Trauma -BoyxBoy-


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Talon Brooks is a 17-year-old gay boy, overcome with fear and trauma. He is scared of touch and barely speaks... More

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Important Author Note/Discussion


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The picture is Josh.


The concrete floor was cold and wet; very uncomfortable... I looked around the room and didn't see anything that I recognized. Where am I? It was almost completely silent except for the chain locked around my ankle.

I tried to think of the moments that got me here. I went out with my friends... to the park to hang out. I took a different route than usual when I walked home. Some stranger came up to me and asked me for directions, the next thing I knew, another man grabbed me from behind and another man quickly drove a van up. The two men outside of the van had grabbed me and I struggled so hard but they were stronger than me and they threw me in the back of the van, hopping in too. Then the driver sped off. No one was outside. No one saw.

I remember I kept screaming for help hoping someone we drove by would notice... if we even did drive by someone. I yelled at the men in the car and attempted to fight them to escape but they were still stronger and held me down but I didn't stop. I wasn't going down without a fight, but to shut me up they slammed my head down on the floor of the van to knock me out, and now I'm here.

I was terrified of what was going to happen, shaking like a house in a 9.0 earthquake.

The room was a decent size and pretty much empty except for one corner where there was a big armoire and something that looked like a surgical table. I do not want to know what that is for. There was also one of those small half windows on the top of the wall opposite to the wall with the armoire.

As I waited for the next events I thought about my family and wondered if they were looking for me, or if they even know that I'm gone. Is anyone looking for me? What if they gave up? Have the police even been notified of my disappearance?

I've gotten myself so scared in what I think is only a couple of minutes since I woke up but rightfully so since I was kidnapped.

I surveyed the room again. There's no way to escape besides the window and the big metal door and I'm going to assume that both of them are locked. There's no point in trying anything anyway considering the fact that I am chained to the wall.

It must have been hours before I heard a beeping noise from a keypad maybe? It caused the metal door to unlock then the door opened and a man emerged. It wasn't one of the men who took me off the sidewalk. There's more than three? The light from the hallway outside illuminated the dark room and once again my fear levels skyrocketed.

I was finally going to see who took me from my home, my family, my life.

He was completely silent as he walked over to me, the only thing making noise was the rustling of his clothes and the tapping of his boots. He fished into his pocket, pulling out a key, stopping his movement before starting to speak.

"First things first, let's get two things straight. You will address me by Master and anyone else here by sir. Secondly, if you try to escape then I will not hesitate to shoot you." He explained causing me to notice the pistol tucked into his jeans on his hip.

"Do you understand me?" He grunted. I didn't want to get shot so I slowly nodded my head and answered him.

"Yes...Master..." I wanted to cringe at the fact that I just said that sentence but I held it back.

I peered up at him thinking the worst. What if he kills me and I never get see my mom or my brother or my friends ever again? He gripped my arm so hard I swear I started losing circulation, then he pulled the key down and unlocked the metal cuff on my ankle and he thrust his arm backward effectively pulling me up. I stumbled forward a bit but I caught my balance because once again, I don't want to get shot.

He wasn't the most gentle person and has big enough that he could probably crack my spine if he hit me hard enough.

The man tugged me out of the room quickly and I struggled to keep up. How does he walk so fast?

We emerged into a large hallway -still dimly lit if you were wondering- and turned to the left. After a moment of being dragged, we reached another metal door that had to be unlocked with a pin code.

He pressed a couple of buttons, I couldn't tell which ones, then there was a beeping noise and a click of the door unlocking. He turned the knob and opened the door to reveal this medium sized room with a disgusting king sized bed and an equally disgusting couch, as well as four other men. I recognized three of them from my actual kidnapping but the other one was a new face. they were all doing some sort of smirk and wide disgusting grins.

"Boss, he really is a nice one" The new face commented, the other nodded making noises of approval. I looked around wide-eyed, scared, and confused. What is going on?

The boss guy pushed me and I fell onto the dirty bed causing me to cringe in disgust.

"Let's have some fun"

They started rubbing their hands on my body and caressing my skin. Every touch felt like piercing needles and bees stinging my body. The places they touched burned like wildfire and I didn't think it could get any worse.

That was before they started taking off items of clothing.

No no no I don't want this. I'm only fourteen years old! This is not how I want this to happen! I tried to fight back but that just seemed to make them want me more.

It wasn't how I assumed my first time would have been; rough and forced- with strangers- people I've never met before.

