The armoured hearts

By claburakp

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Porsche was the one to put his life in danger to protect his brother and ensure their surviving, until the da... More

Welcoming words 💗
The poverty of hearts
New Rules
The bond of the bloody river
Painting of horror
This place
The heavens
Behind the doors
Kim is alive
Building another trust
Back as it should be
human's relationship
Closer than ever
Tiny, adorable Chay
The armour


52 3 0
By claburakp

(Hi 🥺✨️💗 another chapter here, I hope that you are doing great ✨️💗 love you )

Kim's head was clearly not recovering well from this attack, a strong pain spreading through his skin and the inside of his nerves as he was getting his consciousness back. His first thought was to look around and to look for Porchay. He was with the boy, he should wake up with him being near him too. He discovered quickly that the place had changed, the place had changed, he was not on grass anymore but in a room, a dark room where the surrounding was blurry but the detail could be seen. He stood up urgently, observing that he was free, he didn't have anything to restrain his movement. It was weird. He remembered some words he learnt, some words which were going to be useful now.

In a dangerous situation, if the enemy lets you free, play with him, do not give them the idea that they should restrain your movements.
If you get caught, be sure to understand the situation and who is your enemy to be able to win over the situation.

However, Kim didn't know if he was in the enemy territory or if he could be trusted, he was not free but still in a room, and he had no idea if he could go to the door and run outside. He was beginning to think, to think without emotions like he learnt for emergencies when the door opened. An old man, closing the door carefully behind him, appeared. Kim didn't know him at all.

"Kim..." He said walking closer but the boy walked away with a confused expression. "I guess that you have a lot of questions...and that we never saw each other, but you know me..."

"That's possible, knowing comes with remembering, or with memories, and I have none of your existence."

"You talk very well ...and your brain...thinking mostly by itself. I got you a little late, I am sorry. Kim I am your Theerapanyakul." He calmly announced, as if it was peaceful information.

"You're one...of them?" Kim asked, his voice shaking from the realization. Another one, he thought, how many are out there? And who was he? Kim's mind was conflicted. He needed to not believe the Theerapnyakul's words, he promised Porchay, he needed to not follow any of what was going up from his memory by heart now. He needed to let it aside, totally, but it didn't change his struggles. He couldn't trust those words, nor the men who wrote them. But they trusted Kinn, they trusted him, Porchay trusted him. Tankhun, this man too, they lived in their house for some hours, he welcomed them. Weren't they Theerapanyakul too? And some kind of brother? The rules were not ruling his mind because the rules stopped being one the moment they broke it. Could he trust that man? Who was he? He felt as if he needed to make his own decision, he felt as if it was impossible to decide like this, in one go, he needed time, he needed more information and he was insecure.

"I am more! I am the most powerful! I am at the head of everything." He smiled with proudness.

"You're the one...writing the rules?" Kim asked, getting less comfortable.

"I am...I am sorry Kim, I should have protected you better." He said, sitting on a chair, there was only one.

"Protected..."Kim repeated. "Wait...are Kinn and Tankhun?"

"They sons, yes, they are kinda complicated to manage...they aren't really like me...though! Kim you are not my son, you are more than this! You are so much more, you are a perfection, you are a perfect weapon! You are just human enough to be clever but not too much to think by yourself. You are my best creation and my bestest ally." He said with such a happy feeling that Kim had a hard time to dissociate those words from the atmosphere he created.

"I don't...get it..." Kim said, his mind being a mess.

"You are like, you know! How you smashed my men in that house." Kim nodded. "The thing you used, you are that thing...such a pretty one..."

"I am...a thing?"

"Kim...don't you feel empty? Don't you want to have a reason to live?"

"You mean...something to do everydays?" Kim asked, trying to be ahead of that man, trying to think the thought before he could to try to impress his young mindset.

"No, something better, something making you feel that your life is worth it, something making you full! Because your everydays will be filled in a way where you won't feel lost at all. Not thinking, nothing more." He smiled proudly, even more than before. "You just need to be my weapon Kim."

"Kinn, Tankhun...they won't like this..."

"They aren't okay with this because they don't see besides their prejudices but if you explain to them, if you try to tell them that it's really what you are made for...they will let go."

"Porchay..." Kim said, witnessing a twitch on the man's face.

"I am sorry for him, he shouldn't have found that house first...I am sorry he had to be involved but I will let him go, if he let you go.They all think that they know better than yourself, but are they?"

Kim kept his silence. He only knew and felt one thing : the trust he developed towards Porchay, the one he was building with his brothers, was different from the one here. This man was trying to push his brain to him, not to convince him and it was stuck in Kim's brain, it was like a block, how much he would have loved to participate in the conversation but all he cared about was the way he was sure his idea was the bestest out there. It was in contradiction with all he slowly but surely felt those past weeks, he didn't just drink those words brought to him. They waited for him to accept them, they waited for him to understand them and a small amount of his brain had already recorded how it was made: he didn't like the approach Korn had, not at all. He was also lost in what to do, looking clueless, as if he could still be won.

"Kim, you just have one thing to do. One. Prove me that I can trust you." Korn said getting closer and giving Kim a gun. "You click here, and bullet it out." He explained calmly. "All you have to do now is go to the next room." As he said those words,some light came from behind, a glass was separating them from the room, Yok in the middle of it. "You take that door, go inside, kill her and come back in." Korn explained.

"Why-Why?" Kim asked, his eyes not able to stop staring at her, at that woman who never ever did anything more than help him, Porchay too, she was a friend, and Sophia and Clea. He was suddenly going deep inside the memories he gathered in that closed room, the most peaceful of his life.

"You couldn't kill that cat, we need to create a deeper bond Kim and this looks perfect, she got on my nerves by hiding you, I get rid of her and earn your trust, isn't it perfect?"

Kim nodded. He nodded. He had nothing else to do than nodding. He felt a violent burn in his nerves, he felt his skin shaking from it, he felt his brain erupting like it never did before. He could do it, he could, he would, it would be easy, he learnt to do it, it would be so easy that no one would be able to stop him, no one, he would just -go for it-.

Kim turned around in a sudden movement, clicking like he said, clicking like he just quickly understood, shooting in Korn's legs. The man didn't see that coming, he was persuaded to be able to bring back the Kim from that house and had been reckless. He began to scream from the pain, falling on the ground. Kim didn't find any other option than shooting at the glass, he gave a violent punch in the fragile state of it after the bullet and jumped over the wall, getting to Yok.

Yok stared at him, in shock, not ready to understand what just happened and why Kim had such a huge and shiny smile on his face.

"What-what's happening?" She asked while being freed from any rope.

"I made it. I made my first decision!" Kim giggled, helping her to stand up and she smiled too, she never knew what to expect from Kim, but she believed he would be a good man, a better man Korn would have ever made of him.

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