Parenthood - A Journey [COMPL...

By TereBin_

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Sometimes a love story starts from parenthood. Cocer by : @chupkaroswaraaa More

1. We collide again
2: Pregnant
3 : Worth
4 : Trust?
5 : Leave
6: Conversation
7: Your dreams are mine now
8 : Fight
9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai
10 : Shohar
11 : Engaged
12 : Insecurities
13 : Wild Life Photographer
14: Be mine
15 : Unsaid Confession
16 : Love Vs Fear
18 : Meerab's POV
19 : Selfish?
20 : Confession
21: Hospital and Pregnancy
22: First kick
23: A perfect Mismatch
24 : God Bharai
25 : Delivery
26 : Meri Meesam
Epilogue ❤️
BONUS ( First Step)

17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan

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By TereBin_

"I love you too but I'm scared to confess. I'm scared to lose you. What if you leave me someday? How I will handle that?", Meerab said and placed her head again on his chest thinking of thier life. She feels shy to open her heart and to romance with him but from the bottom of her heart, she has the same feelings and desires for him. With passing days her love for him is getting stronger but every problem increases her insecurities

"I know you would leave me once I turn fat as after pregnancy women turn fat and men lose thier love so it is better to keep my feelings to myself. At least it will save me from getting more hurt. I can't trust anybody for this not even you Murtasim because I have seen everybody break my expectations including you. I trust you for everything but not in this case because I know you will leave me again like others", Meerab said and held his hand in hers. She remembered the past where everybody left her when she needed someone by her side. She wanted to make herself strong enough to fight with the world alone. Strong enough to live a life without depending upon someone but this knot is making her weak. She just wants to stay in front of his eyes and want him to keep loving her

"He looks very cute while sleeping", Meerab whispered to herself and parted his cheek a little and when Murtasim didn't move, she moved close and kissed his forehead and let her lips linger on his forehead.

Murtasim froze feeling her hot lips on his forehead and her confession which was directly from her heart. His heart started beating rapidly and he felt his chest moving up and down with her hand on his chest. He felt this moment magical, this was the moment he dreamt of. He always got what he wanted from her always, this care and affection looked like a dream to him. Her tender touch makes him lose his sanity. He felt the urge to wrap her in his arms and kiss her tightly to tell her whatever she was thinking was wrong but he knows the fact that if he tried then she would deny her feelings and would lose her trust as he didn't move when she checked if he was awake or sleeping. He clutched his hand into a fist to control himself from pulling her over him.

Meerab got up and ruffled his hair softly and when she loved this feeling, she played with his hair and clicked his many pictures in different styles. Her giggling sound looked music to his ears and he prayed to hear this daily and feel her love for him every day. She was just playing with him freely not knowing what her actions were doing to him and how he was using his whole power to control himself. Her touch looked so smooth that he felt warmth lost whenever she took her hand back from his hair.

Meerab went to get ready when Murtasim moved into sleep. Which was just because he felt his patience losing and ended up moving a little to push her away if she wanted him soft on her. As he heard the door locking sound, he sat and started taking deep breaths and placed his hand on his chest to feel his raging heartbeat. How can she make him go mad every time? He knows only she has the power to drive him crazy and is the only woman who can control him. He loves being controlled by her. Again he layed and waited for her to come back and shower her love again.

When Meerab came back she noticed the quilt hanging down and she covered him and caressed his hair softly. "Thank you for giving importance to my anger ", she whispered near his ears and sat beside him. She poked on his shoulder to wake him and when he didn't move she called his name and slapped his cheek softly. Murtasim laughed at himself for his realistic acting and continued his act and yawned in sleep.