I feel so dirty.

It came to my mind that I would never be able to lose my virginity to a guy that I trusted and loved.

It didn't occur to me that I was crying and screaming until the men finished and I was left there lying on the bed, exhausted, crying, used, and wanting to die as the men exited.


I woke up to see the school nurse looking at me with a sad expression. I could feel my erratic breathing and my pounding heartbeat that was threatening to break down the walls of my chest.

"I tried calling your mom and brother but neither of them can come to pick you up. There's only one more period of school left if you would like to go back to class..?" She asked quietly. I just nodded, trying to calm myself from the horrible memories that plagued my mind.

I wish I was stronger. Stronger willed, stronger physique, stronger everything. All I want is to be normal and not the weird kid in the school.

I've always heard that senior year is the worst when I was in middle school, but I didn't think it would be this bad, but that was a different school and a different state, before my kidnapping. I miss those days when I had more than one friend and I expressed my feelings. When I was on the track team... when I was normal.

Nothing could go wrong if I just go back for the last hour, I mean it's not like Mitch is in that class.

So she wrote me a pass and sent me on my way {fresh prince anyone?}

My last class is art which is a class I actually enjoy. Art helps me stay calm; it's like the inner turmoil of my mind shuts down when I draw, and its much better than suffering multiple panic attacks all of the time.

It never used to be like this. Why did I have to go out with my friends that night?

When I made it into the classroom I gave Mr.Romero my late pass and waited for him to check it over and not mark me down as late or think I tried to skip, even though I'm probably one of his favourite students. He looked over the purple slip of paper, nodded and said, "Alright, you can sit next to Sebastian."

Wait, what? I didn't know he was in this class...

I surveyed the room, spotting Sebastian sitting at one of the tables in the back row at the very corner on the right side of the room and I proceeded to make my way over to the four-person desk, sitting in the chair next to him. Mr.Romero gave a curt nod and resumed his class, he was discussing some famous artist or something.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home?" Sebastian questioned in a low whisper, ceasing his whisper conversation with the teal-haired girl across from him. I guess word travels fast? I nodded at him, pulling out a piece of paper to communicate with him cause I doubt he knows sign language and it'd be much easier than making him try to read my lips.

'yes, but nobody was able to pick me up, so here I am.' I wrote and showed it to him.


"Okay class, so we are going to be doing a new group project over the next week or so," Mr.Romero announced causing like to people in the class to groan. "Everybody will have a partner and you will be painting or drawing a portrait of your partner. You will be partnered with the person sitting shoulder to shoulder with you at your desk." He paused for a minute not hearing many noises of disagreement, probably because he lets us pick where we sit every day.

"Alright, everyone seems to be alright with this plan, now you can use the last five minutes of class to discuss and get to know each other if you don't already."

Sebastian turned back to me after Mr.Romero finished speaking.

"So, we should play like twenty questions or something" Sebastian proposed

'Sure' I wrote on the paper with a quick scribble.

"Okay, I'll go first...uhm...whats your favourite colour?" He asked.

'Very original arent you? Its either peach or yellow... whats your favourite Tv show?'

He thought over my question for a couple of seconds before answering "well I like to watch a lot of those crime shows but my favourite is probably Criminal Minds. What about you, what's your favourite?"

Unlike him, it didn't take any time for me to think about the question and I wrote down my answer as fast as I could.

'South Park'

"South Park? Really?" Seb chuckled.

'Yes! What about it?'

"You just don't seem like the type of person to watch something like that."

Out of nowhere, the shrill sound of the bell rang through my eardrums causing me to jump high in my seat which in turn caused Sebastian to laugh at me. Those five minutes must've gone by extremely fast because it didn't seem like we had talked for that long.

Most of the kids started packing up their stuff and rushing out of the classroom, but me being me, I waited for everyone else to exit before I even began to make a move of getting out of my seat.

Then once it was quiet in the room I assumed that most or all of the kids were gone. I grabbed my bag and stood, casting my eyes upward, making eye contact with a person I didn't realize was still in the room. I jumped and narrowed my eyes at them.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," Sebastian voiced, moving his hand and rubbing the back of his neck with it.

'You could've given me a heart attack and killed me... what are you doing here?' I typed into my phone and moved it into his eyesight. We started to walk entering the hallway and going towards the front exit of the school.

