is completely proved that he cannot be the lifeline, the next leader will be selected from these leader candidates.

   After the new leader takes office, all the resources of the whole clan will also focus on it.

  If it can't be the lifeline either, then it's the next one's turn, the next one...

   keeps looping, constantly alternating.

   Of course, there are legends of those who have successfully become lifelines among the Hong clan, but unfortunately, all the surviving Hong clan people have never really seen them, and there is no record of their modern history.


   This once-in-a-century ceremony has never really stopped. The red clan, whether they are at the bottom or at the top, have never given up the hope and plan of becoming a lifeline and leading the whole clan to enter a higher plane together!

   So, everyone is still working hard.

   Every one hundred years, the festival is held once, and he has never been absent. The disc altar, only with certain qualifications, that is, the real genius of the entire tribe, is qualified to climb up and conduct qualification testing.

  Second Elder, Hong Hong Shi, and some other geniuses of the Hong clan have all stood up before.


   The warriors of the Red Tribe, with their mouths open, looked at the altar in front of them, which was wrapped in pipelines and could hardly identify its original shape.

   This is the holy altar of the red clan! How could it be like this? How can it be trampled at will?

   And the reason why they were not identified at the first time was because the ceremony was held only once in a hundred years, and it never occurred to me that someone would disregard the glory and dignity of the red race and trample on the altar!


   The spherical cocoon in front of him is obviously wrong with the actual size of the altar.

   It is about 2 meters larger than the diameter of the altar.

   This is also the reason why everyone didn't find it in the first place.


  Why does Your Excellency Liu Fufeng, an outsider, a source star from an alien plane, know that this is an altar?

   Many people present were very confused.

   At this time, Liu Fufeng turned his back to the crowd and stared at the altar in front of him. The thin and thin figure seemed so mysterious.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

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