"Good morning. Do you want to kill me?", Murtasim said in a sleepy voice and pulled her towards himself slowly with her finger. Meerab pushed him which resulted him in falling and she laughed seeing him winching on the ground

"Kill you. Murtasim Khan, I will surely kill you if you try to do cheap acts. Always remember I'm Meerab ", Meerab warned and walked towards the door and stopped hearing his voice

"Murtasim Khan", he added. At first, Meerab didn't understand his meaning and raised her eyebrow questioning him but when she heard his reply. She ran away blushing hard hearing his statement which no longer looked cringe to her

"Meerab Murtasim Khan. You are just mine", he said and laughed when he saw her retreating figure. He checked his mobile phone to see missed calls from Bhaktu and decided to talk to him in an isolated place where nobody could hear them. He can't let Meerab take tension in this matter as his work is to remove her insecurities and this problem might increase her insecurities.

He got ready and took Bhaktu to an isolated place. This place is his favorite place because he comes here whenever he feels broken and doesn't have any way to come out. He pours his emotions in front of this lake as nature understands him more than people. He is a nature lover and feels that nature is also in love with him. He noticed his phone buzzing with Zubair's call and he put his mobile on airplane mode in anger. He doesn't want to start his day hearing his irritating voice. His wife already made it beautiful and he wanted to keep reminiscing about that moment.

He walked towards a rock and sat on it reminiscing the time when she confessed her love for him. This still looks like a dream to him, only he knows how he controlled himself from jumping onto the bed when she confessed her love for him. He understood her big yes in her no. He understood that she just said no and pushed him away because of her insecurities but from deep inside her heart, she loves him and her insecurities are the main reason she is pushing him away

"Sir how can I help?", Bhaktu asked which broke his trace and he looked at Bhaktu to talk to him

"Try to talk with those people who were in contact with the dead people and also if possible find strong proof against Zubair which we can use", Murtasim suggested

"But sir I need time for that and Zubair wants to prison you ", Bhaktu replied and looked down feeling guilty for not being able to help his Khan when he knew Murtasim was innocent. Murtasim kept quiet as he got lost in thinking about the consequences. If it was old Meerab, he would not have cared about her reaction because somewhere he thinks that she would never care if he lives or dies but now the situation is different and she is changed. He knows if he went out for a day, she would prepare a speech for him asking where he was and with whom. What he would reply? That he was in jail, just because his enemy wanted him to and he couldn't do anything even after knowing his innocence? From when did he become so weak? He knows she would be broken and what about their child? He doesn't want to leave them alone for a day and if he gets prisoned then he doesn't have any idea how much time he has to stay and his career is destroyed

"Sir I think we should go in the village for a few days", Bhaktu suggested and Murtasim flinched as he was thinking of Meerab and was not paying attention to what Bhaktu said. He asked him to repeat and when Bhaktu repeated his statement Murtasim replied

"What if he is calling me to put me in jail? I will not go leaving Meerab and our child. She... She is already scared Bhaktu. I don't know what to do. I'm sharing my married life because you have known me for 15 + years and you are like my best friend. Before Meerab I trusted you the most, I love Meerab but for once I can believe she can break my trust for her own reasons but I know you will never. That's why I'm opening in front of you. I will stop believing anyone if you break my trust", Murtasim thought to remind Bhaktu that he trusted him the most that's why he was talking with him as he felt like opening his heart in front of someone except Meerab. He can't talk with Meerab in this matter as she will get scared and will panic hearing this problem and might kill Zubair with her hands.

"I will never sir and understand you are thinking as a father but we can take her help. You said she studied law", Bhaktu suggested as he knows Meerab was a law student and thought she might help

"I can't. If I did then she would not let me come out of the house and she would be scared. Already she is insecure about me. I'm so happy to know she loves me but the situation is the opposite. I can't even assure her that I will never leave her because of Zubair. I can't break her trust Bhaktu please help me because if I break her trust, she will never believe me again. She thinks I will leave her and I can't prove her insecurities true", Murtasim said and looked down as he was upset with himself for not assuring her today that he would never leave her. He would have but in the morning he got a call from Bhaktu and got scared.