"Uhm I was waiting for you?" Sebastian responded as if it was the most obvious thing ever, but why would he wait for me? I'm just a pathetic little waste of space that can't even stick up for himself. I only have one friend and he always has to come running to save me. I rely on him for stuff that I should be able to do on my own as a man, but I am not a man, I'm just a boy with no bravery what so ever, and even after he does all of that I can't even talk to him!

'Why' I ask somewhat voicing my thoughts. I wish he knew sign language, then this would be so much easier. He followed me as I weaved through the crowd of people at their lockers and having conversations in the middle of the hallway, attempting to not make any physical contact with anyone at all. That would be bad.

"I don't know, were friends aren't we?" He inquired, my heart sped up. Why did it do that? We finally reached the entry doors to the school building and only then did we notice the booming thunder. Looking out of the glass panes in the door, I saw the sky being lit up by lightning and the rain pouring from the gray clouds.

I sighed not wanting to walk home in the rain or ride the bus.

I looked at my phone noticing I had a message from my mother. I opened the message reading what it said.

'Sorry that nobody could pick you up today, both your brother and I are out of town today so we couldn't get there to get you. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you feel better honey, love you <3'

I sighed again, clicking the power button to shut off my phone after messaging an 'i love you too' back to her, then I tightened the hoodie strings on my sweatshirt knowing I was going to have to walk home through the rain. Don't get me wrong I love the rain but I'm just not feeling it today, but id much rather walk in the pouring rain than ride the bus with Mitch.

"Hey uh... I can drive you home if you want... I don't want you to catch a cold or anything" Sebastian's deep voice rang out of nowhere. I chose to ignore the fact that he must have been looking at my phone or something and pondered my choices. It almost seemed as if I didn't actually have one.

"We could work on that art assignment too, I don't have practice today"

It was like a perfect chance to pretend that we are friends. It would be nice to feel like I at least have more than one friend, even if it's just for a little while. I know I will never have a chance of that actually happened, I know he said he was friend earlier but he probably only said that because he feels bad for me. Ill except for his offer, mainly to feel a bit better about myself. It sounds selfish I know.

'Sure I guess that would be much smarter than walking'

"Yeah, it would" He chuckled. He pushed the door open beckoning me forward and telling me to follow him. Then he sprinted ahead unexpectedly, I ran after him trying to keep up, failing miserably even though I'm usually a fast runner. After finally reaching his car he opened the door for me and I got in, laying my skateboard on the floor space by my seat. he closed the door and ran to the other side getting in as well.

I looked at him and realized we were both soaking wet from the rain. He began to chuckle and I did as well which is rare for me. He then started the car and I gave him directions to my house on his GPS.

We finally reached my home and I got towels so we could dry off and I offered him some of my brothers close. While he went into the hallway bathroom, I went into my room and dried off, changing also, and after we were both done I put our clothes in the dryer.

Afterwards, we sat down at the dining table getting to know each other while starting to sketch the portraits until we eventually got bored.

So we somehow ended up on my living room couch eating Oreos with milk while watching scary movies. I don't know how I let him talk me into watching scary movies with him when they are like my most hated genre of film. I kept getting scared by the stupid jump scares.

"Are you scared?" He said trying to hold in his laughter.

I shot him a glare and shook my head.

"Yeah okaay" He responded seeing straight through the facade. I honestly don't know why I tried to deny it but I did, even though I knew it was completely obvious that I was scared due to the fact that I keep jumping and making yelping noises.

Soon after I was caught off guard by another jump scare that made me scream and fall off of the couch.

"Oh my god!" Sebastian yelled, holding his stomach because he was laughing so hard. He wiped a few tears away from his eyes, his laughter turning back into his usual chuckle. I glared at him again and he finally grabbed the remote and turned off the stupid movie.

'Shut up' I wrote on my paper handing it to him. He quietly chuckled again. I love the sound of his laugh.

Due to my scare, we ended up watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians which bored me half to death, and to sleep. I yawned so many times I almost couldn't count.

We sat there like that for a while and I yawned for the twenty-third time in thirty minutes.

Yes, I actually did count.

My eyes kept working on their own and I tried to make them stay open but it felt like a hundred pound weights were attached to my eyelids and I struggled to hold them up until I couldn't anymore.

I guess when you're tired you go against all of your preferences because not even halfway through the second episode we watched I lay my head on his lap and for some reason I didn't panic.

I fell asleep quickly.

And for once it felt nice.

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