"We are trying our best", Bhaktu replied

"Do one thing. Go there and talk with Malik Mukhtar. He will definitely help us", Murtasim suggested

"Sir I promise you don't have to to go jail. All villagers will not let the police take you. You are kind and helpful but a murderer. Zubair killed his men and is blaming you but we All know the truth", Bhaktu assured Murtasim as he understood what Murtasim was thinking and felt his fear. He knows Murtasim never thinks of himself but for his family, he never steps back and he is scared for Meerab and their child's future. He Murtasim is arrested then this fact might ruin their child's future as he/she has to face humiliation just because of their father.

"I need proof", Murtasim said and walked down picked stone from the ground, and threw it on the lake in anger. He started thinking about Meerab and thier unborn child again, suddenly he felt two arms wrapping around his waist. He looked towards those hands and on noticing the ring he understood it was his wife and he caressed her hand softly

"Meerab ", he whispered her name and pulled her in front of him slowly. Meerab looked at him from tip to toe and hugged him again which surprised Murtasim. He caressed her back softly to assure her kissed her forehead and tried asking what happened but Meerab didn't let him say anything and warned him to keep his mouth shut. He tightened the hug remembering her confession and picked her in her arms and twirled her softly which made Meerab realize that she was not here to enjoy herself with him. She gestured for him to put her down and when he did she called his name again only to hear his angry voice

"Are you mad? Why you came here? You can't drive in this condition ", Murtasim said angrily when he noticed the car and her abdomen. He didn't realize it before as he was in a trance which broke when he put her down and looked at his surroundings. He gestured for Bhaktu to leave and looked at his wife who was looking ravishing in the yellow suit.

"And you can switch off your mobile phone and go without telling anyone right?", Meerab snapped at him angrily.

"I'm sorry. I...", he was about to apologize but Meerab interrupted him

"What sorry? Are you fine?", Meerab asked with concern and checked his arm which confused him. What will happen to him? He was just out for an hour or maybe less than that then why she is overreacting? He doesn't even have the guts to call her reaction overacting as she might kill him for saying so.

"I am fine. Why are you asking? What happened?", he asked and held her shoulders to support her and pulled her towards himself softly and moved his one hand towards her cheek to caress her delicate skin

"Z... Zubair called to warn me if I didn't give the property to his name, he would kill you. I am ready to give my property because I can't lose you ", Meerab said panicking and checking his face thinking he might be lying. Her forehead lines gave him a hint of how tensed she was and he needed to calm his wife down. She is behaving madly, he got an idea when she was checking him out again and again trying to find any scratch marks on his body. How he will tell her that Zubair wants to put him in jail

"Calm down Meerab and tell me when he called you. How dare he?", Murtasim asked softly but his voice raised when he talked about Zubair. As he finished his line he felt Meerab shiver and she pushed him and shook her head and her hands trembled which scared Murtasim. He held her hands and tried to gain her attention but Meerab didn't look at him and continued saying no which made him panic. Murtasim helped Meerab to sit on a rock and sat in front of her

"Calm down. Take a deep breath Meerab. I'm fine and I'm with you", Murtasim assured her and stroked his hand gently on her hair.

"How can I calm down? Do you know how scared I was? He said you are with him. My heart came in my mouth I was so scared. He said he would kill you he...", Meerab's voice trembled while talking about Zubair which scared Murtasim as he never thought in his wildest dream that Meerab would behave like this. Especially for him and seeing her weak and panicking broke his heart.

Her reaction is due to pregnancy hormones as well because in pregnancy women overreact to most situations. They get angry easily and get hurt as well. This insecurity was already eating her up and this came out as panic today

"I was not with him Meerab", Murtasim replied caressing her cheek softly and moving forward to kiss her forehead. He knows he needs to assure her otherwise she might get a panic attack. Already her sweat and reaction gave him a hint about a panic attack and he was afraid to leave her alone even for a second

"Why he called me then? And why did you leave early in the morning ignoring me?", Meerab asked panting heavily as she was not yet satisfied with his answer and was still scared to lose him. She thinks that he will leave her once she lets him go somewhere alone.

"Calm down Meerab. I was not ignoring you. How can I ignore my beautiful and strong wife? You are strong Meerab don't react like this yar. See...", Murtasim said but Meerab interrupted him in the middle

"I will give him property. You don't know what he can do. In the morning I... I got his call and... I'm scared please don't risk your life I will die", as Meerab finished she felt his warm lips on her lips and closed her eyes tight feeling peace. Her heartbeat became normal and she held his coat tightly on her fist. Soon Murtasim broke the kiss and looked into her eyes to ask if she had anything to say. Meerab looked down in embarrassment as she just realized how she was behaving and felt shy about how he made her shut her mouth

"Chup . Ekdum chup ho jao aab (Quiet. Just keep quiet now ", He said and cupped her face in his hands. He joined thier foreheads together and intertwined thier hands to let her know they were together and no one could separate them. Their bond is very strong and even death can't separate them.

"I'm fine and he was scaring you. You are not going to give him a penny and I will handle everything. Stay out of this matter. Understood?", he asked but received no reply as Meerab kept looking down in embarrassment. She just realized how she reacted and is now feeling awkward even to look in his eyes

"I understand your fear. In pregnancy, women do behave like this but I was also scared Meerab. Please don't lose yourself like this. I am scared to lose you Meerab. I feel lonely without you ", Murtasim said and helped her to stand up and made her walk towards car not waiting for her reply as he knew she would not reply. He knows she must have understood that even he is scared to lose her and her insecurities are very wrong to think that he will leave her. He will soon remove her insecurities but today he will not spare Zubair for scaring his wife and using Meerab as a weapon against him again

"Bhaktu go back take this car and tell Ma begum that I'm going to the village...", Murtasim said and Meerab interrupted him

"I will come with you otherwise I will sit here ", Meerab said and crossed her arms twisting her lips and showing her anger. Murtasim chuckled at his stubborn wife, he was about to say he was taking Meerab with him when she interrupted and announced that she would go with him otherwise she would not go anywhere

"I will take Meerab with me ", Murtasim added and waited for Bhaktu to go and then opened the door for her to sit

"Why don't you tell me the problem? Why he is behind my property after taking yours?", Meerab asked when Murtasim sat in the driver's seat

"He wants me on the roads ", Murtasim replied starting the engine of the car. He knows hiding the whole matter will be dangerous as she will start panicking again and he can't afford to lose her. He can do anything for her except leave her alone as she is his love.

"Money is not important for me. But you are ", Meerab replied

"And for me, you and our baby matter the most. I am afraid to lose you. I can't live without you Meerab and I will never let you go. Your property belongs to you and our children, not to me so keep this to yourself. I will take mine from him and please stay out of this matter. If not for yourself then for our baby please", Murtasim requested to which Meerab nodded

"This place looks peaceful ", Meerab said

"Yes, it is. From the time I lost my dream, I used to visit this place but due to my busy schedule, I couldn't come here. Baba used to take me here and I used to cry missing him. After marriage, I came here when I left you at your home. Meerab please don't do something to hurt me", Murtasim requested and gave her water to drink when she started coughing hearing him. He helped her to drink and caressed her abdomen to feel thier baby.

Soon they reached to Village and he opened the house and asked Meerab to sit on the sofa. He turned on the lights and walked towards thier room to clean it. He changed the bed sheets and then cleaned the room after finding a broom. When he turned he noticed Meerab standing behind him and asked for help which he denied and asked her to sit. He is boiling in anger for Zubair but he knows he can't lose his temper when she is with him. When he completed he picked up his mobile phone to call Mai and the other servants when Meerab ran towards him and back-hugged him again

"Murtasim... Zubair... Zubair", she fumbled while talking about him and hugged him tightly scaring him

How's the part? Especially how he shut her mouth 🙈. I tried not to go deep but this was just to show thier progression. As they are decent actors especially Yumna❤️

Can you feel her fear? Are her fears normal?

How he will handle every situation?

The next part will be of Meerab's POV

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